Tolerant liberals want WW1 memorial taken down

Liberals are only tolerant when you agree with their agenda!!

Obviously you’re unaware of how ignorant and ridiculous you sound when one of your fellow conservatives posted this:

The monument has been up for nearly 100 years. Grow up you pathetic, simpering liberals. oohhh it offends me! I'm such a fucking spinless sissy.


that isn't THE memorial…

no non-christians fought in WWII?

tolerant rightwingners…. lmao

It's WW1, and the monument is almost 100 years old. It's historic. Should it be torn down because some liberal gets it feelings hurt?

For 100 years nobody had a problem and if they did they weren't going to waste their time shaming their families name by opposing it. It's stupid. The U.S. flag offends me but you don't see me burning one.
Arlington was one of the most moving experiences of my life. It's been a while but I thought there were some crosses there. Anyway, I think removing a piece of history like that cross is just too "politically correct." I'm very close to being an athiest, I just don't have the time to be offended by an historic cross, on public or private land. If they wanted to erect one today on public land that might be a different story.


Here's President Obama and the lovely First Lady paying their respects;

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Dear liberal FAGGOTS:

Should cross grave markets be taken down from military cemataries given they are on public land?

Well you you ass pirates?

Grave Markets? Is that where you buy graves?

Okay, always funny how TrannySteve's spelling deteriorates when he gets mad...

Is that her problem?
I figured it was something weird like that 'cause normal peeps don't piss and moan like that.
Thanks for the heads-up.

that isn't THE memorial…

no non-christians fought in WWII?

tolerant rightwingners…. lmao

It's WW1, and the monument is almost 100 years old. It's historic. Should it be torn down because some liberal gets it feelings hurt?

that seems to be your interpretation. but like most everything else you post, it isn't reality based and it is awfully whiny

why does it bother you so much if it isn't the fact that you want government to use religious symbols that exclude everyone but your own group?
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