Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority

It must be OK, because it was God's will that the Romans did it to His only son.....

On the other hand, the Roman Empire was utterly destroyed.
Meh. Let's just admit that torture is in our playbook and move on.

"If you thought the Senate’s ‘torture report’ was shocking, imagine the prospect of the Obama administration releasing hundreds, maybe thousands of photographs depicting detainee abuse.

"The Obama administration is withholding hundreds, perhaps even thousands of photographs showing the U.S. government’s brutal treatment of detainees, meaning that revelations about detainee abuse could well continue, possibly compounding the outrage generated by the Senate 'torture report' now in the public eye."
Stay tuned.
The Detainee Abuse Photos Obama Didn t Want You To See - The Daily Beast

Anyone who thinks we don't torture is fooling themselves. We do....let's just admit that we do....and that we will continue to find reasons to justify doing it and move on.
Meh. Let's just admit that torture is in our playbook and move on.

"If you thought the Senate’s ‘torture report’ was shocking, imagine the prospect of the Obama administration releasing hundreds, maybe thousands of photographs depicting detainee abuse.

"The Obama administration is withholding hundreds, perhaps even thousands of photographs showing the U.S. government’s brutal treatment of detainees, meaning that revelations about detainee abuse could well continue, possibly compounding the outrage generated by the Senate 'torture report' now in the public eye."
Stay tuned.
The Detainee Abuse Photos Obama Didn t Want You To See - The Daily Beast
And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?

That's the typical demand (usually posted in the form of a "ticking time bomb" and it is an unanswerable question because in real life (not hypothetical scenarios) - it isn't that clear cut at all.

It's been shown that torture isn't usually necessary to gain good information (Secret WWII camp interrogators say torture wasn t needed - CBS News nor does torture gain useful or accurate information. So if I choose to employ torture on an individual who might (or might not) have knowledge that could help save those children I *might* get useful information but - more likely, given what we've found about torture - I *might not*. In that case - valuable time and resources could be lost chasing a phantom and the children could end up dead anyway.

No I would not since there are other means at my disposal.

Stop tap-dancing: yes or no.

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?
Sure we would. Let's just not pretend that it isn't torture. Let's just not pretend that we as a country are any better than them.

1. None of the methods used rise to the level of 'torture.'

2. "The Constitution is not a suicide pact"

3. For comparison....this is torture:
From “Magnifico: The Brilliant Life and Violent Times of Lorenzo De Medici,” by Miles Unger, p. 227-228.

"An incident recorded by the diarist Luca Landucci vividly illustrated the dangers awaiting those who threatened bodily harm to the leading citizens of the regime:

27th September [1481]. A certain hermit came to the house of Lorenzo de’ Medici at the Poggio a Caiano; and the servants declared that he intended to murder Lorenzo, so they took him and sent him to the Bargello, and he was put to the rack.

15th October. This hermit died at Santa Maria Novella, having been tortured in various ways. It was said that they skinned the soles of his feet, and then burnt them by holding them in the fire till the fat dripped off them; after which they set him upright and made him walk across the hall; and these things caused his death. Opinions were divided as to whether he were guilty or innocent."
You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?

That's the typical demand (usually posted in the form of a "ticking time bomb" and it is an unanswerable question because in real life (not hypothetical scenarios) - it isn't that clear cut at all.

It's been shown that torture isn't usually necessary to gain good information (Secret WWII camp interrogators say torture wasn t needed - CBS News nor does torture gain useful or accurate information. So if I choose to employ torture on an individual who might (or might not) have knowledge that could help save those children I *might* get useful information but - more likely, given what we've found about torture - I *might not*. In that case - valuable time and resources could be lost chasing a phantom and the children could end up dead anyway.

No I would not since there are other means at my disposal.

Stop tap-dancing: yes or no.

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?
Sure we would. Let's just not pretend that it isn't torture. Let's just not pretend that we as a country are any better than them.

1. None of the methods used rise to the level of 'torture.'

2. "The Constitution is not a suicide pact"

3. For comparison....this is torture:
From “Magnifico: The Brilliant Life and Violent Times of Lorenzo De Medici,” by Miles Unger, p. 227-228.

"An incident recorded by the diarist Luca Landucci vividly illustrated the dangers awaiting those who threatened bodily harm to the leading citizens of the regime:

27th September [1481]. A certain hermit came to the house of Lorenzo de’ Medici at the Poggio a Caiano; and the servants declared that he intended to murder Lorenzo, so they took him and sent him to the Bargello, and he was put to the rack.

15th October. This hermit died at Santa Maria Novella, having been tortured in various ways. It was said that they skinned the soles of his feet, and then burnt them by holding them in the fire till the fat dripped off them; after which they set him upright and made him walk across the hall; and these things caused his death. Opinions were divided as to whether he were guilty or innocent."

You're in denial. Of course we torture. Meh. So what. Don't pretend we don't and move on.
Nice attempt at deflection.

Not a deflection....I simply like showing what a fool you are.

And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

That's torture? Being to go a few days standing up with out sleep?
It seems to me a few Americans went longer to win a car, with there hand on it

Every one of the 10 authorized enhanced techniques have been freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily you suggest.

Please explain how being forced to stand on broken bones in stress positions is "freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily life".

Please explain how someone with their head removed will ever be the same again??

Please explain how that comment has to do with torturing someone who may or may not have done anything, by making them stand on broken bones?

In case you didn't realize it - dead is dead. With or without a head.

May or may not have done something??

WOW guess being on a battlefield trying to kill US troops is a nothing in your eyes??

Oh and there are no "Innocent" Muslims. The "innocent" Muslims do nothing to rein in the jihadist among them so one has to assume they agree with and condone what the jihadists do in Allah's name.

Oh and they were the "innocent" Muslims cheering on 9-11.

There are No "innocent" Muslims and I could care if they stand on broken bones, get waterboarded or are kept from sleeping.

They get a better deal than the 3,000 dead did on 9-11.
This is a fun topic because liberal posters amuse the heck out of me, with there non replies to abortion, drone killings and out right assassinations , yet they are so upset about torture and they are still alive.

Liberals hate torture

But don't mind killing

Meh. Let's just admit that torture is in our playbook and move on.

"If you thought the Senate’s ‘torture report’ was shocking, imagine the prospect of the Obama administration releasing hundreds, maybe thousands of photographs depicting detainee abuse.

"The Obama administration is withholding hundreds, perhaps even thousands of photographs showing the U.S. government’s brutal treatment of detainees, meaning that revelations about detainee abuse could well continue, possibly compounding the outrage generated by the Senate 'torture report' now in the public eye."
Stay tuned.
The Detainee Abuse Photos Obama Didn t Want You To See - The Daily Beast

Anyone who thinks we don't torture is fooling themselves. We do....let's just admit that we do....and that we will continue to find reasons to justify doing it and move on.

If it makes you feel better, then OK

I feel better that some barbarian gets roughed up a bit to protect my children from being cut in half cuz they won't give into these creeps.

There, now we both feel better.
You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?

That's the typical demand (usually posted in the form of a "ticking time bomb" and it is an unanswerable question because in real life (not hypothetical scenarios) - it isn't that clear cut at all.

It's been shown that torture isn't usually necessary to gain good information (Secret WWII camp interrogators say torture wasn t needed - CBS News nor does torture gain useful or accurate information. So if I choose to employ torture on an individual who might (or might not) have knowledge that could help save those children I *might* get useful information but - more likely, given what we've found about torture - I *might not*. In that case - valuable time and resources could be lost chasing a phantom and the children could end up dead anyway.

No I would not since there are other means at my disposal.

Stop tap-dancing: yes or no.

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?
Sure we would. Let's just not pretend that it isn't torture. Let's just not pretend that we as a country are any better than them.

1. None of the methods used rise to the level of 'torture.'

2. "The Constitution is not a suicide pact"

3. For comparison....this is torture:
From “Magnifico: The Brilliant Life and Violent Times of Lorenzo De Medici,” by Miles Unger, p. 227-228.

"An incident recorded by the diarist Luca Landucci vividly illustrated the dangers awaiting those who threatened bodily harm to the leading citizens of the regime:

27th September [1481]. A certain hermit came to the house of Lorenzo de’ Medici at the Poggio a Caiano; and the servants declared that he intended to murder Lorenzo, so they took him and sent him to the Bargello, and he was put to the rack.

15th October. This hermit died at Santa Maria Novella, having been tortured in various ways. It was said that they skinned the soles of his feet, and then burnt them by holding them in the fire till the fat dripped off them; after which they set him upright and made him walk across the hall; and these things caused his death. Opinions were divided as to whether he were guilty or innocent."

Of course. Just find something worse, and you can claim it's not torture.

Shoplifting isn't stealing because others embezzle millions.
Date rape isn't rape if there is no violent assault.
Pedophilia isn't pedophilia if it's just taking photos.

and on and on.
And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?

That's the typical demand (usually posted in the form of a "ticking time bomb" and it is an unanswerable question because in real life (not hypothetical scenarios) - it isn't that clear cut at all.

It's been shown that torture isn't usually necessary to gain good information (Secret WWII camp interrogators say torture wasn t needed - CBS News nor does torture gain useful or accurate information. So if I choose to employ torture on an individual who might (or might not) have knowledge that could help save those children I *might* get useful information but - more likely, given what we've found about torture - I *might not*. In that case - valuable time and resources could be lost chasing a phantom and the children could end up dead anyway.

No I would not since there are other means at my disposal.

Stop tap-dancing: yes or no.

...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?

Read my last line - the answer is right there in English.

Now, here is my question and it's a more honest question:
...if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, and information could be gained either with or without torture but you couldn't be sure which would work - would you have acquiesced to torture?

That's not what I asked you.

In trying to dodge the question, you gave an answer with more twists and turns in that post than in Nadia Comaneci's floor routine!

I'll answer for you, and use honesty as a basis.
"I hate to admit same, but, to save those innocents, I'd be the first to bring out the car battery and the jumper cables."

That's what you meant, isn't it.
This is a fun topic because liberal posters amuse the heck out of me, with there non replies to abortion, drone killings and out right assassinations , yet they are so upset about torture and they are still alive.

Liberals hate torture

But don't mind killing

I knew this was going to be fun. They're tripping over each other vying who can be the most self-righteous hypocrite.
This is a fun topic because liberal posters amuse the heck out of me, with there non replies to abortion, drone killings and out right assassinations , yet they are so upset about torture and they are still alive.

Liberals hate torture

But don't mind killing

Um...I'm a liberal poster and I'm not upset. I'm a realist. Yes we torture. No I'm not upset. I just wish people would be honest about what we are willing to do as a country.
I don't have a 'beef' with the ignorant....I just attempt to teach 'em.
You can continue to ignore education, and remain as dumb as asphalt.

Well you should write the dictionary and the Pakistan people and tell them they're wrong

Far simpler to remind you that I'm never wrong.

That's why I'm your idol...isn't it.

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