Tom Rice regrets voting against certifying 2020 result ‘because Trump was responsible for attack on the Capitol’

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Well the world knows it but its good for this character to catch up and say it publicly. I suspect that most of his colleagues believe this as well. Wake up America and lock that fat bastard up.

Well the world knows it but its good for this character to catch up and say it publicly. I suspect that most of his colleagues believe this as well. Wake up America and lock that fat bastard up.
They know it, but getting re-elected is a higher priority to them than the health of the country.

They've chosen to play along. Keep the rubes angry and contributing.

Our political system is what is causing this. Unless we choose to change it, it continues.

Well the world knows it but its good for this character to catch up and say it publicly. I suspect that most of his colleagues believe this as well. Wake up America and lock that fat bastard up.

Trump responsible for Nancy's Reichstag Fire? Really?

Where's Ray Epps?

Well the world knows it but its good for this character to catch up and say it publicly. I suspect that most of his colleagues believe this as well. Wake up America and lock that fat bastard up.
While America, goes down the shitter, the progs just have to keep the slaves eyes on the shiney babble...

Well the world knows it but its good for this character to catch up and say it publicly. I suspect that most of his colleagues believe this as well. Wake up America and lock that fat bastard up.
Cracks are starting to form. Maybe some of these animals will decide they dont want to go down in history as being deplorable.
All of the top Progressive Socialists in power knew the election was fixed. They even told us before the election.
Cracks are starting to form. Maybe some of these animals will decide they dont want to go down in history as being deplorable.
I often wonder about that, whether it’s an argument that may appeal to at least some of them.

Is a career in politics so powerfully attractive to them that they’re willing to sell out their country like this for it?
I often wonder about that, whether it’s an argument that may appeal to at least some of them.

Is a career in politics so powerfully attractive to them that they’re willing to sell out their country like this for it?
Interesting question. Hard to answer because your question actually made me think about your average Congressman's motivations. Who knows what motivates most Congressmen but I'd say one general overriding factor is power, whether that is put to good use or bad.

I think at some point, unless one is completely amoral or immoral, a Congressman like this starts to question what the hell is going on and where is this going to lead me. A reckoning if you will. Evidently, this Congressman has had enough with trumps bullshit. As it gets closer to election in 2024 and it becomes more obvious that Trump isnt running or holds any sort of real power, you'll probably see more repub's come to this reckoning moment. The longer they wait, though, obviously signals where they are on the moral compass ie the longer they wait the more human garbage they actually are.
Your non response says a lot more than you intended.
1. I dont know who the fuck Ray Epps is.
2. Why did some guards just let people in? Take a look at what happened to the guards that didnt let people in for your answer. In other words, the guards that let people in to storm the Capitol were cowards. It wasnt some conspiracy as insinuated by that other conspiracy nut job who posed those questions.
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Interesting question. Hard to answer because your question actually made me think about your average Congressman's motivations. Who knows what motivates most Congressmen but I'd say one general overriding factor is power, whether that is put to good use or bad.

I think at some point, unless one is completely amoral or immoral, a Congressman like this starts to question what the hell is going on and where is this going to lead me. A reckoning if you will. Evidently, this Congressman has had enough with trumps bullshit. As it gets closer to election in 2024 and it becomes more obvious that Trump isnt running or holds any sort of real power, you'll probably see more repub's come to this reckoning moment. The longer they wait, though, obviously signals where they are on the moral compass ie the longer they wait the more human garbage they actually are.
I really do want to believe that, but then look at the longtime politicians who play the game as hard and cynically as anyone else.

It probably just depends on the individual, like anything else. But the egos and drivers of these people are probably outside of the ability of most of us to understand.
I really do want to believe that, but then look at the longtime politicians who play the game as hard and cynically as anyone else.

It probably just depends on the individual, like anything else. But the egos and drivers of these people are probably outside of the ability of most of us to understand.
Yeah exactly. I've heard even the most best intentioned individual can become a changed person once they reach Washington. I dont understand how they act because I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes in Washington and how easily it is for someone to become corrupt.

When was the last time any real meaningful positiive, major society changing legislation came out of Washington? None in my entire lifetime that I can assure you. The system is broke. Most politicians are broken people. It's a sad state of affairs and to be honest I dont think anything is going to change within my lifetime. Although one glimmer of hope are these strikes by workers finally demanding some change. But that is few and far between to enact any real meaningful societal changes.
What do Trump's actions or lack of action on Jan 6th have to do with the voting and vote counting in early November?

If Rice voted against certifying the results, that meant that he thought that the results were not legitimate. What happened to change them to legitimate?

Nothing. Just another slippery shape-shifting politician.

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