Top Candy makers scrub Easter from packaging

Who, candy companies?
No, the Regressive Left.

Well, are candy companies run by the Regressive left, then? Or are there so many members of the Regressive left that candy companies feel they will make more money pandering to that demographic? So far as I can see there is no law or regulation requiring Easter to be removed from candy wrapping (assuming this report is, in fact, true) and I haven't seen or heard of any calls for candy companies to remove mention of Easter from their candy. That then begs the question of why you assume that the Regressive left is responsible for this?
I see your pretend here, but as usual it has failed. Large companies are ran by whomever, and they try hard to play to their largest demographic. If they think by allowing an image to be cast onto them and or that product, that many might deem offensive, then they will remove that image, so as not to suffer backlash from regressive groups who will try to hurt them financially. Is this easy enough for you to understand? If it isn't, then just look back at the backlash Target received over it's bathroom policy, justified or not.

That's fine. You think the companies are changing the labels because the regressive groups are a large enough demographic that it is sound financially for them to do so. That answers my question.

That seems possible, but I haven't noticed any calls for Easter to be removed from labels, nor do I remember hearing about any groups complaining about Easter being too prevalent. I wonder if there are any specific events or groups that would lead candy companies to make this kind of change, or if it is just a general feeling that their customers would prefer it, or even a test to see if sales increase? Perhaps the candy companies are hoping to entice more non-Christians to buy their products by removing Easter? Assuming the article is true, of course.
FALSE: Cadbury Has Banned the Word 'Easter'
The article is False.

The OP article doesn't actually say that Cadbury banned the word Easter. It says that Cadbury changed the name of their Easter Egg Hunt to the Great British Egg Hunt. This year, it is called just The Cadbury Egg Hunt, so far as I can tell. However, the word Easter is plastered all over the advertising for the event.
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

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the cross is a symbol of death-----100s of thousands of people
have been murdered by barbaric people who liked to nail people
to crosses. Somehow the easter celebration ignores most of them.
I wonder how many Christians are aware of the fact that Jesus was one
of hundreds of thousands killed in that manner. Did you tell the kids in
the sunday school class?

That doesn't even make sense. How many of those people do Christians believe were the son of God?
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using

the cross is a symbol of death-----100s of thousands of people
have been murdered by barbaric people who liked to nail people
to crosses. Somehow the easter celebration ignores most of them.
I wonder how many Christians are aware of the fact that Jesus was one
of hundreds of thousands killed in that manner. Did you tell the kids in
the sunday school class?

That doesn't even make sense. How many of those people do Christians believe were the son of God?
Talk about not making sense.
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using

the cross is a symbol of death-----100s of thousands of people
have been murdered by barbaric people who liked to nail people
to crosses. Somehow the easter celebration ignores most of them.
I wonder how many Christians are aware of the fact that Jesus was one
of hundreds of thousands killed in that manner. Did you tell the kids in
the sunday school class?

That doesn't even make sense. How many of those people do Christians believe were the son of God?

I grew up amongst Christians and was involved in their holidays and exposed
to their beliefs (as a child). As I grew up I came to understand that Christian
kids see EVERYTHING about Jesus to be UTTERLY unique. One of the
UNIQUE issues is THE CROSS which----just in itself is----somehow----"holy"
for the sole reason that it was used as the means to execute Jesus. The issue
is taken to such an extreme that the naïve mind comes out of the "passion play"
with the notion that crucifixion was INVENTED just for that ONE EVENT. In fact,
one gets the same impression after spending a few hours looking at medieval
art. Symbols are what is MADE of them-----they are just that----symbols. I see
nothing wrong with using a cross as a symbol-------but then, I see nothing wrong
with coloring easter eggs either---whatever EGGS meant to pagan romans. As
to the chocolate bunnies-------THAT's the BEST part of the holiday
for the record----Cadbury easter eggs are kosher-------which means-----that when Jesus RISES -----HE will be able to eat them
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using

the cross is a symbol of death-----100s of thousands of people
have been murdered by barbaric people who liked to nail people
to crosses. Somehow the easter celebration ignores most of them.
I wonder how many Christians are aware of the fact that Jesus was one
of hundreds of thousands killed in that manner. Did you tell the kids in
the sunday school class?

Since you're not Christian and have no idea of the traditions, it is irrelevant whether you have a problem with using eggs as a symbols of Easter or whether you think chocolate rabbits are the best part of the holiday. The holiday has no spiritual meaning to you.

Jesus was not crucified alone. He was crucified with two other men - thieves. It is part of the Easter story, so yes, the children are aware that crucifiction was a common form of torture. But it is not how Jesus died that is important, it is that three days later he was resurrected. That is the Easter Miracle.
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using

the cross is a symbol of death-----100s of thousands of people
have been murdered by barbaric people who liked to nail people
to crosses. Somehow the easter celebration ignores most of them.
I wonder how many Christians are aware of the fact that Jesus was one
of hundreds of thousands killed in that manner. Did you tell the kids in
the sunday school class?

That doesn't even make sense. How many of those people do Christians believe were the son of God?

I grew up amongst Christians and was involved in their holidays and exposed
to their beliefs (as a child). As I grew up I came to understand that Christian
kids see EVERYTHING about Jesus to be UTTERLY unique. One of the
UNIQUE issues is THE CROSS which----just in itself is----somehow----"holy"
for the sole reason that it was used as the means to execute Jesus. The issue
is taken to such an extreme that the naïve mind comes out of the "passion play"
with the notion that crucifixion was INVENTED just for that ONE EVENT. In fact,
one gets the same impression after spending a few hours looking at medieval
art. Symbols are what is MADE of them-----they are just that----symbols. I see
nothing wrong with using a cross as a symbol-------but then, I see nothing wrong
with coloring easter eggs either---whatever EGGS meant to pagan romans. As
to the chocolate bunnies-------THAT's the BEST part of the holiday

I'm not going to argue about the messages kids may get from religions or their symbols. I agree that, particularly with kids, religious symbols can be misinterpreted easily.

However, that doesn't mean that it makes sense for Christians to teach about the crucifixations of people other than Jesus on Easter. Of course Easter will "ignore" other people executed by being nailed to a cross. It is about the resurrection of the son of God. I don't have to believe that to understand why only Jesus being crucified is part of the Good Friday to Easter holiday. ;)

I prefer Creme Eggs to chocolate bunnies. I love the jelly beans, too.....except those black licorice ones! What demented sadist decided putting black licorice jelly beans in a package filled with a bunch of fruit flavors was a good idea?! :mad:

EDIT: As Dragonlady pointed out, there were supposedly 2 others crucified with Jesus. So not all other crucifixations are ignored.
Last edited:
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using

the cross is a symbol of death-----100s of thousands of people
have been murdered by barbaric people who liked to nail people
to crosses. Somehow the easter celebration ignores most of them.
I wonder how many Christians are aware of the fact that Jesus was one
of hundreds of thousands killed in that manner. Did you tell the kids in
the sunday school class?

Since you're not Christian and have no idea of the traditions, it is irrelevant whether you have a problem with using eggs as a symbols of Easter or whether you think chocolate rabbits are the best part of the holiday. The holiday has no spiritual meaning to you.

Jesus was not crucified alone. He was crucified with two other men - thieves. It is part of the Easter story, so yes, the children are aware that crucifiction was a common form of torture. But it is not how Jesus died that is important, it is that three days later he was resurrected. That is the Easter Miracle.

your post is high handed and cavalier (ie damned rude) Of course I know the
traditions of easter------I grew up with them. It is not rocket science. As to
plain ordinary KNOWLEGE-----it is you who DO NOT KNOW. The romans did
not crucify people for being common thieves. The other two were probably ALSO charged with sedition as was Jesus. You taught little innocent kids that the romans crucified jews in Judea for theft? NOPE----there were local courts for that
sort of thing
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.

Candy, eggs and rabbits are symbols of a pagan fertility festival and have NOTHING to do with Christianity.

Sent from my iPhone using

the cross is a symbol of death-----100s of thousands of people
have been murdered by barbaric people who liked to nail people
to crosses. Somehow the easter celebration ignores most of them.
I wonder how many Christians are aware of the fact that Jesus was one
of hundreds of thousands killed in that manner. Did you tell the kids in
the sunday school class?

That doesn't even make sense. How many of those people do Christians believe were the son of God?

I grew up amongst Christians and was involved in their holidays and exposed
to their beliefs (as a child). As I grew up I came to understand that Christian
kids see EVERYTHING about Jesus to be UTTERLY unique. One of the
UNIQUE issues is THE CROSS which----just in itself is----somehow----"holy"
for the sole reason that it was used as the means to execute Jesus. The issue
is taken to such an extreme that the naïve mind comes out of the "passion play"
with the notion that crucifixion was INVENTED just for that ONE EVENT. In fact,
one gets the same impression after spending a few hours looking at medieval
art. Symbols are what is MADE of them-----they are just that----symbols. I see
nothing wrong with using a cross as a symbol-------but then, I see nothing wrong
with coloring easter eggs either---whatever EGGS meant to pagan romans. As
to the chocolate bunnies-------THAT's the BEST part of the holiday

I'm not going to argue about the messages kids may get from religions or their symbols. I agree that, particularly with kids, religious symbols can be misinterpreted easily.

However, that doesn't mean that it makes sense for Christians to teach about the crucifixations of people other than Jesus on Easter. Of course Easter will "ignore" other people executed by being nailed to a cross. It is about the resurrection of the son of God. I don't have to believe that to understand why only Jesus being crucified is part of the Good Friday to Easter holiday. ;)

I prefer Creme Eggs to chocolate bunnies. I love the jelly beans, too.....except those black licorice ones! What demented sadist decided putting black licorice jelly beans in a package filled with a bunch of fruit flavors was a good idea?! :mad:

I reject the green minty ones too. I like the light green limey ones----sometimes
they are 'apple' As to the holiday EASTER being about Jesus solely-----all well and good. The issue upon which I commented is the very confused history which
is presented in sunday school. (I went to sunday school about a dozen times
as a child) It seems to me that most people have grown out of the kindergarten
notion that American Indians were LUCKY that the pilgrims showed up. Few
Christians seem to get over sunday school
As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.
I second this. How can the real meaning be known when its nothing but fairy tales that are put out there instead?

God bless you always!!!

As a Sunday School teacher I cannot tell you how inappropriate and offensive eggs, candy and rabbits are as Easter symbols. The ONLY appropriate symbol of a Christian Easter is the Cross on which Jesus suffered and died.
I second this. How can the real meaning be known when its nothing but fairy tales that are put out there instead?

God bless you always!!!


Like Christmas, Easter has been highly secularized. That's probably due in large part to various companies trying to make money off of the holidays. :p
They hate this country's history and traditions.
Who, candy companies?
Notice the fail that this one provides when he attempts to play pretend like all regressives do.
I call that technique the Isolation strategy.

When a story like this pops up, they pretend not to see that it's part of a much larger picture, an example of a much larger behavior.

So they isolate it down to its smallest possible individual piece in an effort to make it absurd in its smallness.

They're very good at it, very practiced.


There's nothing quite as hilarious to me as rightwinger delusions of persecution.

The "much larger picture" is just your fever dream.
They hate this country's history and traditions.
Who, candy companies?
Notice the fail that this one provides when he attempts to play pretend like all regressives do.
I call that technique the Isolation strategy.

When a story like this pops up, they pretend not to see that it's part of a much larger picture, an example of a much larger behavior.

So they isolate it down to its smallest possible individual piece in an effort to make it absurd in its smallness.

They're very good at it, very practiced.
They were good at it. It fails every time now. They just can't believe it doesn't work anymore, just like they can't believe Trump beat them.
I'm still hoping one or two of them will give me a direct an honest answer.


An answer to what?

Again, you'd have to ask the candy companies. But I'd guess they found that Jews like to buy candy too.
Grocery store aisles are lined with chocolate candy bunnies, jelly beans, and marshmallow Peeps, but one thing is missing–the word “Easter.” Hershey’s, M&M’s, Lindor, Russell Stover, Dove, Rolo, and Twix have all produced Easter themed candy without mentioning the word on the front of their candy, according to a press release from the Liberty Counsel. “Just as companies were trying to profit from Christmas while ignoring the reason for the celebration, now
Top Candy Makers Scrub 'Easter' From Packaging

Liberal ass kissing Corporations are to low on the IQ chart to realize if you keep taking away what
America is all about YOU WON'T have an AMERICA .

The loss of your own free will is being stripped and half you idiots can't even pick up on that.
Holiday candy; any holiday will do.
Who, candy companies?
Notice the fail that this one provides when he attempts to play pretend like all regressives do.
I call that technique the Isolation strategy.

When a story like this pops up, they pretend not to see that it's part of a much larger picture, an example of a much larger behavior.

So they isolate it down to its smallest possible individual piece in an effort to make it absurd in its smallness.

They're very good at it, very practiced.
They were good at it. It fails every time now. They just can't believe it doesn't work anymore, just like they can't believe Trump beat them.
I'm still hoping one or two of them will give me a direct an honest answer.


An answer to what?

Again, you'd have to ask the candy companies. But I'd guess they found that Jews like to buy candy too.

I love the Cadbury eggs-----I am so delighted that they are kosher (not that I DEPRIVED myself prior the their KOSHERIZATION)
Like Santa, the Easter Bunny is German, Lutheran to be exact.

The Easter Bunny (also called the Easter Rabbit or Easter Hare) is a folkloric figure and symbol of Easter, depicted as a rabbit bringing Easter eggs. Originating among German Lutherans, the "Easter Hare" originally played the role of a judge, evaluating whether children were good or disobedient in behaviour at the start of the season of Eastertide. The Easter Bunny is sometimes depicted with clothes. In legend, the creature carries colored eggs in his basket, candy, and sometimes also toys to the homes of children, and as such shows similarities to Santa Claus or the Christkind, as they both bring gifts to children on the night before their respective holidays. The custom was first mentioned in Georg Franck von Franckenau's De ovis paschalibus ('About Easter Eggs') in 1682, referring to a German tradition of an Easter Hare bringing Easter eggs for the children.
I don't particularly think it's a big deal, however I do see how "PC" has caused this "omission" from products.

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