Tommy Tuberville admits he went to NYC to help trump break his gag order.

It pisses me off they pretended they had no idea where the virus came from but actually paid the Wuhan lab to produce it. Then couldn’t quite figure out where the Wuhan flu could have possibly come from.
Americans should know that by now. But the Media is protecting Biden.
You would have represented Hitler very very well. You are his kind of person.
All the guys sporting swastikas are on your side, and you kiss their asses. You call them your base.

Just making it clear where we both stand. Liberals punch Nazis, and you smooch their keisters.

Serious question: Is there any position you hold that differs from the positions held by the Nazis? Because honestly, I can't see any differences.
Not as frequently, but they can be.
As frequently as never, and they only can be now.

Never has there been gag orders where the defendant is the only one who can’t say anything about the prosecution when they are free to hold press conferences at will and say anything they want.

It’s all bullshit.
What pissed me off so much was it was the Media who targeted Trump and they attacked him daily. The Media is back of all of Trump's troubles.
Good, Stay PISSED OFF.
Trump did the crimes, and is finally seeing a court.
TRUMP IS THE CAUSE of all his legal troubles.
About time to see this Life-Long Con Man who has Stiffed Contractors repeatedly Shafted Trump University Students Cheated on his Wives....repeatedly, finally facing his crimes.

What Pisses me off Robert, is an OLD MAN like you supporting the trump crime machine.
All the guys sporting swastikas are on your side, and you kiss their asses. You call them your base.

Just making it clear where we both stand. Liberals punch Nazis, and you smooch their keisters.

Serious question: Is there any position you hold that differs from the positions held by the Nazis? Because honestly, I can't see any differences.
Sounds to me you present as the expert Nazi here. Based on your propaganda.
Never has there been gag orders where the defendant is the only one who can’t say anything
Next time you appear in Court, try attacking the Judge, the Jury or the Prosecutor.
You think this is normal behavior?
Dear Lord.
Good, Stay PISSED OFF.
Trump did the crimes, and is finally seeing a court.
TRUMP IS THE CAUSE of all his legal troubles.
About time to see this Life-Long Con Man who has Stiffed Contractors repeatedly Shafted Trump University Students Cheated on his Wives....repeatedly, finally facing his crimes.

What Pisses me off Robert, is an OLD MAN like you supporting the trump crime machine.
I am still waiting on you to attack some Democrat. PS, when will those items you name be called Trump crimes?
Understood. You couldn't come up with even one way in which your positions differ from that of the Nazis.
Based on how you and I get along, I differ from Nazis. You do not. You copy their tactics.
Trump did the crimes, and is finally seeing a court.
Trump will find out if the Court claims he committed Crimes. The real crime is the prosecutor. He belongs in prison.
^^^ 100% FACT! Oregon's budget used to be $1 billion, now it's $100 billion and government is the largest employer.
I am friends to a family living in Oregon who moved there from CA. They were clients of mine in CA. They hate the place. I told Craig he should come to Idaho.
As frequently as never, and they only can be now.

Never has there been gag orders where the defendant is the only one who can’t say anything about the prosecution when they are free to hold press conferences at will and say anything they want.

It’s all bullshit.
Based on how you and I get along, I differ from Nazis.

You censor at every opportunity.

You advocate for brownshirt violence, making up stories of violent jews/liberals to justify that brownshirt violence.

You say that all members of TheParty are above the law, and you push for fake prosecutions of Enemies Of The Party.

You advocate for a corrupt crony capitalist economic system.

You advocate for an unfree press that only serves TheParty.

You're anti-abortion.

You're regressive on all social policies.

You ally with white supremacists and antisemites.

You advocate for permanent one-party rule, and an end to democratic elections.

So, yes, you definitiely hold Nazi positions pretty much across the board.

Liberals, of course, are the opposite of the Nazis, on all of those issues.

You're like a Nazi, we're the opposite.

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