Too many Democrats are elitist and arrogant

If you don't agree with me you are not stupid.
If you put narcissist, bombastic, emotionally unstable person in the US Presidency you are stupid.
Then Im good, I didnt vote for colostomy Clair, I voted for Trump.
I agree, those people that thought the pruned out old ass leaking whore hillary was a good choice were stupid.
You may be right about Hillary voters, but we will never know for sure. She did not win. We will know about Trump. He won and we will see the results. The results 3 weeks in is Chaos, inconsistency, conflict of interest, concern more winning personal victories than victories for the US.
If this continues, Trump voters will be proven to be stupid.
Hillary voters may be stupid but we will never know for sure.

Why has our country fallen to a place where Hillary and Trump are our top 2 choices for President. Something is very wrong.
why? because a bunch of stupid bastards voted for some driveway lantern holder simply because he was black, no qualifications other than that. our first affirmative action president.
After him, Corky the special ed dropout would look good, fortunately Corkett didnt win and we at least got someone that might be able to turn this runaway debt around.
You are a very disgusting person, no matter who you voted for.

There is no hope for people who think like you.

God help you
why, because I actually am not afraid to point ot the obvious? the only reason people voted for him was because he was black, he brought nothing to the table, he did nothing good for the country and this country has never been as divided as it is today.
guess that song was right, barack the magic negro?
you are a very sick person. the majority of Trump's supporters are not as sick as you. Trump is not as sick as you. But why does Trump attract the sickest people in our country. (Like you)

You are obviously threatened by blacks and other minorities because of your inferiority complex.

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