Tommy Tuberville admits he went to NYC to help trump break his gag order.

Next time you appear in Court, try attacking the Judge, the Jury or the Prosecutor.
You think this is normal behavior?
Dear Lord.
I’d attack all of them. What makes them so special they can’t have any criticism? Their government makes them special? Fuck off. That makes them the target.
I am friends to a family living in Oregon who moved there from CA. They were clients of mine in CA. They hate the place. I told Craig he should come to Idaho.
Democrats have savaged Oregonians with taxes. The public employee unions run the state, vampire sucking the taxpayers dry.
Next time you appear in Court, try attacking the Judge, the Jury or the Prosecutor.
You think this is normal behavior?
Dear Lord.
I am still wondering if you actually are a coach.
As frequently as never, and they only can be now.

Never has there been gag orders where the defendant is the only one who can’t say anything about the prosecution when they are free to hold press conferences at will and say anything they want.

It’s all bullshit.
No, not never, that is incorrect.

It is also untrue to that prosecution can say anything and the defendant nothing.

It is a very narrow gag order:
Speaking from the bench, Chutkan said Trump is entitled to criticize the Justice Department generally and assert his belief that the case is politically motivated but can’t mount a “smear campaign” against prosecutors and court personnel.

“No other criminal defendant would be allowed to do so, and I’m not going to allow it in this case,” Chutkan said.

Like everything to do with him, Trump has done this to himself by refusing to abide by requests from the judge.
Sure, Trump was using rhetoric leading up to the rally that day, saying the election was stolen…
Yep. Glad we agree on that.
many politicians use rhetoric in their speeches.
Perhaps you have a link to some other politician telling his or her angry mob that the election was stolen from them?
Yes, Trump said they have to fight…
Yep. Glad we agree.
again, figuratively…
Please post the video of Trump telling his angry insurgents that he didn't mean "fight literally" ....but only "figuratively."
yet again, politicians use that word all over the place and nobody ever assigns those words to mean violence.
So if Trump didn't really "mean" for his MAGAt troops to be violent then why did he just sit for hours watching the violence on TV?
Why didn't he get out there right away and issue a strong entreaty to his followers to STOP at once?
Sure, Trump said they should go to the capitol…
and that’s where dems cut off the video
Fake news
..they dishonestly leave out “…to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. We’re going to go there and cheer on our brave senators…..”
"They dishonestly leave out?"
How did "they" delete that part from every cell phone and video camera recording that day?
There must have been THOUSANDS of recordings of that speech.
Surely "Dems" could not have erased that missing segment of the speech from ALL of them right?
There must be at least ONE copy of Trump actually saying those words SOMEWHERE right?
Maybe you can post a link to a video?
At no point did he say anything about being violent.
There were plenty of prior dog whistles.
There were agitators in the crowd that day, and it’s likely they were trying to stir the crowd up. Not, that doesn’t excuse what happened that day….if you are an adult, you are responsible for your own actions…but nowhere in that speech did trump mention rioting. He specifically said peacefully…
"Fight like hell" doesn't sound all that peaceful does it?
Why should he be ashamed of saying that?. Someone has to defend trump since judge merchan put an unconstitutional gag order on trump.
What is unconstitutional about it? Gag orders are actually quite common.
You snowflakes just like to whine about shit.
First of all, prior to the cops attacking them, they were very mild natured. After cops hurled grenades back of the protestors, did they move to the Capitol and were frightened by the cops. Inside the cops treated them well until the criminal cop killed Ashli Babbitt who at that point had tried to stop damage to the doors in the hall.

Fake news

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