Tom Segev destroys the myth of Britain's neutrality or pro-Arab stance

The Jews bought less than 5% of the land, Muslims and Christians owned over 85% of it in 1946.

I realize that I am playing catch up in this thread, but I want to point out again this blatant fact for the readers of posts made by monti. Monti is claiming population and/or ownership figures from 1946. His map is from 1950, the time frame by which Jordan had evicted all the Jews from areas that they controlled after the war of 1948.
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Post 6 and 17 (for starters). Feel free to respond on the appropriate thread.
Maybe I will. Not now, though. Pretty sure if I do chose to, I will again find your argument light as a feather and hollow as we all have everywhere else on this board.
The Jews bought less than 5% of the land, Muslims and Christians owned over 85% of it in 1946.

I realize that I am playing catch up in this thread, but I want to point out again this blatant fact for the readers of posts made by monti. Monti is claiming population and/or ownership figures from 1946. His map is from 1950, the time frame by which Jordan had evicted all the Jews from areas that they controlled after the war of 1948.

Keep trying. LOL These Zionists, the map represents the situation prior to partition. But we don;t need the map, there is the partition resolution documentation. The Zionists try everything to deny the facts.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. "

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Originally posted by teddyearp
As soon as I read this, I was reminded that the British actually restricted Jewish immigration to Israel. Remember the White Paper of 1939?

It also limited Jewish immigration to 75,000 for 5 years, and ruled that further immigration was to be determined by the Arab majority (section II). Restrictions were put on the rights of Jews to buy land from Arabs (section III). Further, it promised that only with Palestinian support would Britain allow a Jewish state.
Link: White Paper of 1939 - Wikipedia

Kind of blows any 'truth' that you thought you had out of the water.

You just proved Tom Segev's entire point for him by conceding the fact that the British did not prohibit zionist immigration they only limited it with quotas late in the game, grudgingly and under tremendous arab pressure.

And even so they did a poor job of enforcing the quotas specially after the super zionist Winston Churchill came to power in 1940:

"Despite British efforts to curb the illegal immigration, ..., 110,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine."

Aliyah - Wikipedia

The arrival of 110,000 illegal immigrants made a mockery out of the british "quotas" that are only remembered nowadays by propagandists like toomuchtime who try to sell the totally discredited, grotesque caricature of an "anti-zionist" british mandate.

So Tom Segev is still waiting for you to disprove his statement:

The British kept their promise to the Zionists. They opened up the country to mass Jewish immigration; by 1948, the Jewish population had increased by more than tenfold.
So Tom Segev is still waiting for you to disprove his statement: The British kept their promise to the Zionists. They opened up the country to mass Jewish immigration; by 1948, the Jewish population had increased by more than tenfold.

Keep ignoring all of the earlier posts crushing you like the worthless, lowlife scumbag that you are, idiot asshole. Did I mention Balen Report, dogshit?

BTW, did the Brits do anything to stop illegal arab muslim immigration? If they didn't, how would that be "helping" the jews build a country?
Originally posted by rhodescholar
BTW, did the Brits do anything to stop illegal arab muslim immigration?

It would be difficult to do anything against something that hardly existed.
It would be difficult to do anything against something that hardly existed.

Really, stupid little monkey - so you're claiming the gaza and west bank arabs with the same surnames as their neighboring arabs in egypt and syria just magically had the same names?

Or that the THREE-FOLD increase in arab population from 1931 to 1945 occurred by osmosis?

Wow, you're a fucking imbecile.
It would be difficult to do anything against something that hardly existed.

Really, stupid little monkey - so you're claiming the gaza and west bank arabs with the same surnames as their neighboring arabs in egypt and syria just magically had the same names?

Or that the THREE-FOLD increase in arab population from 1931 to 1945 occurred by osmosis?

Wow, you're a fucking imbecile.

You are as usual, a lying piece of crap. There was no 3 fold increase in Muslim an Christian population as you claim. Here are the facts from the documentation included in the UN partition resolution, A/364 of 3 September 1947:


Furher, as the record shows, there was no non-Jewish immigration to speak of from 1921 to 1946. The seven fold increase in Jewish population was due to immigration/invasion. The growth of the Muslim or Christian population, less than three-fold, was less than that of the same populations in Mandatory Syria. Why do you keep making up stories?


15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths.

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Why not post the very next sentence?
Indeed, the natural rate of increase of Moslem Arabs in Palestine is the highest in recorded statistics,1 a phenomenon explained by very high fertility rates coupled with a marked decline in death rates as a result of improved conditions of life and public health
Where the UN in all their 'neutrality' tries to explain away the fact that Arabs were migrating there in droves by calling it natural increase.
Keep trying. LOL These Zionists, the map represents the situation prior to partition.

The map cannot represent the situation prior to partition since it is dated 1950, a fact which you have sideways conceded by posting different material. I won.

Are you really that dense? Look at the title of the map FFS. It is a map of the land ownership situation in 1945, prior to Partition. By 1950 the the land had been stolen by Jews. You lost and made a fool of yourself.
16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths.

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Why not post the very next sentence?
Indeed, the natural rate of increase of Moslem Arabs in Palestine is the highest in recorded statistics,1 a phenomenon explained by very high fertility rates coupled with a marked decline in death rates as a result of improved conditions of life and public health
Where the UN in all their 'neutrality' tries to explain away the fact that Arabs were migrating there in droves by calling it natural increase.

The only massive immigration to Palestine was of Jews, as the 7 fold increase confirms. More to the point if Muslims and Christians had been immigrating to Palestine massively wouldn't their population have increased like the Jewish population?
All you people do is struggle to deny the facts, using propaganda pieces that were debunked years ago. You can't accept the official record produced by professionals. That's all you do day in and day out. You cry out conspiracy, but the only conspiracy was the conspiracy between the Jews and the British to remove the native people from their land you idiot.

By the way, the population increased at a greater rate in the Syrian Mandate. Was there massive immigration to Syria? If so, from where? Palestine? LO

In 1911 Syria had a population of 891 thousand. By 1945 it was nearly 3 million.

SYRIA : population growth of the whole country


  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. "

A/364 of 3 September 1947

Because, as it notes elsewhere in the document, it assigned all land that was not Jewish land as "Arab land", including crown lands, waste lands and unused land.
Are you really that dense? Look at the title of the map FFS. It is a map of the land ownership situation in 1945, prior to Partition. By 1950 the the land had been stolen by Jews. You lost and made a fool of yourself.

The loser here is you, you c-nt idiot asshole who keeps pretending that massive numbers of arabs did not illegally move into the region despite tripling in population in only 15 years.

Say dogshit, how come there were british soldiers fighting on behalf of the arabs in 1948?

Why don't you pull out yet another nonsensical UN document lying about that as well, you fucking turd?

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