Trained To Be Fooled.

Your vulgarity is disgusting...but, then, so are you....
The vulgarity is a reflection of how frequently I've had to slap you around.

.....the "God particle,"the Higgs boson.

a. "[ Michio Kaku is an American futurist, theoretical physicist ] explained the importance of the God particle this way ina radio interview,"If we don't find the Higgs boson we are in deep trouble. We are in deep doo-doo.The reason is that the subatomic particles in the Standard Model are the basis, the foundation of everything we know about the Big Bang, everything we know about the universe, cosmic rays (and) black holes.So if that theory is wrong, then we are really in trouble. It means we have to throw out what is called the Standard Model — and even string theory would be in danger because string theory also has a Higgs boson. ...It will be a disaster if we don't find Higgs boson, because basically the entire edifice of modern physics depends upon it."Creation theory may be wrong collider hasn t found God particle

b. Uh oh...."When the Large Hadron Collider at CERN Laboratory in Geneva closed down for upgrades in early 2013The grand flo, its collisions had failed to yield any of dozens of particles that many theorists had included in their equations for more than 30 years.The grand flop suggests that researchers may have taken a wrong turn decades ago in their understanding of how to calculate the masses of particles.

Yet decades after their prediction,none of the supersymmetric particles have been found.“That’s what the Large Hadron Collider has been looking for, but it hasn’t seen anything,” said Savas Dimopoulos, a professor of particle physics at Stanford University who helped develop the supersymmetry hypothesis in the early 1980s. “Somehow, the Higgs is not protected.”

....many physicists have grown increasingly convinced that the theory has failed.Just last month at the International Conference of High-Energy Physics in Valencia, Spain, researchers analyzing the largest data set yet from the LHC found no evidence of supersymmetric particles. (The data also strongly disfavors an alternative proposal called “technicolor.”)"
Radical New Theory Could Kill the Multiverse Hypothesis WIRED

Now...back under your rock.
Look at the date on your first citation from that Mormon paper which also has the position of their Church of a 6,000 year old Earth! It's dated Sept 1, 2011 which was 10 months BEFORE the Higgs boson was discovered on July 4, 2012. You are dead wrong again! That is another failed attempt at your political/religious propaganda.

Your second citation has no relevance concerning a single point I made and is just a bloody straw man. Damn, but you are really stupid to try that dodge. Simply because other super-symmetry models were not discovered between 2012 and 2014 doesn't mean they do not exist OH great champion of the of the Scientific Method! <snark>! Learn to read those articles you cite with a clearer eye, Chica, and you might save face a little more often.

You need a towel?

What's that???

You demand more of a beating???


Some were far less kind in their analysis of the Higgs boson affair...

"I’ve just readThe Higgs Fakeby Alexander Unzicker. He says physicists such as Einstein would have considered the “discovery” of the Higgs boson to be utterly ridiculous. And more. Unzicker really rips into particle physics.

”something had to be found in the theoretical boxroom to inspire the next round of high energy experiments”.
Groan. Those of you who are old enough to remember might recall that the Higgs boson just didn’t feature in 1995. But now it does.

We have no electron model within theStandard Model. Instead we have what Unzicker described as epicycles.Because of groupthink and big science and singing in the choir.Because of mindcuffs and peer review and the”suppression of opinions that would endanger the sacred cows of an established field”.Oh it makes grim reading all right. All the more so when you know that particle physicists have painted themselves into a corner. They can’t admit that any of it is wrong. And yet, whilst they dismiss the turkey delusion, they know in their hearts that if things don’t change, they’re in for the chop."
Science on Sunday The Higgs Fake

. My interest in all of this isthe need for demonstrable credible scientific progress in the face of ever-increasing funding pressures.Physics now plays second fiddle to biochemistry. Physics is under threat because particle physics, the "queen of physics", hasdemonstrated no credible scientific progress in decades.(Ibid...comment from a reader)

Are you gettin' that?
There is the need to fund all those careers!!!

“Physics would appear to have gotten away with it: a decades-long campaign of hype, propaganda, and outright deception that saw a ragtag bunch of social misfits swindle the world out of billions of dollars,monies which as of this writing have not been returned. What follows is the story, if not of an outright hoax, then at least of the most audacious and effective PR campaign in the history of science.”
Higgs Boson and the Great Scam of Modern Physics - The Awl

Still think it's science?

I used "think" with reference to you!

My bad.
Your bad is right! Your first citation, , yields a 404 page error for a non-existent site; a typical Chica citation. Your second citation goes to an off the wall, non-authoritative OPINION site HQ'ed in NYC! I do not believe anything you have posted on this thread is about science, Chica! I am convinced that it is ALL about your propagandized agenda.

You have shown repeatedly that you do not understand the subject you initiated in the OP. When it's pointed out, you grab at straws trying fruitlessly to debunk authoritative and proven facts on the record and acknowledged by the scientific community at large, your lunatic fringe citation NOTWITHSTANDING!

WHY do you keep coming back for more humiliation? Are you also a masochist along with your other kinky traits, Chica? OOPS is don't really think!

I just love kicking the stuffing our of you.....

....and there sure is a lot of stuffing.

Here you go:
The Higgs was a scam designed to squeeze billions of bucks out of dunces like you.

It was a fake....y' you.

"The Higgs boson junkies remind me of the science fiction junkies that believe that Star Trek science fiction is real - where spaceships travel at Warp factor 10 (infinite speed), teleportation is real, and terraforming planets is as easy as baking a cake.

"Unzicker's book starts off by claiming:

"The 2013 Nobel Prize for the discovery of the Higgs boson would have been considered ridiculous by physics' greatest minds such as Einstein, Schr"dinger or Dirac."

The Higgs has not been proven and it never will be proven. The results can't be duplicated and the test results rely on many models that are also not provable. We are proving the results by creating models and assumption that just are not valid. It is scientific dishonesty.
Lordknukle's Forums |

Pleeezzzzeee....come back for more!!!

And remember: it's all about the benjamins!
'My interest in all of this is the need for demonstrable credible scientific progress in the face of ever-increasing funding pressures.Physics now plays second fiddle to biochemistry. Physics is under threat because particle physics, the "queen of physics", has demonstrated no credible scientific progress in decades.'(Ibid...comment from a reader)

Don't forget.....write soooooooooon!
Oh but those straws keep slipping from your hand, Chica! Now you cite a damn DEBATE FORUM as scientific proof and the non-scientific babble from two sides in the debate are to be taken as Gospel evidence of a scam in spite of Englert and Higgs being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013. OH but you are, " very, very scientific...", Chica! So much for your expertise on things relevant to the sciences!

Who are you going to cite next, a neighbor in your five-story walkup who was a kosher butcher and read chicken entrails?


I get to smack you in the kisser again!!!

Now....that Higgs fake thing that you worship......

Get ready:

"A group of researchers, however, has cast doubt on whether or not the supposed particle discovered during experiments with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful particle collider in the world, is the long sought after Higgs Boson.Nov 10, 2014

Did or did not CERN discover Higgs Boson particle? .... Although it is possible that scientists at CERN have indeed detected the Higgs particle, Frandsen said that there can be other possible explanations for the data since these can also be gathered from other particles.

"The current data is not precise enough to determine exactly what the particle is. It could be a number of other known particles," Frandsensaid.

I couldn't find a better verification for the title of the thread than your posts!!!!!

I love having a moron like you on retainer!
As opposed to getting your marching orders from "The Big Book of Myths and Fables".

So.....we can stipulate that you were irked by the posts...but were unable to find a single error of any kind.

Seems to be the pattern when those who live to be fooled, post.

I would argue with you but your a clueless fucking idiot with clueless fucking idiot threads everyday....

Honestly if you tolf me the sky is blue I would check outside, you have no credibility or any objective reasoning...

Obama could kill the lot of you in the morning if he told you to breath...

What a brilliant post!

You must be a Liberal, huh?
'A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes'....particularly when it has the backing of a political agenda...

9. "This is serious. In the preclinical cancer study mentioned above,the authors notethat "some non-reproducible preclinical papers had spawned an entire field, with hundreds of secondary publications that expanded on elements of the original observation, but did not actually seek to confirm or falsify its fundamental basis."
Big Science is broken

Clearly, nonsense 'studies' put food on the table for lots of 'scientists.'

And....if the reason for advancing 'science' is simply to use it as an attack on is the motive for so many Marxist 'scientists,'...well, it simply isn't science.

This sort of thing:

Professor Richard Lewontin, a geneticist (and self-proclaimed Marxist), is certainly one of the world’s leaders in evolutionary biology. He wrote this very revealing comment: “‘We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.” Lewontin explains why one must accept absurdities: “…we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.”

Want to see that again?

".........of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories,...."

Oh....and did I mention that so much of what the gullible accept as 'science' is patently absurd, unfulfilled promises and just-so fairy the universe created out of nothing....

I did?

Certainly worth mentioning again.
As opposed to getting your marching orders from "The Big Book of Myths and Fables".

So.....we can stipulate that you were irked by the posts...but were unable to find a single error of any kind.

Seems to be the pattern when those who live to be fooled, post.

I would argue with you but your a clueless fucking idiot with clueless fucking idiot threads everyday....

Honestly if you tolf me the sky is blue I would check outside, you have no credibility or any objective reasoning...

Obama could kill the lot of you in the morning if he told you to breath...

What a brilliant post!

You must be a Liberal, huh? just aren't nearly as bright as you wish.

so I guess you're a rightwingnut cut and paste machine.
Your vulgarity is disgusting...but, then, so are you....
The vulgarity is a reflection of how frequently I've had to slap you around.

.....the "God particle,"the Higgs boson.

a. "[ Michio Kaku is an American futurist, theoretical physicist ] explained the importance of the God particle this way ina radio interview,"If we don't find the Higgs boson we are in deep trouble. We are in deep doo-doo.The reason is that the subatomic particles in the Standard Model are the basis, the foundation of everything we know about the Big Bang, everything we know about the universe, cosmic rays (and) black holes.So if that theory is wrong, then we are really in trouble. It means we have to throw out what is called the Standard Model — and even string theory would be in danger because string theory also has a Higgs boson. ...It will be a disaster if we don't find Higgs boson, because basically the entire edifice of modern physics depends upon it."Creation theory may be wrong collider hasn t found God particle

b. Uh oh...."When the Large Hadron Collider at CERN Laboratory in Geneva closed down for upgrades in early 2013The grand flo, its collisions had failed to yield any of dozens of particles that many theorists had included in their equations for more than 30 years.The grand flop suggests that researchers may have taken a wrong turn decades ago in their understanding of how to calculate the masses of particles.

Yet decades after their prediction,none of the supersymmetric particles have been found.“That’s what the Large Hadron Collider has been looking for, but it hasn’t seen anything,” said Savas Dimopoulos, a professor of particle physics at Stanford University who helped develop the supersymmetry hypothesis in the early 1980s. “Somehow, the Higgs is not protected.”

....many physicists have grown increasingly convinced that the theory has failed.Just last month at the International Conference of High-Energy Physics in Valencia, Spain, researchers analyzing the largest data set yet from the LHC found no evidence of supersymmetric particles. (The data also strongly disfavors an alternative proposal called “technicolor.”)"
Radical New Theory Could Kill the Multiverse Hypothesis WIRED

Now...back under your rock.
Look at the date on your first citation from that Mormon paper which also has the position of their Church of a 6,000 year old Earth! It's dated Sept 1, 2011 which was 10 months BEFORE the Higgs boson was discovered on July 4, 2012. You are dead wrong again! That is another failed attempt at your political/religious propaganda.

Your second citation has no relevance concerning a single point I made and is just a bloody straw man. Damn, but you are really stupid to try that dodge. Simply because other super-symmetry models were not discovered between 2012 and 2014 doesn't mean they do not exist OH great champion of the of the Scientific Method! <snark>! Learn to read those articles you cite with a clearer eye, Chica, and you might save face a little more often.

You need a towel?

What's that???

You demand more of a beating???


Some were far less kind in their analysis of the Higgs boson affair...

"I’ve just readThe Higgs Fakeby Alexander Unzicker. He says physicists such as Einstein would have considered the “discovery” of the Higgs boson to be utterly ridiculous. And more. Unzicker really rips into particle physics.

”something had to be found in the theoretical boxroom to inspire the next round of high energy experiments”.
Groan. Those of you who are old enough to remember might recall that the Higgs boson just didn’t feature in 1995. But now it does.

We have no electron model within theStandard Model. Instead we have what Unzicker described as epicycles.Because of groupthink and big science and singing in the choir.Because of mindcuffs and peer review and the”suppression of opinions that would endanger the sacred cows of an established field”.Oh it makes grim reading all right. All the more so when you know that particle physicists have painted themselves into a corner. They can’t admit that any of it is wrong. And yet, whilst they dismiss the turkey delusion, they know in their hearts that if things don’t change, they’re in for the chop."
Science on Sunday The Higgs Fake

. My interest in all of this isthe need for demonstrable credible scientific progress in the face of ever-increasing funding pressures.Physics now plays second fiddle to biochemistry. Physics is under threat because particle physics, the "queen of physics", hasdemonstrated no credible scientific progress in decades.(Ibid...comment from a reader)

Are you gettin' that?
There is the need to fund all those careers!!!

“Physics would appear to have gotten away with it: a decades-long campaign of hype, propaganda, and outright deception that saw a ragtag bunch of social misfits swindle the world out of billions of dollars,monies which as of this writing have not been returned. What follows is the story, if not of an outright hoax, then at least of the most audacious and effective PR campaign in the history of science.”
Higgs Boson and the Great Scam of Modern Physics - The Awl

Still think it's science?

I used "think" with reference to you!

My bad.
Your bad is right! Your first citation, , yields a 404 page error for a non-existent site; a typical Chica citation. Your second citation goes to an off the wall, non-authoritative OPINION site HQ'ed in NYC! I do not believe anything you have posted on this thread is about science, Chica! I am convinced that it is ALL about your propagandized agenda.

You have shown repeatedly that you do not understand the subject you initiated in the OP. When it's pointed out, you grab at straws trying fruitlessly to debunk authoritative and proven facts on the record and acknowledged by the scientific community at large, your lunatic fringe citation NOTWITHSTANDING!

WHY do you keep coming back for more humiliation? Are you also a masochist along with your other kinky traits, Chica? OOPS is don't really think!

I just love kicking the stuffing our of you.....

....and there sure is a lot of stuffing.

Here you go:
The Higgs was a scam designed to squeeze billions of bucks out of dunces like you.

It was a fake....y' you.

"The Higgs boson junkies remind me of the science fiction junkies that believe that Star Trek science fiction is real - where spaceships travel at Warp factor 10 (infinite speed), teleportation is real, and terraforming planets is as easy as baking a cake.

"Unzicker's book starts off by claiming:

"The 2013 Nobel Prize for the discovery of the Higgs boson would have been considered ridiculous by physics' greatest minds such as Einstein, Schr"dinger or Dirac."

The Higgs has not been proven and it never will be proven. The results can't be duplicated and the test results rely on many models that are also not provable. We are proving the results by creating models and assumption that just are not valid. It is scientific dishonesty.
Lordknukle's Forums |

Pleeezzzzeee....come back for more!!!

And remember: it's all about the benjamins!
'My interest in all of this is the need for demonstrable credible scientific progress in the face of ever-increasing funding pressures.Physics now plays second fiddle to biochemistry. Physics is under threat because particle physics, the "queen of physics", has demonstrated no credible scientific progress in decades.'(Ibid...comment from a reader)

Don't forget.....write soooooooooon!
Oh but those straws keep slipping from your hand, Chica! Now you cite a damn DEBATE FORUM as scientific proof and the non-scientific babble from two sides in the debate are to be taken as Gospel evidence of a scam in spite of Englert and Higgs being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013. OH but you are, " very, very scientific...", Chica! So much for your expertise on things relevant to the sciences!

Who are you going to cite next, a neighbor in your five-story walkup who was a kosher butcher and read chicken entrails?
All one has to do is follow her links, as you have shown, and she ends up w/ egg on her face lol
Look at the date on your first citation from that Mormon paper which also has the position of their Church of a 6,000 year old Earth! It's dated Sept 1, 2011 which was 10 months BEFORE the Higgs boson was discovered on July 4, 2012. You are dead wrong again! That is another failed attempt at your political/religious propaganda.

Your second citation has no relevance concerning a single point I made and is just a bloody straw man. Damn, but you are really stupid to try that dodge. Simply because other super-symmetry models were not discovered between 2012 and 2014 doesn't mean they do not exist OH great champion of the of the Scientific Method! <snark>! Learn to read those articles you cite with a clearer eye, Chica, and you might save face a little more often.

You need a towel?

What's that???

You demand more of a beating???


Some were far less kind in their analysis of the Higgs boson affair...

"I’ve just readThe Higgs Fakeby Alexander Unzicker. He says physicists such as Einstein would have considered the “discovery” of the Higgs boson to be utterly ridiculous. And more. Unzicker really rips into particle physics.

”something had to be found in the theoretical boxroom to inspire the next round of high energy experiments”.
Groan. Those of you who are old enough to remember might recall that the Higgs boson just didn’t feature in 1995. But now it does.

We have no electron model within theStandard Model. Instead we have what Unzicker described as epicycles.Because of groupthink and big science and singing in the choir.Because of mindcuffs and peer review and the”suppression of opinions that would endanger the sacred cows of an established field”.Oh it makes grim reading all right. All the more so when you know that particle physicists have painted themselves into a corner. They can’t admit that any of it is wrong. And yet, whilst they dismiss the turkey delusion, they know in their hearts that if things don’t change, they’re in for the chop."
Science on Sunday The Higgs Fake

. My interest in all of this isthe need for demonstrable credible scientific progress in the face of ever-increasing funding pressures.Physics now plays second fiddle to biochemistry. Physics is under threat because particle physics, the "queen of physics", hasdemonstrated no credible scientific progress in decades.(Ibid...comment from a reader)

Are you gettin' that?
There is the need to fund all those careers!!!

“Physics would appear to have gotten away with it: a decades-long campaign of hype, propaganda, and outright deception that saw a ragtag bunch of social misfits swindle the world out of billions of dollars,monies which as of this writing have not been returned. What follows is the story, if not of an outright hoax, then at least of the most audacious and effective PR campaign in the history of science.”
Higgs Boson and the Great Scam of Modern Physics - The Awl

Still think it's science?

I used "think" with reference to you!

My bad.
Your bad is right! Your first citation, , yields a 404 page error for a non-existent site; a typical Chica citation. Your second citation goes to an off the wall, non-authoritative OPINION site HQ'ed in NYC! I do not believe anything you have posted on this thread is about science, Chica! I am convinced that it is ALL about your propagandized agenda.

You have shown repeatedly that you do not understand the subject you initiated in the OP. When it's pointed out, you grab at straws trying fruitlessly to debunk authoritative and proven facts on the record and acknowledged by the scientific community at large, your lunatic fringe citation NOTWITHSTANDING!

WHY do you keep coming back for more humiliation? Are you also a masochist along with your other kinky traits, Chica? OOPS is don't really think!

I just love kicking the stuffing our of you.....

....and there sure is a lot of stuffing.

Here you go:
The Higgs was a scam designed to squeeze billions of bucks out of dunces like you.

It was a fake....y' you.

"The Higgs boson junkies remind me of the science fiction junkies that believe that Star Trek science fiction is real - where spaceships travel at Warp factor 10 (infinite speed), teleportation is real, and terraforming planets is as easy as baking a cake.

"Unzicker's book starts off by claiming:

"The 2013 Nobel Prize for the discovery of the Higgs boson would have been considered ridiculous by physics' greatest minds such as Einstein, Schr"dinger or Dirac."

The Higgs has not been proven and it never will be proven. The results can't be duplicated and the test results rely on many models that are also not provable. We are proving the results by creating models and assumption that just are not valid. It is scientific dishonesty.
Lordknukle's Forums |

Pleeezzzzeee....come back for more!!!

And remember: it's all about the benjamins!
'My interest in all of this is the need for demonstrable credible scientific progress in the face of ever-increasing funding pressures.Physics now plays second fiddle to biochemistry. Physics is under threat because particle physics, the "queen of physics", has demonstrated no credible scientific progress in decades.'(Ibid...comment from a reader)

Don't forget.....write soooooooooon!
Oh but those straws keep slipping from your hand, Chica! Now you cite a damn DEBATE FORUM as scientific proof and the non-scientific babble from two sides in the debate are to be taken as Gospel evidence of a scam in spite of Englert and Higgs being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013. OH but you are, " very, very scientific...", Chica! So much for your expertise on things relevant to the sciences!

Who are you going to cite next, a neighbor in your five-story walkup who was a kosher butcher and read chicken entrails?


I get to smack you in the kisser again!!!

Now....that Higgs fake thing that you worship......

Get ready:

"A group of researchers, however, has cast doubt on whether or not the supposed particle discovered during experiments with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful particle collider in the world, is the long sought after Higgs Boson.Nov 10, 2014

Did or did not CERN discover Higgs Boson particle? .... Although it is possible that scientists at CERN have indeed detected the Higgs particle, Frandsen said that there can be other possible explanations for the data since these can also be gathered from other particles.

"The current data is not precise enough to determine exactly what the particle is. It could be a number of other known particles," Frandsensaid.

I couldn't find a better verification for the title of the thread than your posts!!!!!

I love having a moron like you on retainer!
Regarding your only citation, look and READ; "Although it is possible that scientists at CERN have indeed detected the Higgs particle...." Has one person's opinion negated that of all other particle physicist in the world, the peer reviewed papers and the Nobel Prize committee? Can you be anymore obtuse in your responses? Does that make sense to you? Are you that dumb?

And you keep pitching the ad hominem Chica, it doesn't clash with your lack of logical thinking powers at all, but rather magnifies that trait!

BTW, you've lost the argument hands down, so why are you cheering for yourself and taking laps? Take your propaganda and do the right thing by stuffing it where the sun don't shine, Chica!
Moynihan was The Last Intelligent Democrat.

that's funny coming from the anti-intellectual right.

Yeah well, it ain't the anti-intellectual right shilling the stories that boys are girls and girls boys, or that climate only changes under anthropogenic influences, or that descendants of those who came across the Bering are indigenous to the Americas, but descendants of those who came across the Atlantic are not.
Look at the date on your first citation from that Mormon paper which also has the position of their Church of a 6,000 year old Earth! It's dated Sept 1, 2011 which was 10 months BEFORE the Higgs boson was discovered on July 4, 2012. You are dead wrong again! That is another failed attempt at your political/religious propaganda.

Your second citation has no relevance concerning a single point I made and is just a bloody straw man. Damn, but you are really stupid to try that dodge. Simply because other super-symmetry models were not discovered between 2012 and 2014 doesn't mean they do not exist OH great champion of the of the Scientific Method! <snark>! Learn to read those articles you cite with a clearer eye, Chica, and you might save face a little more often.

You need a towel?

What's that???

You demand more of a beating???


Some were far less kind in their analysis of the Higgs boson affair...

"I’ve just readThe Higgs Fakeby Alexander Unzicker. He says physicists such as Einstein would have considered the “discovery” of the Higgs boson to be utterly ridiculous. And more. Unzicker really rips into particle physics.

”something had to be found in the theoretical boxroom to inspire the next round of high energy experiments”.
Groan. Those of you who are old enough to remember might recall that the Higgs boson just didn’t feature in 1995. But now it does.

We have no electron model within theStandard Model. Instead we have what Unzicker described as epicycles.Because of groupthink and big science and singing in the choir.Because of mindcuffs and peer review and the”suppression of opinions that would endanger the sacred cows of an established field”.Oh it makes grim reading all right. All the more so when you know that particle physicists have painted themselves into a corner. They can’t admit that any of it is wrong. And yet, whilst they dismiss the turkey delusion, they know in their hearts that if things don’t change, they’re in for the chop."
Science on Sunday The Higgs Fake

. My interest in all of this isthe need for demonstrable credible scientific progress in the face of ever-increasing funding pressures.Physics now plays second fiddle to biochemistry. Physics is under threat because particle physics, the "queen of physics", hasdemonstrated no credible scientific progress in decades.(Ibid...comment from a reader)

Are you gettin' that?
There is the need to fund all those careers!!!

“Physics would appear to have gotten away with it: a decades-long campaign of hype, propaganda, and outright deception that saw a ragtag bunch of social misfits swindle the world out of billions of dollars,monies which as of this writing have not been returned. What follows is the story, if not of an outright hoax, then at least of the most audacious and effective PR campaign in the history of science.”
Higgs Boson and the Great Scam of Modern Physics - The Awl

Still think it's science?

I used "think" with reference to you!

My bad.
Your bad is right! Your first citation, , yields a 404 page error for a non-existent site; a typical Chica citation. Your second citation goes to an off the wall, non-authoritative OPINION site HQ'ed in NYC! I do not believe anything you have posted on this thread is about science, Chica! I am convinced that it is ALL about your propagandized agenda.

You have shown repeatedly that you do not understand the subject you initiated in the OP. When it's pointed out, you grab at straws trying fruitlessly to debunk authoritative and proven facts on the record and acknowledged by the scientific community at large, your lunatic fringe citation NOTWITHSTANDING!

WHY do you keep coming back for more humiliation? Are you also a masochist along with your other kinky traits, Chica? OOPS is don't really think!

I just love kicking the stuffing our of you.....

....and there sure is a lot of stuffing.

Here you go:
The Higgs was a scam designed to squeeze billions of bucks out of dunces like you.

It was a fake....y' you.

"The Higgs boson junkies remind me of the science fiction junkies that believe that Star Trek science fiction is real - where spaceships travel at Warp factor 10 (infinite speed), teleportation is real, and terraforming planets is as easy as baking a cake.

"Unzicker's book starts off by claiming:

"The 2013 Nobel Prize for the discovery of the Higgs boson would have been considered ridiculous by physics' greatest minds such as Einstein, Schr"dinger or Dirac."

The Higgs has not been proven and it never will be proven. The results can't be duplicated and the test results rely on many models that are also not provable. We are proving the results by creating models and assumption that just are not valid. It is scientific dishonesty.
Lordknukle's Forums |

Pleeezzzzeee....come back for more!!!

And remember: it's all about the benjamins!
'My interest in all of this is the need for demonstrable credible scientific progress in the face of ever-increasing funding pressures.Physics now plays second fiddle to biochemistry. Physics is under threat because particle physics, the "queen of physics", has demonstrated no credible scientific progress in decades.'(Ibid...comment from a reader)

Don't forget.....write soooooooooon!
Oh but those straws keep slipping from your hand, Chica! Now you cite a damn DEBATE FORUM as scientific proof and the non-scientific babble from two sides in the debate are to be taken as Gospel evidence of a scam in spite of Englert and Higgs being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2013. OH but you are, " very, very scientific...", Chica! So much for your expertise on things relevant to the sciences!

Who are you going to cite next, a neighbor in your five-story walkup who was a kosher butcher and read chicken entrails?
All one has to do is follow her links, as you have shown, and she ends up w/ egg on her face lol
Yeah, but it is a real struggle for some young girls going through puberty.

As opposed to getting your marching orders from "The Big Book of Myths and Fables".

So.....we can stipulate that you were irked by the posts...but were unable to find a single error of any kind.

Seems to be the pattern when those who live to be fooled, post.

I would argue with you but your a clueless fucking idiot with clueless fucking idiot threads everyday....

Honestly if you tolf me the sky is blue I would check outside, you have no credibility or any objective reasoning...

Obama could kill the lot of you in the morning if he told you to breath...

What a brilliant post!

You must be a Liberal, huh? just aren't nearly as bright as you wish.

so I guess you're a rightwingnut cut and paste machine.

My, oh, my.......another 'I hate you' post from a Liberal who was irked by the truth I post.....but can't find a single thing that they can dispute in any of my posts.

Oh....and, do you know what 'cut and post' is? It's the sort of post from one far more educated than you are....hence, has all sorts of sources at my fingertips.

Sooooooo sorry.
So.....what have we learned today?
That there is real science, that of the scientific method....and the stuff you have been trained to accept, and be fooled by.

Just as Leftism has become the most dynamic religion of the last century....the off-shoot, the religion of neo-Marxist FakeScience has threatened to replace real science.

10. "At its best, science is a human enterprise with a superhuman aim: the discovery of regularities in the order of nature, and the discerning of the consequences of those regularities.

We’ve seen example after example of how the human element of this enterprise harms and damages its progress, through incompetence, fraud, selfishness, prejudice, or the simple combination of an honest oversight or slip with plain bad luck. These failings need not hobble the scientific enterprise broadly conceived, but only if scientists are hyper-aware of and endlessly vigilant about the errors of their colleagues . . . and of themselves.

When cultural trends attempt to render science a sort of religion-less clericalism, scientists are apt to forget that they are made of the same crooked timber as the rest of humanity and will necessarily imperil the work that they do. The greatest friends of the Cult of Science are the worst enemies of science’s actual practice." Scientific Regress

a. "Science is not about "consensus" but facts. Not only were some physicists not initially convinced by Einstein's theory of relativity, Einstein himself said that it should not be accepted until empirical evidence could test it.

That test came during an eclipse, when light behaved as Einstein said it would, rather than the way it should have behaved if the existing "consensus" was correct.

That is how scientific questions should be settled, not by political intimidation. There is already plenty of political weight on the scales, on the side of those pushing the "global warming" scenario."
Thomas Sowell Articles - Political Columnist & Commentator

Be more alert...and, when you vote....remember which party trained you to be dull- witted.
As opposed to getting your marching orders from "The Big Book of Myths and Fables".

So.....we can stipulate that you were irked by the posts...but were unable to find a single error of any kind.

Seems to be the pattern when those who live to be fooled, post.

I would argue with you but your a clueless fucking idiot with clueless fucking idiot threads everyday....

Honestly if you tolf me the sky is blue I would check outside, you have no credibility or any objective reasoning...

Obama could kill the lot of you in the morning if he told you to breath...

What a brilliant post!

You must be a Liberal, huh? just aren't nearly as bright as you wish.

so I guess you're a rightwingnut cut and paste machine.

My, oh, my.......another 'I hate you' post from a Liberal who was irked by the truth I post.....but can't find a single thing that they can dispute in any of my posts.

Oh....and, do you know what 'cut and post' is? It's the sort of post from one far more educated than you are....hence, has all sorts of sources at my fingertips.

Sooooooo sorry.
far more educated??? Where and in waht pray tell tinfoil grl?
So.....we can stipulate that you were irked by the posts...but were unable to find a single error of any kind.

Seems to be the pattern when those who live to be fooled, post.

I would argue with you but your a clueless fucking idiot with clueless fucking idiot threads everyday....

Honestly if you tolf me the sky is blue I would check outside, you have no credibility or any objective reasoning...

Obama could kill the lot of you in the morning if he told you to breath...

What a brilliant post!

You must be a Liberal, huh? just aren't nearly as bright as you wish.

so I guess you're a rightwingnut cut and paste machine.

My, oh, my.......another 'I hate you' post from a Liberal who was irked by the truth I post.....but can't find a single thing that they can dispute in any of my posts.

Oh....and, do you know what 'cut and post' is? It's the sort of post from one far more educated than you are....hence, has all sorts of sources at my fingertips.

Sooooooo sorry.
far more educated??? Where and in waht pray tell tinfoil grl?

she wishes she was educated. and she wishes i wasn't.

so she's amusing. as i said...exactly what uneducated rightwingnuts *think* someone educated is supposed to sound like.

but once again, the cut and paste queens says nothing. :cuckoo:
I would argue with you but your a clueless fucking idiot with clueless fucking idiot threads everyday....

Honestly if you tolf me the sky is blue I would check outside, you have no credibility or any objective reasoning...

Obama could kill the lot of you in the morning if he told you to breath...

What a brilliant post!

You must be a Liberal, huh? just aren't nearly as bright as you wish.

so I guess you're a rightwingnut cut and paste machine.

My, oh, my.......another 'I hate you' post from a Liberal who was irked by the truth I post.....but can't find a single thing that they can dispute in any of my posts.

Oh....and, do you know what 'cut and post' is? It's the sort of post from one far more educated than you are....hence, has all sorts of sources at my fingertips.

Sooooooo sorry.
far more educated??? Where and in waht pray tell tinfoil grl?

she wishes she was educated. and she wishes i wasn't.

so she's amusing. as i said...exactly what uneducated rightwingnuts *think* someone educated is supposed to sound like.

but once again, the cut and paste queens says nothing. :cuckoo:

I like when you, correctly, refer to me as 'queen.'

But you did fib here: "...says nothing."

Why are you never able to accomplish a substantive post?

It isn't as though I don't provide enough material on which you could comment is the case with almost every Liberal.....your posts lack any real intelligence.

Are you afraid to take me on?
To challenge anything that I actually post?

Actually.....that would be fairly wise of you, as I am never you probably already know.
What a brilliant post!

You must be a Liberal, huh? just aren't nearly as bright as you wish.

so I guess you're a rightwingnut cut and paste machine.

My, oh, my.......another 'I hate you' post from a Liberal who was irked by the truth I post.....but can't find a single thing that they can dispute in any of my posts.

Oh....and, do you know what 'cut and post' is? It's the sort of post from one far more educated than you are....hence, has all sorts of sources at my fingertips.

Sooooooo sorry.
far more educated??? Where and in waht pray tell tinfoil grl?

she wishes she was educated. and she wishes i wasn't.

so she's amusing. as i said...exactly what uneducated rightwingnuts *think* someone educated is supposed to sound like.

but once again, the cut and paste queens says nothing. :cuckoo:

I like when you, correctly, refer to me as 'queen.'

But you did fib here: "...says nothing."

Why are you never able to accomplish a substantive post?

It isn't as though I don't provide enough material on which you could comment is the case with almost every Liberal.....your posts lack any real intelligence.

Are you afraid to take me on?
To challenge anything that I actually post?

Actually.....that would be fairly wise of you, as I am never you probably already know.
Sure you're never wrong...and the fucking Sun rises in the West, Cynthia!

And my "vulgarity" is no match for yours, which debases the very existence of normal conscience, you bloody twit! just aren't nearly as bright as you wish.

so I guess you're a rightwingnut cut and paste machine.

My, oh, my.......another 'I hate you' post from a Liberal who was irked by the truth I post.....but can't find a single thing that they can dispute in any of my posts.

Oh....and, do you know what 'cut and post' is? It's the sort of post from one far more educated than you are....hence, has all sorts of sources at my fingertips.

Sooooooo sorry.
far more educated??? Where and in waht pray tell tinfoil grl?

she wishes she was educated. and she wishes i wasn't.

so she's amusing. as i said...exactly what uneducated rightwingnuts *think* someone educated is supposed to sound like.

but once again, the cut and paste queens says nothing. :cuckoo:

I like when you, correctly, refer to me as 'queen.'

But you did fib here: "...says nothing."

Why are you never able to accomplish a substantive post?

It isn't as though I don't provide enough material on which you could comment is the case with almost every Liberal.....your posts lack any real intelligence.

Are you afraid to take me on?
To challenge anything that I actually post?

Actually.....that would be fairly wise of you, as I am never you probably already know.
Sure you're never wrong...and the fucking Sun rises in the West, Cynthia!

And my "vulgarity" is no match for yours, which debases the very existence of normal conscience, you bloody twit!
^ that

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