'Toxic masculinity' fear, media portrayal as 'fools' contributing to men leaving workforce

Feel free to prove that to be true.
I have said Hundreds of thousands of men lost their jobs over unsubstantiated accusations.

Until exact numbers are known, we will only have estimates. It may be less then 100,000. It may be over a million. Unknown yet.

I acknowledge my inaccuracy.
Toxic femininity is rampant.
Based on my observation of Social Media:

1) Most Liberal women approve Misandry such as "kill all men" and "men are trash"

2) Most Liberal women make excuses for female killers such as Clara Harris, Betty Broderick, Aileen Wuornos.

Most Liberal women are not good people.
Based on my observation of Social Media:

1) Most Liberal women approve Misandry such as "kill all men" and "men are trash"

2) Most Liberal women make excuses for female killers such as Clara Harris, Betty Broderick, Aileen Wuornos.

Most Liberal women are not good people.
We liberal woman are right! Men are violent pieces of shit.
-90% of murders
-90%+ violent crimes
-90%+ of rapes
-99.9% of wars and violence in general
-99% of the risk of walking down the street as a woman comes from strange men. Because you're sick fucks.


I don't want to kill them. In fact I want them to look in the mirror and wake up to their weakness as a sex.
Some people are toxic, some people aren’t. Both men and women.

The phrase “toxic masculinity” is both nonsense and offensive.
We liberal woman are right! Men are violent pieces of shit.
Exhibit 1,234,567 why men should not vote Democrat. Democrats view us as moral inferiors.

Even now, a big majority of entrepreneurs are men, the vast majority of construction workers are men. Men must understand that we deserve better.
Most Republican women and men view men as slightly inferior or almost equal to women. They do not have the hatred Democrats have. Almost no one views men as superior. Thus, a vote for Republicans is a vote for Equality.
Why are you talking about women in a toxic masculinity thread? More interested in why some people see a gentleman with good manners and see weakness.
lol all those hood rats raised without fathers are a product of feminizing males into emotional roller coasters. Keep drinking the kool aid.
If anyone ever uses the term "toxic masculinity" to your face, give it right back to them. Punch them squarely in the nose. Think of the term as the "N" word, and refuse to tolerate it's use.

Hmmmm...guessing the OP has never practiced what he (he?) preaches.
If anyone ever uses the term "toxic masculinity" to your face, give it right back to them. Punch them squarely in the nose. Think of the term as the "N" word, and refuse to tolerate it's use.
Sounds good to me. I'd like to see how women would have built civilization with nothing more than superglue and some sticks. Oh, wait a minute... without men, they wouldn't have had any glue to begin with.
If anyone ever uses the term "toxic masculinity" to your face, give it right back to them. Punch them squarely in the nose. Think of the term as the "N" word, and refuse to tolerate it's use.
I would never ever ever advocate anything illegal.

But I am 100% for revenge if it is within the bounds of the Law. If they have a Conservative male boss talk to him.

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