Torture Works

d) Most importantly, it worked. Because of it a major terrorist attack of a plane crashing into a LA building was thwarted and a plot to explode a "dirty bomb" in Washington, D.C was thwarted as well
and we know this how , because Bush told you LOL now that's rich

The Inspector General CIA memo, declassified by Obama said so.
I never stated how many times each one was waterboarded, other than one was waterboarded twice.

This is false. From your first post in the thread:

This is the CIA criteria for waterboarding, which was done only 3 times.

When I called you on it, you continued to claim that there was no proof they'd been waterboarded more than three times and I didn't have proof they were waterboarded 83 and 183 times and that my source didn't say anything about it when it so clearly did.

Please now, don't backpedal. Admit that you've been caught in a lie or an honest mistake, and admit the error. You said it was three times, you were wrong. No biggie, but don't go spouting it anymore now that it's been proven for a fact not to be true.

It wasn't used three times, it was used at least 266 times. Now you know.

You are using the CIA memo to supposedly prove your case.

However, the same CIA memo says explicitly that because of the waterboarding the 3 arch terrorists, who were previously uncooperative, gave information that led to:

1) The thwarting of a plane into a LA building


2) The stopping of a plot to build and donate a "dirty bomb" in Washington, D.C.

How do you reconcile that?

The memo is a CYA document designed for CYA purposes. Beyond that, the person who wrote it very likely had no idea the Library Tower bombing KSM talked about was already something the CIA knew about and had already captured the ringleader and thwarted the plot. The CIA, like any government bureaucracy, is not monolithic but contains many moving parts and often the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

That's funny :lol: would the CIA, the organization responsible for interrogating the terrorists and stopping terrorist attacks, know anything about what actually happened?

Left wing blogs are a much source to get your information from, than the organization that is actually responsible for what happened, and has accountability.

You guys truely are funny :cuckoo:

No wonder the left is so confused.
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yea yea Mike and we all know the CIA would never lie to cover it's ass ,now would they ? LOL :cuckoo:
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Do you have proof that they lied or do you just wish that they lied to further your political agenda?
So you have no proof that they are lying?

It simply contradicts the bullshit that the left wing blogs and Obama wants you to think therefore it can't be true.
do you have any proof they are telling the truth, we only have their word for it and as we have all seen over the years they lie like fucking rugs! ANd you consider them a credible source LOL:cuckoo:
You are the one making the accusation. It's up to you to back it up.

I have nothing but the highest admiration for them.

They are the ones in the foxholes protecting america from terrorist attack, despite the Obama regime's support for "terrorist rights".
T. B. Bechtel, a City councilor from Newcastle , Australia , was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists.

His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.


'If hooking up one raghead terrorist prisoner's testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camelshagger will save just one Australian, American or Canadian life, then I have only three things to say,':
Red is positive, Black is negative, and Make sure his nuts are wet.'
T. B. Bechtel, a City councilor from Newcastle , Australia , was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists.

His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.


'If hooking up one raghead terrorist prisoner's testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camelshagger will save just one Australian, American or Canadian life, then I have only three things to say,':
Red is positive, Black is negative, and Make sure his nuts are wet.'

you can have all the admiration for them in the world, I could give a shit less, but unless you can produce an outside verifiable credible source your opinions are just that, opinions!
you can have all the admiration for them in the world, I could give a shit less, but unless you can produce an outside verifiable credible source your opinions are just that, opinions!

No they are not.

My opinions are backs up by the facts from Obama declassified Inspector General CIA memos to the DOJ.

The CIA is the agency responsible for actually doing the interrogations and have accountability.

Your opinions are simply uninformed opinions, because they are backed up by no credible and knowledgeable source.
well then let the investigations begin because your so called facts are written by the ones that are trying to cover their fucking ass

ask any rapist if he did the crime and what do suppose they would say, but you would take their word for it , right moron ? facts may ass
well then let the investigations begin because your so called facts are written by the ones that are trying to cover their fucking ass

ask any rapist if he did the crime and what do suppose they would say, but you would take their word for it , right moron ? facts may ass

LOOK in mirroe mike :cuckoo: using your logic anything the gov puts out is a fact and not to be questioned, good luck with that moron
can you prove any of it is true? We only have their word it is true and we all know the gov never lies LOL

You are the one that is telling me it is true, got any other credible source that can verify it as true other than the people who are trying to cover their ass
Some of you people...and you know who you are ...are dumber than dog shit.

What you torture is comon sense.

All this talk about if you torture these guys they will spill thier guts...Blah...blah...blah...

What a crock of shit!

You morons think the last thing Al Quida does before they send these dweebs out to blow something up is to have them memorize all of the terrorist plots so they will be chuck full of information...just in case they get caught. Ya that's real likely. Hey..fuck you ...ya morons!

What makes you not think these idiots are the most controled ...least informed people in the mix? How would you run a terror op? Ya let's make sure the most likely caught has the most info! Good plan ya dumb twats!
can you prove any of it is true? We only have their word it is true and we all know the gov never lies LOL

You are the one that is telling me it is true, got any other credible source that can verify it as true other than the people who are trying to cover their ass

The tapes were destroyed so all we have is their word. Trust us. :eusa_whistle:

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