Top Candy makers scrub Easter from packaging

They hate this country's history and traditions.
Who, candy companies?
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
I see your pretend here, but as usual it has failed. Large companies are ran by whomever, and they try hard to play to their largest demographic. If they think by allowing an image to be cast onto them and or that product, that many might deem offensive, then they will remove that image, so as not to suffer backlash from regressive groups who will try to hurt them financially. Is this easy enough for you to understand? If it isn't, then just look back at the backlash Target received over it's bathroom policy, justified or not.

My pretend? As usual? I don't recall saying much, if anything, to you in the past. What other pretending are you talking about? You seem to be trying to just shove me into some "leftist" box in your mind, but hey, maybe you've read a bunch of my posts and your characterizations are based on more than your own biases....

Regressive liberal gas bag tactics.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/Bigot card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for a while.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.
Who, candy companies?
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
Please see post 60.

Look, candy companies are the ones supposedly changing their Easter candy wrappers and the names of Easter events. You said the Regressive Left hates this country's history and traditions (which, I might point out, seemingly ignores the fact that the only actual instance of a name change away from Easter provided by the article is of a British Easter egg hunt). Post 60 does not answer why candy companies would pander to the Regressive Left, or if candy companies ARE the Regressive Left, or if there is some other reason you feel the Regressive Left is responsible for candy companies making the decision to remove Easter from their labels or events. If you have issues answering what seem to be pretty simple questions about your statements, that's not my problem. ;)
Good gawd, my overall point is not about candy companies, please tell me you know that and that you're just playing games.

If you really, honestly don't see that, then never mind.

Fine, but this thread is about what candy companies are doing, which you seemed to blame on the Regressive Left. I'm asking what, exactly, the Regressive Left did to cause candy companies to make such a change. Are the companies just following what they see as societal trends, has there been some sort of outcry about Easter on candy being offensive, etc. etc. I don't know why you seem to find answering a question a little bit specific, and tied directly to the OP, so onerous.
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
Please see post 60.

Look, candy companies are the ones supposedly changing their Easter candy wrappers and the names of Easter events. You said the Regressive Left hates this country's history and traditions (which, I might point out, seemingly ignores the fact that the only actual instance of a name change away from Easter provided by the article is of a British Easter egg hunt). Post 60 does not answer why candy companies would pander to the Regressive Left, or if candy companies ARE the Regressive Left, or if there is some other reason you feel the Regressive Left is responsible for candy companies making the decision to remove Easter from their labels or events. If you have issues answering what seem to be pretty simple questions about your statements, that's not my problem. ;)
Good gawd, my overall point is not about candy companies, please tell me you know that and that you're just playing games.

If you really, honestly don't see that, then never mind.

Fine, but this thread is about what candy companies are doing, which you seemed to blame on the Regressive Left. I'm asking what, exactly, the Regressive Left did to cause candy companies to make such a change. Are the companies just following what they see as societal trends, has there been some sort of outcry about Easter on candy being offensive, etc. etc. I don't know why you seem to find answering a question a little bit specific, and tied directly to the OP, so onerous.
Decades-long, narcissistic, intolerant, bigoted cultural pressure.
Who, candy companies?
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
I see your pretend here, but as usual it has failed. Large companies are ran by whomever, and they try hard to play to their largest demographic. If they think by allowing an image to be cast onto them and or that product, that many might deem offensive, then they will remove that image, so as not to suffer backlash from regressive groups who will try to hurt them financially. Is this easy enough for you to understand? If it isn't, then just look back at the backlash Target received over it's bathroom policy, justified or not.

That's fine. You think the companies are changing the labels because the regressive groups are a large enough demographic that it is sound financially for them to do so. That answers my question.

That seems possible, but I haven't noticed any calls for Easter to be removed from labels, nor do I remember hearing about any groups complaining about Easter being too prevalent. I wonder if there are any specific events or groups that would lead candy companies to make this kind of change, or if it is just a general feeling that their customers would prefer it, or even a test to see if sales increase? Perhaps the candy companies are hoping to entice more non-Christians to buy their products by removing Easter? Assuming the article is true, of course.

Not what I said. I never said they were a large demographic. Stop putting words in my mouth. What I said in a later post was that a small group of these extremists, pushed and favored by the media, is what controls this. Companies fear the backlash that results in lager groups being swayed by these pieces of shit.

Sorry, the regressive groups and those who may be swayed by them are a large enough demographic. Or at least, the perception by candy companies that enough people might be swayed by those regressives.
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
Please see post 60.

Look, candy companies are the ones supposedly changing their Easter candy wrappers and the names of Easter events. You said the Regressive Left hates this country's history and traditions (which, I might point out, seemingly ignores the fact that the only actual instance of a name change away from Easter provided by the article is of a British Easter egg hunt). Post 60 does not answer why candy companies would pander to the Regressive Left, or if candy companies ARE the Regressive Left, or if there is some other reason you feel the Regressive Left is responsible for candy companies making the decision to remove Easter from their labels or events. If you have issues answering what seem to be pretty simple questions about your statements, that's not my problem. ;)
Good gawd, my overall point is not about candy companies, please tell me you know that and that you're just playing games.

If you really, honestly don't see that, then never mind.

Fine, but this thread is about what candy companies are doing, which you seemed to blame on the Regressive Left. I'm asking what, exactly, the Regressive Left did to cause candy companies to make such a change. Are the companies just following what they see as societal trends, has there been some sort of outcry about Easter on candy being offensive, etc. etc. I don't know why you seem to find answering a question a little bit specific, and tied directly to the OP, so onerous.
I've already told, but you will keep posting the same pretend crap like you don't have any idea what I'm talking about. It's a commie tactic that goes way back, and you are not any good at it. All you want to do is sow discord and make people think that nothing like what I have stated goes on. I won't waste any more time with your game. Go ahead and keep on spewing your crap. Like I have stated before, myself and many others are tired of liberal bullshit like this and are ready for to end one way or another. Do your best traitor.
Regressive liberal gas bag tactics.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/Bigot card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for a while.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

Now I'm rejecting explanations as right wing lies and ignoring facts? :lmao: I'd love to see examples of that. ;)

All I've done is ask for clarification or expansion of statements made. Apparently, for some people, asking for clarification is a no-no.
Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
Please see post 60.

Look, candy companies are the ones supposedly changing their Easter candy wrappers and the names of Easter events. You said the Regressive Left hates this country's history and traditions (which, I might point out, seemingly ignores the fact that the only actual instance of a name change away from Easter provided by the article is of a British Easter egg hunt). Post 60 does not answer why candy companies would pander to the Regressive Left, or if candy companies ARE the Regressive Left, or if there is some other reason you feel the Regressive Left is responsible for candy companies making the decision to remove Easter from their labels or events. If you have issues answering what seem to be pretty simple questions about your statements, that's not my problem. ;)
Good gawd, my overall point is not about candy companies, please tell me you know that and that you're just playing games.

If you really, honestly don't see that, then never mind.

Fine, but this thread is about what candy companies are doing, which you seemed to blame on the Regressive Left. I'm asking what, exactly, the Regressive Left did to cause candy companies to make such a change. Are the companies just following what they see as societal trends, has there been some sort of outcry about Easter on candy being offensive, etc. etc. I don't know why you seem to find answering a question a little bit specific, and tied directly to the OP, so onerous.
I've already told, but you will keep posting the same pretend crap like you don't have any idea what I'm talking about. It's a commie tactic that goes way back, and you are not any good at it. All you want to do is sow discord and make people think that nothing like what I have stated goes on. I won't waste any more time with your game. Go ahead and keep on spewing your crap. Like I have stated before, myself and many others are tired of liberal bullshit like this and are ready for to end one way or another. Do your best traitor.

I haven't even once said that anything hasn't happened. I've simply asked about why you think it happened. In this particular case, I didn't even ask you anything; the post you quoted was clearly directed at Mac.

Now I'm trying to "sow discord?" I guess asking for clarification or elucidation is sowing discord. :lol:
How many times must you be told before you stop with your pretend? How many more lies will you tell before the day ends?
Apparently this is a rehash of an older article. I found the same claims of candy companies dropping Easter from labels last year, including the same quote from David Marshall. Dropping ‘Easter’ from eggs stirs culture war in U.K.

In 2017, it appears that Cadbury does have Easter in the name of its event in Australia, at least: Cadbury Easter Egg Hunt & Family Picnic

Cadbury's Website does just call it the Cadbury Egg Hunt, but it is in the Easter Hunt section with the word Easter prominently displayed: Easter Hunt

Perhaps this is a symptom of a movement away from tradition, but if so, it seems to be a very minor one in the case of Cadbury. I haven't seen any examples of other candy companies changing their labels to be able to get any sort of feel for how widespread the practice might be.
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using
And as such; it is the original, and true meaning of the season. Christians have tried to co-op it, and planted their zombie holiday on top of it, because the Christian faith is sexually repressive, and prudish. Thankfully the majority of European Americans still incorporate the original, and only meaningful symbolism into the holiday. The "pagan" influence is hanging on strong. While the Christian doppelganger holidays are waning.
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As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using
So no Easter baskets for your kids? No Santa Claus and Christmas trees either? That's just good fun for the children, isn't it?
The Yule log is my personal favorite.
Who, candy companies?
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
I see your pretend here, but as usual it has failed. Large companies are ran by whomever, and they try hard to play to their largest demographic. If they think by allowing an image to be cast onto them and or that product, that many might deem offensive, then they will remove that image, so as not to suffer backlash from regressive groups who will try to hurt them financially. Is this easy enough for you to understand? If it isn't, then just look back at the backlash Target received over it's bathroom policy, justified or not.

My pretend? As usual? I don't recall saying much, if anything, to you in the past. What other pretending are you talking about? You seem to be trying to just shove me into some "leftist" box in your mind, but hey, maybe you've read a bunch of my posts and your characterizations are based on more than your own biases....

Regressive liberal gas bag tactics.

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/Bigot card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for a while.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

Gee Mike, thanks for "mansplaining" that for us.

I'm sorry that as a liberal, I continue to annoy you by demanding links to the shit you post, but your relying upon InfoWars, Breitbart, the Heritage Foundation, and right wing blogs makes your assertions about as reliable as those of the orange-faced baboon you voted for.

Quite frankly, liberals have good reason to doubt the analytical skills of anyone who voted for Trump, and who continues to defend his actions as those of a sane, reasonable human being. Or who tries to pretend that his administration hasn't started with chaos and "ill-advised" Executive Orders, and is now heading right into a shooting war with the maniac in North Korea sound, and at this point, it seems like the NK maniac is the saner of the two, which is downright scary.

That you expect us to swallow the lies, distortions and half-truths you rely upon when making your own decisions shows how dismally unprepared you are for life in the real world. But then you believed the conman, and continue to support him, so your critical thinking skills are highly suspect.
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As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using
So no Easter baskets for your kids? No Santa Claus and Christmas trees either? That's just good fun for the children, isn't it?

I certainly don't want to speak for Dragonlady, but Santa and the Easter Bunny have always seemed to be somewhat cheap and degrading to me, at least in relation to the religious nature of the holidays involved. Elves building toys for good children, a fat man flying a sleigh with magical reindeer to deliver those presents, what do they have to do with the birth of the son of God? A sentient rabbit delivering chocolate eggs and baskets of jelly beans has what to do with the resurrection?

I agree that, for young children, these traditions are a fun way to celebrate the holidays. However, they do not seem very Christian traditions, with the embracing of magic and refocusing of the holidays from Christ to these created, mystical beings. I can understand how Christians might find them offensive, or at least not incorporate them into their own holiday celebrations.

I plan on eating candy with the little one I nanny tomorrow, though. :D
That's because they aren't Christian. And they never were. These holidays, and festivities were practiced long before Christianity was made up. The Christian leaders/conquerors simply chose these days in order to snuff out the competing religions which were a threat to it's supremacy.
They hate this country's history and traditions.
NO THEY DON'T. That is the enemy talking, Mac. Don't be fooled.
Here's what I wonder (and I'm a comfy agnostic, by the way):

What is it about Christianity that makes the Left so desperate to stamp out any sign of it whatsoever, even though it has been a clear and large part of our society for generation after generation after generation?

Is there something about it that causes some kind of anxiety or physical reaction so profound that there is some significant discomfort?

And let's not confuse regular tradition with what is and what is not in the Constitution - I'm told by the Left that that horrible document was written by rich white slave rapists, so I don't want to play that game.

What is it, and how bad are the symptoms of seeing it in the public square? Serious question.
I will bring sorrow into my Easter recalling this thread. You are listening to individual extremist voices and letting them have the power over what the left is actually about. I imagine one of the things that makes some lefties quite nervous is that the Christians want to stop legal abortion and be allowed to discriminate against homosexuals based on their religious beliefs. That may be why some extremists who weren't raised properly are attacking others' religion.
I have never heard anyone say the C was a horrible document. You know full well that Democrats don't believe that. Don't let ridiculous voices turn half the country into your enemy. It isn't true.
I'm learning I can count on you for responses like that, thanks.

Two specific examples I can provide of Democrat posters here referring to the Founding Fathers as "slave rapists" are JoeB131 and Seawytch. I've tagged them here so that I'm not "talking behind their backs". I'm quite sure I've seen it from more than a few others, but I do remember those.

So is it fair to say you feel that these people are more afraid of what would happen if Christianity spread, than they are when they try to base their argument on the Constitution? If so, I would agree.

Actually,what I said was that the Electoral College is a result of the slave rapers, the southern slave states. All statements of fact.
Strip all references to religion from "Easter" and leave only peeps and chocolate bunnies. Why are candy companies cutting their own throats like this? If there wasn't an "Easter" there would no colored eggs whether or not there was a remembrance of the Resurrection.
They hate this country's history and traditions.
NO THEY DON'T. That is the enemy talking, Mac. Don't be fooled.
Here's what I wonder (and I'm a comfy agnostic, by the way):

What is it about Christianity that makes the Left so desperate to stamp out any sign of it whatsoever, even though it has been a clear and large part of our society for generation after generation after generation?

Is there something about it that causes some kind of anxiety or physical reaction so profound that there is some significant discomfort?

And let's not confuse regular tradition with what is and what is not in the Constitution - I'm told by the Left that that horrible document was written by rich white slave rapists, so I don't want to play that game.

What is it, and how bad are the symptoms of seeing it in the public square? Serious question.
I will bring sorrow into my Easter recalling this thread. You are listening to individual extremist voices and letting them have the power over what the left is actually about. I imagine one of the things that makes some lefties quite nervous is that the Christians want to stop legal abortion and be allowed to discriminate against homosexuals based on their religious beliefs. That may be why some extremists who weren't raised properly are attacking others' religion.
I have never heard anyone say the C was a horrible document. You know full well that Democrats don't believe that. Don't let ridiculous voices turn half the country into your enemy. It isn't true.
I'm learning I can count on you for responses like that, thanks.

Two specific examples I can provide of Democrat posters here referring to the Founding Fathers as "slave rapists" are JoeB131 and Seawytch. I've tagged them here so that I'm not "talking behind their backs". I'm quite sure I've seen it from more than a few others, but I do remember those.

So is it fair to say you feel that these people are more afraid of what would happen if Christianity spread, than they are when they try to base their argument on the Constitution? If so, I would agree.

Actually,what I said was that the Electoral College is a result of the slave rapers, the southern slave states. All statements of fact.
Thanks for the clarification and confirmation.
Grocery store aisles are lined with chocolate candy bunnies, jelly beans, and marshmallow Peeps, but one thing is missing–the word “Easter.” Hershey’s, M&M’s, Lindor, Russell Stover, Dove, Rolo, and Twix have all produced Easter themed candy without mentioning the word on the front of their candy, according to a press release from the Liberty Counsel. “Just as companies were trying to profit from Christmas while ignoring the reason for the celebration, now
Top Candy Makers Scrub 'Easter' From Packaging

Liberal ass kissing Corporations are to low on the IQ chart to realize if you keep taking away what
America is all about YOU WON'T have an AMERICA .

The loss of your own free will is being stripped and half you idiots can't even pick up on that.
Listen, if we've learned anything from you so called Christians, its not only are you nuts wolves in sheep clothing, but your fuckin biblical hypocrites....You morons, you fake lovers of Christianity, you bible toting hypocrites, voted in a man, who represents EVIL!! AND HIS NAME IN take your fake outrage and shove it!! You lost your creds, all of you, months ago!!
They hate this country's history and traditions.
Who, candy companies?
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
I see your pretend here, but as usual it has failed. Large companies are ran by whomever, and they try hard to play to their largest demographic. If they think by allowing an image to be cast onto them and or that product, that many might deem offensive, then they will remove that image, so as not to suffer backlash from regressive groups who will try to hurt them financially. Is this easy enough for you to understand? If it isn't, then just look back at the backlash Target received over it's bathroom policy, justified or not.

That's fine. You think the companies are changing the labels because the regressive groups are a large enough demographic that it is sound financially for them to do so. That answers my question.

That seems possible, but I haven't noticed any calls for Easter to be removed from labels, nor do I remember hearing about any groups complaining about Easter being too prevalent. I wonder if there are any specific events or groups that would lead candy companies to make this kind of change, or if it is just a general feeling that their customers would prefer it, or even a test to see if sales increase? Perhaps the candy companies are hoping to entice more non-Christians to buy their products by removing Easter? Assuming the article is true, of course.
FALSE: Cadbury Has Banned the Word 'Easter'
The article is False.
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using

the cross is a symbol of death-----100s of thousands of people
have been murdered by barbaric people who liked to nail people
to crosses. Somehow the easter celebration ignores most of them.
I wonder how many Christians are aware of the fact that Jesus was one
of hundreds of thousands killed in that manner. Did you tell the kids in
the sunday school class?

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