"Trade War"? Nope.

Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters.

Yep. Higher price, less imports.
Higher prices, less sales. China loses in lost GDP.
Americans loses too, but now with higher prices, Americans begin looking other places to buy stuff.
I always gladly pay more anytime I can find a similar, better item made here of anywhere but China.
China has been America's candy store of cheap crap too long.
With higher costs comes the ability to compete and make things here, better.
Higher cost means less sales here too.
I said that.
Lower profits for companies, less raises or even layoffs for American workers.
I implied that. Americans took it on the chin too in WWII in order to beat the Germans. It'll hurt everyone until China finally cries Uncle and agrees to fair trade. I'm ready.
He never managed to get the art of the curtsey nailed though!

Photoshop....almost as bad as Barry's birff-certificate....amateur as it gets.
Oh...I see...you're one of those that sticks their fingers in their ears and yells "lalalalala" if you don't like an argument.
You've beaten me.
More than a few, and currently running a consulting firm. You are the one with no obvious experience here.

I've owned several businesses...all successful....go stand in the corner, dunce.
I do not believe you. Every single conservitard claims to be a successful business/real estate mogul job creater who is an amateur gunsmith/sniper and has multiple homes, the biggest trucks, and a trophy wife.

I gotta call bullshit.
Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters.

Yep. Higher price, less imports.
Higher prices, less sales. China loses in lost GDP.
Americans loses too, but now with higher prices, Americans begin looking other places to buy stuff.
I always gladly pay more anytime I can find a similar, better item made here of anywhere but China.
China has been America's candy store of cheap crap too long.
With higher costs comes the ability to compete and make things here, better.
Higher cost means less sales here too.
I said that.
Lower profits for companies, less raises or even layoffs for American workers.
I implied that. Americans took it on the chin too in WWII in order to beat the Germans. It'll hurt everyone until China finally cries Uncle and agrees to fair trade. I'm ready.

You may be, much of America is still impoverished due to corporate greed.
Winning a trade war doesn’t mean others conform to your lifestyle. Winning a trade war is done by underwriting the lifestyle of the other side without them either knowing or caring. Look at Wal*Mart’s revenues for exhibit A.

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

Pretty optimistic there, Creep. Likely closer to 60 months I think. The reason why we're in this problem NOW is because past presidents have been afraid to fix the trade imbalance! As usual, your estimates of what we will "lose" are short sighted------ like ripping a bandaid off, it hurts at first, but the goal is not permanent tariffs, the goal is to hose up trade bad enough, long enough that China agrees to fair trade---- for BOTH sides. They need to export their stuff about 7X more according to an economic expert I heard more than we need to export ours. We may suffer a bit but Trump's tariffs are gonna KILL China!
Lol, no. The trade imbalance isn't what you kids seem to think it is, and "fixing" it won't really do much of anything. Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters. That's Americans in case you weren't aware, and they simply pass the cost to you and me, the consumers.

China is paying for the tariffs just like Mexico is paying for the wall.

That is to say "not at all".
/—-/ So your solution is to do what?
He never managed to get the art of the curtsey nailed though!

Photoshop....almost as bad as Barry's birff-certificate....amateur as it gets.
Oh...I see...you're one of those that sticks their fingers in their ears and yells "lalalalala" if you don't like an argument.
You've beaten me.

The saudi king was putting a medal around his neck....not a bow, not a curtsey...not nuthin.
Lol, don't like being called on yer bullshit?

Listen pissant...you couldn't answer the most simple question in MY THREAD...try calling me a liar in person sometime, fool...I can assure you you wouldn't.
More than a few, and currently running a consulting firm. You are the one with no obvious experience here.

I've owned several businesses...all successful....go stand in the corner, dunce.
I do not believe you. Every single conservitard claims to be a successful business/real estate mogul job creater who is an amateur gunsmith/sniper and has multiple homes, the biggest trucks, and a trophy wife.

I gotta call bullshit.

I was CEO of two S-Corps and still have the certificates of registration for filing incorporation with the government right here, smart ass. We're sick of always being tested to prove everything to your crackers yet none of you clowns have one bit of evidence to ever back up a single thing you claim. And if you do, it is from some wack-job website that would swear to Trump being red and having horns.
Winning a trade war doesn’t mean others conform to your lifestyle. Winning a trade war is done by underwriting the lifestyle of the other side without them either knowing or caring. Look at Wal*Mart’s revenues for exhibit A.

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

Pretty optimistic there, Creep. Likely closer to 60 months I think. The reason why we're in this problem NOW is because past presidents have been afraid to fix the trade imbalance! As usual, your estimates of what we will "lose" are short sighted------ like ripping a bandaid off, it hurts at first, but the goal is not permanent tariffs, the goal is to hose up trade bad enough, long enough that China agrees to fair trade---- for BOTH sides. They need to export their stuff about 7X more according to an economic expert I heard more than we need to export ours. We may suffer a bit but Trump's tariffs are gonna KILL China!
Lol, no. The trade imbalance isn't what you kids seem to think it is, and "fixing" it won't really do much of anything. Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters. That's Americans in case you weren't aware, and they simply pass the cost to you and me, the consumers.

China is paying for the tariffs just like Mexico is paying for the wall.

That is to say "not at all".
/—-/ So your solution is to do what?

Depends on what you want to accomplish.
Winning a trade war doesn’t mean others conform to your lifestyle. Winning a trade war is done by underwriting the lifestyle of the other side without them either knowing or caring. Look at Wal*Mart’s revenues for exhibit A.

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

Pretty optimistic there, Creep. Likely closer to 60 months I think. The reason why we're in this problem NOW is because past presidents have been afraid to fix the trade imbalance! As usual, your estimates of what we will "lose" are short sighted------ like ripping a bandaid off, it hurts at first, but the goal is not permanent tariffs, the goal is to hose up trade bad enough, long enough that China agrees to fair trade---- for BOTH sides. They need to export their stuff about 7X more according to an economic expert I heard more than we need to export ours. We may suffer a bit but Trump's tariffs are gonna KILL China!
Lol, no. The trade imbalance isn't what you kids seem to think it is, and "fixing" it won't really do much of anything. Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters. That's Americans in case you weren't aware, and they simply pass the cost to you and me, the consumers.

China is paying for the tariffs just like Mexico is paying for the wall.

That is to say "not at all".
/—-/ So your solution is to do what?

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

Pretty optimistic there, Creep. Likely closer to 60 months I think. The reason why we're in this problem NOW is because past presidents have been afraid to fix the trade imbalance! As usual, your estimates of what we will "lose" are short sighted------ like ripping a bandaid off, it hurts at first, but the goal is not permanent tariffs, the goal is to hose up trade bad enough, long enough that China agrees to fair trade---- for BOTH sides. They need to export their stuff about 7X more according to an economic expert I heard more than we need to export ours. We may suffer a bit but Trump's tariffs are gonna KILL China!
Lol, no. The trade imbalance isn't what you kids seem to think it is, and "fixing" it won't really do much of anything. Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters. That's Americans in case you weren't aware, and they simply pass the cost to you and me, the consumers.

China is paying for the tariffs just like Mexico is paying for the wall.

That is to say "not at all".
/—-/ So your solution is to do what?

Someone should write a letter!
Winning a trade war doesn’t mean others conform to your lifestyle. Winning a trade war is done by underwriting the lifestyle of the other side without them either knowing or caring. Look at Wal*Mart’s revenues for exhibit A.

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

That is China’s only hope, for a Dem to be elected who will happily go back to bending over for China. I wonder how much China is going to interfere in this next election. Probably even more than they did in the 1990’s when they paid the Clintons millions.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.

I think you're barking up the wrong tree.
China has been bending over for everybody else. But not for free. When you go to Walmart and buy that Waring blender you're not paying for it with your money you're paying for it with your job. When Trump says the Chinese are paying billions in to the system to sell goods here he doesn't mean they're cutting a check and sending it to the department of commerce....the tariffs are remitted via sales tax and yes it is fresh Fiat that ultimately sources from the original transaction on the Chinese mainland.

Trump is absolutely right about being pro active...the real question is not about the Chinese...the real question is just how badly addicted are we to cheap Chinese labor? Own a smart phone? Well then you are also an American Imperialist buyer of financial opium.

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It must be your turn to be today's internet tough guy.
Have fun.

That was addressed to Creepshow....he has a tendency to forget he's a stick-armed sissy in real life....I already whipped you on your Trump pic...you admitted it....Trump wouldn't bow to Jesus..
It must be your turn to be today's internet tough guy.
Have fun.

That was addressed to Creepshow....he has a tendency to forget he's a stick-armed sissy in real life....I already whipped you on your Trump pic...you admitted it....Trump wouldn't bow to Jesus..
You sure did whip me...by screaming "fake news".

Lol, don't like being called on yer bullshit?

Listen pissant...you couldn't answer the most simple question in MY THREAD...try calling me a liar in person sometime, fool...I can assure you you wouldn't.
Lol, I always call out bullshit when I see it.

Listen kid, if every single conservative here wasn't making similar claims I'd probably believe you without even thinking about it.

Maybe you should talk to them?
More than a few, and currently running a consulting firm. You are the one with no obvious experience here.

I've owned several businesses...all successful....go stand in the corner, dunce.
I do not believe you. Every single conservitard claims to be a successful business/real estate mogul job creater who is an amateur gunsmith/sniper and has multiple homes, the biggest trucks, and a trophy wife.

I gotta call bullshit.

I was CEO of two S-Corps and still have the certificates of registration for filing incorporation with the government right here, smart ass. We're sick of always being tested to prove everything to your crackers yet none of you clowns have one bit of evidence to ever back up a single thing you claim. And if you do, it is from some wack-job website that would swear to Trump being red and having horns.
As I just told will, if every single conservative here wasn't making similar claims I'd probably believe you without even thinking twice about it.

Maybe you should talk to them.

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