Tolerant LGBTs calling for Rush Limbaugh's death for him speaking truth about Matthew

With conjecture? Not one link or shred of refutatory evidence. You wanna try that crap with someone else?

I could point out that this theory about Matthew Shepard's death came from one man interviewing almost entirely anonymous sources who Jimenez, author of "The Truth About Matt," pointed out were meth addicts. I could point to a letter written from jail by Matt Shepard's supposedly gay lover, Aaron McKinney, that talks about how much he hates gays. I could mention the interview by McKinney's girlfriend who is recorded as saying that McKinney and his buddy wanted to teach Shepard a lesson for being gay. I could point out that some of Jimenez's facts are directly contradicted by the lead investigator in the trial, Rob Debree.

But it won't have any impact. And the right will continue to rejoice that they havea new and extra fun way to bash gay people.

Which is why I said that arguing with novasteve is futile in the first place.

Yeah cherry picked quotes, third hand sources and hear say bullshit don't over-write one simple fact; Shephard was picked out of piles of records of dead gays and made into the poster boy of antigay hatred.

But they didn't pick a good one as the actual facts just get in the way of the myth.

And of course idiotlogues like you have to rush to the defense of your mythology.

You can't mess with the Shephard case. The gays view it as their holocaust.
I could point out that this theory about Matthew Shepard's death came from one man interviewing almost entirely anonymous sources who Jimenez, author of "The Truth About Matt," pointed out were meth addicts. I could point to a letter written from jail by Matt Shepard's supposedly gay lover, Aaron McKinney, that talks about how much he hates gays. I could mention the interview by McKinney's girlfriend who is recorded as saying that McKinney and his buddy wanted to teach Shepard a lesson for being gay. I could point out that some of Jimenez's facts are directly contradicted by the lead investigator in the trial, Rob Debree.

But it won't have any impact. And the right will continue to rejoice that they havea new and extra fun way to bash gay people.

Which is why I said that arguing with novasteve is futile in the first place.

Yeah cherry picked quotes, third hand sources and hear say bullshit don't over-write one simple fact; Shephard was picked out of piles of records of dead gays and made into the poster boy of antigay hatred.

But they didn't pick a good one as the actual facts just get in the way of the myth.

And of course idiotlogues like you have to rush to the defense of your mythology.

You can't mess with the Shephard case. The gays view it as their holocaust.

It's a sickness in them
they have to throw something in peoples faces, dead or alive they don't care
Yeah cherry picked quotes, third hand sources and hear say bullshit don't over-write one simple fact; Shephard was picked out of piles of records of dead gays and made into the poster boy of antigay hatred.

But they didn't pick a good one as the actual facts just get in the way of the myth.

And of course idiotlogues like you have to rush to the defense of your mythology.

You can't mess with the Shephard case. The gays view it as their holocaust.

It's a sickness in them
they have to throw something in peoples faces, dead or alive they don't care

Have you been watching those videos of them online again? Come on, own up.
I could point out that this theory about Matthew Shepard's death came from one man interviewing almost entirely anonymous sources who Jimenez, author of "The Truth About Matt," pointed out were meth addicts. I could point to a letter written from jail by Matt Shepard's supposedly gay lover, Aaron McKinney, that talks about how much he hates gays. I could mention the interview by McKinney's girlfriend who is recorded as saying that McKinney and his buddy wanted to teach Shepard a lesson for being gay. I could point out that some of Jimenez's facts are directly contradicted by the lead investigator in the trial, Rob Debree.

But it won't have any impact. And the right will continue to rejoice that they havea new and extra fun way to bash gay people.

Which is why I said that arguing with novasteve is futile in the first place.

Yeah cherry picked quotes, third hand sources and hear say bullshit

But they didn't pick a good one as the actual facts just get in the way of the myth.

And of course idiotlogues like you have to rush to the defense of your mythology.

Wow there is so much irony in your post

Whatever, I don't give a fuck about what you think irony.

I do give a fuck about FACTS and the fact is Matthew Shephard was a drug dealing punk who got into bad deal and one of his but boys beat his ass to death.

That doesn't make him a martyr it makes him an idiot.

When other-wise intelligent people like you defend that myth against the FACTS it makes you looks stupid.
Robbing the grave of a gay kid who was murdered 15 years ago for a story shows how desperate LimpBalls has become. Must be his ratings. They are slipping and he knows dickheads like you will help him keep his sponsors.

Good job. You've made him a rich man.

Oh bullshit.

Facts are just facts, you fucking idiot.

I have no strong views on this matter other than you lecturing people on facts is utterly delicious in its irony.

Don't you have a street to go play in, retard?
The capacity for hatred on the lunatic left wing fringe is stunning and it goes unnoticed because the left wing media covers it up. Clarence Thomas is (or should be) a symbol of what Black Americans can achieve rising from poverty to become a Supreme Court Justice but the lunatic left wing hates him because he is a republican. High profile Black columnist Julianne Malveaux wished that "Thomas's wife would feed him fatty food so he dies of a stroke". She never apologized. Dr. Condie Rice was ridiculed by the left wing fringe in stunningly racist cartoons that appeared in major newspapers when she was appointed Secretary of State by a republican president. The fringe left never apologized because they weren't required to by the elitist hate filled left wing media.
The capacity for hatred on the lunatic left wing fringe is stunning and it goes unnoticed because the left wing media covers it up. Clarence Thomas is (or should be) a symbol of what Black Americans can achieve rising from poverty to become a Supreme Court Justice but the lunatic left wing hates him because he is a republican. .

I like CT but he's a poor poster boy for black accomplishment. Like obozo, all his accomplishments have come thru affirmative action.
Ask yourself WHY it is important for the Right to change the meme on Matthew Shepard years later. :D
Ask yourself WHY it is important for the Right to change the meme on Matthew Shepard years later. :D

Actually, those questioning if this were a hate crime has been going on for years.

Here is a story dated 2004 from ABC's Elizabeth Vargas.

Price now says that at the time of the crime she thought things would go easier for McKinney if his violence were seen as a panic reaction to an unwanted gay sexual advance.

But today, Price tells Vargas the initial statements she made were not true and tells Vargas that McKinney's motive was money and drugs. "I don't think it was a hate crime at all. I never did," she said.

Former Laramie Police Detective Ben Fritzen, one of the lead investigators in the case, also believed robbery was the primary motive. "Matthew Shepard's sexual preference or sexual orientation certainly wasn't the motive in the homicide," he said.

"If it wasn't Shepard, they would have found another easy target. What it came down to really is drugs and money and two punks that were out looking for it," Fritzen said.

New Details Emerge in Matthew Shepard Murder - ABC News

There are a lot of interesting facts in there.
The funny thing is how much better most gay couples are at marriage than rush limbaugh. And yet he thinks he's on a pedestal above them when he talks about people like Matthew Shepard. What a nut :cuckoo:

Rush is speaking the truth. Why do you need to lie to perpetrate your agenda? The facts aren't on your side, so you need to lie to win people over? Did he say Matthew shepard deserved to be killed? He was killed over drugs. His murderers are worthless scum, but they did NOT kill him because he was gay. Now why do you need to lie and use his murder for political purposes? The nazis did that.They made martyrs out of people based upon lies. You are doing that now. Are you proud?

Oh my, another dittohead. LOL. I really would not care to trot out an obese junkie as the representative of my points of view in politics. Especially one that has been wrong as many times as ol' Limpbaugh.
The funny thing is how much better most gay couples are at marriage than rush limbaugh. And yet he thinks he's on a pedestal above them when he talks about people like Matthew Shepard. What a nut :cuckoo:

Rush is speaking the truth. Why do you need to lie to perpetrate your agenda? The facts aren't on your side, so you need to lie to win people over? Did he say Matthew shepard deserved to be killed? He was killed over drugs. His murderers are worthless scum, but they did NOT kill him because he was gay. Now why do you need to lie and use his murder for political purposes? The nazis did that.They made martyrs out of people based upon lies. You are doing that now. Are you proud?

Oh my, another dittohead. LOL. I really would not care to trot out an obese junkie as the representative of my points of view in politics. .

Lol, so obese people and junkies are never right about anything? They cant make logical and informed arguments?

Why do you hate so much?


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