Too much anger out there

At the end of the day, humans are predatory animals. Violence is at the core of their being. Only time will tell if they can somehow evolve past that. But for the foreseeable future, humans will continue to hate and kill.
Civilization only exists because humans have the ability to rise above our allegedly savage nature. We do not have accept the horrors of the world as inevitable, progress away from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle has occurred only when we have collectively decided to promote peace and stability.

It's in the DNA. So it's not so simple. Hate & violence is at the core of us as human beings. We can't change that. It's programmed. However, many many years from now we may evolve past that state. Don't look for any change anytime soon.

Empathy and social conscience is also written into our DNA it usually prevails over the primitive side of ourselves if our place in society is at stake.
When Howard Schultz, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs were building their enterprises years ago, they didn't spend a lot of time worrying about who was in the White House, and who controlled Congress, these folks succeeded through Conservative and Liberal Presidents. My point: There is too much anger out there. Liberals accuse Conservatives of being Nazi's, Conservatives accuse Liberals of being Communists, I see posts here such as "Civil War" "War on Hispanics" "War on Real Americans" Folks....this is crazy!

I do Insurance verification and billing for doctors, as a business owner I've seen Conservative and Liberal administrations come and go, and they are not so very different. My doctor clients don't care who I vote for, they just want me to do my job right, and if I want my business to grow, it's up to me to provide good customer service, then get out the door and start prospecting for more clients. It's OK to disagree, but maybe it's time to tone down the anger....It's not so bad out there.

Paranoia and Delusions of persecution make people feel special because when people are out to get you, or imagined conspiracies, that means they have some value and importance. "War on Christmas"… No one tries to go after people of no importance.

People who follow Alex Jones believe that they're "in the know" and have some special knowledge or insight into all big Gov conspiracies. Like religious zealots, their imaginations conjure up all kinds of horror and bad guys out to get them -- in their fantasy world, they become like heroes in an Action Movie, fighting the Bond villains… Really more like sidekicks living vicariously through their favorite talk radio screamer.

The anger -- when you confront people invested in a fantasy world that makes them feel special and unique, with empirical facts and reality, this causes a mental break and their defenses kick in, they will defend their fantasyland world view to the end, because to admit they're not special, not important, and have beed duped by a huckster is too demoralizing. They avoid giving up their fantastical world view at all costs.
While I'm not a huge Trump fan, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the leftwing meltdown. Some of the funniest things I've ever seen. Although the complete idiocy I hear from a lot of college kids and their profs is kinda scary.
The left is not made up of the frenzied single issue zealot your "news" shows you just as the right is not made up of Nazi scumbags. It's mostly people just like you who just want the best for their children and neighbors. The only difference is that they respond more to optimism than fear and loathing.
Yeah, that's why I've tried to take a page from Ben Shapiro's book and make a distinction between "leftists" and "liberals". My best friend of 40 years is very liberal and we can disagree all day long without any animosity. The difference is he and I agree almost entirely on the results we want but disagree on how to get there. The true leftists often espouse goals I hate.
Every political movement has a cadre of true believers who frequently act foolish. I can talk to practically anyone about anything because I understand why they feel that way. That being said, I usually avoid discussing politics IRL unless someone insists.
I have to admit I've become a bit more aggressive talking about politics with my kids and nieces and nephews because I'm not happy with what they're being fed in the educational systems. I'm talking the youngest being a junior in high school, the rest in college. With my own kids I kinda stood off and let them figure things out for themselves, I'd already planted the seeds. My nieces and nephews just don't seem to be getting any opposing viewpoints from what appears to be a steady diet of leftist ideals. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they're even remotely "way out there", but they seem to never be exposed to any conservative ideas. And I'm in no way, way right.

It's funny, over the holiday weekend I sat around having a beer or two with a nephew and some of his friends. Out of 6 of them 3 were engineering students the other 3 had "studies" at the end of their pursuits. I had a great exchange with the engineers, the others probably hate me. I find the gender studies/sociology kids literally incapable of even considering anything I said. Every response was "but my prof said....". The idea of questioning the prof is almost heretical. The eng kids have more of an inclination of "show me the proof".

Plus, I have to admit I do enjoy destroying their preconceived notions.
While I'm not a huge Trump fan, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the leftwing meltdown. Some of the funniest things I've ever seen. Although the complete idiocy I hear from a lot of college kids and their profs is kinda scary.
The left is not made up of the frenzied single issue zealot your "news" shows you just as the right is not made up of Nazi scumbags. It's mostly people just like you who just want the best for their children and neighbors. The only difference is that they respond more to optimism than fear and loathing.
Yeah, that's why I've tried to take a page from Ben Shapiro's book and make a distinction between "leftists" and "liberals". My best friend of 40 years is very liberal and we can disagree all day long without any animosity. The difference is he and I agree almost entirely on the results we want but disagree on how to get there. The true leftists often espouse goals I hate.
Every political movement has a cadre of true believers who frequently act foolish. I can talk to practically anyone about anything because I understand why they feel that way. That being said, I usually avoid discussing politics IRL unless someone insists.
I have to admit I've become a bit more aggressive talking about politics with my kids and nieces and nephews because I'm not happy with what they're being fed in the educational systems. I'm talking the youngest being a junior in high school, the rest in college. With my own kids I kinda stood off and let them figure things out for themselves, I'd already planted the seeds. My nieces and nephews just don't seem to be getting any opposing viewpoints from what appears to be a steady diet of leftist ideals. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they're even remotely "way out there", but they seem to never be exposed to any conservative ideas. And I'm in no way, way right.

It's funny, over the holiday weekend I sat around having a beer or two with a nephew and some of his friends. Out of 6 of them 3 were engineering students the other 3 had "studies" at the end of their pursuits. I had a great exchange with the engineers, the others probably hate me. I find the gender studies/sociology kids literally incapable of even considering anything I said. Every response was "but my prof said....". The idea of questioning the prof is almost heretical. The eng kids have more of an inclination of "show me the proof".

Plus, I have to admit I do enjoy destroying their preconceived notions.

It's true that Engineering, science and math students are preoccupied with there studies which don't include much politics.

Wait til they get into the working world! They'll be working in heavy industry and be seeing the inherent unfairness of capitalism firsthand.

I know I'm an engineer, and I've worked with a whole lot of engineers and scientists - the vast majority of who are liberals.

Funny thing is that it's all the liberal arts students and such that will end up being real estate agents and stock brokers - a few years out of school and they'll be singing the glories of capitalism.
At the end of the day, humans are predatory animals. Violence is at the core of their being. Only time will tell if they can somehow evolve past that. But for the foreseeable future, humans will continue to hate and kill.
Maybe violence is at the core of YOUR being, but it doesn't apply to everyone. Thank goodness.
While I'm not a huge Trump fan, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the leftwing meltdown. Some of the funniest things I've ever seen. Although the complete idiocy I hear from a lot of college kids and their profs is kinda scary.
The left is not made up of the frenzied single issue zealot your "news" shows you just as the right is not made up of Nazi scumbags. It's mostly people just like you who just want the best for their children and neighbors. The only difference is that they respond more to optimism than fear and loathing.
Yeah, that's why I've tried to take a page from Ben Shapiro's book and make a distinction between "leftists" and "liberals". My best friend of 40 years is very liberal and we can disagree all day long without any animosity. The difference is he and I agree almost entirely on the results we want but disagree on how to get there. The true leftists often espouse goals I hate.
Every political movement has a cadre of true believers who frequently act foolish. I can talk to practically anyone about anything because I understand why they feel that way. That being said, I usually avoid discussing politics IRL unless someone insists.
I have to admit I've become a bit more aggressive talking about politics with my kids and nieces and nephews because I'm not happy with what they're being fed in the educational systems. I'm talking the youngest being a junior in high school, the rest in college. With my own kids I kinda stood off and let them figure things out for themselves, I'd already planted the seeds. My nieces and nephews just don't seem to be getting any opposing viewpoints from what appears to be a steady diet of leftist ideals. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they're even remotely "way out there", but they seem to never be exposed to any conservative ideas. And I'm in no way, way right.

It's funny, over the holiday weekend I sat around having a beer or two with a nephew and some of his friends. Out of 6 of them 3 were engineering students the other 3 had "studies" at the end of their pursuits. I had a great exchange with the engineers, the others probably hate me. I find the gender studies/sociology kids literally incapable of even considering anything I said. Every response was "but my prof said....". The idea of questioning the prof is almost heretical. The eng kids have more of an inclination of "show me the proof".

Plus, I have to admit I do enjoy destroying their preconceived notions.

It's true that Engineering, science and math students are preoccupied with there studies which don't include much politics.

Wait til they get into the working world! They'll be working in heavy industry and be seeing the inherent unfairness of capitalism firsthand.

I know I'm an engineer, and I've worked with a whole lot of engineers and scientists - the vast majority of who are liberals.

Funny thing is that it's all the liberal arts students and such that will end up being real estate agents and stock brokers - a few years out of school and they'll be singing the glories of capitalism.
I agree and disagree. The engineering crowd simply has a more critical view, show me the data, prove it. I also have an engineering degree and grew up in a factory, I was building metal stamping dies when I was 14. For me the sociology crowd truly encapsulates the "but I really feel it" mentality.

I sometimes have to wonder if people are aren't predisposed one way or the other. As a kid I spent a lot of time in my father's shop with a black woman that my father hired through a city program, his 4th employee ever. She had no real education but was one of the most straightforward bright, intelligent, rational human beings I've ever met. I can still remember being in the shop talking to a customer that wanted us to find a way to mate a couple of parts when she piped up and said " well that's stupid just make the parts into one". My father and I looked at each other and tried not to laugh, I had already drawn up the prints for that and they were sitting on my desk. The sociology crowd would be worried about the skin color of the people that would have to make the changes.

I do find your observation of engineers and scientists being liberal interesting. I find the same in big companies. In small business I see the exact opposite. Small business folks, in my experience, view govt basically as the enemy. We do not have the money to have govt cater to us and when it comes time to make decisions on who will be hurt or helped by policy, we do not exist. We are the throwaways.

As far as the inherent unfairness of capitalism, while I may agree, it's better than worrying if I've upset comrade Stalin. I may lose my business but at least my children aren't on their way to the gulag.

As to the liberal arts students, real estate agent ok, ain't no way I'm taking their advice on investing.
No one is forcing anyone to behave like this. It's a personal decision.

There appear to be many who'd rather just beat the other side than do the heavy lifting of working to improve things.
Well said. I would add one word:

There appear to be many who'd rather just beat the other side than do the heavy lifting of working together to improve things.
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At the end of the day, humans are predatory animals. Violence is at the core of their being. Only time will tell if they can somehow evolve past that. But for the foreseeable future, humans will continue to hate and kill.
Civilization only exists because humans have the ability to rise above our allegedly savage nature. We do not have to accept the horrors of the world as inevitable, progress away from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle has occurred only when we have collectively decided to promote peace and stability.
The Yellow Yell, and Hollow Fools Follow

The Establishment has pacified you. If we all play nice, they will see it as an opportunity to bully us. Defiance scares them the most; they are outnumbered, incompetent, and cowardly. Their most effective weapon is the lullaby.
At the end of the day, humans are predatory animals. Violence is at the core of their being. Only time will tell if they can somehow evolve past that. But for the foreseeable future, humans will continue to hate and kill.
Maybe violence is at the core of YOUR being, but it doesn't apply to everyone. Thank goodness.

It's at the core of all human beings. They're predatory animals. It's programmed in the DNA. Humans hating and killing each other isn't going away anytime soon.

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