Tom Brady joins protest; calls Trump's comment on Kaepernick "divisive"



He has always been pretty much a 'class act'

I've never understood the Brady haters.

uhh try because he is a fucking lying cheating asshole who same as his coach,have tainted and ruined a great sport creating the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal.:cuckoo::rolleyes:

Barry Bonds.
Roger Clemons
Lance Armstrong,
Tom Brady.
Bill Belicheat,
what do all these assholes have in common? do i REALLY have to answer that one for you?:rolleyes:

I don't understand Roger Goodell either.

uh probably because he has his head up Robert Krafts ass.:rolleyes:
Folks, Tom Brady is the best NFL football in history. Get over it! :p

Here is a Colon Kaepernick lookalike as Satan from The Twilight Zone!

Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.

Guess republicans really admire the pussy grabbing thief,,,trump,,,,Says a lot about them

amen bro.:beer:
The ones kneeling are the divisive ones, not His Excellency Donald Trump. Disrespecting our nation’s flag and national anthem is divisive. It's downright insulting! Brady didn’t complain when the President took his side over his deflated ball scandal. It seems Brady got the memo from his owner and sponsors: Toe the NFL party line and insult your flag, and the servicemen who died defending it.

The fact is that Tom Brady does not need the NFL. He could quit and never have to work again. He is speaking out courageously against Trump who he probably voted for. Robert Kraft also probably voted for Trump.

yeah they are both lying cheating assholes same as trump which is WHY trump kisses bradys ass.:D

NFL should be changed to NSFL (National Snowflake Football League)
or better NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE with all these teams leaving their cities all the time,niners to santa clara,chargers to LA and now raiders apparently for vegas.:rolleyes:
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LA RAM FAN and other delusional buffhurt folks who can't accept reality! Get over it, then take a knee and acknowledge the best NFL player in history! He actually should have been awarded NFL MVP many more times than he has!

NFL records
Playoffs (career)
  • Most games played: 34
  • Most games started by a quarterback: 34
  • Most games won by a starting quarterback: 25
  • Most consecutive wins, playoffs, by a starting quarterback: 10 (2001, 2003–2005)
  • Most consecutive wins to start a career, post-season, by a starting quarterback: 10 (2001, 2003–2005)
  • Most career home wins, post-season, by a starting quarterback: 15 (2001–2016)
  • Most consecutive home wins, post-season, by a starting quarterback: 8 (2001–2007), tied with Jim Kelly
  • Most touchdown passes: 63
  • Most passing yards: 9,094
  • Most passes completed: 831
  • Most passes attempted: 1,325
  • Most division titles won by a starting quarterback: 14
  • Most NFL conference championship appearances by a starting quarterback: 11
  • Most NFL conference championship wins by a starting quarterback: 7
  • Most career 300+ passing yard games, post-season: 12
Super Bowl (career)
  • Most touchdown passes: 15
  • Most passing yards: 2,071
  • Most passes completed: 207
  • Most passes attempted: 309
  • Most wins as starting QB: 5
  • Most passes completed in first half of a single Super Bowl: 20 (XLIX)
  • Most passes completed in a single Super Bowl: 43 (LI)
  • Most passes attempted in a single Super Bowl: 62 (LI)
  • Most passing yards in a single Super Bowl: 466 (LI)
  • Most Super Bowl appearances: 7
  • Most Super Bowl MVPs: 4
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View attachment 151241

...just saying....

The only one not paying a price?


It is being reported that his jersey sales in the last 12 hours are off the chart!

the chargers cap burning should not be there for an example of people burning their gear cause of players kneeling,the burning of the chargers cap had nothing to do with that,that was from all the loyal san diego fans who are rigthly so pissed at that jerk dean spanos for taking their team away from them,many of them got in front of their offices in SD and burned their gear when it was announced they were moving.

one MORE reason the NFL needs to reformed because we have too many corrupt owners who dont give a crap about the fans and put brand new shiny stadiums ahead of history,that is the major reason i want nothing to do with the NFL anymore.i am sick of these greedy selfish owners who think a new stadium is more a priority than loyalty and history.
You're gonna put lots of book makers out of business Vegas might close up

have you heard by chance that the city of oakland is in the process of forming a lawsuit against the corrupt NFL cartel to retain the name,logo and colors if they follow through with their asinine idea of moving them to vegas? they will win if this goes to court because after the 90's when so many teams relocated,they adapted relocation rules back then that you got to follow before being able to relocate,the raiders and the chargers both violated those rules.i am dissapointed in san diego,they should have a lawsuit against them as well,oakland has an airtight lawsuit against mark davis and the NFL and they will win in court.I said all along oakland would not take it lying down like SD is who just threw in the towel and said okay,ho hum. that was so stupid of them to just give up,

did you lose contact with that QB of the chargers wiliheim by chance?
id you lose contact with that QB of the chargers wiliheim by chance?
Truth is I never had contact with him Never with my good buddy Jimmy I Always tried with no success
View attachment 151241

...just saying....

The only one not paying a price?


It is being reported that his jersey sales in the last 12 hours are off the chart!

the chargers cap burning should not be there for an example of people burning their gear cause of players kneeling,the burning of the chargers cap had nothing to do with that,that was from all the loyal san diego fans who are rigthly so pissed at that jerk dean spanos for taking their team away from them,many of them got in front of their offices in SD and burned their gear when it was announced they were moving.

one MORE reason the NFL needs to reformed because we have too many corrupt owners who dont give a crap about the fans and put brand new shiny stadiums ahead of history,that is the major reason i want nothing to do with the NFL anymore.i am sick of these greedy selfish owners who think a new stadium is more a priority than loyalty and history.
You're gonna put lots of book makers out of business Vegas might close up

have you heard by chance that the city of oakland is in the process of forming a lawsuit against the corrupt NFL cartel to retain the name,logo and colors if they follow through with their asinine idea of moving them to vegas? they will win if this goes to court because after the 90's when so many teams relocated,they adapted relocation rules back then that you got to follow before being able to relocate,the raiders and the chargers both violated those rules.i am dissapointed in san diego,they should have a lawsuit against them as well,oakland has an airtight lawsuit against mark davis and the NFL and they will win in court.I said all along oakland would not take it lying down like SD is who just threw in the towel and said okay,ho hum. that was so stupid of them to just give up,

did you lose contact with that QB of the chargers wiliheim by chance?
id you lose contact with that QB of the chargers wiliheim by chance?
Truth is I never had contact with him Never with my good buddy Jimmy I Always tried with no success
I probably knew the father and his beautiful wife patty before the QB was born
Tom Brady is hardly an independent bystander. Tom Brady is looking out for Tom Brady's football based lifestyle while NFL attendance is dropping like a lead balloon.


He has always been pretty much a 'class act'

I've never understood the Brady haters.

uhh try because he is a fucking lying cheating asshole who same as his coach,have tainted and ruined a great sport creating the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal.:cuckoo::rolleyes:

Barry Bonds.
Roger Clemons
Lance Armstrong,
Tom Brady.
Bill Belicheat,
what do all these assholes have in common? do i REALLY have to answer that one for you?:rolleyes:

I don't understand Roger Goodell either.

uh probably because he has his head up Robert Krafts ass.:rolleyes:

Is the word "divisive" the best that college educated quarterback Tom Brady can come up with? You bet your ass the issue is divisive. If Brady wants to play in the high stakes political game as well as he plays football he better find a better team than the race based leaderless angry democrat party.
The ones kneeling are the divisive ones, not His Excellency Donald Trump. Disrespecting our nation’s flag and national anthem is divisive. It's downright insulting! Brady didn’t complain when the President took his side over his deflated ball scandal. It seems Brady got the memo from his owner and sponsors: Toe the NFL party line and insult your flag, and the servicemen who died defending it.

The fact is that Tom Brady does not need the NFL. He could quit and never have to work again. He is speaking out courageously against Trump who he probably voted for. Robert Kraft also probably voted for Trump.

yeah they are both lying cheating assholes same as trump which is WHY trump kisses bradys ass.:D

NFL should be changed to NSFL (National Snowflake Football League)
or better NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE with all these teams leaving their cities all the time,niners to santa clara,chargers to LA and now raiders apparently for vegas.:rolleyes:

You are a snowflake.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.
the moron trump said this has nothing to do about race It has EVERYTHING to do about race and trump is a fuking liar

You failed to address anything I said in your "reply", played the Race Card and insulted your political enemy.

Pretty standard lefty post, and you lose.

My point stands.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.
Tom Brady and the rest knows that if Pres.Trump's supporters abandoned football, that it is the end of the National Football Leagues. Because the majority of football fans are Trump's supporters. Tom is trying to save football. But if they want to save it, that they need to go after those that are offending the citizens. Football teams represents the state or city that they play for. They should never become a political scene. Because in every states, that the people has different political views. But Soros knows that, and pushed them into the arena. And so if Tom wants to save football, he needs to tell all the players to stay away from politics. Because football need to stay in the neutral zone because of the difference of opinion that their fans have. .
Can't wait for Alabama fans to go crazy when the U of Alabama FB team refuses to take the field or kneels

Me too. It will be great for the teams to tell their fans, that "we are not you, and we don't respect or care about you".

The NFL will take a generation to shake that off, if it every does.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.

The situation, where national sports heroes were disrespecting the flag, with the support of the industry, was/is the problem.

It is GOOD that we have a president who does not ignore the Culture War, you foul marxists are waging on America.

These assholes NEED to be called out of their moronic and vile behavior.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.

The situation, where national sports heroes were disrespecting the flag, with the support of the industry, was/is the problem.

It is GOOD that we have a president who does not ignore the Culture War, you foul marxists are waging on America.

These assholes NEED to be called out of their moronic and vile behavior.
how come your ah in the wh doesn't call out racists and white supremacists?,,,,perhaps for the same reason he doesn't call out putin?? Friends ? Fine people?
I disagree with those who are not standing.

But anyone who is cheering Trump on this who also thought Obama was divisive is dumber than a sack of hammers.

Explain your reasoning on that one. How is calling out assholes on their disrespect of the flag similar to anything that Obama did?

He's exacerbating a bad situation.

A Presidential President would not act like a bore at a WWE event.

On one side you have the President who insulted assholes who disrespect the flag.

ON the other you have people who are disrespecting the symbol of this nation, because they want accused cops to not get a fair trial.

Trump is right to speak out for America against these jackasses.

Trump was wrong. He should have asked for unity and dialogue with the protesting players. Apparently Trump and fake conservatives are the only ones who want the players fired. Trump disrespects America when he calls for the firing of players. Trump and his supporters are the jackasses.

The players have nothing to say that the msm and hollywood has not been whinging about nonstop for the last ten years.

Talking to them would be worse than a waste of time.

Calling for the firing of players who are disrespecting the flag is not disrespecting America. That was stupid of you.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.

The situation, where national sports heroes were disrespecting the flag, with the support of the industry, was/is the problem.

It is GOOD that we have a president who does not ignore the Culture War, you foul marxists are waging on America.

These assholes NEED to be called out of their moronic and vile behavior.
how come your ah in the wh doesn't call out racists and white supremacists?,,,,perhaps for the same reason he doesn't call out putin?? Friends ? Fine people?

Why can't you address the issue of the day?

Oh, cause you can't defend you allies and want to distract from it.

Your attempt at dodging is noted. I give is a d -.

Your use of the Race Card is an automatic Fail. YOu get and F -. You are a race baiting asshole.

My post stands.

The situation, where national sports heroes were disrespecting the flag, with the support of the industry, was/is the problem.

It is GOOD that we have a president who does not ignore the Culture War, you foul marxists are waging on America.

These assholes NEED to be called out of their moronic and vile behavior.

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