Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Which is why they held it so early. WAY too early. These are usually held in what, Sept or Oct?

This was pre-planned and I sort of suspected it to be honest.
I concur.
Now the question is, should Biden step down as POTUS also.
So close to the election? Meh.

He might be worse off than Reagan was in his 2nd term, but he didn't have to step down.

Reagan actually told everybody about it. He was an alright dude.
I thought Biden did fine.

This is for the debate tonight. Let's do some running commentary!

Oh boy! It's Jake Tapper! SNOE

I recommend this CBS link over the 1st one.

Coming into the discussion late as I was off the computer during it and I haven't read the whole thread.

But early on Biden seemed very very coached to answer specific questions in order. I don't like thinking that was the case but it sure looked like that.

The winner of the debate was Trump hands down Even the CNN 'analysts' say Biden's performance was abysmal even as they say everything Trump said was a lie, he was mean, etc. etc.

I will have to say the CNN hosts did an excellent job. They were baiting Trump in a way they didn't bait Biden--he didn't take any of the bait and i thought he was extremely disciplined--but at least the hosts were fair and equitable and did not challenge the debaters themselves. I appreciated that and was pleasantly surprised that it was the best job we've seen from TV hosts in quite some time.
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Most important: They had to bring back Ballchinian Biden. I wonder how many Body Doubles got fried this past week, 3, 4?

Also Biden clearly was listening to an earpiece

Its likely they going to stay with “Biden” as the nominee

Biden was a 6 handicap? At what miniature golf?

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