Too Much Talk Too Little ACTION

History proves you wrong. Scores of mass shooter massacres have been in gun-free zones (Parkland, over 100 other schools since 2013, San Bernardino, Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, Fort Hood, TX, Chattanooga, etc.

List of school shootings in the United States - Wikipedia

In contrast, where a good guy with a gun (and ready to deal) was present, perpetrators have been stopped cold, and lives have been saved by the hundreds.

Examples >>

1. July 4, 2002 LAX shooting.
2002 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia

2. Moore, Oklahoma beheading attack.
Vaughan Foods beheading incident - Wikipedia

3. Garland, Texas terrorist attack.
Curtis Culwell Center attack - Wikipedia
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Don't be an ass.

No gun zones save lives. Period.
They have saved lives thousands of times across America. (as shown in Post # 61).

You are a typical information-deprived liberal, attached to INFORMATION OMMISSION liberal media.
I'm good with more trained guards ...
But government jackboots don't get to tell local school school boards that they must arm teachers.
You can wish and hope until your ears turn purple and that'll never happen on a broad scale.
Not a very secure prediction.
Rather than arming teachers, use retired military volunteers; we're familiar with various weapons, will go toward the danger, not wait outside and take the idea of protecting students seriously.
Some teachers ARE ex-military. They're the ones we're talking about.
I'm good with more trained guards ...
But government jackboots don't get to tell local school school boards that they must arm teachers.
You can wish and hope until your ears turn purple and that'll never happen on a broad scale.
Not a very secure prediction.

Oh I'm sticking with it. Not only are teacher associations and school boards opposed, so are most major law enforcement agencies.

Why arming teachers nationwide is highly unlikely

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