Trained To Be Fooled.

There is much truth in the old saw about Liberals....they snap to attention at the phrase 'studies show.....'

But, this great Liberal noted:
"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

There is a differeence between being skeptical and out right claiming something is a lie because you feel it is. Republicans let their skepticism determine that things are wrong for no other reason then they believe it.

So they see a study and instead of saying "Maybe this is wrong because..." they say "This is wrong because.....something about liberals" and nothing about the facts being wrong.

Republican skepticism is based on they don't like the results

Not a firm basis for skepticism
Not at all. I know what religion is used for, just as I know what science is used for...With humans participating in both fields, there will be flaws and fakers...
All religion is fake, and loved by stupid people of course.

But....but.....we just proved that you were too stupid to engage in this discussion.

Kind of obviates your post, doesn't it.'d better go look that word up.
There is no discussion of science possible with someone who rejects evolution. You might as well be rejecting the idea that fire is hot and can burn you.

In addition to stupid.....or, possibly due to that affliction, you are inaccurate as well.

I deny Darwin's Theory....which is what I stated.

Of course, due to your government schooling, you believe that Darwin's is the only and correct one.
Deny Darwin? You might as well deny gravity. It's pointless to respond to you.


You verify everything I've posted about you....
"Of course, due to your government schooling, you believe that Darwin's is the only and correct one."

The facts deny Darwin's theory.

I have no doubt that you are clueless about the Burgess Shales and the Chengjiang fauna....

...but, then, you are a dunce.
3. It is essential to separate what has come to be called 'science' from what really is science....or, rather, 'scientism.'

Scientism belief in the universal applicability of the scientific method and approach, and the view that empirical science constitutes the most "authoritative" worldview or the most valuable part of human learning—to the exclusion of other viewpoints.

Philosopher Michael Devitt, to mention but one, continues to proclaim that “there is only one way of knowing, the empirical way that is the basis of science!”

" The central theme in scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical which means it is based on evidence. In scientific method the word "empirical" refers to the use of working hypothesis that can be tested using observation and experiment.Empirical data is produced by experiment and observation.." Google

4. There is a tongue-in-cheek reference to what science has become, ...the term used is "SWAG."

It means a 'scientific wild ass guess."
It's meant to poke fun at folks who believe 'scientific' fact that are based on a confident and unquestioning belief,...sometimes called 'faith.'

Here's some examples of SWAG....

The Mulitiverse Theory
String theory
The Higgs boson
The universe created out of nothing.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Global Warming

What do these have in common?
All of 'em are of the modern fashion called 'science,' but are actually elements of a political agenda. One proof of that claim is that, to be a Liberal, one pretty much must accept them, e.g., 'the debate is over.'

a. But none of 'em are scientific....
How anyone could believe that those aren't scientific is beyond me. You obviously don't know what science is!

Idiots always show up to prove the OP correct.
All religion is fake, and loved by stupid people of course.

But....but.....we just proved that you were too stupid to engage in this discussion.

Kind of obviates your post, doesn't it.'d better go look that word up.
There is no discussion of science possible with someone who rejects evolution. You might as well be rejecting the idea that fire is hot and can burn you.

In addition to stupid.....or, possibly due to that affliction, you are inaccurate as well.

I deny Darwin's Theory....which is what I stated.

Of course, due to your government schooling, you believe that Darwin's is the only and correct one.
Deny Darwin? You might as well deny gravity. It's pointless to respond to you.


You verify everything I've posted about you....
"Of course, due to your government schooling, you believe that Darwin's is the only and correct one."

The facts deny Darwin's theory.

I have no doubt that you are clueless about the Burgess Shales and the Chengjiang fauna....

...but, then, you are a dunce.

You're worse than a dunce if you honestly believe that a supernatural being magically made animals and humans appear on Earth,


where none had been before. Like a rabbit being pulled out of a hat.
There is much truth in the old saw about Liberals....they snap to attention at the phrase 'studies show.....'

But, this great Liberal noted:
"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

But Moynihan didn't go nearly far enough. The need for that 'healthy skepticism' goes far further than the belief in needs to begin early and continue throughout life. We need more 'Show Me Missourians' in the body politic.

"There is very good reason to believe that much scientific research published today is false, there is no good way to sort the wheat from the chaff, and, most importantly, that the way the system is designed ensures that this will continue being the case."
Big Science is broken

1. ".....a must-read article in First Things magazine, in which William A. Wilson accumulates evidence that a lot of published research is false. But that's not even the worst part.

Advocates of the existing scientific research paradigm usually smugly declare that while some published conclusions are surely false, the scientific method has "self-correcting mechanisms" that ensure that, eventually, the truth will prevail. Unfortunately for all of us, Wilson makes a convincing argument that those self-correcting mechanisms are broken.

2. For starters, there's a "replication crisis" in science. This is particularly true in the field of experimental psychology, where far too many prestigious psychology studies simply can't be reliably replicated. But it's not just psychology. In 2011, the pharmaceutical company Bayer looked at 67 blockbuster drug discovery research findings published in prestigious journals, and found that three-fourths of them weren't right."

"The problem with science is that so much of it simply isn’t." Scientific Regress

Do you have a healthy skepticism about the merits of your rent controlled residence?
All religion is fake, and loved by stupid people of course.

But....but.....we just proved that you were too stupid to engage in this discussion.

Kind of obviates your post, doesn't it.'d better go look that word up.
There is no discussion of science possible with someone who rejects evolution. You might as well be rejecting the idea that fire is hot and can burn you.

In addition to stupid.....or, possibly due to that affliction, you are inaccurate as well.

I deny Darwin's Theory....which is what I stated.

Of course, due to your government schooling, you believe that Darwin's is the only and correct one.
Deny Darwin? You might as well deny gravity. It's pointless to respond to you.


You verify everything I've posted about you....
"Of course, due to your government schooling, you believe that Darwin's is the only and correct one."

The facts deny Darwin's theory.

I have no doubt that you are clueless about the Burgess Shales and the Chengjiang fauna....

...but, then, you are a dunce.
Facts deny Darwin? Stick with the bible.
So, you hate science.

That's your point?

I love science.


Science: knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation
Science - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And this....

" If a theory doesn’t make a testable prediction, it isn’t science.It’s a basic axiom of the scientific method, dubbed “falsifiability” by the 20th century philosopher of science Karl Popper. "
Does Science Need Falsifiability - The Nature of Reality The Nature of Reality PBS

But not nonsense such as the Multiverse.

You can google a google definition?


dammit...I said I was finished trying to guess what your point might be.
She thinks that hypothesis' delivered regarding the multiverse are junk science. She isnt; however, qualified to posit anything of subsance regarding the hypothesis because she's certainly no theoretical physicist...
What point are you trying to make, PoliticalChic.
She's doing her usual, take 15 pages to get to the point thread...

I'm not responsible for your attention deficit disorder.
You have yet to make a point. I'm through guessing what it might be.
You have to find or figure which agenda written book she is quasi-plagiarising and or distorting with her cut and paste method of camouflaging. Without having access to the book and being able to source the borrowed sources from the book, it is time-consuming to show how her quotes are distortions. This method enables the author to claim "all the facts are true" without confronting the fact omissions of data, distortions and taking quotes out of context add up to lies. When someone points out the specific distortions she just repeats herself and goes into a denial mode.
What point are you trying to make, PoliticalChic.
She's doing her usual, take 15 pages to get to the point thread...

I'm not responsible for your attention deficit disorder.
You have yet to make a point. I'm through guessing what it might be.
You have to find or figure which agenda written book she is quasi-plagiarising and or distorting with her cut and paste method of camouflaging. Without having access to the book and being able to source the borrowed sources from the book, it is time-consuming to show how her quotes are distortions. This method enables the author to claim "all the facts are true" without confronting the fact omissions of data, distortions and taking quotes out of context add up to lies. When someone points out the specific distortions she just repeats herself and goes into a denial mode.
It's usually from the Heritage Foundation..
So, you hate science.

That's your point?

I love science.


Science: knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation
Science - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And this....

" If a theory doesn’t make a testable prediction, it isn’t science.It’s a basic axiom of the scientific method, dubbed “falsifiability” by the 20th century philosopher of science Karl Popper. "
Does Science Need Falsifiability - The Nature of Reality The Nature of Reality PBS

But not nonsense such as the Multiverse.
Love science? What science? Maybe Jesus ridding a dinosaur?

She once put up a thread claiming that science had vindicated the Genesis description of Creation.
IMO, if the OP can't articulate a point, then goes on to call others stupid and liars when they can't guess what her point is, then it's nothing but a flame thread.

I stay in the FZ for a reason....


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