Tonights Debate live 6-27-24

Who won the debate tonight?

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Their debate format was a failure because every time they moved on to a new question, it still allowed the candidates to respond to last question.

Leave it to CNN to fuck up on something this big. :laughing0301:
Every debate is like that.
Also credit to the CNN moderators. They were essentially objective and fair, this is a credit to CNN. We need transparent and honest media, we absolutely need it.

People die, economies get hurt and nations collapse without honest media.
He posted that 45 minutes before the debate.
On policy Biden was better but shaky as hell in delivery and that was the total problem. People will not remember that Trump repeatedly lied like a rug and avoided or simply did not answer the questions. That will not make a difference in relation to Joe, poor/weak in voice, mumbling, losing train of thought, the aged gaping mouth, his general appearance of a very old man, that was not up to the debate, no matter how much he studied beforehand. He did not have command of his facts, vocabulary, presence, though he did not lie. He acted exactly has he has been portrayed by MAGA. I guess we have the answer to the question, which Biden will we see, Old man Joe or Jacked up Joe. He should have taken the drugs. I wish I had.
Did you notice they had to trot out the BallChinian Biden? He hadn’t been seen in months
He posted that 45 minutes before the debate.
On policy Biden was better but shaky as hell in delivery and that was the total problem. People will not remember that Trump repeatedly lied like a rug and avoided or simply did not answer the questions. That will not make a difference in relation to Joe, poor/weak in voice, mumbling, losing train of thought, the aged gaping mouth, his general appearance of a very old man, that was not up to the debate, no matter how much he studied beforehand. He did not have command of his facts, vocabulary, presence, though he did not lie. He acted exactly has he has been portrayed by MAGA. I guess we have the answer to the question, which Biden will we see, Old man Joe or Jacked up Joe. He should have taken the drugs. I wish I had.

Why do you constantly lie about President Trump.

Biden - the border patrol endorsed me.
Border Patrol - To be clear we never have and never will endorse Biden.
Trump lies again.

Biden never called blacks "super predators". Ever.

Hillary came up with that term.

In fact, Biden rejected that theory.

Trump is thoroughly despicable.

BIDEN: In 1994, there were about 1.5 million juvenile delinquency cases. Less than 10% of those cases involved violent crimes. So when we talk about the juvenile justice system, we have to remember that most of the youth involved in the system are not the so-called ‘super predators.’
He posted that 45 minutes before the debate.
On policy Biden was better but shaky as hell in delivery and that was the total problem. People will not remember that Trump repeatedly lied like a rug and avoided or simply did not answer the questions. That will not make a difference in relation to Joe, poor/weak in voice, mumbling, losing train of thought, the aged gaping mouth, his general appearance of a very old man, that was not up to the debate, no matter how much he studied beforehand. He did not have command of his facts, vocabulary, presence, though he did not lie. He acted exactly has he has been portrayed by MAGA. I guess we have the answer to the question, which Biden will we see, Old man Joe or Jacked up Joe. He should have taken the drugs. I wish I had.
What did Trump lie about? Repeatedly.
The most depressing part is that anyone takes this shit seriously, or would consider voting for either of these shitstains
I had a migraine for most of the day, just now put it the debate on. It seems to be mildly disappointing.\

Biden looks tired and old, Trump looks tired and old compared to how he used to be, so he looks like he will be able to constrain himself.

ooop. . . I just saw him try to respond to a lie Biden said in a cut mic when Biden said he would try to pass a national abortion ban. . . :lol:

What a shitshow.

. .. they are mostly debating meaningless fringe issues that will not impact most folks.

There are was a brief, very brief mention of the debt, but the moderators quickly moved the discussion off of that. :sigh2:

OTH, the most entertaining part of this thread so far, is reading different people, in different time zones debate which time it starts.


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