Tomorrow You Will Apologize. The Year After, Persecute. How Cults Progress

Enlightened by Elton John's 5 year 180 on gay marriage? Dolce & Gabbana's forced apology?

  • Yes, that seems weird. Like someone's got a gun to their back.

  • No. They're just "coming around" to their senses.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Be careful or you will be ..."disciplined"...

From post #31 here: Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized Sex-Change Operations Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

(ChrisL has always been a fierce defender of the LGBT platform...until now...uh oh.. :disbelief: )
I do have a problem with this. No 15-year-olds should be allowed to undergo any kind of cosmetic surgery. These are permanent changes and sometimes they don't turn out very well. A 15-year-old is still a child in the mind (despite what some of the sickos will claim) and not able to consent to such life-changing surgeries. I find this to be wrong. It is easy to see how a 15-year-old child can be just "confused" about his or her sexual identity and have plenty of time to learn how to deal with these things in a healthy and productive manner and more than likely will have things figured out by the time they are into their 20s.
But Chris, aren't you aware that you will be apologizing for what you just said in just a couple years and be forced to make that apology public?

Here, let's take the case of Elton John "then and now".

Elton John 2010 (saying "marriage should be traditional, hetero, man/woman, mother/father..)
"What is wrong with Proposition 8 is that they went for marriage. Marriage is going to put a lot of people off, the word marriage...I don't want to be married. I'm very happy with a civil partnership. If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership
... You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships." - Elton John 2010 What YOU Have In Common With Rush and Elton Fox News
Elton John 2015 (attacking gay designers Dolce & Gabbana for being in favor of traditional families, father/mother as parents)
After running afoul of Elton John and fellow celebrities who jumped on the #boycottdolceandgabbana hashtag he started (including Courtney Love and Ryan Murphy), Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce issued a formal apology for their comments regarding IVF. (The designers had given an interview to an Italian magazine in which they deplored what they called "synthetic children" and "rented wombs.") Last night, the duo appeared on CNN to further discuss their comments...When asked whether he supports IVF, Dolce struck an ambiguous note. "I think today we don't support [or] not support. You think what you think. Basta!" Dolce Gabbana Clarify Their Comments About IVF -- The Cut
Prediction for 2017 Headline: Dolce & Gabbana Lambaste Fellow Rainbow Celebrity For Their Stance Against Sex Change Operations on Infants.
Lol. I'm very sorry, but I find most of your ideas to be . . . :lol: I don't really take your "warnings" very seriously. Not only that, but I make up my own mind on the issues. Thank you.
And your thoughts on how quickly Elton John changed his mind on a rainbow-decree? The insincere nature of the economic forced-apology of Dolce & Gabbana not bother you either? Do you think your heretical comments about carving up kids genitals in the misdiagnosed "gender-dysphoria" craze will go unpunished? For how much longer?
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Elton was married to a woman, then liked dicks...I guess he changes his mind...
The cult has a new target.....somebody make it stop

New Orleans Saints Fleur de Lis Logo Now Being Called Racist


We already know how President Obama and the majority of liberals feel about the Washington Redskins. The nickname is racist, they won’t be allowed to go forward with a new stadium if they don’t change the name, blah, blah.

What’s intersting is what is now being considered “offensive” in the NFL.

Apparently, the fleur de lis, a staple on the side of the New Orleans Saints’ helmet, is now racist.

To all the Saints fans out there, you are all scum for supporting a team that has been around since 1967.

Remember, nobody found it racist until the left says it is so.

From Daily Caller via Federalist Papers:

The fleur de lis, a French symbol used by royal families dating back to the 13th century, and emblazoned on the New Orleans Saints helmet, is now being called a symbol of slavery, drawing comparisons to the recent uproar against the Confederate battle flag.

“As an African I find it painful, and I think people whose ancestors were enslaved here may feel it even harder than I do as an African,” said slave historian Dr. Ibrahima Seck to WWLTV.
He connects the usage of the fleur de lis, to “code noir,” or black code, which was adopted in Louisiana in 1724, and used to govern to state’s slave population.

NOT AGAIN Look Which NFL Logo Liberals are Saying is Racist now...

Seck said a slave caught running away, “would be taken before a court and the sentence would be being branded on one shoulder and with the fleur de lis, and then they would crop their ears.” …
Elton was married to a woman, then liked dicks...I guess he changes his mind...
Yep, cuz he was "born that way"...

..when organized-behaviors "become race" and get "rights"'d better watch out..
First they came for D&B and I did not speak out...
The only organized behavior was reparative therapy.
Yes. God forbid a child's mind should be repaired upon his request from real wounds received in earlier years!

Much better that 'preference to words and small samples over numbers" neo-APA rubber stamp the mutilation of children's healthy bodies in some weird sex cult ritual of denial.
First they came for Sil and fill in the appropriate 154,834 names happily, willingly, knowingly, with energy pointed him/her out.

It's irony, Sil. This is America. You get to be the dick all you want and no one is coming for you.

Simpy moronic, your arguments.
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First they came for Sil and fill in the appropriate 154,834 names happily, willingly, knowingly, with energy pointed him/her out.

It's irony, Sil. This is America. You get to be the dick all you want and no one is coming for you.

Fucking moronic, your arguments.
What's the matter? Did I put a cat turd in your rainbow koolaide? :itsok:

Pretty quick how Elton John flipped there eh? Pretty forced-apology Dolce & Gabbana made huh? Totally "sincere".. You know what "Basta!" translates from Italian to mean?...basically..."whatever!"..
Excellent. My response was to draw you out. You admit you are trolling and that you don't have a real response. That means you know you have lost permanently.

Sil the
I did, sadly. That is why she has the troll figure.
Are you folks having a problem with Elton John's two diametrically-opposed stances on gay marriage? And his subsequent persecution of Dolce & Gabbana for having the same stance he did in 2010?

A little too..."culty" looking on its face?
SilTroll, we know now that you, having lost the debate, are simply troll butt hurt, and are striking out. Sorry you feel bad. Use the attached form. Let us know if it works for you.

Be careful or you will be ..."disciplined"...

From post #31 here: Oregon allowing 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized Sex-Change Operations Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

(ChrisL has always been a fierce defender of the LGBT platform...until now...uh oh.. :disbelief: )
I do have a problem with this. No 15-year-olds should be allowed to undergo any kind of cosmetic surgery. These are permanent changes and sometimes they don't turn out very well. A 15-year-old is still a child in the mind (despite what some of the sickos will claim) and not able to consent to such life-changing surgeries. I find this to be wrong. It is easy to see how a 15-year-old child can be just "confused" about his or her sexual identity and have plenty of time to learn how to deal with these things in a healthy and productive manner and more than likely will have things figured out by the time they are into their 20s.
But Chris, aren't you aware that you will be apologizing for what you just said in just a couple years and be forced to make that apology public?

Here, let's take the case of Elton John "then and now".

Elton John 2010 (saying "marriage should be traditional, hetero, man/woman, mother/father..)
"What is wrong with Proposition 8 is that they went for marriage. Marriage is going to put a lot of people off, the word marriage...I don't want to be married. I'm very happy with a civil partnership. If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership
... You get the same equal rights that we do when we have a civil partnership. Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships." - Elton John 2010 What YOU Have In Common With Rush and Elton Fox News
Elton John 2015 (attacking gay designers Dolce & Gabbana for being in favor of traditional families, father/mother as parents)
After running afoul of Elton John and fellow celebrities who jumped on the #boycottdolceandgabbana hashtag he started (including Courtney Love and Ryan Murphy), Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce issued a formal apology for their comments regarding IVF. (The designers had given an interview to an Italian magazine in which they deplored what they called "synthetic children" and "rented wombs.") Last night, the duo appeared on CNN to further discuss their comments...When asked whether he supports IVF, Dolce struck an ambiguous note. "I think today we don't support [or] not support. You think what you think. Basta!" Dolce Gabbana Clarify Their Comments About IVF -- The Cut
Prediction for 2017 Headline: Dolce & Gabbana Lambaste Fellow Rainbow Celebrity For Their Stance Against Sex Change Operations on Infants.
Lol. I'm very sorry, but I find most of your ideas to be . . . :lol: I don't really take your "warnings" very seriously. Not only that, but I make up my own mind on the issues. Thank you.
And your thoughts on how quickly Elton John changed his mind on a rainbow-decree? The insincere nature of the economic forced-apology of Dolce & Gabbana not bother you either? Do you think your heretical comments about carving up kids genitals in the misdiagnosed "gender-dysphoria" craze will go unpunished? For how much longer?

Oh, I know. I'm really really scared. I'm just a superstar like Elton John, and everyone cares so much about my opinions, I'm sure in a few years' time, my adoring public will force me to apologize for my remarks. :D
I'm not the one having to defend Elton John's sudden change of heart and Dolce & Gabbana's insincere "apology". Is there a form you can fill out for yourself called "Afraid of the Discussion"?
Jake answer the question? Why is that in 2010 Elton John was opposed to gay marriage but now he is mad at someone else for the same thing?
Jake answer the question? Why is that in 2010 Elton John was opposed to gay marriage but now he is mad at someone else for the same thing?

Who cares? Maybe he changed his mind. If you buy into Silhouette's conspiracy theories, then you must be just as nutty. :D My views are my own. Nobody tells me how to think. I think that much is obvious since I don't follow either one of your stupid parties.
I'm not the one having to defend Elton John's sudden change of heart and Dolce & Gabbana's insincere "apology". Is there a form you can fill out for yourself called "Afraid of the Discussion"?
Fill out the Butt Hurt Report Form.
Jake answer the question? Why is that in 2010 Elton John was opposed to gay marriage but now he is mad at someone else for the same thing?
Sure. One, I don't know; two, it does not matter; three, Sir John and I have not talked in a very long time.

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