Too much anger out there


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
When Howard Schultz, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises years ago, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House, and who controlled Congress, these folks succeeded through Conservative and Liberal Presidents. My point: There is too much anger out there. Liberals accuse Conservatives of being Nazi's, Conservatives accuse Liberals of being Communists, I see posts here such as "Civil War" "War on Hispanics" "War on Real Americans" Folks....this is crazy!

I do Insurance verification and billing for doctors, as a business owner I've seen Conservative and Liberal administrations come and go, and they are not so very different. My doctor clients don't care who I vote for, they just want me to do my job right, and if I want my business to grow, it's up to me to provide good customer service, then get out the door and start prospecting for more clients. It's OK to disagree, but maybe it's time to tone down the anger....It's not so bad out there.
The donor class always has it covered "either" way, so yeah, Goldman Sachs always winds up in the white house and it ain't that different "either" way.
The donor class always has it covered "either" way, so yeah, Goldman Sachs always winds up in the white house and it ain't that different "either" way.

Actually this time the saved a bundle and just bypassed the lobbyists....
Tone it down? What, you wanting us to turn to gossip like the women folk?

I figure this sort of old barber shop talk has gone on for ages and it is sort of a release valve that's good for releasing tension.
The donor class always has it covered "either" way, so yeah, Goldman Sachs always winds up in the white house and it ain't that different "either" way.

Actually this time the saved a bundle and just bypassed the lobbyists....
Who Don? Hardly:
Trumpā€™s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied ā€” ProPublica

Trump Campaigned Against Lobbyists, but Now Theyā€™re on His Transition Team

Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trumpā€™s ā€˜drain the swampā€™ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Only Lobbyists Can Help Trump ā€˜Drain the Swampā€™

Another of Donā€™s Swamp Rats Bails ā€¦

... just before publication of this New Yorker article.

Icahnā€™s role was novel. He would be an adviser with a formal title, but he would not receive a salary, and he would not be required to divest himself of any of his holdings, or to make any disclosures about potential conflicts of interest. ā€œCarl Icahn will be advising the President in his individual capacity,ā€ Trumpā€™s transition team asserted.

In the months after the election, the stock price of CVR, Icahnā€™s refiner, nearly doubledā€”a surge that is difficult to explain without acknowledging the appointment of the companyā€™s lead shareholder to a White House position. The rally meant a personal benefit for Icahn, at least on paper, of half a billion dollars. There was an expectation in the marketā€”an expectation created, in part, by Icahnā€™s own remarksā€”that, with Trump in the White House and Icahn playing consigliere, the rules were about to change, and not just at the E.P.A. Icahnā€™s empire ranges across many economic sectors, from energy to pharmaceuticals to auto supplies to mining, and all of them are governed by the types of regulations about which he would now potentially be advising Trump.

Janet McCabe, who left the E.P.A. in January, and now works at the Environmental Law and Policy Center, told me, ā€œIā€™m not naĆÆve. People in business try to influence the government. But the job of the government is to serve the American people, not the specific business interests of the Presidentā€™s friends. To think that you have somebody with that kind of agenda bending the Presidentā€™s ear is troubling.ā€

Conflicts of interest have been a defining trait of the Trump Administration. The President has not only refused to release his tax returns; he has declined to divest from his companies, instead putting them in a trust managed by his children. Questions have emerged about the ongoing business ties of his daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who, since Trump took office, have reaped nearly two hundred million dollars from the Trump hotel in Washington, D.C., and from other investments. Although Trump promised to ā€œdrain the swamp,ā€ he has assembled a Cabinet of ultra-rich Americans, including two billionaires: Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, and Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce.

But Icahn is worth more than the Trump family and all the members of the Cabinet combinedā€”and, with no constraint on his license to counsel the President on regulations that might help his businesses, he was poised to become much richer. Robert Weissman, who runs the watchdog group Public Citizen, told me, ā€œThis kind of self-enrichment and influence over decision-making by an individual mogul who is simultaneously inside and outside the Administration is unprecedented. In terms of corruption, thereā€™s nothing like it. Maybe ever.ā€ In conversations with me, financiers who have worked with Icahn described his appointment as a kind of corporate raid on Washington. One said, ā€œItā€™s the cheapest takeover Carlā€™s ever done.ā€

Carl Icahnā€™s Failed Raid on Washington
The donor class always has it covered "either" way, so yeah, Goldman Sachs always winds up in the white house and it ain't that different "either" way.

Actually this time the saved a bundle and just bypassed the lobbyists....
Who Don? Hardly:
Trumpā€™s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied ā€” ProPublica

Trump Campaigned Against Lobbyists, but Now Theyā€™re on His Transition Team

Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trumpā€™s ā€˜drain the swampā€™ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Only Lobbyists Can Help Trump ā€˜Drain the Swampā€™

Another of Donā€™s Swamp Rats Bails ā€¦

... just before publication of this New Yorker article.

Icahnā€™s role was novel. He would be an adviser with a formal title, but he would not receive a salary, and he would not be required to divest himself of any of his holdings, or to make any disclosures about potential conflicts of interest. ā€œCarl Icahn will be advising the President in his individual capacity,ā€ Trumpā€™s transition team asserted.

In the months after the election, the stock price of CVR, Icahnā€™s refiner, nearly doubledā€”a surge that is difficult to explain without acknowledging the appointment of the companyā€™s lead shareholder to a White House position. The rally meant a personal benefit for Icahn, at least on paper, of half a billion dollars. There was an expectation in the marketā€”an expectation created, in part, by Icahnā€™s own remarksā€”that, with Trump in the White House and Icahn playing consigliere, the rules were about to change, and not just at the E.P.A. Icahnā€™s empire ranges across many economic sectors, from energy to pharmaceuticals to auto supplies to mining, and all of them are governed by the types of regulations about which he would now potentially be advising Trump.

Janet McCabe, who left the E.P.A. in January, and now works at the Environmental Law and Policy Center, told me, ā€œIā€™m not naĆÆve. People in business try to influence the government. But the job of the government is to serve the American people, not the specific business interests of the Presidentā€™s friends. To think that you have somebody with that kind of agenda bending the Presidentā€™s ear is troubling.ā€

Conflicts of interest have been a defining trait of the Trump Administration. The President has not only refused to release his tax returns; he has declined to divest from his companies, instead putting them in a trust managed by his children. Questions have emerged about the ongoing business ties of his daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who, since Trump took office, have reaped nearly two hundred million dollars from the Trump hotel in Washington, D.C., and from other investments. Although Trump promised to ā€œdrain the swamp,ā€ he has assembled a Cabinet of ultra-rich Americans, including two billionaires: Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, and Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce.

But Icahn is worth more than the Trump family and all the members of the Cabinet combinedā€”and, with no constraint on his license to counsel the President on regulations that might help his businesses, he was poised to become much richer. Robert Weissman, who runs the watchdog group Public Citizen, told me, ā€œThis kind of self-enrichment and influence over decision-making by an individual mogul who is simultaneously inside and outside the Administration is unprecedented. In terms of corruption, thereā€™s nothing like it. Maybe ever.ā€ In conversations with me, financiers who have worked with Icahn described his appointment as a kind of corporate raid on Washington. One said, ā€œItā€™s the cheapest takeover Carlā€™s ever done.ā€

Carl Icahnā€™s Failed Raid on Washington

No Obama lobbyists during his 8 years?
The donor class always has it covered "either" way, so yeah, Goldman Sachs always winds up in the white house and it ain't that different "either" way.

Actually this time the saved a bundle and just bypassed the lobbyists....
Who Don? Hardly:
Trumpā€™s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied ā€” ProPublica

Trump Campaigned Against Lobbyists, but Now Theyā€™re on His Transition Team

Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trumpā€™s ā€˜drain the swampā€™ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Only Lobbyists Can Help Trump ā€˜Drain the Swampā€™

Another of Donā€™s Swamp Rats Bails ā€¦

... just before publication of this New Yorker article.

Icahnā€™s role was novel. He would be an adviser with a formal title, but he would not receive a salary, and he would not be required to divest himself of any of his holdings, or to make any disclosures about potential conflicts of interest. ā€œCarl Icahn will be advising the President in his individual capacity,ā€ Trumpā€™s transition team asserted.

In the months after the election, the stock price of CVR, Icahnā€™s refiner, nearly doubledā€”a surge that is difficult to explain without acknowledging the appointment of the companyā€™s lead shareholder to a White House position. The rally meant a personal benefit for Icahn, at least on paper, of half a billion dollars. There was an expectation in the marketā€”an expectation created, in part, by Icahnā€™s own remarksā€”that, with Trump in the White House and Icahn playing consigliere, the rules were about to change, and not just at the E.P.A. Icahnā€™s empire ranges across many economic sectors, from energy to pharmaceuticals to auto supplies to mining, and all of them are governed by the types of regulations about which he would now potentially be advising Trump.

Janet McCabe, who left the E.P.A. in January, and now works at the Environmental Law and Policy Center, told me, ā€œIā€™m not naĆÆve. People in business try to influence the government. But the job of the government is to serve the American people, not the specific business interests of the Presidentā€™s friends. To think that you have somebody with that kind of agenda bending the Presidentā€™s ear is troubling.ā€

Conflicts of interest have been a defining trait of the Trump Administration. The President has not only refused to release his tax returns; he has declined to divest from his companies, instead putting them in a trust managed by his children. Questions have emerged about the ongoing business ties of his daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who, since Trump took office, have reaped nearly two hundred million dollars from the Trump hotel in Washington, D.C., and from other investments. Although Trump promised to ā€œdrain the swamp,ā€ he has assembled a Cabinet of ultra-rich Americans, including two billionaires: Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, and Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce.

But Icahn is worth more than the Trump family and all the members of the Cabinet combinedā€”and, with no constraint on his license to counsel the President on regulations that might help his businesses, he was poised to become much richer. Robert Weissman, who runs the watchdog group Public Citizen, told me, ā€œThis kind of self-enrichment and influence over decision-making by an individual mogul who is simultaneously inside and outside the Administration is unprecedented. In terms of corruption, thereā€™s nothing like it. Maybe ever.ā€ In conversations with me, financiers who have worked with Icahn described his appointment as a kind of corporate raid on Washington. One said, ā€œItā€™s the cheapest takeover Carlā€™s ever done.ā€

Carl Icahnā€™s Failed Raid on Washington
And Obama promised to be the most transparent president in history. Huge lie.
When Howard Schultz, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises years ago, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House, and who controlled Congress, these folks succeeded through Conservative and Liberal Presidents. My point: There is too much anger out there. Liberals accuse Conservatives of being Nazi's, Conservatives accuse Liberals of being Communists, I see posts here such as "Civil War" "War on Hispanics" "War on Real Americans" Folks....this is crazy!

I do Insurance verification and billing for doctors, as a business owner I've seen Conservative and Liberal administrations come and go, and they are not so very different. My doctor clients don't care who I vote for, they just want me to do my job right, and if I want my business to grow, it's up to me to provide good customer service, then get out the door and start prospecting for more clients. It's OK to disagree, but maybe it's time to tone down the anger....It's not so bad out there.
They were able to build their empires because they did not have to have very much capital. Very few companies are that way when they start. As the founder of Home Depot, who started a hardware store in the 70's after getting laid off said - No one can repeat my success today because of all of the excessive government regulations.
There is a lot of anger to be sure but fear and apathy is what is really hurting us as a nation. Anger has often been channeled into positive change for society when the people finally get tired of bullshit and direct that anger in the proper direction. Fear and apathy is what makes people scapegoat the vulnerable, waste their energy on fighting each other and allows their government to act counter to their interests.
When Howard Schultz, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises years ago, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House, and who controlled Congress, these folks succeeded through Conservative and Liberal Presidents. My point: There is too much anger out there. Liberals accuse Conservatives of being Nazi's, Conservatives accuse Liberals of being Communists, I see posts here such as "Civil War" "War on Hispanics" "War on Real Americans" Folks....this is crazy!

I do Insurance verification and billing for doctors, as a business owner I've seen Conservative and Liberal administrations come and go, and they are not so very different. My doctor clients don't care who I vote for, they just want me to do my job right, and if I want my business to grow, it's up to me to provide good customer service, then get out the door and start prospecting for more clients. It's OK to disagree, but maybe it's time to tone down the anger....It's not so bad out there.

I think the "anger" is awesome.
It's what has driven Conservatives to wake up and give a shit again. Staying angry will generate the motivation for Conservatives to take their country back. For too long they've kept their head down, went to work and raised their families....meanwhile lowlife piece of shit LefTards have had nothing better to do but protest on the steps of City Halls around the nation about where a man in a dress should take his shit. The squeaky wheel has got the grease...LefTards won't rest until this nation is the anything goes free for all, third world shit hole they want.
Conservatives are fed up and pissed off....I LOVE IT.
STAY ANGRY....STAY DRIVEN...make America American Again!
When Howard Schultz, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises years ago, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House, and who controlled Congress, these folks succeeded through Conservative and Liberal Presidents. My point: There is too much anger out there. Liberals accuse Conservatives of being Nazi's, Conservatives accuse Liberals of being Communists, I see posts here such as "Civil War" "War on Hispanics" "War on Real Americans" Folks....this is crazy!

I do Insurance verification and billing for doctors, as a business owner I've seen Conservative and Liberal administrations come and go, and they are not so very different. My doctor clients don't care who I vote for, they just want me to do my job right, and if I want my business to grow, it's up to me to provide good customer service, then get out the door and start prospecting for more clients. It's OK to disagree, but maybe it's time to tone down the anger....It's not so bad out there.

I think the "anger" is awesome.
It's what has driven Conservatives to wake up and give a shit again. Staying angry will generate the motivation for Conservatives to take their country back. For too long they've kept their head down, went to work and raised their families....meanwhile lowlife piece of shit LefTards have had nothing better to do but protest on the steps of City Halls around the nation about where a man in a dress should take his shit. The squeaky wheel has got the grease...LefTards won't rest until this nation is the anything goes free for all, third world shit hole they want.
Conservatives are fed up and pissed off....I LOVE IT.
STAY ANGRY....STAY DRIVEN...make America American Again!
Nothing good can come from that sort of anger because it arises from fear without an ounce of actual courage. You are looking to politicians to save you from your fear while they count on you to direct your frustrations anywhere except at them.
The donor class always has it covered "either" way, so yeah, Goldman Sachs always winds up in the white house and it ain't that different "either" way.

Actually this time the saved a bundle and just bypassed the lobbyists....
Who Don? Hardly:
Trumpā€™s Watered-Down Ethics Rules Let a Lobbyist Help Run an Agency He Lobbied ā€” ProPublica

Trump Campaigned Against Lobbyists, but Now Theyā€™re on His Transition Team

Is Donald Trump Draining the Swamp?

Donors and lobbyists already shaping Trumpā€™s ā€˜drain the swampā€™ administration

Trump Names Mortgage Industry Lobbyist to HUD Transition Team

Donald Trump Puts Coal Lobbyist in Charge of Prosecuting Environmental Crimes

Only Lobbyists Can Help Trump ā€˜Drain the Swampā€™

Another of Donā€™s Swamp Rats Bails ā€¦

... just before publication of this New Yorker article.

Icahnā€™s role was novel. He would be an adviser with a formal title, but he would not receive a salary, and he would not be required to divest himself of any of his holdings, or to make any disclosures about potential conflicts of interest. ā€œCarl Icahn will be advising the President in his individual capacity,ā€ Trumpā€™s transition team asserted.

In the months after the election, the stock price of CVR, Icahnā€™s refiner, nearly doubledā€”a surge that is difficult to explain without acknowledging the appointment of the companyā€™s lead shareholder to a White House position. The rally meant a personal benefit for Icahn, at least on paper, of half a billion dollars. There was an expectation in the marketā€”an expectation created, in part, by Icahnā€™s own remarksā€”that, with Trump in the White House and Icahn playing consigliere, the rules were about to change, and not just at the E.P.A. Icahnā€™s empire ranges across many economic sectors, from energy to pharmaceuticals to auto supplies to mining, and all of them are governed by the types of regulations about which he would now potentially be advising Trump.

Janet McCabe, who left the E.P.A. in January, and now works at the Environmental Law and Policy Center, told me, ā€œIā€™m not naĆÆve. People in business try to influence the government. But the job of the government is to serve the American people, not the specific business interests of the Presidentā€™s friends. To think that you have somebody with that kind of agenda bending the Presidentā€™s ear is troubling.ā€

Conflicts of interest have been a defining trait of the Trump Administration. The President has not only refused to release his tax returns; he has declined to divest from his companies, instead putting them in a trust managed by his children. Questions have emerged about the ongoing business ties of his daughter and son-in-law, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, who, since Trump took office, have reaped nearly two hundred million dollars from the Trump hotel in Washington, D.C., and from other investments. Although Trump promised to ā€œdrain the swamp,ā€ he has assembled a Cabinet of ultra-rich Americans, including two billionaires: Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, and Wilbur Ross, the Secretary of Commerce.

But Icahn is worth more than the Trump family and all the members of the Cabinet combinedā€”and, with no constraint on his license to counsel the President on regulations that might help his businesses, he was poised to become much richer. Robert Weissman, who runs the watchdog group Public Citizen, told me, ā€œThis kind of self-enrichment and influence over decision-making by an individual mogul who is simultaneously inside and outside the Administration is unprecedented. In terms of corruption, thereā€™s nothing like it. Maybe ever.ā€ In conversations with me, financiers who have worked with Icahn described his appointment as a kind of corporate raid on Washington. One said, ā€œItā€™s the cheapest takeover Carlā€™s ever done.ā€

Carl Icahnā€™s Failed Raid on Washington
Sorry Fenton, I wasn't clear...

When I said Goldman was bypassing the lobbyists, I meant that they just took the cabinet post themselves and thus took out the need for a middleman at all...
The country is breaking apart and now is the time of choosing up sides. We no longer merely disagree. We despise one another.
When Howard Schultz, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises years ago, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House, and who controlled Congress, these folks succeeded through Conservative and Liberal Presidents. My point: There is too much anger out there. Liberals accuse Conservatives of being Nazi's, Conservatives accuse Liberals of being Communists, I see posts here such as "Civil War" "War on Hispanics" "War on Real Americans" Folks....this is crazy!

I do Insurance verification and billing for doctors, as a business owner I've seen Conservative and Liberal administrations come and go, and they are not so very different. My doctor clients don't care who I vote for, they just want me to do my job right, and if I want my business to grow, it's up to me to provide good customer service, then get out the door and start prospecting for more clients. It's OK to disagree, but maybe it's time to tone down the anger....It's not so bad out there.

I think the "anger" is awesome.
It's what has driven Conservatives to wake up and give a shit again. Staying angry will generate the motivation for Conservatives to take their country back. For too long they've kept their head down, went to work and raised their families....meanwhile lowlife piece of shit LefTards have had nothing better to do but protest on the steps of City Halls around the nation about where a man in a dress should take his shit. The squeaky wheel has got the grease...LefTards won't rest until this nation is the anything goes free for all, third world shit hole they want.
Conservatives are fed up and pissed off....I LOVE IT.
STAY ANGRY....STAY DRIVEN...make America American Again!
Nothing good can come from that sort of anger because it arises from fear without an ounce of actual courage. You are looking to politicians to save you from your fear while they count on you to direct your frustrations anywhere except at them. must be a psych I owe you anything for that session?
Politicians enact and enforce law.
Why do you think whack-job LefTards have pitched tents at city and state buildings around the country pushing their nutty agendas?
Look...there is no common the Progressive Loons, LefTards and Democrats alike have completely lost their shit...the Party and ideologies are only appealing to twisted illegitimate classless un-American's including but not limited to; Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and pole puffers...that's it. Nobody even semi-legitimate will associate themselves with the Left. Old school Liberals are embarrassed and ashamed of what a "Liberal" has become. Sorry bud...the anything goes free for all is over. The restoration of this once great nation is underway and there's nothing you can do about it.
When Howard Schultz, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises years ago, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House, and who controlled Congress, these folks succeeded through Conservative and Liberal Presidents. My point: There is too much anger out there. Liberals accuse Conservatives of being Nazi's, Conservatives accuse Liberals of being Communists, I see posts here such as "Civil War" "War on Hispanics" "War on Real Americans" Folks....this is crazy!

I do Insurance verification and billing for doctors, as a business owner I've seen Conservative and Liberal administrations come and go, and they are not so very different. My doctor clients don't care who I vote for, they just want me to do my job right, and if I want my business to grow, it's up to me to provide good customer service, then get out the door and start prospecting for more clients. It's OK to disagree, but maybe it's time to tone down the anger....It's not so bad out there.
They were able to build their empires because they did not have to have very much capital. Very few companies are that way when they start. As the founder of Home Depot, who started a hardware store in the 70's after getting laid off said - No one can repeat my success today because of all of the excessive government regulations.
If you're talking about Ken Langone, he's one of the biggest pieces of shit out there. I wrote to Home Depot telling them that I was never going to shop there again after he made some ultra right wing comments on one of the major networks and they had pretty much disowned him at that point.
When Howard Schultz, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises years ago, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House, and who controlled Congress, these folks succeeded through Conservative and Liberal Presidents. My point: There is too much anger out there. Liberals accuse Conservatives of being Nazi's, Conservatives accuse Liberals of being Communists, I see posts here such as "Civil War" "War on Hispanics" "War on Real Americans" Folks....this is crazy!

I do Insurance verification and billing for doctors, as a business owner I've seen Conservative and Liberal administrations come and go, and they are not so very different. My doctor clients don't care who I vote for, they just want me to do my job right, and if I want my business to grow, it's up to me to provide good customer service, then get out the door and start prospecting for more clients. It's OK to disagree, but maybe it's time to tone down the anger....It's not so bad out there.
Don't take anything here seriously, Bill. We're all full of shit.
People are getting fired from their jobs for expressing what just a few years ago was perfectly mainstream opinions. Internet mega corporations are censoring any opinion to the right of Karl Marx and soon will be more powerful than the federal government. Leftist mobs are physically assaulting wheelchair bound veterans in the streets for wearing MAGA caps while police stand idly by and do nothing; media and politicians imply (and in the case of Marco Rubio, explicitly condones) such violence as justified. Universities around the country teach marxism and lessons on how to dismantle the white race. Gruesome terrorist attacks take place in Europe on a weekly basis...

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