Top Pathologist: Masks are Utterly USELESS!!!! COVID is a HOAX!!!

We have about 30% of our population convinced that COVID is a hoax and refuse to take it seriously, and then they complain about possible shutdowns because we can't get the fucking virus under control.

Trumpism is, literally, dangerous.

We have about 30% of our population convinced that COVID is a hoax and refuse to take it seriously, and then they complain about possible shutdowns because we can't get the fucking virus under control.

Trumpism is, literally, dangerous.

You think that DUMBOCRATS are going to get this under sontrol when even the socalist states that welded people in thier homes to die was unable to control this virus... And you think your smarter? Fucking idiots all..
A quarter of a million Americans are no longer able to listen because they died from that "hoax"

These deniers are worse than worthless. Their continued existence is a detriment to everyone else

What has been asserted here that bothers you bunky?? Specifically now.. Quote the parts that create your cognitive dissonance issue please... Your really not discussing or debating.. More like a demonstration march with stupid slogans..
We have about 30% of our population convinced that COVID is a hoax and refuse to take it seriously, and then they complain about possible shutdowns because we can't get the fucking virus under control.

The virus is not a hoax.. The hysteria and concept that we have adequate tools and measures to defeat it --- IS a hoax. The test kits have serious flaws. The data on deaths and positives is contaminated by constant changes in reporting and despite the fact that 66 countries have handled CVid differently ---0 they've all failed.

So when Biden says he doesn't want to shut down the economy -- HE WILL 'Shut Down" the virus -- what's this magic bullet that "science" has given him to fulfill that promise??? Be specific....
I was reading two new papers on mask efficacy and anything not an N-95 mask, properly sealed, has an effective rate of just 0.001 %... This includes unsealed surgical and medical masks used in hospitals.

Its is stunning....

Within two weeks, 900 staff of the Mayo Clinic became infected with coronavirus. It's all over the news today. You KNOW they were all wearing masks! Two conclusions --

1. Masks don't work AT ALL.
2. Whatever you do, stay away from hospitals --- they are plague houses. Everyone there gets sick of COVID.
[...] THEY KNOW who dies from covid and who doesn't.. And they've done nothing to protect them.. IN FACT -- they've actually MANDATED contaminating sr living facilities with Covid positive patients.

Nursing homes are NOT skilled medical facilities.. They have ONE MD per 200 or 300 beds that by law -- only has to make rounds once a week.. It's CRIMINAL to ORDER CVid patients back to these places..

We are seeing the death of the nursing home/retirement center industry. I have a family connection who had invested heavily in a Midwest old-age home company ---- wow, did he ever lose money on that, and just lately.

We are seeing in the news that many nursing homes lost much of their staff, instantly, when COVID hit. No one to take care of the old people, and they wouldn't let their family in! The VA hospitals are not doing well. We're hearing more and more of this stuff, and it won't do the business any good.
Masks are only 40-60 percent effective
The virus is real

I think you pulled that stat right out of the air. I doubt masks are AT ALL effective: if they were, the virus wouldn't be spreading like wildfire, and it sure is.
I'm gonna say this one more time.. The MOST important thing Dr. Hodkinson asserted is that govt FAILED at all levels to minimize the death count.. NOT JUST in America -- but worldwide.. We've known since the 1st death tolls rolled in that 97% of people DYING were either over 64 yrs old and/or compromised with severe chronic or pre-morbid conditions. In the US -- the 1st massive death count came from a West Coast nursing home.

Govt has TRAGICALLY ignored all this and instead focused on CONTAINING and locking down and badgering THE MAJORITY of people instead of protecting this much smaller percentage. They've returned CVid positive patients to all types of senior facilities.. Even MANDATED it. Instead of creating facilities SPECIFIC to handling these folk.. They didn't create the support systems to supply and care for the people most likely to die who weren't institutionalized.

To be clear -- that INCLUDES the inexplicable lack of action on this from the Trump Admin. In THIS COUNTRY -- the "returning CVid positive patients to nursing homes" became a finger-pointing exercise between CMMS (Medicare/Medicaid) and the insurance company against the hospital admission rules that PRECLUDED keeping the fragile sick in THEIR facilities.. This Administration should have been agile and smart enough to intervene.. But in fairness, I don't think the Trump critics primarily the Biden campaign had this important change of warfare tactics on THEIR radar either.

Had we done that job -- the death toll would be a fraction of what it turned out to be..
When the history is written on this monumental screw-up -- we're all gonna be appalled..

Dr. Hodkinson is RIGHT ON about this "denial"....
Was discussing this earlier with my wife. What I want to know is where is the middle stage or phase of the fatal coronavirus infection and what does it look like? So coronavirus infects a person, right? Say said person dies. Still with me? What I want to know is what happens in between. Because I have to tell you we have been inside countless businesses since COVID kicked off months ago and we haven't seen one person across several states of travel drop over in public suddenly from coronavirus. So I'll ask again, what does the middle or second to lethal coronavirus phase look like and why has the media show it to no one? In essence what the fear mongering media and our political class are trying to sell us is that you get coronavirus, that's stage one and then you suddenly die, which is the second and final stage. Bullshit.

The fellow in your article is absolutely right about it all . . .

Naaaaaaah, it's just not one of those instant collapse diseases, that's all. Some are, lots aren't. The Black Death was very fast, often a couple days. The English Sweat that came in with Henry Tudor's troops and we still don't know WHAT that was, killed very quickly, within a few days. The 1918 flu was fast -- they say you could get on the train in Baltimore, but you didn't get off in New York....... The worst was the old cholera, before a new weaker strain took over in 1901 (that one is still in Africa): People literally fell down in the street, liquid pouring out of them everywhere, and then they died. Or at least by the next day. But lots of diseases take weeks to kill people. SARS did, and this is another. Smallpox took weeks for the third it killed to die, often.

Apparently the middle stage of COVID is that people can't breathe easily -- that's why the oxygen.
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[...] THEY KNOW who dies from covid and who doesn't.. And they've done nothing to protect them.. IN FACT -- they've actually MANDATED contaminating sr living facilities with Covid positive patients.

Nursing homes are NOT skilled medical facilities.. They have ONE MD per 200 or 300 beds that by law -- only has to make rounds once a week.. It's CRIMINAL to ORDER CVid patients back to these places..

We are seeing the death of the nursing home/retirement center industry. I have a family connection who had invested heavily in a Midwest old-age home company ---- wow, did he ever lose money on that, and just lately.

We are seeing in the news that many nursing homes lost much of their staff, instantly, when COVID hit. No one to take care of the old people, and they wouldn't let their family in! The VA hospitals are not doing well. We're hearing more and more of this stuff, and it won't do the business any good.

It's been severely neglected. Essentially the larger majority of industry are subject to depending on Medicaid for reimbursement. And that amounts to running these places on the basis of the "lowest bidder". Long term care under Medicare is limited..

But this even applies to PRIVATE PAY facilities like assisted living where CV positive patients are "sent home" because they no longer met "hospital admission" requirements.. We didn't design a senior or low income health management plan that could HANDLE a pandemic..
I was in the Hospital 4 days ago, the Doctor wore a mask and face shield (I wasn't coughing) a clear rain coat and thick blue gloves, he stayed as far away from me as he could (even in the sliding doorway) during the examination which was mostly conducted from 8-10 feet away, He come close to check for pains (never complained of pain) then left the room.

Was given a battery of tests, looking for the cause of my long running fever (no Sore throat) I was sweating during all this at 2:00 AM in the morning. They also tested for Covid-19 just for the heck of it (no symptoms of it), which took a lot of time. Was given an IV drop and later the anti- biotic drip.

They discovered that I had a bad case of Bladder infection, also NEGATIVE for COVID-19, which afterwards they quickly treated me very differently, gone were the masks, face shields, gloves and the clear rain jacket, the Doctor appears almost human now.

The Nurses also stopped wearing face masks, and protective clothing around me....., I think they are glad I am harmless.....

Migod, great story, I'm very glad you're okay and didn't have COVID!
The virus is not a hoax.. The hysteria and concept that we have adequate tools and measures to defeat it --- IS a hoax. [...]
So when Biden says he doesn't want to shut down the economy -- HE WILL 'Shut Down" the virus -- what's this magic bullet that "science" has given him to fulfill that promise??? Be specific....

Yeah, Magic Biden, good luck with that. What a blowhard. He'll probably luck out, though, as even the 1918 flu was gone (never to return, so far) by August, and this is following its exact pattern, incl. the fall surge. So he'll say he did it, if it goes away naturally, as they often do.

No, the virus is not a hoax. It takes people to make hoaxes, like the mask thing and the lockdowns. Reuters says today that the DAILY death count is now 1257 --- that's a big rise, that's deaths per day, and it's been a steady rise. And that U.S. hospitalizations within the last two weeks have risen by 50%. Okay, that is bad. I'm impressed.

Well, I do isolation. Logically it should work. And rereading The Decameron. That's what Boccacio's 13 kids did -- 10 young women and 3 young men hid out on a country estate during the Black Death and told stories. Apparently it worked; they don't seem to have gotten plague. (Though considering the racy stories, one wonders if they got pregnant.)
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I'm sure a quarter-million dead people will be just tickled to know they were just exaggerated rumors.
You really are ignorant of how a virus travels, how long it can live in various states and how it propagates. Even the CDC's own data shows that >85% of people who contracted COVID during the months of July, Aug, and now September all show that the masks made no difference.

IT was the length of time in close proximity to an infected person that was the only factor that made any changes to infection rates..

That's kind of impossible to analyze, since a mask doesn't protect the mask wearer; it protects everybody else.

Cnn will tell you it's not that bad soon.

You have next month's Powerball numbers too, amirite?
He's got an opinion. It should be heard.
here's 6000 scientists and medical pro's wanting to be heard>

Covid panic is overblown
Covid Panic is Overblown


Clearly it's overblown.. Left changes that to deniers "calling it hoax".. But they haven't invested the time or energy to look into the science and opinion like you just did..

Same deal with Global Warning.. It's an issue.. But the consequences have been RIDICULOUSLY exaggerated..
So when Biden says he doesn't want to shut down the economy -- HE WILL 'Shut Down" the virus -- what's this magic bullet that "science" has given him to fulfill that promise???

He's surely depending on the same “science” that asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
I'm gonna say this one more time.. The MOST important thing Dr. Hodkinson asserted is that govt FAILED at all levels to minimize the death count.. NOT JUST in America -- but worldwide.. We've known since the 1st death tolls rolled in that 97% of people DYING were either over 64 yrs old and/or compromised with severe chronic or pre-morbid conditions. In the US -- the 1st massive death count came from a West Coast nursing home.

Govt has TRAGICALLY ignored all this and instead focused on CONTAINING and locking down and badgering THE MAJORITY of people instead of protecting this much smaller percentage. They've returned CVid positive patients to all types of senior facilities.. Even MANDATED it. Instead of creating facilities SPECIFIC to handling these folk.. They didn't create the support systems to supply and care for the people most likely to die who weren't institutionalized.

To be clear -- that INCLUDES the inexplicable lack of action on this from the Trump Admin. In THIS COUNTRY -- the "returning CVid positive patients to nursing homes" became a finger-pointing exercise between CMMS (Medicare/Medicaid) and the insurance company against the hospital admission rules that PRECLUDED keeping the fragile sick in THEIR facilities.. This Administration should have been agile and smart enough to intervene.. But in fairness, I don't think the Trump critics primarily the Biden campaign had this important change of warfare tactics on THEIR radar either.

Had we done that job -- the death toll would be a fraction of what it turned out to be..
When the history is written on this monumental screw-up -- we're all gonna be appalled..

Dr. Hodkinson is RIGHT ON about this "denial"....

It was never about minimizing actual deaths from the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. Never.

The big problem with arguing over what government did right or did wrong in is assuming that anything that was done by government, in connection with the #CoronaHoax, was done for any other purpose than to seize and abuse power over us.

I'm sure a quarter-million dead people will be just tickled to know they were just exaggerated rumors.
You really are ignorant of how a virus travels, how long it can live in various states and how it propagates. Even the CDC's own data shows that >85% of people who contracted COVID during the months of July, Aug, and now September all show that the masks made no difference.

IT was the length of time in close proximity to an infected person that was the only factor that made any changes to infection rates..

That's kind of impossible to analyze, since a mask doesn't protect the mask wearer; it protects everybody else.

Cnn will tell you it's not that bad soon.

You have next month's Powerball numbers too, amirite?
Lol, the weak minded.l

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.

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