training exercise over. Russians begin pull begin back

Remember those BB games where coaches call a time out just before they pass in the ball to see what kind of defense the opposing team was in
This sorta like putin.
This was just an exercise to see what kind of defense the west would show.

We lost the moral high ground when Bush invaded Iraq. I'm sure Russia was wondering what the fuck we were doing then like we wonder what they are doing now. Why is Russia upset with Ukraine? Why did we invade Iraq? Seems to me if Russia invades Ukraine we should do what they did when we invaded Iraq. Nothing.
9/11 changed the world forever.
Islamic terrorists...not as big a problem as they once were, US blew up many of them.

US invasion of Iraq was nearly 20 years ago...a lot has changed in that time.
Saddam was upsetting the apple cart, so Washington got rid of him.
Every time Saddam massed his military near another country's border, was it Russia or China that had to cart its military across the world to stop him?
No, it was America.

Was the invasion of Iraq about oil?
Who knows, but any interruption to global oil supplies ..and the West falls in a heap.

Terrorists from the Muslim world blew up the heart of America, invaded America if you like.
America got angry and went after the cage-rattlers, bigtime.

Toby Keith's "The Angry American" song.

Now this nation that I love has fallen under attack
A mighty sucker punch came flyin' in from somewhere in the back
Soon as we could see clearly
Through our big black eye
Man, we lit up your world
Like the fourth of July

Hey Uncle Sam, put your name at the top of his list
And the Statue of Liberty started shakin' her fist
And the eagle will fly man, it's gonna be hell
When you hear mother freedom start ringin' her bell
And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you
Brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue

Justice will be served and the battle will rage
This big dog will fight when you rattle his cage
And you'll be sorry that you messed with
The U.S. of A.
'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass
It's the American way


That was then, this is now...and now China is doing the ass booting.
China, has the world's biggest and best military, every kind of nuke known to mankind, hypersonic missiles, 2 million plus troops [50 million if it wanted to].
Back then...
President George W Bush addressed the Australian parliament:

President Bush Addresses Australian Parliament

In a hundred years of experience, American soldiers have come to know the courage and good fellowship of the diggers at their side. We fought together in the Battle of Hamel, together in the Coral Sea, together in New Guinea, on the Korean Peninsula, in Vietnam. And in the war on terror, once again we're at each other's side.

In this war, the Australia and American people have witnessed the methods of the enemy. We saw the scope of their hatred on September the 11, 2001. We saw the depth of their cruelty on October the 12, 2002. We saw destruction and grief -- and we saw our duty. As free nations in peril, we must fight this enemy with all our strength. (Hear, hear.)

No country can live peacefully in a world that the terrorists would make for us. And no people are immune from the sudden violence that can come to an office building, or an airplane, or a night club, or a city bus. Your nation and mine have known the shock and felt the sorrow, and laid the dead to rest. And we refuse to live our lives at the mercy of murderers. (Hear, hear.)

The nature of the terrorist threat defines the strategy we are using to fight it. These committed killers will not be stopped by negotiations. They will not respond to reason. The terrorists cannot be appeased. They must be found, they must be fought and they must be defeated. (Hear, hear.)

Remember those BB games where coaches call a time out just before they pass in the ball to see what kind of defense the opposing team was in
This sorta like putin.
This was just an exercise to see what kind of defense the west would show.

Ok Trollbot
Remember those BB games where coaches call a time out just before they pass in the ball to see what kind of defense the opposing team was in
This sorta like putin.
This was just an exercise to see what kind of defense the west would show.


Is putin’s invasion of ukrane UN sanctioned the way bush’s invasion was?
The United States asserted that Hussein's frequent lack of cooperation was a breach of Resolution 1441, but failed to convince the United Nations Security Council to pass a new resolution authorizing the use of force due to lack of evidence.

Ouch. Did you forget this happened?

Even Trump said Bush lied. When McCain ran, he couldn't say lied. He said "it was a mistake".

The world knows Bush lied. Tony Blair lied. Only some Republicans in America refuse to admit it.
The United States asserted that Hussein's frequent lack of cooperation was a breach of Resolution 1441, but failed to convince the United Nations Security Council to pass a new resolution authorizing the use of force due to lack of evidence.

Ouch. Did you forget this happened?

Even Trump said Bush lied. When McCain ran, he couldn't say lied. He said "it was a mistake".

The world knows Bush lied. Tony Blair lied. Only some Republicans in America refuse to admit it.
We didnt need a new resolution

the old one still applied
That's because you're a communist twat.
Just say it tard....say you want to go to war in Europe...tell us how that old senile fool can talk your gullible ass into anything...even a war with a nuclear power cold or stupid fuck...
Yes. And that's fine. There is little that is more worth fighting for than oil. It's the basis of our entire economy.
Just don't lie to me and tell me it's about WMD's or Freedom. Then tell me I'm the one who's being brainwashed by a lying media. When the lying media helped lie us into Iraq. Liberal media my ass.

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