Tom the Saint of Respecting Man


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Oct 15, 2016
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This is my first attempt in romance fiction. So we got love triangle between three people in touching emotional entanglement and stuff. Okay, romance, you got the point.

Tom is a respecting man. Tom respects women. Tom would never entertain thought that demean women, such as the idea that deep inside, hot chicks are usually hoes, fuck toys, or sex objects.

Faith has a price. Tom doesn’t take advantage many opportunities disrespectful men get from women.

In Tom’s country, there are two sources of contradictory info about women. One is porn and the other is romance. Boys usually learn about women from those 2 sources.

Tom didn’t know which one is right and don’t bother thinking about it. Sometimes Tom’s rational conscience (TRC) would show up and help Tom thinking about it.

“Throughout history, no truth has ever won by censoring falsehood. Falsehood won by censoring truth,” said TRC, “Look at the forbidden fruit Tom,” said TRC. “That must be the real McCoy,” TRC added.

In Tom’s town, there is a guy named Jamal. Jamal is a religious leader. Jamal promotes respect for women. Jamal prohibits everyone from watching porn.

While Jamal doesn’t have too much political power yet, Tom looks up to Jamal because Jamal said he promotes respecting women. So when Jamal told everyone not to watch porn, Tom doesn’t watch either obeying Jamal. That’s because Tom doesn’t want to disrespect women.

Tom also doesn’t look at women as sex object. Think about it, “We are all born of a woman,” said Jamal, “How could you think of women as (more effective) reproductive tools? That would be so disrespectful.”

Tom, a respecting man, of course agree, because Tom respect women so much. Equating women with reproductive tools would be out of the question for Tom.

Inspired by Jamal’s speech, Tom no longer sees women as sex objects. When Tom meets a woman, Tom would respectfully look at the woman in the eyes, shake her hand firmly, and confidently tell the woman, “You are not a sex object for me.”

Women that indeed aren’t sex objects, the ugly and the dykes, are impressed with Tom’s respectful manner. Those women of course want more people to be like Tom.

Because Tom doesn’t see women as sex objects, like cuckolds, Tom worked very hard to make money while supporting Jamal’s harem.

So part of Tom’s salary is taken from Tom. The money is then used to support every single mother of 5 children.

The way biology works in Tom’s species is that no mother is truly single, at least not biologically. About 1 billion people believe on one exceptional case (A Scientific Miracle: Theories of Mary's Virgin Birth), and that’s pretty much it among billions and billions of members of the species. Many parents with pregnant daughter have claimed virgin birth though. Various DNA tests often show otherwise in virtually all cases. That’s because our species have xy chromosome and to be a male the baby must have a y chromosome supplied by someone with y chromosome. That someone is male. At least in most cases.

Jamal is actually the biological father of all those children. However, Jamal doesn’t have a job because he’s lazy. So, he doesn’t have to pay child support and can more freely impregnate more women due to humans’ right. Not having a job means Jamal has plenty of time to study women and sleep with them.

That’s how he got so wise. After all, there is welfare check coming to support him anyway.

“We are a form collective society,” said Jamal, “We are like family. What kind of families would enjoy all the money while other members of the family are starving because the kids’ mom doesn’t even bother picking a financially responsible dad?” “Just like societies have educated you, it’s natural that you’re paying it forward by educating children in the society,” Jamal added, justifying why hard working people like Tom should work hard to fed his kids and himself.

Jamal also uses many of his time for activism. It’s people like Jamal that mainly shape laws in Tom’s country.

There is nothing illegal about mating with tons of women in Tom’s country.

In fact, actually spanking, binding, whipping, women are all legal and presumed consensual unless proven otherwise. Making women wear dog collars and walk her naked like dog is also legal as long as the women stay and hence presumed to be consenting.

When most people see that in movies or in public places, they think that it’s most likely consensual anyway and move on. Actually most people are right.

Paying women is illegal though because it’s degrading and demeaning, according to Jamal, at least.

There are actually hot girls that prefer Tom’s cock rather than Jamal, but Tom just ignore them all because Tom respect women and do not think of women as sex objects.

Actually most women that hump Jamal would rather hump Tom if only Tom makes the deal sweeter by offering some cash. However, Jamal said that such arrangement is prostitution and sin because it doesn’t fit in the theological dogma practiced by some nomadic tribe that lived 5k years ago.

Also the word fuck is actually better, but I use the word hump instead to keep this short stories G rated.

One day Tom meets Sally and fall in love. After carefully considering 20 beautiful hot babes to bang, finally Tom, the respecting man, decide that Sally is the one. Tom proposes to Sally by burning his 3 months’ salary in a romantic bonfire to show his respect and potential gold digability.

Sally agrees and Tom is very happy.

Tom’s rational conscience (TRC) shows up again. “Tom, in our country, you bang women when she wants it, not when you marry her. So what’s the point of marrying?” ask TRC. “Because I love her,” said Tom.

“What the fuck is love? Tom, Sally is a hoe, she got a ****,” TCR said. “No she’s not,” said Tom, “We loved each other and that’s why we want to get married.”

TRC is not convinced. “If she truly loves you, and she only wants your cock, why should she get married? Jamal got ***** for free, why not you? She’s a hoe and she wants to dig your gold leaving you destitute.”

“I don’t mind spending money on Sally,” said Tom. “That’s what love means. After all, that’s what all the money is for, to spend on women you love,” said Tom.

“Fine,” said TRC, “So you don’t mind spending money on her, but why should you let Jamal be the pimp?” “His kind is the one that’s deciding rules for marriage in this country,” added TRC.

“Away from me you devil,” shout Tom, “For it is written (in internet) that marriage is not a humping job for pay but a mutually agreed loving lifelong partnership between TWO (Group marriage - Wikipedia) people of equal or different gender as defined by Jamal’s representatives in legislative assemblies.”

Tom further adds, “It’s been like that since time immemorial. (Tony Abbott incorrect on the history of marriage)”

TRC evaporates.

Before making decisions, Sally always consults her ancestral spirits.

Sally: Oh ancestral estrogen activated spirit hard wired on my genes, what is sex?

Sally’s Ancestral Spirit (SAS): Sex is when a man comes, you do something nice for him, and he leaves you some money.

Sally: What is great sex?

SAS: Sex is when a man comes, you do something really nice for him, and he leaves you a lot of money.

Sally: So, what is this love I’ve been hearing about?

SAS: Oh, that’s just lies poor people make.

Lie or not, everyone is expected to believe in love, in Tom’s country. “Not believing that will be disrespectful of women,” said Jamal, “It’s hard enough for me to maintain my harem if I have to compete with men with thicker wallets. Men with wallets that actually use their wallet will be too tough to compete for me.”

Jamal fears men with thicker wallet. So anytime anyone dares to suggest women prefer the rich and like getting paid for giving blowjob, Jamal will go the extra mile crying that such opinion is “disrespectful of women” and “offensive.”

Well, TRC is quite correct though, no matter what Jamal said. Sally and women in general are hoes because they got *****. Sally’s ancestral spirit, descendants of a very successful one cell organism, confirms that.

She wants to marry Tom so she can get money by humping. It’s the most basic instinct of all womyn.

However, there is another point.

Sally soon realize that’ll she get paid anyway whether she humps or not. Marital rape is illegal. So Tom actually doesn’t have any right on her. Tom’s financial obligation doesn’t stop though whether Sally humps or not.

In other word, the whole marriage deal is in a form where Tom lost everything and gets nothing in return. What kind of people wants to make such a stupid deal?

Well, only losers are and Sally doesn’t want sons that will be losers.

She is a responsible mother that wants her son to be right. She wants her son to be smarter and wiser like Jamal.

“Tom is very nice,” said Sally, “But nice guys finish lasts, and I want winners that finish first.”

Sally also knows that stupidity has no cure and Tom’s attitude may be genetically hardwired.

After all, Tom lives in a country practicing democracy. Democracy is government by, of, and for the mobs. Most of the mobs think like Jamal. So it’s natural that marriage laws are in Jamal’s favor. TRC has warned Tom about it several times, but Tom never listened.

Sally realized that humping someone else’ wife is legal. She also knows that she’ll get paid by Tom anyway no matter who she humps.

So Jamal is humping Sally and Sally joins Jamal’s harem. Tom is told to just watch outside. Once in a while Tom is allowed to peek in but not too often because that’ll be disrespectful.

Sally breed more and more of Jamal’s biological children while Tom pays for everything.

“Jamal is stupid,” said Tom, “How can anyone believe some schizophrenic guys born thousands of years ago actually have words of God?” In Tom’s mind, it’s Jamal that’s stupid for entertaining irrational thought. Of course, Tom doesn’t bother expressing it because Tom also respects religions because religions promote respecting women.

Tom only wonder why Jamal advocate killing people that don’t believe. “I think Jamal is very stupid,” said Tom, “But hei, I’ll just give him some benefit of doubt.”

“Perhaps with more free education, paid by me, for people like Jamal, I can help Jamal to be wiser, work harder, make more money, and bang fewer chicks like I do,” Tom said to himself.

“My **** worth (even) more than this,” cried Sally ambitiously, “I’ll just divorce Tom, and collect the life time alimony, and find some other suckers to get married. I’ll just say how evil Tom is for not understanding how I feel, bla bla. I am sure the whole world will be sympathetic to me. At least Jamal would.”

Sally did that, as what we would expect any womyn would do to any males dumb enough to fall into marriage trap.

What’s truly admirable about Tom is that he remain steadfast to his faith of respecting women even after through all this hardship. Tom still refuses to believe that women are sex objects or reproductive tools.

“Only jerks think that way,” said Tom to himself, “And I am not a jerk because I respect women.”

TCR once again showed up. “Why don’t you respect women as sex objects? Many women want that especially the sexy. Then you wouldn’t have had this entire problem in the first place. It’s your fault. Why do you think they wear makeup and sexy clothes if not so they can whore up?”

Tom disagrees though. He believes the problem is in the evolving moral standard, instead of his own belief choices. So Tom simply hates media, liberals, or anyone trying to explain the situation.

Tom then joins the army and fight to the death to further promote respect for women while protecting women from being thought of as sex objects.

From now on, we will call him Saint Tom, the saint patronage of respecting women.

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