Torturing the data - the regressive anti-Trump logic

So, a SWARM of Anti-Trump idiots have chosen to stupidly believe that Trump is an unsuccessful businessman. How do they come to this conclusion? They look at the exceedingly rare failures of Trump without recognizing the successes. They claim that he is broke because he lost 1 billion dollars during one year. They claim he doesn't pay taxes, because in one year he lost money and didn't pay taxes. They claim that he is a failure as a businessman because 4 businesses out of his 500 failed - a legendary success rate.

Don't these guys get it? Trump is one of the 300 richest men on this earth, if not the universe. He is a business LEGEND. The GANDALF of business... A wizard... A Grand-tycoon. Unstoppable... Unstumpable... but certainly taxable.

The regressives have chosen to torture the data instead of accepting the truth... to them, a gold plated house is rotten, because there are garbage cans in it. If the data is tortured, it will confess.
It's actually Trumps unwillingness to release the data that makes people come up with their own version of the truth. I don't know if he's as rich as he claims. I do know that the one year we've got in depth information about his finances he turned a loss. If you got more information then that give sources.

This is a bunch of bullshit. There are plenty of reliable estimates of his wealth. It's only about whether you want to stick your head to ground because of you bias or not.

The whole tax claim was even more ridiculous.
No, what’s ridiculous is anyone voting for the likes of Trump.
Trump lied about being worth $10 billion. O'Brien proved in court with Trump under oath that he was not a Billionaire.

The entire debate room would be 20' under if we water-boarded Trump every time he lied.
trump is running for prez of the US, not president of business . The country is not a business .

He's dangerously unqualified to be potus .

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