Tomorrow marks the 100-year anniversary of The Tulsa Race Massacre

I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
It was State-sanctioned violence OP. It's the first, and I believe only event in history where planes were used to enact terror on American citizens on it'shomeland.

8 years in one of our largest cities does not approach the carnage of two days in Tulsa
That was 8 weekends, not 8 years, dumbass.
Tulsa was 2 days dumbass

As we many blacks have already been killed in chicago by fellow blacks and we still have another day to go?

Yet you want to dig through ancient history to try and find something that supports your fallacious narrative of black victimhood??? hillarious

In Chicago, 1,298 people have been shot this year. That is 291 more than 2020.​

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I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
MLK believed otherwise

He won with a free press, public opinion and the courts

Is that why Democrats killed him?
Lest we forget, Woodrow Wilson encouraged the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan throughout his tenure as president.
For those Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies of low IQ please read the following:
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I have not noticed you saying anything con-demning the Tulsa Massacre. You're not fooling anyone.
I have not noticed you saying anything remotely intelligent or entertaining. You're a fool and everyone knows it.
Another triggered asshole chimes in^^^
Stop race-appropriating to make blacks look like imbeciles, whitey. You're not fooling anyone.
I prompted Orangecat to make this response, as I control his strings...



Democrats’ America: The Heart of Darkness

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Tulsa was more than a rogue act of violence against a minority community.
It happened throughout the US as whites attacked Blacks, Chinese and Mexicans who appeared prosperous
Beyond outright murder and arson, they used taxation, abusive laws and intimidation to drive out minorities and seize their property.

All of that is ancient history and when you go back in history you will discover if you are honest that many groups have been discriminated against.....whites who were extremely mistreated by such programs as indentured the point of actually being classes were very strong in the early days....brought over from England....and the poor whites or blacks had little or no representation or protectors....they were and white at the mercy of their mastahs. That was the reality of society back in the colonial era and up to at least the civil war era but even beyond that also.

The living conditions of wage earners up north were worse than black slaves down south....even poor white dirt farmers down South suffered more than blacks on the plantations who looked down on the poor white trash.

No group has exclusive rights to victimhood....history is replete with it.

What we see now is organized groups of blacks and their confederates backed by foreign money (Soros etc.) attempting to dredge up ancient stories of suffering to use today for political advantage and monetary benefit......whilst ignoring all the crimes and violence that emanates from the black community.....crime and violence not only against whites but also blacks as well...yet no politician has the courage to even mention all that much less to try and deal with it.

In a nutshell white folks are getting very tired of the black so called leaders trying to portray blacks as always being innocent victims....those who pursue the fallacious politics of black victimhood are slowly creating a stage for a huge backlash....which will not be pretty and such civil chaos will further weaken this nation at a time when we have serious....extremely serious foreign threats to deal with.
Revisionist history downplaying the severity of Slavery and Jim Crow

Who is "downplaying" anything? Injustices are always regrettable.

The question I have is why should people who were nowhere near Oklahoma and weren't even alive in 1921 apologize for something they had nothing to do with? I'm not at fault for the Tulsa Insurrection of 1921, or am I?
who said you were responsible?

It is a belated acknowledgement of an atrocity that happened 100 years ago
That coward Orangecat would have been involved in the massacre, w/a white hood on no doubt.
Another triggered asshole chimes in^^^
Stop race-appropriating to make blacks look like imbeciles, whitey. You're not fooling anyone.
I have not noticed you saying anything con-demning the Tulsa Massacre. You're not fooling anyone.
Just like everything with Conservatives

Move along, let’s just forget it
who can forget the horror of what a mob of angry dems did here! tragic

how dare a black community work and become self sufficient
The Tulsa race massacre took place May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of White residents, many of them deputized and given weapons by city officials, attacked Black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US. Alternatively known as the Black Wall Street Massacre, the Greenwood Massacre, the Tulsa Massacre, the Tulsa pogrom, or the Tulsa race riot, it marks one of "the single worst incident(s) of racial violence in American history". The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district—at that time the wealthiest Black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".

Source: Tulsa race massacre - Wikipedia

This event was one of the single worst incidence of racial violence and terrorism in American history, yet most Americans have no clue that it ever occurred. Again, Americans are woefully ignorant of race in America.

Tonight is an opportunity for Americans to get educated on this epic event. msnbc is featuring a special called "Blood on Black Wall Street" at 10pm EST.

How many of you will take this opportunity to learn about this horrific chapter in American history and work to prevent anything like this from every happening again?
What are you doing to prevent it from happening again?
I'm seeing lots of news reports of black mobs going into areas and looting, rioting, committing arson, and attacking folks...... for more than a year now.
Tell us all exactly what you have done to prevent any of this from happening, would you?

I'll wait.....
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Why are Conservatives so outraged over commemorating the 100 th anniversary of an atrocity?
Y’all revel in the misery of ancient events plus try to portray it as comparative or relevant to the here and now Plus ignore and deny your abhorrent current conduct staring you right in the face.
Feelings fallacies shot down Once Again
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