Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority

President Obama will put an in to this inhumane treatment. I do understand that there are many
that think it is OK to do this to other. I would expect to see them at a good old fashion lynching
too. We need to follow what Hillary Clinton said and we should empathize with these people.
For they too have been made to suffer from racist whites.
Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority of Americans.

New poll finds majority of Americans believe torture justified after 9 11 attacks - The Washington Post

By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.

Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Taliban is bad

Did you know that 'taliban' means 'students of Islam'?

Almost simply means "student" but continue on misstating easily searchable information

Actually, I am totally correct.

You are doing what every other politically correct 'journalist' did in reporting the killing in Australia, constantly using the word 'gunman,' but conveniently leaving out 'Muslim.'

A lie of yours is.

Did you know that that the taliban's 'schools' teach only what is permitted by Islam?

Get your head out of the 'sand.'
That's torture? Being to go a few days standing up with out sleep?
It seems to me a few Americans went longer to win a car, with there hand on it
President Obama will put an in to this inhumane treatment. I do understand that there are many
that think it is OK to do this to other. I would expect to see them at a good old fashion lynching
too. We need to follow what Hillary Clinton said and we should empathize with these people.
For they too have been made to suffer from racist whites.

How about suffering due to racist blacks?
That's torture? Being to go a few days standing up with out sleep?
It seems to me a few Americans went longer to win a car, with there hand on it

Every one of the 10 authorized enhanced techniques have been freely accepted by ordinary Americans in their daily you suggest.
But what Obama does is outright justice, where is the outrage from the left? I don't get, at least Bush Jr,brought Saddam to trial, Obama outright killed him with no trial
US foreign policy doesn't seem to depend on which party occupies the White House. For over a hundred years, at least, America has either been actively engaged in warfare or preparing for the next war. It seems like War itself has become our enemy:
"Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"
Perhaps a specie that murders its young for money and market share is hard-wired for extinction?
Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".
This post shows me your amazing grasp of platitudes and the obvious.

This post shows nothing.
Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".
This post shows me your amazing grasp of platitudes and the obvious.

This post shows nothing.
Your pointlessness was the point, so we agree.
Heck Jerry Lewis used to stay up for days doing his t.v. Marathons and the only torture was sitting through one of his dumb movies.

This is just another red herring to blame Bush
Interesting in how you link non lethal interrogation with the decline of our civilization. My assumption is that you view the acts of terrorists justified and furthermore that the perpetrators should be treated with respect and dignity? What is your view as to how those involved should be treated?

That's because you're an idiot. The humane treatment of prisoners is about the captors, not the prisoners.
True...and we, as a people, are now into torture. It is what it is. Let's not pretend.
Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority of Americans.

New poll finds majority of Americans believe torture justified after 9 11 attacks - The Washington Post

By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.

Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Nice attempt at deflection.
Maybe we should play a 24/7 of Jerry Lewis movies? Would the left complain? I know I would, that would be pure torture
I don't consider waterboarding, being made to stand for hours, sleep deprivation or any of that other "torture" to be torture.

Pulling out fingernails, hooking someone balls up to a battery, beating them with barbed wire and enduring what McCain endured in Vietnam now thats torture.

I think most of you who are against the use of EIT's are a bunch of idiots.

I suppose you think we should just ask nicely and hope the prisoners decide to tell us what we want to know so we can save American lives?

Sure glad I don't have to depend on you idiots to protect me cause baby would I be out of luck as would all of America.
Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Taliban is bad

Did you know that 'taliban' means 'students of Islam'?

Almost simply means "student" but continue on misstating easily searchable information

Actually, I am totally correct.
A lie of yours is.
Did you know that that the taliban's 'schools' teach only what is permitted by Islam?
Get your head out of the 'sand.'

Jeez Tho dost protest to much.

You could've saved the paragraphs and deflection and just provided...yanno...proof. But I get it...I'll provide the proof and let you do what you do best....Which is to go "Nuuhhhh uhhhh"

Taliban - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Taliban (Pashto: طالبان‎ṭālibān "students"

Urban Dictionary Taliban
The word “Taliban” comes from the Arabic word talib, which means “student.”

Taliban - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Political and religious faction and militia that came to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s. Following the Soviet Union's 1989 withdrawal from Afghanistan (see Afghan Wars), the Taliban (Persian: “Students”)
Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority of Americans.

New poll finds majority of Americans believe torture justified after 9 11 attacks - The Washington Post

By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.

Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Nice attempt at deflection.

Not a deflection....I simply like showing what a fool you are.
President Obama will put an in to this inhumane treatment. I do understand that there are many
that think it is OK to do this to other. I would expect to see them at a good old fashion lynching
too. We need to follow what Hillary Clinton said and we should empathize with these people.
For they too have been made to suffer from racist whites.

How about suffering due to racist blacks?

Do you mean the excruciating torture that is jokes about how you like Pumpkin Spiced Lattes? OH MY GAWD NOT THAT
Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority of Americans.

New poll finds majority of Americans believe torture justified after 9 11 attacks - The Washington Post

By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.

Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters
Torture, or whatever you want to call it, "justified" by majority of Americans.

New poll finds majority of Americans believe torture justified after 9 11 attacks - The Washington Post

By an almost 2-1 margin, or 59-to-31 percent, those interviewed support the CIA’s brutal methods, with the vast majority of supporters saying they produced valuable intelligence.

Just goes to show how fragile our rights and liberties are that fear, not rationality, would allow us to justify torture. Saying they "believed" it produced "valuable intelligence" is not the same as actually producing "valuable intelligence".

Never trust your rights to public opinion because some day you might be on the wrong side of it.

"Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends, 130 dead, mostly children"
Taliban assault on Pakistani school ends 130 dead mostly children Reuters

Nice attempt at deflection.

Not a deflection....I simply like showing what a fool you are.

And boy is he right along with the other idiots who view waterboarding, sleep deprivation and standing for hours as torture.

Obviously real torture would turn them into crying idiots.

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