Top 20% of households pay vast majority of income taxes

ACA equates to forced insurance. How is that great reform exactly? Forcing the healthy to pay for the sick?
That's the way any health system works. Or you can just shoot the sick and people who have accidents LOL

Nope They are Nationalized. You are wrong again. Leftist Fascist
Nationalized not really. The payment system is nationalized but their doctors make fine money, not as much as ours of course. Our system is ridiculously expensive, Republican doctors. LOL my father was a doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. our health system costs twice as much as England's per capita 50% more than France's and it sucks. My mother the Royal nurse would say where are the orderlies, the nurses here are ruined by the time they're 50.

Our healthcare system sucks. ACA made it worse as only the insurance companies profited. Look a plastic and laser eye surgery. Not regulated. Cash pay and now laser eye surgery is fairly cheap because of the number of doctors doing it. Capitalism works. ACA sucks but healthcare system sucked even before ACA. Mess.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
That's the way any health system works. Or you can just shoot the sick and people who have accidents LOL

Nope They are Nationalized. You are wrong again. Leftist Fascist
Nationalized not really. The payment system is nationalized but their doctors make fine money, not as much as ours of course. Our system is ridiculously expensive, Republican doctors. LOL my father was a doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. our health system costs twice as much as England's per capita 50% more than France's and it sucks. My mother the Royal nurse would say where are the orderlies, the nurses here are ruined by the time they're 50.

Our healthcare system sucks. ACA made it worse as only the insurance companies profited. Look a plastic and laser eye surgery. Not regulated. Cash pay and now laser eye surgery is fairly cheap because of the number of doctors doing it. Capitalism works. ACA sucks but healthcare system sucked even before ACA. Mess.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

That's just income tax. Theres sales and payroll to take into account. Also, the lower quintiles are spending more of their money for things they need and all of that is taxed.

I challenge your number of ~77k per illegal. Most of them work and are not that different from a citizen. And how much is the cost of a citizen?

I challenge your 1t lost on welfare fraud. We have rich corporations and individuals getting welfare that are rife with frauds and unethical behavior. Is that taken into account? Is the subsidization of rich companies or people through fail trickle down policy taken into account? Just because they turn a profit and arent at face illegal doesnt mean it's all positive and worth it.
Nope They are Nationalized. You are wrong again. Leftist Fascist
Nationalized not really. The payment system is nationalized but their doctors make fine money, not as much as ours of course. Our system is ridiculously expensive, Republican doctors. LOL my father was a doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. our health system costs twice as much as England's per capita 50% more than France's and it sucks. My mother the Royal nurse would say where are the orderlies, the nurses here are ruined by the time they're 50.

Our healthcare system sucks. ACA made it worse as only the insurance companies profited. Look a plastic and laser eye surgery. Not regulated. Cash pay and now laser eye surgery is fairly cheap because of the number of doctors doing it. Capitalism works. ACA sucks but healthcare system sucked even before ACA. Mess.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
The top 20% of households paid 88.1% of federal income taxes, and 69.5% of total federal taxes in 2015, ATR notes, citing the most recent numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office.


The top one percent (around 1.2 million households) paid 39.4% of federal income taxes and 26.2% of total federal taxes, at an average total tax rate of 33.3%, dropping its average income from $1.9 million to $1.2 million. Its total percent of income was 16.6% before taxes and 13.2% after taxes.

A few key numbers from the other four quintiles via the CBO's 2015 report:

  • The fourth quintile was taxed at 17.9% federal income tax and saw its average income of $108,000 drop to $91,000. Its share of income was 20% before and after taxes.
  • The middle quintile was taxed at 14% federal income tax and saw its average income drop from $71,000 to $65,000. Share of income: 13.6% before taxes, 14.7% after.
  • The second quintile paid 9.2% federal income tax but saw its average income of $44,000 increase to $47,000 from means-tested transfers. Share of income: 8.7% before transfers and taxes, 11% after.
  • The bottom quintile paid 1.5% federal income tax and saw its average income of $20,000 grow from transfers to $33,000. Share of income: $3.7 before transfers and taxes, 11% after.

So why are we thinking of taxing the rich even more? How about addressing:

-- Entitlements;
-- Illegal Immigration - each illegal costs us ~$77k per year;
-- Fraud in our welfare system ($1.1Trn welfare system)

My solutions would be:

-- Entitlement reform in terms of raising the retirement age and giving people under 30 the option to invest SS monies privately (exiting the Social program). Reform Medicare and Medicaid. Use vouchers perhaps.

-- Get rid of sanctuary cities and enforce deportations.

-- Hire more officers to enforce waste and fraud.

That's just income tax. Theres sales and payroll to take into account. Also, the lower quintiles are spending more of their money for things they need and all of that is taxed.

I challenge your number of ~77k per illegal. Most of them work and are not that different from a citizen. And how much is the cost of a citizen?

I challenge your 1t lost on welfare fraud. We have rich corporations and individuals getting welfare that are rife with frauds and unethical behavior. Is that taken into account? Is the subsidization of rich companies or people through fail trickle down policy taken into account? Just because they turn a profit and arent at face illegal doesnt mean it's all positive and worth it.

Is your solution status quo then?
Nationalized not really. The payment system is nationalized but their doctors make fine money, not as much as ours of course. Our system is ridiculously expensive, Republican doctors. LOL my father was a doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. our health system costs twice as much as England's per capita 50% more than France's and it sucks. My mother the Royal nurse would say where are the orderlies, the nurses here are ruined by the time they're 50.

Our healthcare system sucks. ACA made it worse as only the insurance companies profited. Look a plastic and laser eye surgery. Not regulated. Cash pay and now laser eye surgery is fairly cheap because of the number of doctors doing it. Capitalism works. ACA sucks but healthcare system sucked even before ACA. Mess.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.
Our healthcare system sucks. ACA made it worse as only the insurance companies profited. Look a plastic and laser eye surgery. Not regulated. Cash pay and now laser eye surgery is fairly cheap because of the number of doctors doing it. Capitalism works. ACA sucks but healthcare system sucked even before ACA. Mess.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.

Either he is for the people or he isn’t. His supporters cannot have it both ways.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.

Either he is for the people or he isn’t. His supporters cannot have it both ways.

He clearly proved by his actions, that he is FOR the ruling class and against the people (just like nearly all our recent presidents).

I can’t help it if too many Americans are STILL easily duped by government run media, hence unable to discern the truth about BO.
Our healthcare system sucks. ACA made it worse as only the insurance companies profited. Look a plastic and laser eye surgery. Not regulated. Cash pay and now laser eye surgery is fairly cheap because of the number of doctors doing it. Capitalism works. ACA sucks but healthcare system sucked even before ACA. Mess.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.
Obstructed d u h. They need 60 votes to do anything.. they had about 40 days in session with 60 votes and used it all on ACA. Of course you Dupes have been brainwashed into thinking they had two years. Brainwashed functional morons.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.
Obstructed d u h. They need 60 votes to do anything.. they had about 40 days in session was 60 volts and used it all on ACA. Of course you Dupes have been brainwashed into thinking they had two years. Brainwashed functional morons.

Is there proof that he wanted to eliminate lobbyists?
Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.

Either he is for the people or he isn’t. His supporters cannot have it both ways.

He clearly proved by his actions, that he is FOR the ruling class and against the people (just like nearly all our recent presidents).

I can’t help it if too many Americans are STILL easily duped by government run media, hence unable to discern the truth about BO.
Brainwashed functional moron∆∆∆votes for the greedy Rich GOP based totally on garbage propaganda...
Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.
Obstructed d u h. They need 60 votes to do anything.. they had about 40 days in session was 60 volts and used it all on ACA. Of course you Dupes have been brainwashed into thinking they had two years. Brainwashed functional morons.

Is there proof that he wanted to eliminate lobbyists?

Or Google Obama's lobbying rules. If you don't know the GOP loves lobbyists and Democrats have been trying to limit them forever, you are a super duper Dupe.
Obamacare will cut their profits in the future. It is a framework to be tinkered with forever. The amount they have to spend on medicine only has been limited from 27% to 20%. It is a start. Never thought I'd see the day.

We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.
Obstructed d u h. They need 60 votes to do anything.. they had about 40 days in session was 60 volts and used it all on ACA. Of course you Dupes have been brainwashed into thinking they had two years. Brainwashed functional morons.

Is there proof that he wanted to eliminate lobbyists?

Or Google Obama's lobbying rules. If you don't know the GOP loves lobbyists and Democrats have been trying to limit them forever, you are a super duper Dupe.

I dont Mean serving in the WH. I mean make illegal like it is in Europe.
We will see. Why didn’t Obama get rid of lobbyists? He had 8 yrs
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.
Obstructed d u h. They need 60 votes to do anything.. they had about 40 days in session was 60 volts and used it all on ACA. Of course you Dupes have been brainwashed into thinking they had two years. Brainwashed functional morons.

Is there proof that he wanted to eliminate lobbyists?

Or Google Obama's lobbying rules. If you don't know the GOP loves lobbyists and Democrats have been trying to limit them forever, you are a super duper Dupe.

I dont Mean serving in the WH. I mean make illegal like it is in Europe.
Vote Democratic then, dumbass. Someday we'll get 60 votes again and fix this ridiculous giveaway to the rich garbage GOP mess. Massachusetts voted in Scott Brown and wrecked Obama, goddamn idiots...
Why would he? They were giving him and his party tons of cash.
Obstructed d u h. They need 60 votes to do anything.. they had about 40 days in session was 60 volts and used it all on ACA. Of course you Dupes have been brainwashed into thinking they had two years. Brainwashed functional morons.

Is there proof that he wanted to eliminate lobbyists?

Or Google Obama's lobbying rules. If you don't know the GOP loves lobbyists and Democrats have been trying to limit them forever, you are a super duper Dupe.

I dont Mean serving in the WH. I mean make illegal like it is in Europe.
Vote Democratic then, dumbass. Someday we'll get 60 votes again and fix this ridiculous giveaway to the rich garbage GOP mess. Massachusetts voted in Scott Brown and wrecked Obama, goddamn idiots...

My vote is irrelevant the state always voted blue.
Are you really that stupid? Please answer honestly
Obstructed d u h. They need 60 votes to do anything.. they had about 40 days in session was 60 volts and used it all on ACA. Of course you Dupes have been brainwashed into thinking they had two years. Brainwashed functional morons.

Is there proof that he wanted to eliminate lobbyists?

Or Google Obama's lobbying rules. If you don't know the GOP loves lobbyists and Democrats have been trying to limit them forever, you are a super duper Dupe.

I dont Mean serving in the WH. I mean make illegal like it is in Europe.
Vote Democratic then, dumbass. Someday we'll get 60 votes again and fix this ridiculous giveaway to the rich garbage GOP mess. Massachusetts voted in Scott Brown and wrecked Obama, goddamn idiots...

My vote is irrelevant the state always voted blue.
Are you really that stupid? Please answer honestly
Scott Brown was not blue and wrecked Obama's administration. I live in New York and my district voted 73% Trump.
Well, it seems you're using the word "extract" because it sounds involuntary - as though the money was taken forcefully and not voluntarily exchanged. Is that your intent?

It's word. A simple one at that. I implied nothing. How about adressing my point rather than parsing.

You showed us all how the consumer pays the wages of the employees and makes the owner wealthy.

What you said there, is true. What you said before about the wealthy not driving the economy, is wrong.

Yes, once the wealthy setup a system, all players in the system act according to what you said here.

But without the wealthy making that investment, nothing else happens.

The "system" as you call it, was established for the sole purpose of making profit. Creating wealth for the owner. Not creating Jobs. The business exists soley to extract money from the economy. Not drive it.

Again, the bold points, I agree. There is a huge difference in creating wealth for the owners, and extracting wealth. Yes, they do create wealth. They take raw materials of low value, create products of high value, thus wealth is created. They then exchange those goods and services on the market, which benefits everyone involved, including the owner obviously.

And whether a business is created for the 'purpose' of jobs or driving the economy, is not relevant.

No one creates a business, thinking "I want to provide jobs and create growth!". But that is the natural result.

Brian Scudamore just wanted to earn a few bucks to pay for college. At age 18 with a whooping $700 saved from working a fast food job, he bought a beat up pickup truck, and started hauling trash. Today 1-800-GOT-JUNK has thousands of employees, and provides services across the world.

By the way, when I said "system", I was referring specifically to the system of how the company operates.

It extracts wealth. That's why we have this now.

View attachment 240806

No stupid. I just explained how that happens. It has nothing to do with extracting wealth. I guess I was being foolish giving a lesson in basic economics to a mindless left-wing ideologically driven nimrod.

But don't worry. I explained that a 5th grade level, and if you can't get it, I now know better than to try and explain it to you again.
Is there proof that he wanted to eliminate lobbyists?

Or Google Obama's lobbying rules. If you don't know the GOP loves lobbyists and Democrats have been trying to limit them forever, you are a super duper Dupe.

I dont Mean serving in the WH. I mean make illegal like it is in Europe.
Vote Democratic then, dumbass. Someday we'll get 60 votes again and fix this ridiculous giveaway to the rich garbage GOP mess. Massachusetts voted in Scott Brown and wrecked Obama, goddamn idiots...

My vote is irrelevant the state always voted blue.
Are you really that stupid? Please answer honestly
Scott Brown was not blue and wrecked Obama's administration. I live in New York and my district voted 73% Trump.

We are discussing POTUS voting
That's the way any health system works. Or you can just shoot the sick and people who have accidents LOL

Nope They are Nationalized. You are wrong again. Leftist Fascist
Nationalized not really. The payment system is nationalized but their doctors make fine money, not as much as ours of course. Our system is ridiculously expensive, Republican doctors. LOL my father was a doctor who was for socialized medicine since 1940. our health system costs twice as much as England's per capita 50% more than France's and it sucks. My mother the Royal nurse would say where are the orderlies, the nurses here are ruined by the time they're 50.

Our healthcare system sucks. ACA made it worse as only the insurance companies profited. Look a plastic and laser eye surgery. Not regulated. Cash pay and now laser eye surgery is fairly cheap because of the number of doctors doing it. Capitalism works. ACA sucks but healthcare system sucked even before ACA. Mess.
It's getting better thanks to Obamacare competition and transparency. And it helps the people on Medicaid a lot. and 75% on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month so that they are doing well and it's coming down price wise.

Greedy insurance companies have never done better. Makes me ill. Ironic isn’t it?

Well of course. I knew the insurance companies would make more money than ever, no matter what Obama did.

This is another one of the fascinating aspects of left-wing ideology, is that they don't seem to even see the natural results of their own views.

When you regulate an industry.... naturally.... they will end up making more money.

Why is that? Because if you regulate an industry, you will reduce competition. By it's very nature, regulations will reduce competition.

Well what happens if you reduce the supply of a product? The price goes up.

Fewer competing insurance companies, providing fewer competing insurance options... means they can charge more.

Even if they had not eliminated pre-existing condition clauses, this would happen. Even if they didn't require insurance cover a pre-defined list of things, this would happen.

You combine both the massive regulations reducing competition, plus all the requirements for mininum coverage, and the elimination of pre-existing condition clauses.......

Yeah... OF COURSE the big insurance companies are going to make larger and larger profits, thanks to your regulations.

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