Torture Works

How convenient....

Protecting national security and classified information are far far FARRRRRRR more important than the left's political agenda.

As usual, I can count on you to turn national security into a partisan talking point :rolleyes:

Nice try. I never made it a partisan issue.

I am against those who wish to exploit national security and helping the enemy get classified information for the sole reason of furthering their political agenda.
hey Mike when these MF"S classify yesterday's dinner menu, why would you believe anything that comes out of that shit hole

I have yet to see you post any logical argument other than you can't believe them.

Once again, do you have one iota of evidence that they lied? Is your arguement based solely because that's what you want to believe?

I have yet to see you post any logical argument other than you can't believe them.

Once again, do you have one iota of evidence that they lied? Is your arguement based solely because that's what you want to believe?

What evidence do you have that they are telling the truth?
Coyote- don't expect an answer , I asked the dickwad the same question at least 5 times and the only thing he says , well the CIA said it was true, so it must be, talk about dumber than a box of rocks, yep that's Mickey
Because they are the source. They have accountability.

It was also reviewed by the Inspector General and DOJ.

Any evidence at all that lied?

One credible source?
Coyote- don't expect an answer , I asked the dickwad the same question at least 5 times and the only thing he says , well the CIA said it was true, so it must be, talk about dumber than a box of rocks, yep that's Mickey

You are an idiot.

Thank you for your attention on this matter.
Because they are the source. They have accountability.

It was also reviewed by the Inspector General and DOJ.

Any evidence at all that lied?

One credible source?

They don't have accountability if they destroyed material that could either corroberate or refute what they said. Being reviewd by the IG and DoJ mean nothing - all that was "reviewed" was their own memos.

What kind of "accountability" is that?

So if President Obama writes a memo claiming that the stimulus created a ton of jobs, destroys any supporting documentation and has it reviewed by the GAO then, of course you would believe it?
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The best reason to waterboard KSM and the others terrorist planners is to download intel and to punish them for killing 3,000 innocents, including 3 & 4 year olds in the planes. If ever anyone deserved to be waterboarded 186x a day until they die its those MFs.

SOOOOOO. Someone FINALLY admits it's not about gaining intelligence, it's about revenge and punishment. And look at all those who thank kyzr for his post.

Some honesty at last. And a glimpse at the kind of America kyzr and his Thankers want.
Because they are the source. They have accountability.

It was also reviewed by the Inspector General and DOJ.

Any evidence at all that lied?

One credible source?

They don't have accountability if they destroyed material that could either corroberate or refute what they said. Being reviewd by the IG and DoJ mean nothing - all that was "reviewed" was their own memos.

What kind of "accountability" is that?

So if President Obama writes a memo claiming that the stimulus created a ton of jobs, destroys any supporting documentation and has it reviewed by the GAO then, of course you would believe it?

How about Obama kept his promise about transparency and put his health care bill on the internet? He wouldn't even do that.

The difference is what the public knows about his health care bill doesn't jeopardize national security and lead to further terrorist attacks.

If the public and the "enemy" found out the details of sensitive intelligence information that DOES compromise national security and puts this country in jeopardy.

There is a reason these things are very highly secret. It's because we are in an intelligence war. And information that the CIA gets from terrorists is critical to this country, and keeping it secret is critical to this country. That doesn't allow for an open review.
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Hey MIke , you are the one that said the CIA bullshit was true, post any other credible source that backs your contention up, either that or shut the fuck up because you can't
Hey MIke , you are the one that said the CIA bullshit was true, post any other credible source that backs your contention up, either that or shut the fuck up because you can't

Earth to Potter, Earth to Potter? Do you read? Over.

The CIA were the ones doing the interrorgations. They are the source.

There is no other group that can speak with any authority about something that they have no knowledge about.

Liberals constantly speak with authority about things that they have no knowledge about. I realize that. I am talking with about with any credibility.
There can be two America's
The America of Fuck You- The one that does torture, and does not respect international laws
The America of Fuck Yeah- No torture, respects international laws and is respected around the world.

On the "The ends do not justify means" responses
Depends what ends and what means.

Say the end is stopping 9/11 from ever occurring. The means are killing a mans family in front of him, waterboarding, or torture in general, and breaking international laws.

Is that like "two wrongs don't make a right"?

When it comes to saving lives, the ends do in-fact justify the means.

Of course they do. However, who says that torture is really necessary to achieve the end though? There is always a way to avoid torture, it just isn't the easy way. The easy way out is usually the fast way down.
Earth to Mike Mike , theres the problem , you believe them , I don't and we know those assholes have never lied before! LOL
Earth to Mike Mike , theres the problem , you believe them , I don't and we know those assholes have never lied before! LOL

You are certainly entited to be irrational. That is your right.

However, the position that they lied because they are the CIA, therefore, they are lying, is pretty rediculous.

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