Too funny....'black' NAACP leader outed as white

Jesus Christ with a Chrysanthemum, this thread is still going on? :disbelief:

Never ceases to amaze, how many wags are hung up on skin color.
It's a nice place to go mining though, so ... thanks for that, hunguppers.

Never ceases to amaze me when somebody says the difference between blacks and whites is "skin color". :uhoh3:
A shiny penny would amaze you Bullshit. Its hard not to amaze monkeys such as yourself with thoughts beyond bananas, picking lice, and scratching their asses. :laugh:
Assuming Rachel is the result of her parents copulating, the only way she biologically could be black is if both parents had dormant black genes from long ago, or from a genetic mutation unique to her.

Since we've seen adolescent pictures of her, we know neither are the case.
Both her parents do have Black genes. How do you think white people came about?

It would have to have been much more recent than what you're getting at.
No actually it wouldnt. What makes you think you determine how recent it would need to be?

Okay, fine, if you can get the rest of the world to go along with the idea that since humans evolved from the continent of Africa that we're all black, then you'll have something.
Until then, for now it takes a more recent ancestor in both of the parents family lineage that was black in order for Rachel to have ended up with black features.
That was humorous. :laugh:

Only losers validate their thoughts through the lenses of other people. I dont need to get he rest of the world to go along. When did you start believing everyone else had to say something was true for it to be true? You have the mentality of a ewe if you actually believe that. Rachael sounds like she is stronger than you. She has carved out her truth and doesnt really care to entertain what others think it should be.

Do you also believe Caitlyn Jenner is a woman ?
If she was Black and identified as White the NAACP would have crucified her.

Uhh.... like, say, this guy?


>> The national NAACP — an organization founded by blacks and whites — has generally taken the situation in stride. In a statement, the association stood behind Dolezal’s advocacy record and said, “One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership.”

Take, for example, Walter White, born in 1893. Blue-eyed and blond-haired with fair skin, the product of Atlanta’s black community had more white ancestors than black, according to some accounts. And he saw himself as black, although he passed as white to enable his travels through the South investigating lynchings and hate crimes. Later in life, he married a white woman and was forced to defend himself against accusations that he was white passing as black — all while serving as the national head of the NAACP from 1931 to 1955. << -- WaPo Style column
Here he is with Roy Wilkins and Thurgood Marshall, all NAACP officers:


-- here's the intro to Walter White's autobiography:

"I am a Negro. My skin is white, my eyes are blue, my hair is blond. The traits of my race are nowhere visible upon me."
Here's his Wiki page. I went looking for any illumination on why he would have had to "defend himself against allegations that he was white passing as black" above (or what that even means) but did not find it. (edit -- found it, see post 1293 below)

Fascinating story though. He could freely move between both communities and where it was conducive, used his outward appearance to his advantage, for instance investigating lychings by going to places and asking questions a "black" man could not.

Was Walter White black or white? The answer must be, "yes".

Once again, we invoke the wisdom of post 35 from Uppity Water Nymph and her faithful companion Batfink:

It really just shows how absurd the fixation on RACE is.

Indeed it does. How poignantly it does.
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Facts are not always reality. Facts are usually just agreeded upon norms. What biological fact is she changing?

Facts are ALWAYS facts dude. ALWAYS.

now certainly one can debate about conclusions drawn from those facts, but facts are facts.
No facts are not always facts. Case in point. It was once a fact the world was flat. Guess what? It wasnt.

It wasn't a fact; it was a myth. Do you know the difference?
We know its a myth now but it was represented as fact then. So yes it was a fact which proves my point. Facts are frequently agreed upon norms.

You should think about taking Rachel Dolezal's classes. She could teach you about facts, as well as how to be black.

I bet this "cave ape" woman knows more about being black than Asslips. :lol:
This is an outstanding piece, following up from above:

Before Rachel Dolezal there was Walter White

>> Walter White, known as “Mr. NAACP,” didn’t look black. He had blue eyes and blonde hair, and his enemies sought to smear him as an opportunist who lied about his race and couldn’t possibly understand the black experience. But the secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People persevered through much of the 20th century and left a stunning if tarnished legacy.

White energized the refined halls of the NAACP, brought together literary stars of the Harlem Renaissance, and helped craft the partial demise of segregation. He battled lynching, convinced politicians to kill the Supreme Court nomination of a racist and hobnobbed with the famous. Sixty years after his death, White is eclipsed in modern memory by other civil-rights leaders. Few know about his remarkable struggle to be seen as the genuine article by other African-Americans, and his vicious battles with fellow leaders like W. E. B. DuBois.

.... 2. He defines his race himself

As Dyja writes, White was – by one definition – 5/32nd black. He could have put himself “on the fringes of his race,” or have simply foundered thanks to his own understanding of the “inexplicable” divided between his skin and his soul. Instead, “he always felt black because, in the most primal sort of identity politics, he had defined blackness as the way he saw the world.”

... 4. Nemesis challenges his blackness

W. E. B. DuBois, an African-American intellectual and top Civil Rights figure, fought with White over control of the NAACP in the 1930s. Not that you’d hear this from White: He barely mentions DuBois in his 1948 memoir. But the battle was real. Amid infighting within the NAACP, DuBois lands a haymaker: He claims his nemesis is not black and has no knowledge of being black in the US. But White would ultimately win the fight over the fate of the NAACP. As Dyja writes, DuBois loses and abandons the organization, “taking some of the black intelligentsia with him.”

... Decades later, a president who’s half-black and half-white will be called a black man, but never a white one. And amid the never-ending divides of American life, we’d continue to fight over who is us and who is not. <<
--- indeed, as this completely moronic thread demonstrates.
This is an outstanding piece, following up from above:

Before Rachel Dolezal there was Walter White

>> Walter White, known as “Mr. NAACP,” didn’t look black. He had blue eyes and blonde hair, and his enemies sought to smear him as an opportunist who lied about his race and couldn’t possibly understand the black experience. But the secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People persevered through much of the 20th century and left a stunning if tarnished legacy.

White energized the refined halls of the NAACP, brought together literary stars of the Harlem Renaissance, and helped craft the partial demise of segregation. He battled lynching, convinced politicians to kill the Supreme Court nomination of a racist and hobnobbed with the famous. Sixty years after his death, White is eclipsed in modern memory by other civil-rights leaders. Few know about his remarkable struggle to be seen as the genuine article by other African-Americans, and his vicious battles with fellow leaders like W. E. B. DuBois.

.... 2. He defines his race himself

As Dyja writes, White was – by one definition – 5/32nd black. He could have put himself “on the fringes of his race,” or have simply foundered thanks to his own understanding of the “inexplicable” divided between his skin and his soul. Instead, “he always felt black because, in the most primal sort of identity politics, he had defined blackness as the way he saw the world.”

... 4. Nemesis challenges his blackness

W. E. B. DuBois, an African-American intellectual and top Civil Rights figure, fought with White over control of the NAACP in the 1930s. Not that you’d hear this from White: He barely mentions DuBois in his 1948 memoir. But the battle was real. Amid infighting within the NAACP, DuBois lands a haymaker: He claims his nemesis is not black and has no knowledge of being black in the US. But White would ultimately win the fight over the fate of the NAACP. As Dyja writes, DuBois loses and abandons the organization, “taking some of the black intelligentsia with him.”

... Decades later, a president who’s half-black and half-white will be called a black man, but never a white one. And amid the never-ending divides of American life, we’d continue to fight over who is us and who is not. <<
--- indeed, as this completely moronic thread demonstrates.

It's moronic to make fun of a white woman who claimed she was black , and by the way she sued Howard University for racial discrimination back in the day as well.

LOL women like this were made to ridicule.
This is an outstanding piece, following up from above:

Before Rachel Dolezal there was Walter White

>> Walter White, known as “Mr. NAACP,” didn’t look black. He had blue eyes and blonde hair, and his enemies sought to smear him as an opportunist who lied about his race and couldn’t possibly understand the black experience. But the secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People persevered through much of the 20th century and left a stunning if tarnished legacy.

White energized the refined halls of the NAACP, brought together literary stars of the Harlem Renaissance, and helped craft the partial demise of segregation. He battled lynching, convinced politicians to kill the Supreme Court nomination of a racist and hobnobbed with the famous. Sixty years after his death, White is eclipsed in modern memory by other civil-rights leaders. Few know about his remarkable struggle to be seen as the genuine article by other African-Americans, and his vicious battles with fellow leaders like W. E. B. DuBois.

.... 2. He defines his race himself

As Dyja writes, White was – by one definition – 5/32nd black. He could have put himself “on the fringes of his race,” or have simply foundered thanks to his own understanding of the “inexplicable” divided between his skin and his soul. Instead, “he always felt black because, in the most primal sort of identity politics, he had defined blackness as the way he saw the world.”

... 4. Nemesis challenges his blackness

W. E. B. DuBois, an African-American intellectual and top Civil Rights figure, fought with White over control of the NAACP in the 1930s. Not that you’d hear this from White: He barely mentions DuBois in his 1948 memoir. But the battle was real. Amid infighting within the NAACP, DuBois lands a haymaker: He claims his nemesis is not black and has no knowledge of being black in the US. But White would ultimately win the fight over the fate of the NAACP. As Dyja writes, DuBois loses and abandons the organization, “taking some of the black intelligentsia with him.”

... Decades later, a president who’s half-black and half-white will be called a black man, but never a white one. And amid the never-ending divides of American life, we’d continue to fight over who is us and who is not. <<
--- indeed, as this completely moronic thread demonstrates.

You are indeed ridicurous. :D
America has officially gone mad. Liberalism, not unlike fundamentalist Islam (i.e. the majority of Muslums on Earth) twists reality to meet their own highly distorted worldview. Even when their delusions (e.g. Global Warming) are exposed by empirical evidence, these idiots cling to their flawed relativism rather than entertain the notion that they might be totally wrong about virtually everything.

Liberalism, adopted by Americans with deficient intellects, has done more damage to America than any foreign enemy ever could.

My one hope is that this foray into Obama's socialist wonderland has awoken the sleeping giant and real Americans are ready to take their country back at last.
America has officially gone mad. Liberalism, not unlike fundamentalist Islam (i.e. the majority of Muslums on Earth) twists reality to meet their own highly distorted worldview. Even when their delusions (e.g. Global Warming) are exposed by empirical evidence, these idiots cling to their flawed relativism rather than entertain the notion that they might be totally wrong about virtually everything.

Liberalism, adopted by Americans with deficient intellects, has done more damage to America than any foreign enemy ever could.

My one hope is that this foray into Obama's socialist wonderland has awoken the sleeping giant and real Americans are ready to take their country back at last.

Liberalism invented America, Dumbass. And we'll take our country back whenever it's uh, convenient. I'm booked up most of the week but how does Friday look? Or if you don't need a signature, just leave it on the step.

You can't miss the house --- it's the one that says "all men are created equal".
America has officially gone mad. Liberalism, not unlike fundamentalist Islam (i.e. the majority of Muslums on Earth) twists reality to meet their own highly distorted worldview. Even when their delusions (e.g. Global Warming) are exposed by empirical evidence, these idiots cling to their flawed relativism rather than entertain the notion that they might be totally wrong about virtually everything.

Liberalism, adopted by Americans with deficient intellects, has done more damage to America than any foreign enemy ever could.

My one hope is that this foray into Obama's socialist wonderland has awoken the sleeping giant and real Americans are ready to take their country back at last.

Liberalism invented America, Dumbass. And we'll take our country back whenever it's uh, convenient. I'm booked up most of the week but how does Friday look? Or if you don't need a signature, just leave it on the step.

You can't miss the house --- it's the one that says "all men are created equal".

Your brand of liberalism has exactly nothing in common with the liberalism that created this country

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