Tomorrow marks the 100-year anniversary of The Tulsa Race Massacre

Y’all revel in the misery of ancient events plus try to portray it as comparative or relevant to the here and now Plus ignore and deny your abhorrent current conduct staring you right in the face.
Feelings fallacies shot down Once Again

The black victim narrative is getting tiresome

Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?
I don't think "outraged" is an accurate term at all for what some here are doing.
Most of us don't really care one way or the other.
The few who do have anything to say about it are doing more of an eyeroll followed by;

rather than "outrage", IMO.

Just saying...
I bet the assholes at Netflix will be doing a movie on it soon.

Typical of the shitheads the Blacks will be depicted as the victims and the Whites as the bad guys. Typical Libtard hate shit.
Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?

The Atrocity is that it is a made up lie.

The truth is that a 19 year old black male attacked a 17 white elevator operator female----------He grabbed her and ripped her clothes--she screamed and another woman called the cops and the 19 year old was arrested the next morning. A group of blacks like the 19 year old who went by an alias of dick tried to break him out of jail. the whites fought back. Blacks at that time werent even allowed on the floor that he claimed to be going or on that elevator.

The libs and other race ho have been rewritting the story burying the names and causes and historic facts like no way this black male was allowed on the elevator to begin with. They originally claimed he fell accidently ripping the girls they just try to hide his name altogether and claim out of the blue the whites just got jealous and attack the blacks on Black Wall street.

Far far easier to blame your bad choices and results on others then it is to change your behavior. Until and unless the USA makes a wholesale change from catering to this deceit of victimization and switch to making responsibility changes then the USA will continue to deteoriate
Politicians won’t do that while failing to recognize that voting block they are so hands off about comprises just 1/7th the voting population

Looks like they are right
Even today there is little compassion for black lives lost

Yep, we see little to none for those shot down weekly in Chicago or any number of inner cities. Those black lives lost serve no political purpose thus no compassion, even when they are innocent children.
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
It was State-sanctioned violence OP. It's the first, and I believe only event in history where planes were used to enact terror on American citizens on it'shomeland.

8 years in one of our largest cities does not approach the carnage of two days in Tulsa
That was 8 weekends, not 8 years, dumbass.
Tulsa was 2 days dumbass

As we many blacks have already been killed in chicago by fellow blacks and we still have another day to go?

Yet you want to dig through ancient history to try and find something that supports your fallacious narrative of black victimhood??? hillarious

In Chicago, 1,298 people have been shot this year. That is 291 more than 2020.​

"ancient history"? Like Rome?
That coward Orangecat would have been involved in the massacre, w/a white hood on no doubt.
Another triggered asshole chimes in^^^
Stop race-appropriating to make blacks look like imbeciles, whitey. You're not fooling anyone.
I have not noticed you saying anything con-demning the Tulsa Massacre. You're not fooling anyone.

The people who were allegedly responsible for the Tulsa Insurrection have all attained Room Temperature.

They aren't around to defend or even explain themselves.

Seems awfully unfair to gratuitiously attack them at this point in time.

But of course, this isn't about the Tulsaites of the 1920's. Who you libs are really blaming are contemporary Deplorable Americans- not Henry Fonda and the other Old School Okies who were actually there.
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
Yes, most conservatives are truly this ignorant and stupid.
Not really. But if it gets you off to imagine it, go right ahead.
Your thoughtless blather is mostly harmless.
That coward Orangecat would have been involved in the massacre, w/a white hood on no doubt.
Another triggered asshole chimes in^^^
Stop race-appropriating to make blacks look like imbeciles, whitey. You're not fooling anyone.
I have not noticed you saying anything con-demning the Tulsa Massacre. You're not fooling anyone.

The people who were allegedly responsible for the Tulsa Insurrection have all attained Room Temperature.

They aren't around to defend or even explain themselves.

Seems awfully unfair to gratuitiously attack them at this point in time.

But of course, this isn't about the Tulsaites of the 1920's. Who you libs are really blaming are contemporary Deplorable Americans- not Henry Fonda and the other Old School Okies who were actually there.
The best targets for leftist polemicists are the ones that cannot speak for themselves.
"Winning arguments by any means necessary".
Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?

The Atrocity is that it is a made up lie.

The truth is that a 19 year old black male attacked a 17 white elevator operator female----------He grabbed her and ripped her clothes--she screamed and another woman called the cops and the 19 year old was arrested the next morning. A group of blacks like the 19 year old who went by an alias of dick tried to break him out of jail. the whites fought back. Blacks at that time werent even allowed on the floor that he claimed to be going or on that elevator.

The libs and other race ho have been rewritting the story burying the names and causes and historic facts like no way this black male was allowed on the elevator to begin with. They originally claimed he fell accidently ripping the girls they just try to hide his name altogether and claim out of the blue the whites just got jealous and attack the blacks on Black Wall street.

Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?
I don't think "outraged" is an accurate term at all for what some here are doing.
Most of us don't really care one way or the other.
The few who do have anything to say about it are doing more of an eyeroll followed by;
View attachment 495556

rather than "outrage", IMO.

Just saying...
More indifference over lost black lives
The people who were allegedly responsible for the Tulsa Insurrection have all attained Room Temperature.

They aren't around to defend or even explain themselves.

Seems awfully unfair to gratuitiously attack them at this point in time.

How about the hundreds of blacks killed and thousands who lost their homes and businesses?
The people who were allegedly responsible for the Tulsa Insurrection have all attained Room Temperature.

They aren't around to defend or even explain themselves.

Seems awfully unfair to gratuitiously attack them at this point in time.

How about the hundreds of blacks killed and thousands who lost their homes and businesses?

This entire narrative about Tulsa is about assigning Blame for the insurrection, and no one is demonizing the black people.
The people who were allegedly responsible for the Tulsa Insurrection have all attained Room Temperature.

They aren't around to defend or even explain themselves.

Seems awfully unfair to gratuitiously attack them at this point in time.

How about the hundreds of blacks killed and thousands who lost their homes and businesses?

This entire narrative about Tulsa is about assigning Blame for the insurrection, and no one is demonizing the black people.
Has nothing to do with Trump

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