Tom Segev destroys the myth of Britain's neutrality or pro-Arab stance

Israel was established as a state for Jews. It has of course an Arab minority who have citizenship rights, but the specific way in which land is owned in Israel is predominantly that the Jewish Agency purchases land on behalf of the Jewish people and then leases it out to its Jewish citizens.Arabs cannot have access to that land that's owned by the Jewish Agency. They can keep land they have privately owned before the State of Israel was created. There's a small amount of private property that can be traded and Arabs can buy that as well as Jews, but most land is held in trust for the Jewish people, so yes there is a legal basis for what we would flat out call discriminatory practices.7

Maybe you want to attribute the source of your plagiarized cut and paste?
Gofak yosef?
The funny thing is that these squatters were paid for their land...Those EVIL Jews!
Yeah, I know, we've been over this. They bought land from people who were invented as an Arab conspiracy and actually never existed.

Logic - 2

...Explain why land grabbing / colonizing squatters have rights to steal land....
That's your job.

LMAO! Thanks, needed that.
So now you're saying there weren't any Arabs.
Nah, you're not an imbecile.
Actually, you don't know. The Jewish people bought large tracts of land from Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese absentee land owners.

It's identified in the Ottoman land records.

See, this is the problem you encounter when you attempt to do more than cut and paste cartoons

That's the problem you run into parroting long debunked Jewish lies.

Didn't your mom ever tell you lying is bad. That when you start lying, how they pile up and how you won't be able to keep track of them?

“A land without a people, for a people without a land.”


That was expected. Without a handy cartoon to cut and paste, you're left to stutter and mumble incoherent slogans with brightly colored, gargantuan text.

That's a malady that afflicts the majority of the convert spammers.
Israel was established as a state for Jews. It has of course an Arab minority who have citizenship rights, but the specific way in which land is owned in Israel is predominantly that the Jewish Agency purchases land on behalf of the Jewish people and then leases it out to its Jewish citizens.Arabs cannot have access to that land that's owned by the Jewish Agency. They can keep land they have privately owned before the State of Israel was created. There's a small amount of private property that can be traded and Arabs can buy that as well as Jews, but most land is held in trust for the Jewish people, so yes there is a legal basis for what we would flat out call discriminatory practices.7

Maybe you want to attribute the source of your plagiarized cut and paste?
Gofak yosef?

What a shame. You're just a dishonest plagiarist.
Since the creation of Israel the israeli propaganda machine has been working non-stop to cloud, to confuse even the most obvious, evident historic facts regarding the conflict.

The attempt to cast doubts even on the aspects of the conflict that should be unanimously recognized as historical facts by both sides of the debate has a clearly defined goal:

To generate one of these two things:

1 - Support for Israel, at best


2 - Neutrality towards the conflict, at worst.

As I create this thread, I follow the efforts of a propagandist trying to convey the message that european Jews created Israel despite Britain's best efforts to frustrate their plans:

I'll let israeli historian Tom Segev set the record straight:

The British kept their promise to the Zionists. They opened up the country to mass Jewish immigration; by 1948, the Jewish population had increased by more than tenfold. The Jews were permitted to purchase land, develop agriculture, and establish industries and banks. The British allowed them to set up hundreds of new settlements, including several towns. They created a school system and an army; they had a political leadership and elected institutions, and with the help of all these they in the end defeated the Arabs, all under British sponsorship, all in the wake of that promise of 1917.

Tom Segev, One Palestine Complete - Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate, pag. 6

"The Jews were permitted to purchase land, develop agriculture, and establish industries and banks."
Those EVIL Jews!

Yes, extremely evil in their intent to evict the native non-Jews from their homeland.
Yes, by purchasing land.
We know how Arabs find legally binding transactions detestable.

Jews owned less than 5% of the land by 1946, 85% was owned by the Muslims and Christians in 1946. How could that possibly justify the eviction of the non-Jews from their land and homes?

Moron, did you miss the part about LEGAL TRANSACTIONS?
Of course you did.
You missed the part that the Jews only purchased about 7% of Palestine. The other 70% they took at the point of a gun. Military conquest is illegal.
"The Jews were permitted to purchase land, develop agriculture, and establish industries and banks."
Those EVIL Jews!

Yes, extremely evil in their intent to evict the native non-Jews from their homeland.
Yes, by purchasing land.
We know how Arabs find legally binding transactions detestable.

Jews owned less than 5% of the land by 1946, 85% was owned by the Muslims and Christians in 1946. How could that possibly justify the eviction of the non-Jews from their land and homes?

Moron, did you miss the part about LEGAL TRANSACTIONS?
Of course you did.
You missed the part that the Jews only purchased about 7% of Palestine. The other 70% they took at the point of a gun. Military conquest is illegal.
Yes, we know the 5 Arab nations were attacked by the Jews and not vice versa; you are a complete nitwit.
Israel was established as a state for Jews. It has of course an Arab minority who have citizenship rights, but the specific way in which land is owned in Israel is predominantly that the Jewish Agency purchases land on behalf of the Jewish people and then leases it out to its Jewish citizens.Arabs cannot have access to that land that's owned by the Jewish Agency. They can keep land they have privately owned before the State of Israel was created. There's a small amount of private property that can be traded and Arabs can buy that as well as Jews, but most land is held in trust for the Jewish people, so yes there is a legal basis for what we would flat out call discriminatory practices.7

Maybe you want to attribute the source of your plagiarized cut and paste?
Gofak yosef?

What a shame. You're just a dishonest plagiarist.
Nothing compared to the Jews who Plagiarized a whole country
Israel was established as a state for Jews. It has of course an Arab minority who have citizenship rights, but the specific way in which land is owned in Israel is predominantly that the Jewish Agency purchases land on behalf of the Jewish people and then leases it out to its Jewish citizens.Arabs cannot have access to that land that's owned by the Jewish Agency. They can keep land they have privately owned before the State of Israel was created. There's a small amount of private property that can be traded and Arabs can buy that as well as Jews, but most land is held in trust for the Jewish people, so yes there is a legal basis for what we would flat out call discriminatory practices.7

Maybe you want to attribute the source of your plagiarized cut and paste?
Gofak yosef?

What a shame. You're just a dishonest plagiarist.
Nothing compared to the Jews who Plagiarized a whole country
I enjoy your misery.
Yes, extremely evil in their intent to evict the native non-Jews from their homeland.
Yes, by purchasing land.
We know how Arabs find legally binding transactions detestable.

Jews owned less than 5% of the land by 1946, 85% was owned by the Muslims and Christians in 1946. How could that possibly justify the eviction of the non-Jews from their land and homes?

Moron, did you miss the part about LEGAL TRANSACTIONS?
Of course you did.
You missed the part that the Jews only purchased about 7% of Palestine. The other 70% they took at the point of a gun. Military conquest is illegal.
Yes, we know the 5 Arab nations were attacked by the Jews and not vice versa; you are a complete nitwit.
if you know that the 5 Arab nations were attacked by the Jews and not vice versa why post?
Yes, extremely evil in their intent to evict the native non-Jews from their homeland.
Yes, by purchasing land.
We know how Arabs find legally binding transactions detestable.

Jews owned less than 5% of the land by 1946, 85% was owned by the Muslims and Christians in 1946. How could that possibly justify the eviction of the non-Jews from their land and homes?

Moron, did you miss the part about LEGAL TRANSACTIONS?
Of course you did.
You missed the part that the Jews only purchased about 7% of Palestine. The other 70% they took at the point of a gun. Military conquest is illegal.
Yes, we know the 5 Arab nations were attacked by the Jews and not vice versa; you are a complete nitwit.
What does that have to do with Palestine?
Israel was established as a state for Jews. It has of course an Arab minority who have citizenship rights, but the specific way in which land is owned in Israel is predominantly that the Jewish Agency purchases land on behalf of the Jewish people

When is the last time you complained that jews cannot own land or work in certain fields in arab muslim countries, you worthless fucking scumbag?
if you know that the 5 Arab nations were attacked by the Jews and not vice versa why post?

What we know is that you're a worthless fucking scumbag, and that you and the other douchebags like louie et al are all arab muslim turds who serve no useful purpose in this world.

It sucks so bad for the muslims how much better Israel is than all of the 22 arab muslim shitholes are.
I'll let israeli historian Tom Segev set the record straight:

The British kept their promise to the Zionists. They opened up the country to mass Jewish immigration; by 1948, the Jewish population had increased by more than tenfold. The Jews were permitted to purchase land, develop agriculture, and establish industries and banks. The British allowed them to set up hundreds of new settlements, including several towns. They created a school system and an army; they had a political leadership and elected institutions, and with the help of all these they in the end defeated the Arabs, all under British sponsorship, all in the wake of that promise of 1917.

Tom Segev, One Palestine Complete - Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate, pag. 6
As soon as I read this, I was reminded that the British actually restricted Jewish immigration to Israel. Remember the White Paper of 1939?
It also limited Jewish immigration to 75,000 for 5 years, and ruled that further immigration was to be determined by the Arab majority (section II). Restrictions were put on the rights of Jews to buy land from Arabs (section III). Further, it promised that only with Palestinian support would Britain allow a Jewish state.
Link: White Paper of 1939 - Wikipedia
Kind of blows any 'truth' that you thought you had out of the water.
The British and everyone else sat back and watched the Nakba as it happened in 1948, just after the UN gave these sociopaths free reign in Palestine. The Nakba or the catastrophe, which was a real holocaust of the Palestinian people went something like this. Jewish terrorists burnt 100s of towns to the ground. Who knows how many were mass murdered, but everyone that wasn't killed was forced to leave their homes. The figure is somewhere close to a million human beings that were either slaughtered or forced to leave and the British did nothing.

By the time the British took over the Mandate, they decided British interests were best served by siding with the Arabs.

^^^^^^^^^^^TOTAL HORSESHIT^^^^^^^^
Speaking of horseshit louie, again your argument is so light in facts that it can be blown away like a feather. The hugest hole is in the first part of your first sentence. "The British <snip> sat back and watched the Nakba. . ." You do realize that the British had pulled out and had no control at that time don't you? Maybe you should do a bit more actual research.

As far as the 'Nakba" or 'catastrophe', the Arabs brought it upon themselves by attacking the brand new state of Israel the very next day after they declared. The jury is still out (for me) on whether the Arabs where forced to leave their homes as I find it is about a 50/50 split whether they left at the urging of the Arab league or were forced out.

Either way, the Arabs brought the catastrophe upon themselves by attacking. And then they lost. And even though they have tried again and again and lost over and over, they still cry the blues.
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[Jews owned less than 5% of the land by 1946, 85% was owned by the Muslims and Christians in 1946. How could that possibly justify the eviction of the non-Jews from their land and homes?
Hey monti, your map is dated 1950. By this time Jordan had kicked all the Jews out of theJordinian occupied territory of the West Bank. Therefore again, you lie to try to make your point.
How could that possibly justify the eviction of the non-Jews from their land and homes?

It can't! All that is just hasbara idiocy.
Hahahahahahahahaha! Louie, you don't even recognize your fellow anti-Israelis!

Wow, looks like louie888 is flip flopping like a fish now, or going into melt down!

I only posted like that since it seems like that's the only way . . . . . LOL!I

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