Tom Steyer running for president, Bernie erupts:"I'm a bit tired of billionaires buying elections!"

Tom Steyer isn't a climate change crusader. Perhaps to the mainstream he can paint himself that way, but he isn't. He made a mint off coal and he has been trying to get carbon free nuclear reactors shut down in favor of natural gas plants. He is always working a financial angle. The Presidency is no different.
It is annoying . The arrogance of these super rich guys . God forbid they lower themselves to run for senate or lowly congress . IM GOING TO BE PRESIDENT!
Is this the same jackass who has spent the last four years running television ads nationwide in an effort to get people to sign his petition to impeach our current Dipshit in Chief?
Steyer 2020: Finally someone with balls!

In what way?
Trump's not as wealthy as people think. Steyer will spend big bucks of his own money. he's going all the way to the white house, and he's taking us with him!

Hillary Clinton was on 24/7 with a billion dollars worth of hate ads before the 2016 election. This is the kind of challenge that Trump has already fought back in the past.
Steyer 2020: Finally someone with balls!

In what way?
Trump's not as wealthy as people think. Steyer will spend big bucks of his own money. he's going all the way to the white house, and he's taking us with him!
You're such a joke. In the last 3 days you have jumped on 3 or 4 different candidates bandwagons
i love everyone. we need to spread the love around. i'm a prisoner of love!

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