Tom Brady joins protest; calls Trump's comment on Kaepernick "divisive"

Good for him.

One should have their own opinions on everything, not blindly follow someone because you are told you have to.
Thanks. Please go contradict all your Trump-loving buddies who are disagreeing with you in other threads.
In fact, there is a Trump-loving member named "Correll" who disagrees with you. I want you to reply to his message and telling that his Trump-loving ass is wrong.

I've already posted in this thread, and I pointed out why what Brady said was fucking stupid.
I know. And I want you to know that ColonelAngus thinks you're stupid.

I love that you just revealed that you make no distinction between disagreeing with someone and thinking they are stupid.

Standard liberal. Completely closed mind.
The liberal has limited thinking capabilities.

A racist has limited intelligence.
He could have urged them to come forward and talk.
Yeah, Trump should have taken a page from Barry's Presidency and invited some of the players to the WH for a 'Beer Summit'. That would have made it all better. :p
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.

Wait, what? So, let me get this straight, a bunch of players kneeling for the anthem isn't divisive, but Trump commenting on it is?
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.

Wait, what? So, let me get this straight, a bunch of players kneeling for the anthem isn't divisive, but Trump commenting on it is?
How come your moron trump doesn't comment on his buddy Putin ?? You know ,,I know too
Wait, what? So, let me get this straight, a bunch of players kneeling for the anthem isn't divisive, but Trump commenting on it is?
If a liberal takes a dump on an American flag out in the woods and there is no one else there to see / condemn it, is it still disrespectful? :p
I disagree with those who are not standing.

But anyone who is cheering Trump on this who also thought Obama was divisive is dumber than a sack of hammers.

Explain your reasoning on that one. How is calling out assholes on their disrespect of the flag similar to anything that Obama did?

He's exacerbating a bad situation.

A Presidential President would not act like a bore at a WWE event.

On one side you have the President who insulted assholes who disrespect the flag.

ON the other you have people who are disrespecting the symbol of this nation, because they want accused cops to not get a fair trial.

Trump is right to speak out for America against these jackasses.

Trump was wrong. He should have asked for unity and dialogue with the protesting players. Apparently Trump and fake conservatives are the only ones who want the players fired. Trump disrespects America when he calls for the firing of players. Trump and his supporters are the jackasses.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.

Wait, what? So, let me get this straight, a bunch of players kneeling for the anthem isn't divisive, but Trump commenting on it is?

It was a handful of players before Trump opened his big fat mouth. While I don't agree with it, it is a peaceful protest. Trump's talk about firing them is in-American and the people overwhelmingly disagree.
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Nothing is more about unity that standing together during the Pledge of Allegiance, you are literally showing that you are loyal to the UNITED States of America, and thus your fellow citizens.

When you REFUSE to do that, you are actively refusing to be UNITED with your fellow citizens.

Only a deluded fool could not see that it is the players who are being divisive.

Trump is the one who made the situation worse. He had to stick his nose in it for a cheap political thrill. Trump is the divisive one. He has made it about him vs the NFL. He could have urged them to come forward and talk. Instead he chose to divide Americans by saying they should be fired for protesting peacefully.

Wait, what? So, let me get this straight, a bunch of players kneeling for the anthem isn't divisive, but Trump commenting on it is?

It was a handful of players before Trump opened his big fat mouth. While I don't agree with it, it is a peaceful protest. Trump's talk about firing them is in-American and the people overwhelmingly disagree.
And our foul mouthed POS of a president called them Sons of bitches?? How presidential.. We have scum in our WH
Maybe that guy who has predicted that the end of the world will be on Sept. 23rd, had made a mistake. Maybe his understandings had gotten crossed wired. Maybe it should of have been calculated the end of the NFL instead of the world. All of them universities' ball players that are working their way to play in the pros, are now going to have to find a new career. Putting in all of that time bragging to their girlfriends how they are going to make it to the pros, has fallen down because of ballplayers that had made their money and had left with a big bang. At least they will have something to brag about to their kids and grand kids..Beside anyway.. It has been a lot of ball players suing because of coming down with CTE. They need to shut down that sport in the first place. All of them players did not care about coming down with CTE, but they care about not standing up to the to Nation's Anthem. What a guys, that only care for others but not for themselves.
Maybe the owners of the stadiums can turn the stadiums into flea markets, and or let Pres.Trump rent these stadiums to have a place that is big enough to hold his rallies.
I've never understood the Brady haters.


Some have the perception for some is that 'he is a 'Goody-two-shoes', too clean...except that he HAS to be a cheater because they win so much, have stolen other teams' signs in the past, 'intentionally deflated balls to get an edge', and once a cheater always a cheater....'

When I played football my senior year in high school we played against a team who had a phenomenal running back - the next season, as a freshman, this kid would be starting at tailback for BYU. We got to play his team twice, the last game was in the state semi-championships. He made most of our players look like they were running in hip-deep mud and as if they weighed feathers. During the final game some of our players started really 'hating' on him on the sideline - badmouthing him, calling him names, etc. I'll never forget how the coach finally got tired of it, turned around, and told my teammates to shut the hell up, that the reason they hated this kid was because he was so damn good and kicking out ass. He challenged them by saying don't hate him for being so good - 'use it to motivate yourselves to be better'.

Tom Brady is a good-damn QB. He also plays for a damn-good coach.

They have an incredible system they do not deviate from. They do not adapt their play style to accommodate talent - they get talent that fits their scheme.

They also prepare for games probably like no other in the league. Brandon LaFell left Carolina and went to NE. In an interview he said he had never seen a team like NE in all his playing days. Even if you won a starting spot for the upcoming game, if you were asked a question about film / the game / your role etc during the days leading up to the game and missed enough questions you did not play that next Sunday. (Of course Brady was the exception, one that was not needed because he was the hardest working guy on the team.)

I respect that.

If someone is kicking your ass, don't whine about it, Get better and prepare harder for the next time.

Belicheat a damn good coach? thats too funny. Before Belicheat joined the cheatriots,he only had one winning season his entire career when he was with the cleveland browns for five years.Tom Brady who he did not even think was good enough to be the opening starter the year he took over for brady by default of an injury to bledsoebrady comes along and rescues his ass from the toilet and all of a sudden the media is calling him the greatest coach ever?:rofl:

ESPN and all the mainstream media that kiss his ass always leave out those little details:D they have to kiss his ass because of they print the truth how he was a failure at cleveland,belicheat wont grant them interviews with his players.:D
Three hurrahs for Tom Brady, former Trump supporter who just got fed up.
He had a great game yesterday by the way, helping New England win by coming from behind once again.

Tom Brady is not only a cheater but an idiot. The divisiveness started with Kaperdunce.

that is the reality of "WHY" NFL ratings have dropped so drastically,sure the national anethem and kapernick have played a part in it but the ratings actually started a major drop off SIX years ago not last year like the lamestream media wants you to believe,they dont want people to know the truth that americans are fed up with that con artist criminal coach and the lying prick brady.:D six years ago was way before this controversy of kapernick started.:D PLUS the thursday night game opener when they were the ONLY team playing drew an all time low rating.a team that won the SUPERBOWL last year no less and was the only ticket in town.:rofl:

Brady's proven to be a cheater.:thup:

Him and his A hole coach who is not that great a coach as i deserve the same amount of respect that barry bonds,roger clemons,and lance armstrong do.a fat ZERO.

I'm sticking to watching the teams I like and only between the kickoff and the final whistle at the end of the game.

I myself am sticking to COLLEGE football because of this and because of teams leaving their cities all the time.last year i was excited about NFL football for the first time in years with the rams back in LA,now i have had it with the NFL cause of the cheatriots and these greedy NFL owners who dont care about loyalty.
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I've never understood the Brady haters.


Some have the perception for some is that 'he is a 'Goody-two-shoes', too clean...except that he HAS to be a cheater because they win so much, have stolen other teams' signs in the past, 'intentionally deflated balls to get an edge', and once a cheater always a cheater....'

When I played football my senior year in high school we played against a team who had a phenomenal running back - the next season, as a freshman, this kid would be starting at tailback for BYU. We got to play his team twice, the last game was in the state semi-championships. He made most of our players look like they were running in hip-deep mud and as if they weighed feathers. During the final game some of our players started really 'hating' on him on the sideline - badmouthing him, calling him names, etc. I'll never forget how the coach finally got tired of it, turned around, and told my teammates to shut the hell up, that the reason they hated this kid was because he was so damn good and kicking out ass. He challenged them by saying don't hate him for being so good - 'use it to motivate yourselves to be better'.

Tom Brady is a good-damn QB. He also plays for a damn-good coach.

They have an incredible system they do not deviate from. They do not adapt their play style to accommodate talent - they get talent that fits their scheme.

They also prepare for games probably like no other in the league. Brandon LaFell left Carolina and went to NE. In an interview he said he had never seen a team like NE in all his playing days. Even if you won a starting spot for the upcoming game, if you were asked a question about film / the game / your role etc during the days leading up to the game and missed enough questions you did not play that next Sunday. (Of course Brady was the exception, one that was not needed because he was the hardest working guy on the team.)

I respect that.

If someone is kicking your ass, don't whine about it, Get better and prepare harder for the next time.

Belicheat a damn good coach? thats too funny. Before Belicheat joined the cheatriots,he only had one winning season his entire career when he was with the cleveland browns for five years.Tom Brady who he did not even think was good enough to be the opening starter the year he took over for brady by default of an injury to bledsoebrady comes along and rescues his ass from the toilet and all of a sudden the media is calling him the greatest coach ever?:rofl:

ESPN and all the mainstream media that kiss his ass always leave out those little details:D they have to kiss his ass because of they print the truth how he was a failure at cleveland,belicheat wont grant them interviews with his players.:D
Hey Ram fan you go back long enough to remember Ram QB Whelihan???? His dad was a buddy of mine in the Army Passed 10 or more years ago Great guy
I've never understood the Brady haters.


Some have the perception for some is that 'he is a 'Goody-two-shoes', too clean...except that he HAS to be a cheater because they win so much, have stolen other teams' signs in the past, 'intentionally deflated balls to get an edge', and once a cheater always a cheater....'

When I played football my senior year in high school we played against a team who had a phenomenal running back - the next season, as a freshman, this kid would be starting at tailback for BYU. We got to play his team twice, the last game was in the state semi-championships. He made most of our players look like they were running in hip-deep mud and as if they weighed feathers. During the final game some of our players started really 'hating' on him on the sideline - badmouthing him, calling him names, etc. I'll never forget how the coach finally got tired of it, turned around, and told my teammates to shut the hell up, that the reason they hated this kid was because he was so damn good and kicking out ass. He challenged them by saying don't hate him for being so good - 'use it to motivate yourselves to be better'.

Tom Brady is a good-damn QB. He also plays for a damn-good coach.

They have an incredible system they do not deviate from. They do not adapt their play style to accommodate talent - they get talent that fits their scheme.

They also prepare for games probably like no other in the league. Brandon LaFell left Carolina and went to NE. In an interview he said he had never seen a team like NE in all his playing days. Even if you won a starting spot for the upcoming game, if you were asked a question about film / the game / your role etc during the days leading up to the game and missed enough questions you did not play that next Sunday. (Of course Brady was the exception, one that was not needed because he was the hardest working guy on the team.)

I respect that.

If someone is kicking your ass, don't whine about it, Get better and prepare harder for the next time.

Belicheat a damn good coach? thats too funny. Before Belicheat joined the cheatriots,he only had one winning season his entire career when he was with the cleveland browns for five years.Tom Brady who he did not even think was good enough to be the opening starter the year he took over for brady by default of an injury to bledsoebrady comes along and rescues his ass from the toilet and all of a sudden the media is calling him the greatest coach ever?:rofl:

ESPN and all the mainstream media that kiss his ass always leave out those little details:D they have to kiss his ass because of they print the truth how he was a failure at cleveland,belicheat wont grant them interviews with his players.:D
Hey Ram fan you go back long enough to remember Ram QB Whelihan???? His dad was a buddy of mine in the Army Passed 10 or more years ago Great guy
My bad He was with SD chargers
View attachment 151241

...just saying....

The only one not paying a price?


It is being reported that his jersey sales in the last 12 hours are off the chart!

the chargers cap burning should not be there for an example of people burning their gear cause of players kneeling,the burning of the chargers cap had nothing to do with that,that was from all the loyal san diego fans who are rigthly so pissed at that jerk dean spanos for taking their team away from them,many of them got in front of their offices in SD and burned their gear when it was announced they were moving.

one MORE reason the NFL needs to reformed because we have too many corrupt owners who dont give a crap about the fans and put brand new shiny stadiums ahead of history,that is the major reason i want nothing to do with the NFL anymore.i am sick of these greedy selfish owners who think a new stadium is more a priority than loyalty and history.
View attachment 151241

...just saying....

The only one not paying a price?


It is being reported that his jersey sales in the last 12 hours are off the chart!

the chargers cap burning should not be there for an example of people burning their gear cause of players kneeling,the burning of the chargers cap had nothing to do with that,that was from all the loyal san diego fans who are rigthly so pissed at that jerk dean spanos for taking their team away from them,many of them got in front of their offices in SD and burned their gear when it was announced they were moving.

one MORE reason the NFL needs to reformed because we have too many corrupt owners who dont give a crap about the fans and put brand new shiny stadiums ahead of history,that is the major reason i want nothing to do with the NFL anymore.i am sick of these greedy selfish owners who think a new stadium is more a priority than loyalty and history.
You're gonna put lots of book makers out of business Vegas might close up
View attachment 151241

...just saying....

The only one not paying a price?


It is being reported that his jersey sales in the last 12 hours are off the chart!

the chargers cap burning should not be there for an example of people burning their gear cause of players kneeling,the burning of the chargers cap had nothing to do with that,that was from all the loyal san diego fans who are rigthly so pissed at that jerk dean spanos for taking their team away from them,many of them got in front of their offices in SD and burned their gear when it was announced they were moving.

one MORE reason the NFL needs to reformed because we have too many corrupt owners who dont give a crap about the fans and put brand new shiny stadiums ahead of history,that is the major reason i want nothing to do with the NFL anymore.i am sick of these greedy selfish owners who think a new stadium is more a priority than loyalty and history.
You're gonna put lots of book makers out of business Vegas might close up

have you heard by chance that the city of oakland is in the process of forming a lawsuit against the corrupt NFL cartel to retain the name,logo and colors if they follow through with their asinine idea of moving them to vegas? they will win if this goes to court because after the 90's when so many teams relocated,they adapted relocation rules back then that you got to follow before being able to relocate,the raiders and the chargers both violated those rules.i am dissapointed in san diego,they should have a lawsuit against them as well,oakland has an airtight lawsuit against mark davis and the NFL and they will win in court.I said all along oakland would not take it lying down like SD is who just threw in the towel and said okay,ho hum. that was so stupid of them to just give up,

did you lose contact with that QB of the chargers wiliheim by chance?
Tom Brady joins protest; calls Trump's comment on Kaepernick "divisive"
Not sure if anyone has addressed this, but:



He didn't join the kneeling nancies in crying about a gigantic false narrative invented by the communist left to drum up public unrest so they can start the revolution (which will never happen, sorry commies).

I don't really care if they kneel or not. Free speech for all, even when the speech is ignorant. But, don't make Brady's comments anything more than they were. He did not agree with Trump's comment about firing his teammates and believed it to be divisive. I sort of agree, but Trump was blaming the NFL and their broadcast partners for glorifying the ignorant protests and treating them in an inconsistent fashion with other actions the NFL has taken in the name of getting whitey.(Cowboys wanting to honor Dallas Police killed last year is a stark example).
further proof shady brady is a fucking

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