Tougher Sentences for Fraud

My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
60 Minutes reported on this a little over a month ago.
Congress is "supposed" to stop this bullshit.
Medical Care used to be just that. Then it became a business. Whole wings of hospitals used for billing purposes. Crazy costs for everything that became worse and will continue to do so.
My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
60 Minutes reported on this a little over a month ago.
Congress is "supposed" to stop this bullshit.
Medical Care used to be just that. Then it became a business. Whole wings of hospitals used for billing purposes. Crazy costs for everything that became worse and will continue to do so.
About a year ago my wife's boss made my wife become a Billing Provider as well as a Treating Provider.
Little did she know they were sending out co-pays for her services a month after the visit and she didn't see a penny from this new found source of income.
Scams are on the increase. There needs to be stricter sentences for these people.

Unlike drug use where the victim is the user, there are real victims to these crimes and the penalties should be severe.
Draw, quarter, stick their heads on pikes and scatter their limbs to the four corners of the city.............
Especially when they admit they did it and pay $3,000,000 in restitution.


Already cough, cough, you are going off topic because you want to attack someone you despise.

Candycorn has a legitimate concern about people using the Chinese Virus as a way to fleece people who understandably want to avoid getting it. Here is a quote from her link:

  • From January 1 until today, the FTC has gotten 18,235 reports related to COVID-19, and people reported losing $13.44 million dollars to fraud.
  • The top complaint categories relate to travel and vacations, online shopping, bogus text messages, and all kinds of imposters.
  • While reports of robocalls are way down overall, we’re now hearing about callers invoking the COVID-19 pandemic to pretend to be from the government, or making illegal medical or health care pitches, among other topics.
  • The big states have, not unexpectedly, the biggest number of reports. You can check out how many people are reporting what in your state.
You going to ignore it?
Nope, she's handling it quite well as you can see from the responses.

But let's not forget that fraud is not new, and that some people have already been taken advantage of.
My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
60 Minutes reported on this a little over a month ago.
Congress is "supposed" to stop this bullshit.
Medical Care used to be just that. Then it became a business. Whole wings of hospitals used for billing purposes. Crazy costs for everything that became worse and will continue to do so.
About a year ago my wife's boss made my wife become a Billing Provider as well as a Treating Provider.
Little did she know they were sending out co-pays for her services a month after the visit and she didn't see a penny from this new found source of income.
That's sounds like fraud right there. You should speak to her employer about it.
Scams are on the increase. There needs to be stricter sentences for these people.

Unlike drug use where the victim is the user, there are real victims to these crimes and the penalties should be severe.
Draw, quarter, stick their heads on pikes and scatter their limbs to the four corners of the city.............
Especially when they admit they did it and pay $3,000,000 in restitution.


Already cough, cough, you are going off topic because you want to attack someone you despise.

Candycorn has a legitimate concern about people using the Chinese Virus as a way to fleece people who understandably want to avoid getting it. Here is a quote from her link:

  • From January 1 until today, the FTC has gotten 18,235 reports related to COVID-19, and people reported losing $13.44 million dollars to fraud.
  • The top complaint categories relate to travel and vacations, online shopping, bogus text messages, and all kinds of imposters.
  • While reports of robocalls are way down overall, we’re now hearing about callers invoking the COVID-19 pandemic to pretend to be from the government, or making illegal medical or health care pitches, among other topics.
  • The big states have, not unexpectedly, the biggest number of reports. You can check out how many people are reporting what in your state.
You going to ignore it?
Nope, she's handling it quite well as you can see from the responses.

But let's not forget that fraud is not new, and that some people have already been taken advantage of.
Fraud is not new until it hits you.
My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
Nationalized healthcare will eliminate surprise medical bills.
But is that going to keep the price down for medical care? The costs behind the scenes. If a citizen pays a certain amount , does the costs stay stagnant in real terms.
My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
60 Minutes reported on this a little over a month ago.
Congress is "supposed" to stop this bullshit.
Medical Care used to be just that. Then it became a business. Whole wings of hospitals used for billing purposes. Crazy costs for everything that became worse and will continue to do so.
About a year ago my wife's boss made my wife become a Billing Provider as well as a Treating Provider.
Little did she know they were sending out co-pays for her services a month after the visit and she didn't see a penny from this new found source of income.
That's sounds like fraud right there. You should speak to her employer about it.
They just went out of business 2 weeks ago...18 offices.
0 patients showed up in the last two weeks of business.
Their main competitor declared bankruptcy a few weeks ago.

She knew her bosses; they would make her life miserable.
MDs can be bastards.
My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
Nationalized healthcare will eliminate surprise medical bills.
But is that going to keep the price down for medical care? The costs behind the scenes. If a citizen pays a certain amount , does the costs stay stagnant in real terms.
Universal healthcare, as envisioned by the liberals (me) would mean nobody pays anything out of pocket at time of service. The government would negotiate the costs with the providers. In fact, since the government will be the only purchaser of services, they will have a very strong negotiating point.
My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
60 Minutes reported on this a little over a month ago.
Congress is "supposed" to stop this bullshit.
Medical Care used to be just that. Then it became a business. Whole wings of hospitals used for billing purposes. Crazy costs for everything that became worse and will continue to do so.
About a year ago my wife's boss made my wife become a Billing Provider as well as a Treating Provider.
Little did she know they were sending out co-pays for her services a month after the visit and she didn't see a penny from this new found source of income.
That's sounds like fraud right there. You should speak to her employer about it.
They just went out of business 2 weeks ago...18 offices.
0 patients showed up in the last two weeks of business.
Their main competitor declared bankruptcy a few weeks ago.

She knew her bosses; they would make her life miserable.
MDs can be bastards.
What did they specialize in? Dr offices here are doing brisk business.
My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
Nationalized healthcare will eliminate surprise medical bills.
But is that going to keep the price down for medical care? The costs behind the scenes. If a citizen pays a certain amount , does the costs stay stagnant in real terms.
Universal healthcare, as envisioned by the liberals (me) would mean nobody pays anything out of pocket at time of service. The government would negotiate the costs with the providers. In fact, since the government will be the only purchaser of services, they will have a very strong negotiating point.
This is where an issue arises. The government is already involved in a lot of medical paying. A major reason costs are high. We have other complexes like the military/industrial and the poverty/poverty service provider also. We see how expensive that is.
My favorite...Surprise! Medical Bills...
Hence why nationalizing medical will bankrupt us. We must keep costs down at the same time. Somebody will lose from this. We are not other nations.
Nationalized healthcare will eliminate surprise medical bills.
But is that going to keep the price down for medical care? The costs behind the scenes. If a citizen pays a certain amount , does the costs stay stagnant in real terms.
Universal healthcare, as envisioned by the liberals (me) would mean nobody pays anything out of pocket at time of service. The government would negotiate the costs with the providers. In fact, since the government will be the only purchaser of services, they will have a very strong negotiating point.
This is where an issue arises. The government is already involved in a lot of medical paying. A major reason costs are high. We have other complexes like the military/industrial and the poverty/poverty service provider also. We see how expensive that is.
Why is that? Can you explain how it makes the costs higher.
Scams are on the increase. There needs to be stricter sentences for these people.

Unlike drug use where the victim is the user, there are real victims to these crimes and the penalties should be severe.
What about the people drug users steal from to get drugs?
Scams are on the increase. There needs to be stricter sentences for these people.

Unlike drug use where the victim is the user, there are real victims to these crimes and the penalties should be severe.

Absolutely agree. These are scum and should pay a very high price for their crimes.
Scams are on the increase. There needs to be stricter sentences for these people.

Unlike drug use where the victim is the user, there are real victims to these crimes and the penalties should be severe.
Totally agree but we got to stop putting people in jail. Jail should be for people we are afraid of not mad at.

so the person convicted has to pay $100k plus what they stole back to the people they stole with.

these people are strictly monitored and on probation until they pay off the debt. Stop making payments and you are called back in.

How much should payments be a month? Treat this like child support. Whatever the guy makes, a certain percent is auto taken out every paycheck.

if they get an inheritance that money goes straight to victims. Lotto win? Straight to victims.

if the debt is still not paid off at 67 then the victims get 20% of your social security.

Most people who commit these crimes don't go to jail.

I think they should face decades of prison then financial destruction for the rest of their lives.

Paying a fine is already built into their scam. It does nothing to discourage them from continuing to do it nor does it discourage people from getting involved with it.

Yes they should pay back the money they stole and hefty fines and interest to those they stole from.

None of that discourages anyone from committing the crime in the first place.

Hit them where it hurts. Take their freedom from them then force them to live in total poverty for the rest of their lives. That will discourage anyone from doing this type of crime.

Those who do this sort of crime are greedy jerks. They care very much about money and freedom.

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