Tom Brady joins protest; calls Trump's comment on Kaepernick "divisive"

I'll see your 'TOM BRADY' and will raise you one 'GENERAL MATTIS' :p

James Mattis' Reason For Not Caring About The NFL Is Too Damn Awesome

Paraphrased: "I'm too damn busy defending the country to give a damn what NFL players do".

Mattis Is Too Busy Defending The Country To Care About The NFL

'Secretary of Defense James Mattis steered clear of passing any type of judgement on NFL players kneeling during the national anthem during a press gaggle on a flight to India Monday.

“I’m the secretary of defense. We defend the country,” is
all Mattis would give on the subject.'


Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

so you love this asshole who him and his coach have ruined and tainted a great sport creating the biggest scandal in sports history since the black sox scandal?:rolleyes:

as much as I hate this motherfucker-and that is WHY Trump is a fan of him because he is corrupt same as him,i have to actually give brady props for doing the RIGHT thing for once in his life.
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I'll see your 'TOM BRADY' and will raise you one 'GENERAL MATTIS' :p

James Mattis' Reason For Not Caring About The NFL Is Too Damn Awesome

Paraphrased: "I'm too damn busy defending the country to give a damn what NFL players do".

Mattis Is Too Busy Defending The Country To Care About The NFL

'Secretary of Defense James Mattis steered clear of passing any type of judgement on NFL players kneeling during the national anthem during a press gaggle on a flight to India Monday.

“I’m the secretary of defense. We defend the country,” is
all Mattis would give on the subject.'

View attachment 151276

Great answer AND while he's defending America what is the trump slime bag in our WH doing?? Trying to start wars ?? and separate Americans even more than he has?
The ones kneeling are the divisive ones, not His Excellency Donald Trump. Disrespecting our nation’s flag and national anthem is divisive. It's downright insulting! Brady didn’t complain when the President took his side over his deflated ball scandal. It seems Brady got the memo from his owner and sponsors: Toe the NFL party line and insult your flag, and the servicemen who died defending it.

that was the evidence that your hero trump is corrupt that he took HIS side.:biggrin:
The ones kneeling are the divisive ones, not His Excellency Donald Trump. Disrespecting our nation’s flag and national anthem is divisive. It's downright insulting! Brady didn’t complain when the President took his side over his deflated ball scandal. It seems Brady got the memo from his owner and sponsors: Toe the NFL party line and insult your flag, and the servicemen who died defending it.

Man you have been taken. Did you call Obama your excellency as well.
The ones kneeling are the divisive ones, not His Excellency Donald Trump. Disrespecting our nation’s flag and national anthem is divisive. It's downright insulting! Brady didn’t complain when the President took his side over his deflated ball scandal. It seems Brady got the memo from his owner and sponsors: Toe the NFL party line and insult your flag, and the servicemen who died defending it.

Man you have been taken. Did you call Obama your excellency as well.
Guess republicans really admire the pussy grabbing thief,,,trump,,,,Says a lot about them
I've never understood the Brady haters.


Some have the perception for some is that 'he is a 'Goody-two-shoes', too clean...except that he HAS to be a cheater because they win so much, have stolen other teams' signs in the past, 'intentionally deflated balls to get an edge', and once a cheater always a cheater....'

When I played football my senior year in high school we played against a team who had a phenomenal running back - the next season, as a freshman, this kid would be starting at tailback for BYU. We got to play his team twice, the last game was in the state semi-championships. He made most of our players look like they were running in hip-deep mud and as if they weighed feathers. During the final game some of our players started really 'hating' on him on the sideline - badmouthing him, calling him names, etc. I'll never forget how the coach finally got tired of it, turned around, and told my teammates to shut the hell up, that the reason they hated this kid was because he was so damn good and kicking out ass. He challenged them by saying don't hate him for being so good - 'use it to motivate yourselves to be better'.

Tom Brady is a good-damn QB. He also plays for a damn-good coach.

They have an incredible system they do not deviate from. They do not adapt their play style to accommodate talent - they get talent that fits their scheme.

They also prepare for games probably like no other in the league. Brandon LaFell left Carolina and went to NE. In an interview he said he had never seen a team like NE in all his playing days. Even if you won a starting spot for the upcoming game, if you were asked a question about film / the game / your role etc during the days leading up to the game and missed enough questions you did not play that next Sunday. (Of course Brady was the exception, one that was not needed because he was the hardest working guy on the team.)

I respect that.

If someone is kicking your ass, don't whine about it, Get better and prepare harder for the next time.
I'll see your 'TOM BRADY' and will raise you one 'GENERAL MATTIS' :p

James Mattis' Reason For Not Caring About The NFL Is Too Damn Awesome

Paraphrased: "I'm too damn busy defending the country to give a damn what NFL players do".

Mattis Is Too Busy Defending The Country To Care About The NFL

'Secretary of Defense James Mattis steered clear of passing any type of judgement on NFL players kneeling during the national anthem during a press gaggle on a flight to India Monday.

“I’m the secretary of defense. We defend the country,” is
all Mattis would give on the subject.'

View attachment 151276

Great answer AND while he's defending America what is the trump slime bag in our WH doing?? Trying to start wars ?? and separate Americans even more than he has?

Oh please.... he's not diving anything. Just because you whine about him 24/7 doesn't mean he's dividing anyone.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.
Tom Brady and the rest knows that if Pres.Trump's supporters abandoned football, that it is the end of the National Football Leagues. Because the majority of football fans are Trump's supporters. Tom is trying to save football. But if they want to save it, that they need to go after those that are offending the citizens. Football teams represents the state or city that they play for. They should never become a political scene. Because in every states, that the people has different political views. But Soros knows that, and pushed them into the arena. And so if Tom wants to save football, he needs to tell all the players to stay away from politics. Because football need to stay in the neutral zone because of the difference of opinion that their fans have. .
Great answer AND while he's defending America what is the trump slime bag in our WH doing?? Trying to start wars ?? and separate Americans even more than he has?
LOL. It's Trump being Trump, baby! He's a passionate patriot.... :p

As Barry said, 'Elections have consequences.'

"Trying to start wars ??"
-- You mean like those 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' started?!


Don't worry, Trump isn't going to start any war by condemning tantrum-throwing millionaire ball players.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.
Tom Brady and the rest knows that if Pres.Trump's supporters abandoned football, that it is the end of the National Football Leagues. Because the majority of football fans are Trump's supporters. Tom is trying to save football. But if they want to save it, that they need to go after those that are offending the citizens. Football teams represents the state or city that they play for. They should never become a political scene. Because in every states, that the people has different political views. But Soros knows that, and pushed them into the arena. And so if Tom wants to save football, he needs to tell all the players to stay away from politics. Because football need to stay in the neutral zone because of the difference of opinion that their fans have. .
Can't wait for Alabama fans to go crazy when the U of Alabama FB team refuses to take the field or kneels
The NFL Kneelers are racist cretins, not heroes.
Tom Brady is an IDIOT.
The NFL Kneelers are the "divisive" ones
Boycott the NFL.
People are sick of the Democrat racism.
Great answer AND while he's defending America what is the trump slime bag in our WH doing?? Trying to start wars ?? and separate Americans even more than he has?
LOL. It's Trump being Trump, baby! He's a passionate patriot.... :p

As Barry said, 'Elections have consequences.'

"Trying to start wars ??"
-- You mean like those 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' started?!

View attachment 151278

Don't worry, Trump isn't going to start any war by condemning tantrum-throwing millionaire ball players.
when did the pos become a patriot?
Great answer AND while he's defending America what is the trump slime bag in our WH doing?? Trying to start wars ?? and separate Americans even more than he has?
LOL. It's Trump being Trump, baby! He's a passionate patriot.... :p

As Barry said, 'Elections have consequences.'

"Trying to start wars ??"
-- You mean like those 2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized wars the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' started?!

View attachment 151278

Don't worry, Trump isn't going to start any war by condemning tantrum-throwing millionaire ball players.
when did the pos become a patriot?
I ask when?When he copped out of the service ,when he cheated 100's out of their rightful pay when blacks couldn't rent in his buildings ,when his phony college was exposed????
It is an interesting contast, Tom Brady, American Patriot White guy with Clark Gable looks (when Hollywood was great) leading his team to multiple championships standing up for other American Patriots of all races, versus an anti-American ugly ass douchebag who doesn't know who his Daddy was beside being non-White who literally looks like cartoons of Satan and failed at the pro level at QB. Do the math!
It is an interesting contast, Tom Brady, American Patriot White guy with Clark Gable looks (when Hollywood was great) leading his team to multiple championships standing up for other American Patriots of all races, versus an anti-American ugly ass douchebag who doesn't know who his Daddy was beside being non-White who literally looks like cartoons of Satan and failed at the pro level at QB. Do the math!


I sense a little 'hostility' there.... :p
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.
The ones kneeling are the divisive ones, not His Excellency Donald Trump. Disrespecting our nation’s flag and national anthem is divisive. It's downright insulting! Brady didn’t complain when the President took his side over his deflated ball scandal. It seems Brady got the memo from his owner and sponsors: Toe the NFL party line and insult your flag, and the servicemen who died defending it.

The fact is that Tom Brady does not need the NFL. He could quit and never have to work again. He is speaking out courageously against Trump who he probably voted for. Robert Kraft also probably voted for Trump.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.
The same nitwit who had to create greater turmoil with NK

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