Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority

But what Obama does is outright justice, where is the outrage from the left? I don't get, at least Bush Jr,brought Saddam to trial, Obama outright killed him with no trial

This isn't about Bush - Bush was lied to by an out-of-control CIA. THAT is who needs to be adressed.
I don't consider waterboarding, being made to stand for hours, sleep deprivation or any of that other "torture" to be torture.

Pulling out fingernails, hooking someone balls up to a battery, beating them with barbed wire and enduring what McCain endured in Vietnam now thats torture.

I think most of you who are against the use of EIT's are a bunch of idiots.

I suppose you think we should just ask nicely and hope the prisoners decide to tell us what we want to know so we can save American lives?

Sure glad I don't have to depend on you idiots to protect me cause baby would I be out of luck as would all of America.

Don't worry---if a liberal's family was kidnapped they would be the first to condone the torture of any suspect who may have information about their whereabouts. You must remember that they lie.
Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority of Americans.

New poll finds majority of Americans believe torture justified after 9 11 attacks - The Washington Post

By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.

Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Nice attempt at deflection.

Not a deflection....I simply like showing what a fool you are.

And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.
"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Taliban is bad

Did you know that 'taliban' means 'students of Islam'?

Almost simply means "student" but continue on misstating easily searchable information

Actually, I am totally correct.
A lie of yours is.
Did you know that that the taliban's 'schools' teach only what is permitted by Islam?
Get your head out of the 'sand.'

Jeez Tho dost protest to much.

You could've saved the paragraphs and deflection and just provided...yanno...proof. But I get it...I'll provide the proof and let you do what you do best....Which is to go "Nuuhhhh uhhhh"

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ṭālibān "students"

Urban Dictionary Taliban
The word “Taliban” comes from the Arabic word talib, which means “student.”

Taliban - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Political and religious faction and militia that came to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. Following the Soviet Union's 1989 withdrawal from Afghanistan (see Afghan Wars), the Taliban (Persian: “Students”) cry out for education!

Pakistan created the Taliban. Pakistan was founded with an Islamic character. When Bangladesh broke away it was due to ethnic diversity, and the Pakistanis remembered this.

So when Afghanistan needed aid after the Russian invasion, they only supported Islamic groups, and thus the secular and nationalist factions whithered on the vine.

They only supported the 'students' who practiced fundamentalist Islam, i.e., Islamofascists.

I, totally correct.

You, a simpleton searching for a way out of your mistake.
You moron, we tortured those German spies, all 19 of them,to send back word to the German high command

Read a history book will you
Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Nice attempt at deflection.

Not a deflection....I simply like showing what a fool you are.

And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?
Interesting in how you link non lethal interrogation with the decline of our civilization. My assumption is that you view the acts of terrorists justified and furthermore that the perpetrators should be treated with respect and dignity? What is your view as to how those involved should be treated?

The humane treatment of prisoners is about the captors, not the prisoners.

Best post in the thread!!!!!!!!!!
That's torture? Being to go a few days standing up with out sleep?
It seems to me a few Americans went longer to win a car, with there hand on it

Every one of the 10 authorized enhanced techniques have been freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily you suggest.

Please explain how being forced to stand on broken bones in stress positions is "freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily life".
Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?
You assume torture is the only means by which to gain information. It does not get more retarded than that.

It is not surprising you resort to the appeal to emotion logical fallacy to justify your inner Nazi. Standing on the corpses of dead children to advocate your torture porn fantasy.
Last edited:

"Interrogations that lasted for days on end. Detainees forced to stand on broken legs, or go 180 hours in a row without sleep. A prison so cold, one suspect essentially froze to death. The Senate Intelligence Committee is finally releasing its review of the CIA’s detention and interrogation programs. And it is brutal."
The Most Gruesome Moments in the CIA Torture Report - The Daily Beast
Meh. Let's just admit that torture is in our playbook and move on.
Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Nice attempt at deflection.

Not a deflection....I simply like showing what a fool you are.

And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

That's torture? Being to go a few days standing up with out sleep?
It seems to me a few Americans went longer to win a car, with there hand on it

Every one of the 10 authorized enhanced techniques have been freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily you suggest.

Please explain how being forced to stand on broken bones in stress positions is "freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily life".

Please explain how someone with their head removed will ever be the same again??

"Interrogations that lasted for days on end. Detainees forced to stand on broken legs, or go 180 hours in a row without sleep. A prison so cold, one suspect essentially froze to death. The Senate Intelligence Committee is finally releasing its review of the CIA’s detention and interrogation programs. And it is brutal."
The Most Gruesome Moments in the CIA Torture Report - The Daily Beast
Meh. Let's just admit that torture is in our playbook and move on.

In other words, just do it my way and stfu?

Lemme know how that tactic works out for ya
That's torture? Being to go a few days standing up with out sleep?
It seems to me a few Americans went longer to win a car, with there hand on it

Every one of the 10 authorized enhanced techniques have been freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily you suggest.

Please explain how being forced to stand on broken bones in stress positions is "freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily life".
Another prisoner was forced to stand for so long, they required medical attention. And then some Doctor Mengele type gave the prisoner blood thinners so the prisoner could be forced to stand for an even longer time.
Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority of Americans.

New poll finds majority of Americans believe torture justified after 9 11 attacks - The Washington Post

By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.

Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters
"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Nice attempt at deflection.

Not a deflection....I simply like showing what a fool you are.

And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?


Answering only yes or no, if you could have saved those children by executing a prisoner's family members, one by one, until he broke, would you support that?
Taliban is bad

Did you know that 'taliban' means 'students of Islam'?

Almost simply means "student" but continue on misstating easily searchable information

Actually, I am totally correct.
A lie of yours is.
Did you know that that the taliban's 'schools' teach only what is permitted by Islam?
Get your head out of the 'sand.'

Jeez Tho dost protest to much.

You could've saved the paragraphs and deflection and just provided...yanno...proof. But I get it...I'll provide the proof and let you do what you do best....Which is to go "Nuuhhhh uhhhh"

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ṭālibān "students"

Urban Dictionary Taliban
The word “Taliban” comes from the Arabic word talib, which means “student.”

Taliban - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Political and religious faction and militia that came to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. Following the Soviet Union's 1989 withdrawal from Afghanistan (see Afghan Wars), the Taliban (Persian: “Students”) cry out for education!

Pakistan created the Taliban. Pakistan was founded with an Islamic character. When Bangladesh broke away it was due to ethnic diversity, and the Pakistanis remembered this.

So when Afghanistan needed aid after the Russian invasion, they only supported Islamic groups, and thus the secular and nationalist factions whithered on the vine.

They only supported the 'students' who practiced fundamentalist Islam, i.e., Islamofascists.

I, totally correct.

You, a simpleton searching for a way out of your mistake.
Taliban is bad

Did you know that 'taliban' means 'students of Islam'?

Almost simply means "student" but continue on misstating easily searchable information

Actually, I am totally correct.
A lie of yours is.
Did you know that that the taliban's 'schools' teach only what is permitted by Islam?
Get your head out of the 'sand.'

Jeez Tho dost protest to much.

You could've saved the paragraphs and deflection and just provided...yanno...proof. But I get it...I'll provide the proof and let you do what you do best....Which is to go "Nuuhhhh uhhhh"

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ṭālibān "students"

Urban Dictionary Taliban
The word “Taliban” comes from the Arabic word talib, which means “student.”

Taliban - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Political and religious faction and militia that came to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. Following the Soviet Union's 1989 withdrawal from Afghanistan (see Afghan Wars), the Taliban (Persian: “Students”) cry out for education!

Pakistan created the Taliban. Pakistan was founded with an Islamic character. When Bangladesh broke away it was due to ethnic diversity, and the Pakistanis remembered this.

So when Afghanistan needed aid after the Russian invasion, they only supported Islamic groups, and thus the secular and nationalist factions whithered on the vine.

They only supported the 'students' who practiced fundamentalist Islam, i.e., Islamofascists.

I, totally correct.

You, a simpleton searching for a way out of your mistake.

Thats a great story and all but Taliban means student
Taliban is bad

Did you know that 'taliban' means 'students of Islam'?

Almost simply means "student" but continue on misstating easily searchable information

Actually, I am totally correct.
A lie of yours is.
Did you know that that the taliban's 'schools' teach only what is permitted by Islam?
Get your head out of the 'sand.'

Jeez Tho dost protest to much.

You could've saved the paragraphs and deflection and just provided...yanno...proof. But I get it...I'll provide the proof and let you do what you do best....Which is to go "Nuuhhhh uhhhh"

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ṭālibān "students"

Urban Dictionary Taliban
The word “Taliban” comes from the Arabic word talib, which means “student.”

Taliban - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Political and religious faction and militia that came to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. Following the Soviet Union's 1989 withdrawal from Afghanistan (see Afghan Wars), the Taliban (Persian: “Students”) cry out for education!

Pakistan created the Taliban. Pakistan was founded with an Islamic character. When Bangladesh broke away it was due to ethnic diversity, and the Pakistanis remembered this.

So when Afghanistan needed aid after the Russian invasion, they only supported Islamic groups, and thus the secular and nationalist factions whithered on the vine.

They only supported the 'students' who practiced fundamentalist Islam, i.e., Islamofascists.

I, totally correct.

You, a simpleton searching for a way out of your mistake.

So when you put "student of islam" you knew that wasnt the translation?

Sorry chicka your beef isnt with me...its with reality. Sorry reality is different than your fantasy

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ṭālibān "students"

Urban Dictionary Taliban
The word “Taliban” comes from the Arabic word talib, which means “student.”

Taliban - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Political and religious faction and militia that came to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. Following the Soviet Union's 1989 withdrawal from Afghanistan (see Afghan Wars), the Taliban (Persian: “Students”
"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Nice attempt at deflection.

Not a deflection....I simply like showing what a fool you are.

And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

You left out standing for hours on broken bones...minor details. Some of the guys died. Oops. Some weren't guilty of anything. Too bad.

Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?

That's the typical demand (usually posted in the form of a "ticking time bomb" and it is an unanswerable question because in real life (not hypothetical scenarios) - it isn't that clear cut at all.

It's been shown that torture isn't usually necessary to gain good information (Secret WWII camp interrogators say torture wasn t needed - CBS News nor does torture gain useful or accurate information. So if I choose to employ torture on an individual who might (or might not) have knowledge that could help save those children I *might* get useful information but - more likely, given what we've found about torture - I *might not*. In that case - valuable time and resources could be lost chasing a phantom and the children could end up dead anyway.

No I would not since there are other means at my disposal.
That's torture? Being to go a few days standing up with out sleep?
It seems to me a few Americans went longer to win a car, with there hand on it

Every one of the 10 authorized enhanced techniques have been freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily you suggest.

Please explain how being forced to stand on broken bones in stress positions is "freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily life".

". However, Baun is remembered for his performance in game six of the 1963–64 NHL season Stanley Cup finals against the Detroit Red Wings. On April 23, 1964, having fractured his ankle earlier in the game, he returned inovertime and scored the game-winning goal."
Bobby Baun - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Now answer my question about the slaughtered children.
Double dog dare ya' to answer: if you could save the 80-90 children slaughtered by the savages, would you have acquiesced to the enhanced interrogations?
You assume torture is the only means by which to gain information. It does not get more retarded than that.

It is not surprising you resort to the appeal to emotion logical fallacy to justify your inner Nazi.

I'm 100% certain that waterboarding could get PoliticalChic to renounce and condemn every conservative point of view she has.

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