'Toxic masculinity' fear, media portrayal as 'fools' contributing to men leaving workforce

How many moronic "woe is me" threads can snowflake conservatives come up with? Trick question, the answer is "its infinite".
You are out of line. The reality is that the white man who does the work to keep the nation going is being yelled at by many people around him while he is doing it. The problem in our modern group thinking is that it is generalized and condemns the whole group. While there are individuals in that group in varying percentages who make the whole group look terrible. With protected groups who have many who are not that good, they get a permanent free pass.
What is the white man who does the work (no one else is working?) getting yelled at for?
You have to ask yourself: How is masculinity ever toxic? "Toxic" is a derogatory term. The reason someone uses any derogatory term is usually because they oppose something and are looking to demean it. Thus, certain folks want to demean masculinity. Why? Do they fear it (masculiniphobes)? Do they think that masculinity is preventing them from getting their way (authoritarians)? And what exactly is it about masculinity that they do not like? All of these questions are rhetorical, of course, because there is absolutely no logic at work here. This simply leftist smoke and mirrors weaponized by the left in an attempt to gain power. It is but another false and dehumanizing narrative.

There is nothing toxic about masculinity or femininity. That is an impossibility. There can be, however, something toxic about an ideology. That is exactly what is going on here. The narrative seeks to divide and dehumanize. That is fucking sick.

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