Top Pathologist: Masks are Utterly USELESS!!!! COVID is a HOAX!!!

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.

They are government drones, that is why they never improve.

I have known for more than 7 months, that the following to be greatly effective against the China Virus:

Vitamin D
Trace Minerals (get the Mineral pill package)
Water drinking management
Afternoon rest

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.

I agree with you!

Exactly right!

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.

They are government drones, that is why they never improve.

I have known for more than 7 months, that the following to be greatly effective against the China Virus:

Vitamin D
Trace Minerals (get the Mineral pill package)
Water drinking management
Afternoon rest

Sorry - I didn't see this post before I went off on Vitamin D and zinc above and how the "science" and politicians are not TELLING the public about this..

So -- I suppose they tell you AFTERWARDS -- when you're already in the hospital how important those 2 things are to boost and run your immune normally.

Why do YOU think that no public officials are telling folks this along with the shoddy repetitive masks and hand washing?

I think it's because they're afraid some crazy hypochondriacs are gonna overdose and make them look bad.. As opposed to the benefit of SAVING LIVES and hospital admissions by the THOUSANDS.

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.

They are government drones, that is why they never improve.

I have known for more than 7 months, that the following to be greatly effective against the China Virus:

Vitamin D
Trace Minerals (get the Mineral pill package)
Water drinking management
Afternoon rest

Sorry - I didn't see this post before I went off on Vitamin D and zinc above and how the "science" and politicians are not TELLING the public about this..

So -- I suppose they tell you AFTERWARDS -- when you're already in the hospital how important those 2 things are to boost and run your immune normally.

Why do YOU think that no public officials are telling folks this along with the shoddy repetitive masks and hand washing?

I think it's because they're afraid some crazy hypochondriacs are gonna overdose and make them look bad.. As opposed to the benefit of SAVING LIVES and hospital admissions by the THOUSANDS.

Well I am one of those free thinking independents who NEVER depended on the government for information on how to handle this contagious, but weak virus. It is really easy for me to find the answers on my own by ignoring the government, read what the medical research and virologists have to say from around the world instead.

Depending on the government can kill you, why not think for yourself instead?

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.
Most people are D3 deficient. My doctor makes me double the dose. My body just burns it up or something.

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.
Most people are D3 deficient. My doctor makes me double the dose. My body just burns it up or something.

Very hard to boost it by oral supplements. Just doesn't make it thru the stomach/intestines. They can "shoot you up" but insurance doesn't cover it.. I know this because of a condition I have that benefits from D3..

Just get into some baggies and go sit in the sun man !!! NYCity apartment dwellers hardly ever SEE the sun.. Maybe that's why Cuomo had such crappy results..

Also blacks are inherently even WORSE at getting "normal" levels.. Which COULD ACCOUNT for why the Covid virus has been called racist...
You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America.

A FAKE “pandemic”, created by the very control freaks who are now benefiting from it, for that exact purpose.

If not for the political opportunism, this would have been just another routine seasonal flu outbreak, like we get almost every year.

The doctor says it is no worse than the flu

The CDC estimates that as many as 56,000 people die from the flu or flu-like illness each year in the US

Yet CDC also says 280,000 have died from the COVID 19 in less than a year.

It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season. Yeah a multiple number of flu season.

Alberta has had close to 41,000 cases of COVID-19 resulting in 427 deaths.

Canada has about 23 deaths per 100,000 people from flu Yeah I can imagine in Alberta flu causes more death.

Well I guess he was talking about Alberta. He is not talking globally but instead focusing on an area that has small numbers. Even in Canada. Alberta is the 4th largest population in regards to providences in Canada and has 11 percent of the Canadian population.

His comments are clearly related to Alberta and the danger is people will use it for their own agenda without considering why he said it and under what circumstances.

My guess he is saying it useless to do anything and just accept it. He probably is a wannabe Jack Kevorkian.
It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

and boy ,do we ever have some control freaks !

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

perhaps because vitD is seen in the same light as HQC, a homeopathic prophylaxis.....vs. the empirical pharmacopia

ie- they really want 'operation warp speed' to produce this ultimate modera (sp?) RX for us all, with our HC contingent being the first recipients.

Which i'm seeing a lot of cheerleaders for, i for one remain dubious.....anecdotally we got free inoculations annually when i ran meatwagon duty ......i'm no anti-vaxer.....but i started to read & understand the details ........hellova thing for a backwoods redneck to do

If not for the political opportunism, this would have been just another routine seasonal flu outbreak, like we get almost every year.


Wow....why are conservatives so weak that they can't stop any of this??
maybe cuz your sig line is right......~S~
Right about conservatives....

Or perhaps you have no idea who James Baldwin is or who he was talking about....

Here a couple more Baldwin quotes for fragile minded cucks like yourself to not understand..

"I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually."

"I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain."
Covid is a hoax? This is both a reckless and anti american opinion. I don't care if peoe wear masks or not...the virus is no hoax. That is sick and twisted rhetoric garbled up by wackos.

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.
Most people are D3 deficient. My doctor makes me double the dose. My body just burns it up or something.

Very hard to boost it by oral supplements. Just doesn't make it thru the stomach/intestines. They can "shoot you up" but insurance doesn't cover it.. I know this because of a condition I have that benefits from D3..

Just get into some baggies and go sit in the sun man !!! NYCity apartment dwellers hardly ever SEE the sun.. Maybe that's why Cuomo had such crappy results..

Also blacks are inherently even WORSE at getting "normal" levels.. Which COULD ACCOUNT for why the Covid virus has been called racist...
The sun is the best source for D. However this time of year in North America, it’s difficult to get it from the sun. The sun angle must be above 50% from the horizon for the uvb rays to penetrate the atmosphere and allow our skin to generate D. As such, you must take supplements and consume foods high in D.

I have been saying this for a long time.

But never mind me or what I say.....I have been saying what the medicals experts are saying.

It's not about the flu or COVID it's about control.

You seem to be completely right here. A pandemic has unmasked every control freak in office in America..

You know what gripes me? People who THINK what the EXPERTS are telling everyone is the ONLY SCIENCE important to the PEOPLE making smart personal decisions..


WHY is it that neither Fauci or Cuomo or Birks or the W.H.O. or C.D.C has TOLD Americans that taking regular doses of vitamin D3 and trace zinc is BELIEVED to have preventative properties in terms of CONTRACTING Covid??

If you doubt me -- do a search on "Vitamin D prophylaxis for Covid 19" -- Or do it with Vitamin D and zinc together or separately.. DOZENS of peer reviewed studies SHOW this is probably true. One shows 80% of Covid patients admitted were D3 deficient. Another I read shows that D3 can lessen your chances of CONTRACTING covid by 77% !!!

It's WIDESPREAD "common knowledge" about covid in the med community.. So WHY HASN'T THIS EVER BEEN MENTIONED OR ANNOUNCED along with "wearing a mask, washing your hands, and social distancing or living like a shut-in"????

I can not figure it out.. ONLY thing I can come up with is that SCIENCE and POLITICIANS think we're too stupid to implement this. Probably concerned that a dozen crazy folks will overdose on Zinc or Vitamin D.. SERIOUSLY -- that's gotta be it.

So it's NOT about "science" at all is it? Even the SCIENCE is filtered for control.. Much like the no-mask -- yes-mask flip flops.. Because they couldn't have the public buying up N95 masks that were needed for 1st responders.
Most people are D3 deficient. My doctor makes me double the dose. My body just burns it up or something.

Very hard to boost it by oral supplements. Just doesn't make it thru the stomach/intestines. They can "shoot you up" but insurance doesn't cover it.. I know this because of a condition I have that benefits from D3..

Just get into some baggies and go sit in the sun man !!! NYCity apartment dwellers hardly ever SEE the sun.. Maybe that's why Cuomo had such crappy results..

Also blacks are inherently even WORSE at getting "normal" levels.. Which COULD ACCOUNT for why the Covid virus has been called racist...
Dark skinned people need more exposure to the sun’s uvb rays to generate enough D.
A quarter of a million Americans are no longer able to listen because they died from that "hoax"

These deniers are worse than worthless. Their continued existence is a detriment to everyone else

I wondered what flacaltenn was responding to so I clicked POST REPLY on his reply to the individual above who is on my Ignore List for good cause.

1. NO, a quarter of a million Americans did NOT die because of the "hoax." The number of fatal heart attacks are down dramatically. The number of cancer deaths are down dramatically. The numbers of deaths from other serious diseases are down dramatically because anyone with Covid is classified as dying from that, so the state can collect federal funds.

2. Fear is a driving force for Leftists, who demand that everyone panic over climate change, systemic racism, covid 19, and President Trump.

3. Their own hatefulness fuels their fear and panic and condescension.
Leftists are so anti-science that they think men can become women and women can become men. They pretend that unborn babies are garbage and can be discarded at will. It's NOT the "woman's body" that is being butchered and thrown in the trash. It's a unique human, whose father has no voice in saving his child. That's how stupid these people are.

Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MD, distinguished pathologist including virology - many credentials

"It's outrageous. This is absolutely the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the public. It's politics playing medicine."
"Masks are utterly useless. They're simply virtue signalling."
"Social distancing is also useless."
"Everywhere should be open tomorrow."


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