Top Candy makers scrub Easter from packaging

Christmas wasn't originally a Christian holiday or Christ's birthday. I think the Christians just stole it, I think.
I've never been able to figure out just what the hell's going on with Easter bunnies and shit
They kinda stole Easter, too. Passover (the Last Supper was a Seder, remember) is when the Spring Solstice also is. So when Christ died during Passover, the church later associated it with pagan Spring Solstice rites so people would feel more familiar with it. Rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols celebrated in hopes of a good coming crop. Very old stuff.
The Greeks had their Persephone.
Persephone was way cool. Wasn't she the one who spent half the year with the old man down below and then came back to bring flowers etc.? Was she also the pomegranate lady?
Christmas wasn't originally a Christian holiday or Christ's birthday. I think the Christians just stole it, I think.
I've never been able to figure out just what the hell's going on with Easter bunnies and shit
They kinda stole Easter, too. Passover (the Last Supper was a Seder, remember) is when the Spring Solstice also is. So when Christ died during Passover, the church later associated it with pagan Spring Solstice rites so people would feel more familiar with it. Rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols celebrated in hopes of a good coming crop. Very old stuff.
The Greeks had their Persephone.
Persephone was way cool. Wasn't she the one who spent half the year with the old man down below and then came back to bring flowers etc.? Was she also the pomegranate lady?
Yes..The resurrection is also the phoenix rising type myth..
Christmas wasn't originally a Christian holiday or Christ's birthday. I think the Christians just stole it, I think.
I've never been able to figure out just what the hell's going on with Easter bunnies and shit
They kinda stole Easter, too. Passover (the Last Supper was a Seder, remember) is when the Spring Solstice also is. So when Christ died during Passover, the church later associated it with pagan Spring Solstice rites so people would feel more familiar with it. Rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols celebrated in hopes of a good coming crop. Very old stuff.
The Greeks had their Persephone.
Persephone was way cool. Wasn't she the one who spent half the year with the old man down below and then came back to bring flowers etc.? Was she also the pomegranate lady?
I always favored Aphrodite.

Christmas wasn't originally a Christian holiday or Christ's birthday. I think the Christians just stole it, I think.
I've never been able to figure out just what the hell's going on with Easter bunnies and shit
They kinda stole Easter, too. Passover (the Last Supper was a Seder, remember) is when the Spring Solstice also is. So when Christ died during Passover, the church later associated it with pagan Spring Solstice rites so people would feel more familiar with it. Rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols celebrated in hopes of a good coming crop. Very old stuff.
The Greeks had their Persephone.
Persephone was way cool. Wasn't she the one who spent half the year with the old man down below and then came back to bring flowers etc.? Was she also the pomegranate lady?
I always favored Aphrodite.

Bad wig, nice bod..
I'm sorry you believe that. I don't think it's true. I do think a lot of people who do not mean well, like the OP, throw bombs like this to get people all emotional and enraged at a group who by and large wishes no one any harm.

AND AS A GENERAL NOTE TO ALL: Marshmallow Peeps are awesome after 5 seconds in the microwave.
Happy Easter, everyone!
How can you think we are not about traditions? Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, memorial day, July 4th, Christmas, new years day, labor day, Football, super bowls, father and son things, mother and daughter girl things, Nascar, just to name a few traditions.
That's not the part I was disagreeing with, Mike. Traditions are awesome. I don't believe the other part---that the left is trying hard to kill everyone of them.
Well I see it and so do a lot of others. Perhaps you don't thing the wayc ertain things are being changed is an attack by the left. :)
I live in such a backwater that maybe there isn't much change to see. I know lots of lefties; sometimes I'm one, and I have no wish to interfere with anyone's traditions and neither does anyone I know. That's true. I think it's mostly true everywhere. Whatever the reason for taking "Easter" off candy packages, it is certainly not to disestablish Easter as a tradition. My goodness.
It reminds me of when the kids were toddlers, crying and stomping cause things weren't done to please them by a private corporation..
Remember that in 2018.
How can you think we are not about traditions? Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, memorial day, July 4th, Christmas, new years day, labor day, Football, super bowls, father and son things, mother and daughter girl things, Nascar, just to name a few traditions.
That's not the part I was disagreeing with, Mike. Traditions are awesome. I don't believe the other part---that the left is trying hard to kill everyone of them.
Well I see it and so do a lot of others. Perhaps you don't thing the wayc ertain things are being changed is an attack by the left. :)
I live in such a backwater that maybe there isn't much change to see. I know lots of lefties; sometimes I'm one, and I have no wish to interfere with anyone's traditions and neither does anyone I know. That's true. I think it's mostly true everywhere. Whatever the reason for taking "Easter" off candy packages, it is certainly not to disestablish Easter as a tradition. My goodness.
It reminds me of when the kids were toddlers, crying and stomping cause things weren't done to please them by a private corporation..
Remember that in 2018.
I am sure it will be something else..
They hate this country's history and traditions.
NO THEY DON'T. That is the enemy talking, Mac. Don't be fooled.
Here's what I wonder (and I'm a comfy agnostic, by the way):

What is it about Christianity that makes the Left so desperate to stamp out any sign of it whatsoever, even though it has been a clear and large part of our society for generation after generation after generation?

Is there something about it that causes some kind of anxiety or physical reaction so profound that there is some significant discomfort?

And let's not confuse regular tradition with what is and what is not in the Constitution - I'm told by the Left that that horrible document was written by rich white slave rapists, so I don't want to play that game.

What is it, and how bad are the symptoms of seeing it in the public square? Serious question.
They hate this country's history and traditions.
NO THEY DON'T. That is the enemy talking, Mac. Don't be fooled.
Here's what I wonder (and I'm a comfy agnostic, by the way):

What is it about Christianity that makes the Left so desperate to stamp out any sign of it whatsoever, even though it has been a clear and large part of our society for generation after generation after generation?

Is there something about it that causes some kind of anxiety or physical reaction so profound that there is some significant discomfort?

And let's not confuse regular tradition with what is and what is not in the Constitution - I'm told by the Left that that horrible document was written by rich white slave rapists, so I don't want to play that game.

What is it, and how bad are the symptoms of seeing it in the public square? Serious question.
I can tell you what it is. According the the constitution, we are all born with certain inalienable rights that are given to us by our creator at birth. That creator being God. Now if you destroy Christianity, prove (however) there is no God, then how can we have rights that are given to us at the time of birth? Rights that we all come with? Now if that's the case then naturally all of our "rights" will be defined as whatever a repressive government says they are. That's why. Of course no regressive gas bag will ever admit that nor will any sorry assed politicians.
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using

As a Catholic I learned that Jesus died for our sins. I understood the meaning of Easter and I had fun with Easter eggs, baskets and chocolate rabbits. It's possible to do both.

Did you attend a Catholic school?

For Protestant Children in public schools, there is no daily reinforcement of the importance of Easter. The Catholic cross shows Jesus suffering on the cross. The Protestant cross is an empty cross, symbolizing Jesus' resurrection and his victory over death.

Children attending religious school get better re-inforcement on the meaning of Christmas and Easter. Children in public schools do not, and while I don't make a big deal about pagan trappings of Easter, I do have family traditions which are both Christian and enjoyable.

I attended 12 years of Catholic school.
They hate this country's history and traditions.
NO THEY DON'T. That is the enemy talking, Mac. Don't be fooled.
Here's what I wonder (and I'm a comfy agnostic, by the way):

What is it about Christianity that makes the Left so desperate to stamp out any sign of it whatsoever, even though it has been a clear and large part of our society for generation after generation after generation?

Is there something about it that causes some kind of anxiety or physical reaction so profound that there is some significant discomfort?

And let's not confuse regular tradition with what is and what is not in the Constitution - I'm told by the Left that that horrible document was written by rich white slave rapists, so I don't want to play that game.

What is it, and how bad are the symptoms of seeing it in the public square? Serious question.
I can tell you what it is. According the the constitution, we are all born with certain inalienable rights that are given to us by our creator at birth. That creator being God. Now if you destroy Christianity, prove (however) there is no God, then how can we have rights that are given to us at the time of birth? Rights that we all come with? Now if that's the case then naturally all of our "rights" will be defined as whatever a repressive government says they are. That's why. Of course no regressive gas bag will ever admit that nor will any sorry assed politicians.
Well, that's as good an answer as any so far.
They hate this country's history and traditions.
Who, candy companies?
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
They hate this country's history and traditions.
Who, candy companies?
Notice the fail that this one provides when he attempts to play pretend like all regressives do.
I call that technique the Isolation strategy.

When a story like this pops up, they pretend not to see that it's part of a much larger picture, an example of a much larger behavior.

So they isolate it down to its smallest possible individual piece in an effort to make it absurd in its smallness.

They're very good at it, very practiced.

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