Too Smart To Be A Cop?

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Post #15 reads:
"Yeah, you did. You said that only minorities and liberals are stupid. Laughable as that answer may be, my reply still fits."

So no, I did not say you said only minorities are stupid. Look at that sentence. "You said that only minorities and liberals are stupid"

Let me help you comprehend what the sentence says a little better. "You said that only minorities and liberals are stupid"

So I said you said "only minorities and liberals are stupid.
I do not understand why they would screen out intelligent applicants.

Is it faulty reasoning that an intelligent police officer might exercise more caution and restraint?
no, they would get over board with the routine and quit.
that creates over time and you have to spend money to find a replacement.
I obtained a degree in Criminal Justice decades ago and during one class we had a guest speaker who said that they do weed out the highly intelligent. Their reasoning is that the job won't hold the interest of someone with a high IQ for very long and that they would just leave the force. They prefer those with average IQ's. I always thought that interesting, since having a detective on the force with a high IQ, should be an advantage to solving crimes.
The article, if you read beyond the headlines, states that the high test score can be used to weed out a prospective candidate. And a city did so. It does not claim agencies rule them out universally. The city's reasoning was to try to limit high turnover.
Instead of weeding out the applicants with high IQ, why not then funnel them into becoming police detectives?
The article is decidedly biased. But the fact that they screen out high scores is amazing to me.

If its simply IQ I can understand why. There are certain traits they are looking for in a cop. They dont want people who are limited, may over think things, and are socially awkward. Just because you are intelligent doesnt mean you have common sense. I have worked with a lot of high IQ people that don't have common sense. It actually seems to be a trait of people with high IQ's. I bet if you scored high on the parts of the test that look for certain desired psychological traits as well as high IQ, they would not turn you down. Instead you would be fast tracked.
Why any WHITE person would take that job CURRENTLY, is beyond me!

Overly high intelligence can be a detriment to a police office. People with higher intelligence tend to think about things before acting. That is not the job of a police officer. Their job is to enforce the law, not critique or consider it. In fact, in many physical situation, thinking before acting can get you or your partner injured or killed.
I obtained a degree in Criminal Justice decades ago and during one class we had a guest speaker who said that they do weed out the highly intelligent. Their reasoning is that the job won't hold the interest of someone with a high IQ for very long and that they would just leave the force. They prefer those with average IQ's. I always thought that interesting, since having a detective on the force with a high IQ, should be an advantage to solving crimes.

The more widely distributed this information becomes the better the outcomes for high IQ people who want to be police officers. They simply tank the test on purpose. Presto chango, they're now normal IQ applicants.
I obtained a degree in Criminal Justice decades ago and during one class we had a guest speaker who said that they do weed out the highly intelligent. Their reasoning is that the job won't hold the interest of someone with a high IQ for very long and that they would just leave the force. They prefer those with average IQ's. I always thought that interesting, since having a detective on the force with a high IQ, should be an advantage to solving crimes.

The more widely distributed this information becomes the better the outcomes for high IQ people who want to be police officers. They simply tank the test on purpose. Presto chango, they're now normal IQ applicants.

Thats dumb. They still have the psych evaluation. It will come out regardless.
I obtained a degree in Criminal Justice decades ago and during one class we had a guest speaker who said that they do weed out the highly intelligent. Their reasoning is that the job won't hold the interest of someone with a high IQ for very long and that they would just leave the force. They prefer those with average IQ's. I always thought that interesting, since having a detective on the force with a high IQ, should be an advantage to solving crimes.

The more widely distributed this information becomes the better the outcomes for high IQ people who want to be police officers. They simply tank the test on purpose. Presto chango, they're now normal IQ applicants.

Thats dumb. They still have the psych evaluation. It will come out regardless.

Smart people understand why most of the questions are being asked and can choose the "proper" response if they know what end-state is desired. Honesty is usually offered when you're not being punished for honesty. Honesty can be withheld in order to avoid being punished.

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