Tomorrow marks the 100-year anniversary of The Tulsa Race Massacre

The people who were allegedly responsible for the Tulsa Insurrection have all attained Room Temperature.

They aren't around to defend or even explain themselves.

Seems awfully unfair to gratuitiously attack them at this point in time.

How about the hundreds of blacks killed and thousands who lost their homes and businesses?

This entire narrative about Tulsa is about assigning Blame for the insurrection, and no one is demonizing the black people.
Has nothing to do with Trump

Sure it does.

This is why an insurrection in a red state like Oklahoma is being featured, and not a syllable is being said about the insurrections this year in Deep Blue Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis.
The people who were allegedly responsible for the Tulsa Insurrection have all attained Room Temperature.

They aren't around to defend or even explain themselves.

Seems awfully unfair to gratuitiously attack them at this point in time.

How about the hundreds of blacks killed and thousands who lost their homes and businesses?

This entire narrative about Tulsa is about assigning Blame for the insurrection, and no one is demonizing the black people.
Has nothing to do with Trump
Every lefty post on this forum is connected to Trump and 1/6.
Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?

The Atrocity is that it is a made up lie.

The truth is that a 19 year old black male attacked a 17 white elevator operator female----------He grabbed her and ripped her clothes--she screamed and another woman called the cops and the 19 year old was arrested the next morning. A group of blacks like the 19 year old who went by an alias of dick tried to break him out of jail. the whites fought back. Blacks at that time werent even allowed on the floor that he claimed to be going or on that elevator.

The libs and other race ho have been rewritting the story burying the names and causes and historic facts like no way this black male was allowed on the elevator to begin with. They originally claimed he fell accidently ripping the girls they just try to hide his name altogether and claim out of the blue the whites just got jealous and attack the blacks on Black Wall street.

Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?
I don't think "outraged" is an accurate term at all for what some here are doing.
Most of us don't really care one way or the other.
The few who do have anything to say about it are doing more of an eyeroll followed by;
View attachment 495556

rather than "outrage", IMO.

Just saying...
More indifference over lost black lives
Sorry IT IS...

AGAIN just for you the LINK to who this would be rapist was ..............DICK ROWLAND the cause of the fighting at the Tulsa massacre.. Violent black criminal attacks a white girl---he locks up and certain blacks ( I assume the criminal) element go on the attack killing 10 whites I believe leading to the whites attacking back likely just trying to burn the criminal element out of Tulsa as was the custom in the early 1900's and before. Over the years, the race hustlers LIED their asses off as they usually do about the incident and start making up a bunch of chit including that there are secret mass graves of blacks that no one including them know where they are at----meanwhile who DICK ROWLAND (which is an alias btw so I am wondering why this guy had a completely made up name and wasn't living at his real families home) was has been buried along with what he did.

Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?

The Atrocity is that it is a made up lie.

The truth is that a 19 year old black male attacked a 17 white elevator operator female----------He grabbed her and ripped her clothes--she screamed and another woman called the cops and the 19 year old was arrested the next morning. A group of blacks like the 19 year old who went by an alias of dick tried to break him out of jail. the whites fought back. Blacks at that time werent even allowed on the floor that he claimed to be going or on that elevator.

The libs and other race ho have been rewritting the story burying the names and causes and historic facts like no way this black male was allowed on the elevator to begin with. They originally claimed he fell accidently ripping the girls they just try to hide his name altogether and claim out of the blue the whites just got jealous and attack the blacks on Black Wall street.

Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?
I don't think "outraged" is an accurate term at all for what some here are doing.
Most of us don't really care one way or the other.
The few who do have anything to say about it are doing more of an eyeroll followed by;
View attachment 495556

rather than "outrage", IMO.

Just saying...
More indifference over lost black lives
Well...... yeah.

Not my people, not my problem.
Why should I care?

What exactly entitles these people or their descendants to my emotional investment in their fates?
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!

Actually, blacks WERE armed during the 1921 Tulsa riot.

And it wasn't "thousands" or even "hundreds" that died, it was 15 according to the official, contemporary records.

The haze of liberalism has just expanded the number over the past hundred years. In a hundred more years, a million will have died in Tulsa.

The black victim narrative is getting tiresome

Looks like they are right
Even today there is little compassion for black lives lost

People are sick and tired of the black bullshit and their violence and most especially how the media and the democratic party try to cover for them.

At one point the BLM bulshitte organization had a lot of white (liberal democrats) supporters but since the news broke about the founder using donations to buy 4 million dollar mansions for herself....lots of whites saw the light and dropped out.
Memorial day weekend in Chicago

2021 Fri-8:00pm so far Peaceful Tally: 0 killed, 3 wounded
2020 Loot-N-Shoot weekend: 30 killed, 64 wounded*
2019 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 35 wounded
2018 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 31 wounded
2017 Memorial Day weekend: 7 killed, 44 wounded
2016 Memorial Day weekend: 10 killed, 67 wounded
2015 Memorial Day weekend: 12 killed, 45 wounded
2014 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 22 wounded
2021 Memorial Day Weekend Update:
Friday Night - 9:00PM Sunday 2 Killed 16 Wounded

Another 24 hours to go.....
The recent obsession of the Tulsa Massacre by the media is an indication of something, in fact, it is an indication of many, many things. Why, after 100 years, is the media finally getting round to talking about it? But a more disturbing question is, why were they afraid to tell the citizens of the US about it when it happened as they buried the story and refused to tell America that an entire town had been murdered and wiped off the face of the earth?

To break this down, we must first understand why they are telling us about this now. One reason is that the event happened around Memorial day in 1921, and it is about that time once again. But more to the point, the event has been hyperinflated recently because the press has an agenda, and that agenda is to make Americans think ill of themselves having come from such a racist country. It is an attempt to transform America into a nation that hates itself, and feels as though they must destroy themselves and start over, or forever be guilty and culpable of all of the sins done to Black people. Then political figures will enter the scene to radically transform everything to "atone" for the sins of the past. At least, that is the message they are selling.

But why tell us now and not back then? Was the media afraid to tell the US public because they thought that they would disapprove? This would indicate that the general public was not as racist as the media would have us believe and government that covered up the event. Of course, you could argue that the media was afraid of arousing black anger and violence by revealing the incident, but then, how is that any different now? If so, why are they not afraid to reveal this now because it could triggo\er the same reaction today?

Naturally, the media had no intention of this story being used to focus on the themselves. For example, just how much control over the press does the government have? Or just how more sinister and racist has the media of the past been compared to the average public to be complicit in this evil act? You can't get me to believe that the media and government leaders were not afraid of the white condemnation about the event, especially since the nation had fought a bloody Civil war over slavery some 100 years prior to the massacre as white fought against white to free Black slaves.

The media would have you believe that they are no longer the same, they are no longer the racist thugs they once used to be, but the average white person is. But this event would say otherwise. This event shows us just how dark and sinister the media has been, and probably still is. If not, what changed them that did not change the society at large like they would have us all believe?

More than ever, I believe the media to be the enemy of the people.
The recent obsession of the Tulsa Massacre by the media is an indication of something, in fact, it is an indication of many, many things. Why, after 100 years, is the media finally getting round to talking about it? But a more disturbing question is, why were they afraid to tell the citizens of the US about it when it happened as they buried the story and refused to tell America that an entire town had been murdered and wiped off the face of the earth?

To break this down, we must first understand why they are telling us about this now. One reason is that the event happened around Memorial day in 1921, and it is about that time once again. But more to the point, the event has been hyperinflated recently because the press has an agenda, and that agenda is to make Americans think ill of themselves having come from such a racist country. It is an attempt to transform America into a nation that hates itself, and feels as though they must destroy themselves and start over, or forever be guilty and culpable of all of the sins done to Black people. Then political figures will enter the scene to radically transform everything to "atone" for the sins of the past. At least, that is the message they are selling.

But why tell us now and not back then? Was the media afraid to tell the US public because they thought that they would disapprove? This would indicate that the general public was not as racist as the media would have us believe and government that covered up the event. Of course, you could argue that the media was afraid of arousing black anger and violence by revealing the incident, but then, how is that any different now? If so, why are they not afraid to reveal this now because it could triggo\er the same reaction today?

Naturally, the media had no intention of this story being used to focus on the themselves. For example, just how much control over the press does the government have? Or just how more sinister and racist has the media of the past been compared to the average public to be complicit in this evil act? You can't get me to believe that the media and government leaders were not afraid of the white condemnation about the event, especially since the nation had fought a bloody Civil war over slavery some 100 years prior to the massacre as white fought against white to free Black slaves.

The media would have you believe that they are no longer the same, they are no longer the racist thugs they once used to be, but the average white person is. But this event would say otherwise. This event shows us just how dark and sinister the media has been, and probably still is. If not, what changed them that did not change the society at large like they would have us all believe?

More than ever, I believe the media to be the enemy of the people.
I suggest you read the thread on the topic of the Tulsa incident.....obviously you do not know the facts of the case.....Irregardess you do come to a good and accurate conclusion....the mainstream media is the enemy of the doubt about that whatsoever

But a more disturbing question is, why were they afraid to tell the citizens of the US about it when it happened as they buried the story and refused to tell America that an entire town had been murdered and wiped off the face of the earth?
It's interesting that you're trying to frame this as a condemnation of the media's reporting or lack thereof instead of the people who actually committed the acts.

From a legal perspective, it could have been that the people who did this were being protected and now perhaps they are all dead. I still don't understand how the insurance companies got away with denying every single claim that was filed for losses AND no one was held accountable but that too is part of why was there no one screaming from the rooftops about the injustices that went on in Tulsa during the massacre.

Someone needs to pay for what happened and if they people who actually committed the offenses were allowed to escape punishment then next in line are their collaborators, right on down the line.
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!

You know what? They still would have died. All that would have happened is more would have shown up and killed them anyway. You'd have more bodies but the end result would have been the same.

And if they tried it now, it will be over for them even faster.
There was not an entire town wiped off the face of the earth, it was a neighborhood, what they called colored town back then. There is no justification for what happened but at least get your facts straight.

The recent obsession of the Tulsa Massacre by the media is an indication of something, in fact, it is an indication of many, many things. Why, after 100 years, is the media finally getting round to talking about it? But a more disturbing question is, why were they afraid to tell the citizens of the US about it when it happened as they buried the story and refused to tell America that an entire town had been murdered and wiped off the face of the earth?

To break this down, we must first understand why they are telling us about this now. One reason is that the event happened around Memorial day in 1921, and it is about that time once again. But more to the point, the event has been hyperinflated recently because the press has an agenda, and that agenda is to make Americans think ill of themselves having come from such a racist country. It is an attempt to transform America into a nation that hates itself, and feels as though they must destroy themselves and start over, or forever be guilty and culpable of all of the sins done to Black people. Then political figures will enter the scene to radically transform everything to "atone" for the sins of the past. At least, that is the message they are selling.

But why tell us now and not back then? Was the media afraid to tell the US public because they thought that they would disapprove? This would indicate that the general public was not as racist as the media would have us believe and government that covered up the event. Of course, you could argue that the media was afraid of arousing black anger and violence by revealing the incident, but then, how is that any different now? If so, why are they not afraid to reveal this now because it could triggo\er the same reaction today?

Naturally, the media had no intention of this story being used to focus on the themselves. For example, just how much control over the press does the government have? Or just how more sinister and racist has the media of the past been compared to the average public to be complicit in this evil act? You can't get me to believe that the media and government leaders were not afraid of the white condemnation about the event, especially since the nation had fought a bloody Civil war over slavery some 100 years prior to the massacre as white fought against white to free Black slaves.

The media would have you believe that they are no longer the same, they are no longer the racist thugs they once used to be, but the average white person is. But this event would say otherwise. This event shows us just how dark and sinister the media has been, and probably still is. If not, what changed them that did not change the society at large like they would have us all believe?

More than ever, I believe the media to be the enemy of the people.

The whole event, the Tulsa Riots of 1921, keeps growing in importance and scope.

I read the story about it in the newspaper of record, the Youngstown Vindicator.

The media at that point in time reported that 15 people were unfortunately killed, but that the governor was sending a unit of machine gunners to Tulsa to achieve peace.

Now, a hundred years later, libs are claiming thousands of victims, all black killed because of their race alone.

In another hundred years, the Tulsa riots will be compared to the Holocaust.
..... But a more disturbing question is, why were they afraid to tell the citizens of the US about it when it happened as they buried the story and refused to tell America that an entire town had been murdered and wiped off the face of the earth?....
Well they didn't exactly have the CBS evening news in 1921, but from I have read, it actually was reported on initially but then the stories got later purged from news archives.
There was not an entire town wiped off the face of the earth, it was a neighborhood, what they called colored town back then. There is no justification for what happened but at least get your facts straight.

There is a thread on this topic already.......

Again....these threads on the tulsa incident need to be merged.

Anyhow.....regarding the MSM once again they are not telling the truth....just caving into the politically correct narrative of the incident.....aka fake news.
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But a more disturbing question is, why were they afraid to tell the citizens of the US about it when it happened as they buried the story and refused to tell America that an entire town had been murdered and wiped off the face of the earth?
It's interesting that you're trying to frame this as a condemnation of the media's reporting or lack thereof instead of the people who actually committed the acts.

From a legal perspective, it could have been that the people who did this were being protected and now perhaps they are all dead. I still don't understand how the insurance companies got away with denying every single claim that was filed for losses AND no one was held accountable but that too is part of why was there no one screaming from the rooftops about the injustices that went on in Tulsa during the massacre.

Someone needs to pay for what happened and if the people who actually committed the offenses were allowed to escape punishment then next in line are their collaborators, right on down the line.

One thing I have seen recently (today) that I found intriguing was a black & white photograph of presumably one of the people who was there that day. If we could get an identification on as many people as possible then we could possible begin to trace the involvement of the residents, authorities and others involved. They essentially, in addition to the riot, committed a bank robbery as they looted the black banks who again, had none of their losses covered.

Maybe there were people all the way up until now that have been afraid of what may come out if anyone started looking too closely into the event.
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But a more disturbing question is, why were they afraid to tell the citizens of the US about it when it happened as they buried the story and refused to tell America that an entire town had been murdered and wiped off the face of the earth?
It's interesting that you're trying to frame this as a condemnation of the media's reporting or lack thereof instead of the people who actually committed the acts.

From a legal perspective, it could have been that the people who did this were being protected and now perhaps they are all dead. I still don't understand how the insurance companies got away with denying every single claim that was filed for losses AND no one was held accountable but that too is part of why was there no one screaming from the rooftops about the injustices that went on in Tulsa during the massacre.

Someone needs to pay for what happened and if they people who actually committed the offenses were allowed to escape punishment then next in line are their collaborators, right on down the line.

All of the principals of the Tulsa Riot achieved room temperature a long ass time ago.

There is no one left "to pay".

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