"Trade War"? Nope.

Winning a trade war doesn’t mean others conform to your lifestyle. Winning a trade war is done by underwriting the lifestyle of the other side without them either knowing or caring. Look at Wal*Mart’s revenues for exhibit A.

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

Pretty optimistic there, Creep. Likely closer to 60 months I think. The reason why we're in this problem NOW is because past presidents have been afraid to fix the trade imbalance! As usual, your estimates of what we will "lose" are short sighted------ like ripping a bandaid off, it hurts at first, but the goal is not permanent tariffs, the goal is to hose up trade bad enough, long enough that China agrees to fair trade---- for BOTH sides. They need to export their stuff about 7X more according to an economic expert I heard more than we need to export ours. We may suffer a bit but Trump's tariffs are gonna KILL China!
Lol, no. The trade imbalance isn't what you kids seem to think it is, and "fixing" it won't really do much of anything. Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters. That's Americans in case you weren't aware, and they simply pass the cost to you and me, the consumers.

China is paying for the tariffs just like Mexico is paying for the wall.

That is to say "not at all".
Winning a trade war doesn’t mean others conform to your lifestyle. Winning a trade war is done by underwriting the lifestyle of the other side without them either knowing or caring. Look at Wal*Mart’s revenues for exhibit A.

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

That is China’s only hope, for a Dem to be elected who will happily go back to bending over for China. I wonder how much China is going to interfere in this next election. Probably even more than they did in the 1990’s when they paid the Clintons millions.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.
/—-/Why has China gotten away with dumping their crap in out markets And stealing out IP? Why didn’t anyone ever fight back before now?
Mostly because the American companies making billions off of them didn't want to cooperate with the feds who were investigating that stuff because they thought it might stop them.
We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

That is China’s only hope, for a Dem to be elected who will happily go back to bending over for China. I wonder how much China is going to interfere in this next election. Probably even more than they did in the 1990’s when they paid the Clintons millions.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.
/—-/Why has China gotten away with dumping their crap in out markets And stealing out IP? Why didn’t anyone ever fight back before now?
Mostly because the American companies making billions off of them didn't want to cooperate with the feds who were investigating that stuff because they thought it might stop them.
/—-/ You have a valid point.
Lol, no. The trade imbalance isn't what you kids seem to think it is, and "fixing" it won't really do much of anything. Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters. That's Americans in case you weren't aware, and they simply pass the cost to you and me, the consumers.

China is paying for the tariffs just like Mexico is paying for the wall.

That is to say "not at all".

Tremendous grasp of the obvious....and what do the IMPORTERS do when their price is raised 25%...come on genius....surely you know the answer and it ain't raise their price to the retailer....that starts a death-spiral....Okay, I gave you the wrong answer...you give me the right one.
Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters.

Yep. Higher price, less imports.
Higher prices, less sales. China loses in lost GDP.
Americans loses too, but now with higher prices, Americans begin looking other places to buy stuff.
I always gladly pay more anytime I can find a similar, better item made here of anywhere but China.
China has been America's candy store of cheap crap too long.
With higher costs comes the ability to compete and make things here, better.
Lol, no. The trade imbalance isn't what you kids seem to think it is, and "fixing" it won't really do much of anything. Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters. That's Americans in case you weren't aware, and they simply pass the cost to you and me, the consumers.

China is paying for the tariffs just like Mexico is paying for the wall.

That is to say "not at all".

Tremendous grasp of the obvious....and what do the IMPORTERS do when their price is raised 25%...come on genius....surely you know the answer and it ain't raise their price to the retailer....that starts a death-spiral....Okay, I gave you the wrong answer...you give me the right one.
/——/ China can subsidize the cost of tariffs and make their slave labor work harder.
Lol, no. The trade imbalance isn't what you kids seem to think it is, and "fixing" it won't really do much of anything. Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters. That's Americans in case you weren't aware, and they simply pass the cost to you and me, the consumers.

China is paying for the tariffs just like Mexico is paying for the wall.

That is to say "not at all".

Tremendous grasp of the obvious....and what do the IMPORTERS do when their price is raised 25%...come on genius....surely you know the answer and it ain't raise their price to the retailer....that starts a death-spiral....Okay, I gave you the wrong answer...you give me the right one.
You're reaching for "find another source", but any many cases that isn't possible, and even in the cases where it is it will still mean an increase in cost for the company and price for the consumer. Plus supply contracts aren't negotiated over night. That means an interrupted supply and product, which means interrupted cash flow.

We aren't going to win this this way.
You're reaching for "find another source", but any many cases that isn't possible, and even in the cases where it is it will still mean an increase in cost for the company and price for the consumer. Plus supply contracts aren't negotiated over night. That means an interrupted supply and product, which means interrupted cash flow.

We aren't going to win this this way.

You've never owned a business have you? Until you understand how the real world works, don't pretend your book-world is real...it's not.
We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

That is China’s only hope, for a Dem to be elected who will happily go back to bending over for China. I wonder how much China is going to interfere in this next election. Probably even more than they did in the 1990’s when they paid the Clintons millions.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.

Obama was a very easy man to get along with:

Obama was a very easy man to get along with:

My uncle was a Marine in WW2....got as far as Saipan where he got hit and sent home. If he'd seen an American president BOW to a Jap, he'd have dug himself out of his grave and headed for Barry by any means possible.....what an embarrassment that clown was.
If this was a war, we'd be eating chop suey, wearing caps with a red star instead of MAGA, and banging a gong at some temple. What's going on now is a negotiation and for the first time, we have a leader who's used to winning those. There is a globalist lobbying outfit called the "Trade Partnership" bandying about wild figures about how America will be "hurt" by tariffing China.....and it's bullshit. Larry Kudlow says the govt. group who knows what it's doing says the cost to American consumers is nowhere near what these clowns are saying and the Fake News rodents are eating with a spoon. Bottom line? Trump is trying to disrupt and move the world supply chain from China into SE Asia and Indonesia...that will break China's back. So try to remember you're an American, stand behind your president, and understand a tiny ouch now will result in orgasmic ecstasy down the road in an even hotter economy all around you.


Used to winning ? 6 bankrupt companies loses a billion or so of OPM and writes it off and now no more meetings in sight Art of the deal ?? lol

/——/ 6 bankruptcies out of 500 successes. When will you libtards learn?

He does not have 500 success..quit with this lie. Those 500 companies are not controlled in any way by Trump. Trump Inc is a holding company, they do not make any business decisions for those companies.

A little known fact about Trump is that one single business he started on his own has succeeded...not one.

/——/ So why do libtards blame him for the failure of Trump vodka and Trump steaks?

Because those are companies he stated on his own, and they failed like every company he started himself

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Winning a trade war doesn’t mean others conform to your lifestyle. Winning a trade war is done by underwriting the lifestyle of the other side without them either knowing or caring. Look at Wal*Mart’s revenues for exhibit A.

We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

That is China’s only hope, for a Dem to be elected who will happily go back to bending over for China. I wonder how much China is going to interfere in this next election. Probably even more than they did in the 1990’s when they paid the Clintons millions.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.
/—-/Why has China gotten away with dumping their crap in out markets And stealing our IP? Why didn’t anyone ever fight back before now?
The best way to fix a trade imbalance is to make stuff that other countries want to buy.
It's appropriate that Trump is punishing the American consumer for buying foreign shit instead of home-grown shit.
Meanwhile tariffs on imported goods are paid by the importers, not the exporters.

Yep. Higher price, less imports.
Higher prices, less sales. China loses in lost GDP.
Americans loses too, but now with higher prices, Americans begin looking other places to buy stuff.
I always gladly pay more anytime I can find a similar, better item made here of anywhere but China.
China has been America's candy store of cheap crap too long.
With higher costs comes the ability to compete and make things here, better.
Higher cost means less sales here too. Lower profits for companies, less raises or even layoffs for American workers. China marks the goods down slightly and sell them to a European company that makes the widget the parts are menat for and sell it to us at a profit.

Everybody wins but Americans.
We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

That is China’s only hope, for a Dem to be elected who will happily go back to bending over for China. I wonder how much China is going to interfere in this next election. Probably even more than they did in the 1990’s when they paid the Clintons millions.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.

Obama was a very easy man to get along with:

View attachment 260581 View attachment 260582 View attachment 260583 View attachment 260584 View attachment 260585
He never managed to get the art of the curtsey nailed though!
You're reaching for "find another source", but any many cases that isn't possible, and even in the cases where it is it will still mean an increase in cost for the company and price for the consumer. Plus supply contracts aren't negotiated over night. That means an interrupted supply and product, which means interrupted cash flow.

We aren't going to win this this way.

You've never owned a business have you? Until you understand how the real world works, don't pretend your book-world is real...it's not.
More than a few, and currently running a consulting firm. You are the one with no obvious experience here.
The best way to fix a trade imbalance is to make stuff that other countries want to buy.
It's appropriate that Trump is punishing the American consumer for buying foreign shit instead of home-grown shit.

Another dusty old argument from the 80's that got us in this mess. Pssstttt...they won't let our product in....who builds a better car than Cadillac or a better guitar than Gibson? Our produce and meat are the best in the world and they'll either tariff them beyond hope or like the Japanese, quarantine them until they spoil or rust on the docks. Stick that theory where the sun don't shine..nobody has better goods than us.....and if we keep the Rat party out of power, we'll be able to afford well-made imports...not the crap the slants sell us.

I know I don’t really care where my I-Phone was made. IF it was cheap Russian labor, I wouldn’t care less or more than cheap Chinese labor. The out-of-pocket costs are what is important. Not who makes it.

The factory that makes the Apple I-phone has dormitory quarters...a worker sleeps 6 hours and has to give up the bed...there is no privacy. Cafeteria food....don't like it don't eat. But the best part? They have to sign a pledge not to commit suicide on company property....think about that next time you think Steve Jobs was a good guy and China has happy workers....you're a part of that by buying an I-Phone.

I’m sure Samsung’s workers were much better treated. The people who made your computer were likely treated the same way.
More than a few, and currently running a consulting firm. You are the one with no obvious experience here.

I've owned several businesses...all successful....go stand in the corner, dunce.
We will never understand the oriental mind....a year in Vietnam convinced me of that. If this was a "war", we'd have already painted our asses white and run with the antelopes. This is grinding....China can't face 25% tariffs for long, especially on another $300B in goods. They've already hit us with their best shot...we spit a tooth, laughed, and came back at them. China is so over-leveraged they're only a major disruption away from collapse...don't care if you believe that...people smarter than me and obviously smarter that you agree. Trump is giving them enough rope to hang themselves....and they will.
All they need to do is Stonewall for 18 months or so. The next president will.be smart enough not to try to fight a trade war everyone concerned will lose.

That is China’s only hope, for a Dem to be elected who will happily go back to bending over for China. I wonder how much China is going to interfere in this next election. Probably even more than they did in the 1990’s when they paid the Clintons millions.
Lol, nobody has been "bending over" for china. Get outta yer echo chamber and look around.

Obama was a very easy man to get along with:

View attachment 260581 View attachment 260582 View attachment 260583 View attachment 260584 View attachment 260585
President Obama was a practical man who realized that showing some respect, whether deserved or not, is a good way to get folks to like you and your ideas. How do you think these foreign dictators manipulate tRump so easily?

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