Too Much Talk Too Little ACTION

1. Get rid of the concept of gun free zones
2. Allow teachers who want to, carry concealed weapons.
3. Find out what has changed in the last 50 years that caused the unprecedented rise in school shootings.and fix that
First you say we're crazy. Then you suggest all the same things we've been saying.
Where do I say turn the schools into prison look a likes?
That is the crazy part.! I have a problem with the military replacing the school safety patrol.
Especially since real school shootings are still rare
No it is not.

I suppose you think wearing a stupid little colored rubber bracelet is the same as actually doing something for a cause as well don't you?
Your conversation is getting too moronic to warrant responses.
Where do I say turn the schools into prison look a likes?
That is the crazy part.! I have a problem with the military replacing the school safety patrol.
Especially since real school shootings are still rare
I have been saying All along >>

1. Get rid of the concept of gun free zones
2. Allow teachers who want to, carry concealed weapons. .

Then you say I'm crazy. And now you say the same things.

And I didn't say the military should replace the school safety patrol. In fact, I said they shouldn't.

Are you getting me mixed up with somebody else ?????
Where do I say turn the schools into prison look a likes?
That is the crazy part.! I have a problem with the military replacing the school safety patrol.
Especially since real school shootings are still rare
I have been saying All along >>

1. Get rid of the concept of gun free zones
2. Allow teachers who want to, carry concealed weapons. .

Then you say I'm crazy. And now you say the same things.

And I didn't say the military should replace the school safety patrol. In fact, I said they shouldn't.

Are you getting me mixed up with somebody else ?????
Its possible, so many threads with the same subject.
Everyone in America needs to stop talking about assault weapons, mental health, et al gun control measures, and start ACTING on school safety, and I mean NOW. As I'm posting this, a school shooter could be on his way to some school, who in conjunction with the Crime Control Act of 1990 (which enacted "gun-free zones"), can do as he pleases, with little ot no opposition. Rep. Massey (R-KY) has proposed a repeal of the 1990 CCA, to abolish ludicrous/dangerous gun-free zones, and thereby harden schools to become protective of their inhabitants.

The schools must populated with a staff of well-armed, well-trained guards, who can DEFEND them instantly, in those first critical minutes, while police RESPONDERS are on the road en route to the school (if a call to them has even been able to be made). The schools must also be equipped with security systems (cameras, monitors, alarms, locks, etc) as good as any airport or courtroom.

These ACTIONS must happen RIGHT NOW. Any delay could result in more deaths, as gun-free zone policy has already repeatedly caused. Gun control legislation might be feasible also, but it is the school protection that is first and foremost.
Do what they did at our airports. Post the military today at every school in America.
Anything less means you want another shooting.
US military can only be used outside the US. National guard can be used, but they are usually only for temporary situations. This is a permanent one.
Best scenario is probably to hire professional, trained, armed guards + arm gun-qualified school employees.
I know what our limitations are. NGs are considered soldiers and part of the armed forces. Many of them went through some of the same qualification schools I went through in the Army. They can be posted today if the Governor wanted to.
Everyone in America needs to stop talking about assault weapons, mental health, et al gun control measures, and start ACTING on school safety, and I mean NOW. As I'm posting this, a school shooter could be on his way to some school, who in conjunction with the Crime Control Act of 1990 (which enacted "gun-free zones"), can do as he pleases, with little ot no opposition. Rep. Massey (R-KY) has proposed a repeal of the 1990 CCA, to abolish ludicrous/dangerous gun-free zones, and thereby harden schools to become protective of their inhabitants.

The schools must populated with a staff of well-armed, well-trained guards, who can DEFEND them instantly, in those first critical minutes, while police RESPONDERS are on the road en route to the school (if a call to them has even been able to be made). The schools must also be equipped with security systems (cameras, monitors, alarms, locks, etc) as good as any airport or courtroom.

These ACTIONS must happen RIGHT NOW. Any delay could result in more deaths, as gun-free zone policy has already repeatedly caused. Gun control legislation might be feasible also, but it is the school protection that is first and foremost.
Do what they did at our airports. Post the military today at every school in America.
Anything less means you want another shooting.
Why not go all the way and reshape our schools like prisons? Much more secure than airports
You people are freaking crazy!
This is a serious discussion. If you think it's a damned joke it's duly noted.
So that is your vision of America. Where we have to go armed to church, school, or even grocery shopping. The great shining gunshop on the hill. Crap.

How about we take remove our children from the alter of the gun. Is there any need for a civilian to have an assault weapon? And why should someone that cannot yet legally buy alcohol or cigarettes, be able to buy an assault weapon? Why was not the fact that this kid was extremely mentally ill addressed? Why should someone that is not only 18 but under treatment for mental disease be allowed to buy any kind of gun? Why are we not addressing the fact that our nation has many times the amount of gun violence as does any other 1st world nation?
No point.
We already know why.
The amount of gun violence, first of all, is overstated.
2/3 of gun deaths are suicide.
But the bulk of most gun violence is usually some gang member who was let out on bail because of weak liberal judges. Most mass shootings are committed by Democrats or Muslims. Most mass shootings were by folks the police are well aware of.
Everyone in America needs to stop talking about assault weapons, mental health, et al gun control measures, and start ACTING on school safety, and I mean NOW. As I'm posting this, a school shooter could be on his way to some school, who in conjunction with the Crime Control Act of 1990 (which enacted "gun-free zones"), can do as he pleases, with little ot no opposition. Rep. Massey (R-KY) has proposed a repeal of the 1990 CCA, to abolish ludicrous/dangerous gun-free zones, and thereby harden schools to become protective of their inhabitants.

The schools must populated with a staff of well-armed, well-trained guards, who can DEFEND them instantly, in those first critical minutes, while police RESPONDERS are on the road en route to the school (if a call to them has even been able to be made). The schools must also be equipped with security systems (cameras, monitors, alarms, locks, etc) as good as any airport or courtroom.

These ACTIONS must happen RIGHT NOW. Any delay could result in more deaths, as gun-free zone policy has already repeatedly caused. Gun control legislation might be feasible also, but it is the school protection that is first and foremost.
Do what they did at our airports. Post the military today at every school in America.
Anything less means you want another shooting.
Why not go all the way and reshape our schools like prisons? Much more secure than airports
You people are freaking crazy!
This is a serious discussion. If you think it's a damned joke it's duly noted.
Trust me, I do not consider it a joke when you propose to make our schools resemble
Everyone in America needs to stop talking about assault weapons, mental health, et al gun control measures, and start ACTING on school safety, and I mean NOW. As I'm posting this, a school shooter could be on his way to some school, who in conjunction with the Crime Control Act of 1990 (which enacted "gun-free zones"), can do as he pleases, with little ot no opposition. Rep. Massey (R-KY) has proposed a repeal of the 1990 CCA, to abolish ludicrous/dangerous gun-free zones, and thereby harden schools to become protective of their inhabitants.

The schools must populated with a staff of well-armed, well-trained guards, who can DEFEND them instantly, in those first critical minutes, while police RESPONDERS are on the road en route to the school (if a call to them has even been able to be made). The schools must also be equipped with security systems (cameras, monitors, alarms, locks, etc) as good as any airport or courtroom.

These ACTIONS must happen RIGHT NOW. Any delay could result in more deaths, as gun-free zone policy has already repeatedly caused. Gun control legislation might be feasible also, but it is the school protection that is first and foremost.
Do what they did at our airports. Post the military today at every school in America.
Anything less means you want another shooting.
US military can only be used outside the US. National guard can be used, but they are usually only for temporary situations. This is a permanent one.
Best scenario is probably to hire professional, trained, armed guards + arm gun-qualified school employees.
I know what our limitations are. NGs are considered soldiers and part of the armed forces. Many of them went through some of the same qualification schools I went through in the Army. They can be posted today if the Governor wanted to.
How paranoid are you? Design the schools like prisons,bring in the National Guard to patrol them? All for something that is such a rare occurance that you have a better chance of getting killed by a lightning strike unless you know something the rest of us don't
Everyone in America needs to stop talking about assault weapons, mental health, et al gun control measures, and start ACTING on school safety, and I mean NOW. As I'm posting this, a school shooter could be on his way to some school, who in conjunction with the Crime Control Act of 1990 (which enacted "gun-free zones"), can do as he pleases, with little ot no opposition. Rep. Massey (R-KY) has proposed a repeal of the 1990 CCA, to abolish ludicrous/dangerous gun-free zones, and thereby harden schools to become protective of their inhabitants.

The schools must populated with a staff of well-armed, well-trained guards, who can DEFEND them instantly, in those first critical minutes, while police RESPONDERS are on the road en route to the school (if a call to them has even been able to be made). The schools must also be equipped with security systems (cameras, monitors, alarms, locks, etc) as good as any airport or courtroom.

These ACTIONS must happen RIGHT NOW. Any delay could result in more deaths, as gun-free zone policy has already repeatedly caused. Gun control legislation might be feasible also, but it is the school protection that is first and foremost.
Do what they did at our airports. Post the military today at every school in America.
Anything less means you want another shooting.
US military can only be used outside the US. National guard can be used, but they are usually only for temporary situations. This is a permanent one.
Best scenario is probably to hire professional, trained, armed guards + arm gun-qualified school employees.
I know what our limitations are. NGs are considered soldiers and part of the armed forces. Many of them went through some of the same qualification schools I went through in the Army. They can be posted today if the Governor wanted to.
How paranoid are you? Design the schools like prisons,bring in the National Guard to patrol them? All for something that is such a rare occurance that you have a better chance of getting killed by a lightning strike unless you know something the rest of us don't
Sorry, but I consider once is one time too many.
I know what our limitations are. NGs are considered soldiers and part of the armed forces. Many of them went through some of the same qualification schools I went through in the Army. They can be posted today if the Governor wanted to.
Sure, but NG is still a temporary fix. These are civilian citizens who have full time jobs, and taking thousands of them away from those jobs of an unlimited amount of time, would be a major disruption to society.

I'm well aware of the National Guard and its workings. I have an honorable discharge from it.
How paranoid are you? Design the schools like prisons,bring in the National Guard to patrol them? All for something that is such a rare occurance that you have a better chance of getting killed by a lightning strike unless you know something the rest of us don't
When this "rare occurance" happens to YOU, suddenly it's not so rare any more.
Everyone in America needs to stop talking about assault weapons, mental health, et al gun control measures, and start ACTING on school safety, and I mean NOW. As I'm posting this, a school shooter could be on his way to some school, who in conjunction with the Crime Control Act of 1990 (which enacted "gun-free zones"), can do as he pleases, with little ot no opposition. Rep. Massey (R-KY) has proposed a repeal of the 1990 CCA, to abolish ludicrous/dangerous gun-free zones, and thereby harden schools to become protective of their inhabitants.

The schools must populated with a staff of well-armed, well-trained guards, who can DEFEND them instantly, in those first critical minutes, while police RESPONDERS are on the road en route to the school (if a call to them has even been able to be made). The schools must also be equipped with security systems (cameras, monitors, alarms, locks, etc) as good as any airport or courtroom.

These ACTIONS must happen RIGHT NOW. Any delay could result in more deaths, as gun-free zone policy has already repeatedly caused. Gun control legislation might be feasible also, but it is the school protection that is first and foremost.

American children are safer in their schools today than they are in their own homes.

It is stupid to make schools into fortresses with armed instructors. It will make them more dangerous than they are now.

The kneejerk reaction that dummies have to fortify places instead of keeping weapons out of the hands of homicidal maniacs is lame.

Try harder.
I know what our limitations are. NGs are considered soldiers and part of the armed forces. Many of them went through some of the same qualification schools I went through in the Army. They can be posted today if the Governor wanted to.
Sure, but NG is still a temporary fix. These are civilian citizens who have full time jobs, and taking thousands of them away from those jobs of an unlimited amount of time, would be a major disruption to society.

I'm well aware of the National Guard and its workings. I have an honorable discharge from it.
Temporary or not.....R U willing to risk more attacks just cause the security won't be a permanent solution?
American children are safer in their schools today than they are in their own homes.

It is stupid to make schools into fortresses with armed instructors. It will make them more dangerous than they are now.

The kneejerk reaction that dummies have to fortify places instead of keeping weapons out of the hands of homicidal maniacs is lame.

Try harder.
How dumb can USMB posts get ? Every day we find out. I'd say the 17 kids killed at MSDHS were a lot safer in their own homes, than they were in the school. Same applies to those fighting for their lives in the hospital right now. Same applies to the kids killed in all these 108 American school shootings (just within the last 5 years >>

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

Obviously arming trained/licensed school employees would make them safer than they are now. How anyone can arrive at an idea that it would make them dangerous, is beyond comprehension. Must be just more liberal distorted "thinking"

AS for fortifying places and keeping weapons out of the hands of homicidal maniacs, there is no "instead' involved here. It's not one or the other. Both are necessary, but fortifying is the immediate problem. The gun control part has merit too, but it's a longer range fix that will take time.

There is NO TIME available for protecting. securing schools. A shooter could be on his way to one right this minute.

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