Tommy Tuberville admits he went to NYC to help trump break his gag order.

Oh, you are switching gears on me, I thought we were talking about his words. The laws he he is alleged to have broken are public record and have been all over the news for some time now. You don’t need me to tell you.
This is all about the Bragg case which has failed to produce a crime... What is the crime?... I've been asking this all week and no one can tell me what the damn crime is...
What words inspired a mob to attack the Capitol? Or Pelosi?
When Trump has dinner. Does he threaten the cooks? The title of that mob is protesters. This is lawful. What was illegal is cops hurling grenades at them to move them into the Capitol. Cops are professionals. They know about crowd control. A cop murdered Ashli Babbitt who was legally inside the hall. You can watch video of some cops walking past her at the door. They did not attempt to arrest any of the people then. Lt. Byrd should be in prison.
True, TRUMP was once a (D), now he pretends to fight for the (R).
But thanks for admitting that TRUMP is .............
Never have I seen you attack any Democrat. You claim you do but when the hell will that happen? Was Trump a great man as a Democrat?
I hope the judge throws Trump in jail .. and then his ratings will continue to climb leading up to the election.
What words inspired a mob to attack the Capitol? Or Pelosi?
Would you like me to literally pick out and post the exact quotes for you or are you capable of reading these articles and drawing your own conclusions?

Are you actually that Trump is incapable of defending himself, with out talking about his side case without having to attack the judge and his family? Seriously? Because if that is the case, he sounds like he has no defense.

People on the outside are using this case to damage him in the court of public opinion…shouldn’t he be allowed to do the same to them?
I can’t remember when he was on trial, what was the case?
lol, that doesn’t matter…. Are you suggesting that Schumer threatening a scotus judge is somehow more moral simply because there wasn’t a case against him?
The legal profession is horrified over what corrupt scheming lowlife scum Democrats are doing. I for one expected it, Democrats are the lowest form of filth it's their nature.
I got alerted by what Obama did in 2017 to Trump. Suddenly out of the blue comes an article alleging Trump was working for the Russians. And this article is why the Democrats took action against Trump also claiming he worked for the Russians. And the press was a megaphone. All they talked about was how Trump was a traitor. When Trump was cleared, they went after the AG as now he was the enemy.
I got alerted by what Obama did in 2017 to Trump. Suddenly out of the blue comes an article alleging Trump was working for the Russians. And this article is why the Democrats took action against Trump also claiming he worked for the Russians. And the press was a megaphone. All they talked about was how Trump was a traitor. When Trump was cleared, they went after the AG as now he was the enemy.
Obama STOLE General Motors from the lawful owners, the bond holders. STOLE it via threats of retaliation from the Federal government if bond holders did not capitulate. Then gifted 1/3 of it to the auto unions. :oops::oops::oops:
So your issue is statements made in court? Are you saying you forgot that Schumer threatened the Supreme Court justices?
Gag orders do not apply to statements not involving a court case or has that changed?
Would you like me to literally pick out and post the exact quotes for you or are you capable of reading these articles and drawing your own conclusions?

First of all, prior to the cops attacking them, they were very mild natured. After cops hurled grenades back of the protestors, did they move to the Capitol and were frightened by the cops. Inside the cops treated them well until the criminal cop killed Ashli Babbitt who at that point had tried to stop damage to the doors in the hall.

lol, that doesn’t matter…. Are you suggesting that Schumer threatening a scotus judge is somehow more moral simply because there wasn’t a case against him?
I am suggesting that the conversation is about a gag order. Are you trying to derail it? Shall we talk about bees, the recent flooding in Texas, stock prices …. or just more what about isms that have nothing do with a gag order in a case currently under trial?

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