TrainTime...How to FIX America:

They prefer creating problems and living in a State of Confusion. Don't mess with their comfort zone.

Exactly. FYI...I wrote that piece in 2007 when gas was still under $2 a gallon, the housing market was still hot, the debt was $9T, and Pelousy and Reid hadn't gotten their claws into our economy yet. Fast forward to today....and I'm the crazy one? :eusa_hand:

No you're not crazy. But when you call people chinks and want to throw people in jail for their opinions it is pretty clear what you are.

Well, so we have agreement I'm not crazy so that's a start....I kinda regret giving you + rep the other day. I consider "progressives" 5th column 30 day sentence seemed quite compassionate in my opinion. And yeah, CHINKS should be used for the yellow hyenas who will one day sit in aircraft carriers off Long Beach if we're late on debt payments....not that them strafing Hollywood would bother me much. :badgrin:
The OP longs for the Fourth Reich.

I find it hard to believe any American wouldn't disagree with the notion we could offshore and outsource our needs and remain rich. We used to have positive balance-of-trade surpluses with everybody...everybody wanted American goods. But the Corporate Lords weren't making obscene profits when our competitors from abroad made their way back after WW2. So the concept of a working middle-class changed to foreign slave labor for them. But how to do that?

Along came Slick Willy twisting arms and lying through his ass about the wonderful benefits of NAFTA and the WTO. Look what's happened.......the Fortune 500 FLED to the orient and central America for the cheapest labor dollar. Thousands of US plants closed over the last 20 years, unable to compete with workers literally chained to their benches. What happened to the "guarantees" these workers would make a graduating wage that would someday compete with the wages blue collar Americans earned? One example is the agreement Chinese workers who work in the Apple Computer factory signed......a pledge not to kill themselves at work.

I admit I trolled a little to get attention with this 7 year old post from another got the same reaction then. That amazes me considering the damage that's ocurred since 2007. Does me calling the yellow man a "chink" really compare with 190,000.000 Americans unemployed or underemployed? Have some of you gone so far down the rabbit hole that PC correctness and supposed "racism" has blinded you to what's really killing America?
I, for one, am grateful for a topic which does not talk about guns, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Obama, or any of the other repetitive whining topics we are inundated with. :D

Here's what we should do in a nutshell:

Default on the debt immediately...chapter 7 the fucker. It's as American as apple pie to kiss off your debtors and start over. And all china can do is bitch about it as long as they're still afraid of us.

This would not work, for two reasons. First, after we defaulted like this, the interest rates on any further borrowing would be sky high.

More importantly, we would lose our status as the world's reserve currency and all the tremendous advantages which come with it.

Means-test SS and Medicare. If you can afford to keep paying your way, that's what you're going to do.

Raise the eligibility age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

Go after every barrel of oil and cubic yard of natural gas we have until we only need canuckistan as a fall-back position.

Works for me.

Any mexican in the USA who can't speak English gets arrested and deported. Mine the border and patrol it with predator drones and Apache Longbows with orders to shoot on sight.

Only Mexicans, eh?

Ban all foreign automobiles, electronics, clothing, and furniture and seize parts now in inventories as contraband.

This would immediately be followed by our exports being banned around the world. A trade war. Idiotic.

Next, I'd execute every convict on death-row who's had an appeal denied. And I'd carry out the sentence in the same manner as the killer used. Open their cell-door in the middle of the night and either beat, stab, or shoot them to death. No warning, and only the same caring/cruelty they showed their victims. Watch the murder rate flat-line after this policy is a month old.

A clear Constitutional violation.

Then I'd take apart the disease industries. Cancer and other hideous diseases should have been cured by now. They will not turn off their own livelyhood until we do it for them.

The belief that the medical community is deliberately not curing diseases is a totally bogus conspiracy theory.

Find a solution for nuclear waste that recycles it somehow and then build 20 new plants. Invest in wave/current turbines turning our sea coasts and rivers into power producing BEEMOTHS!

Beemoths? Genetic cross-breeding is a dangerous game, my friend.

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I, for one, am grateful for a topic which does not talk about guns, Benghazi, Bergdahl, Obama, or any of the other repetitive whining topics we are inundated with. :D

No charge. :eusa_angel:

Here's what we should do in a nutshell:

Default on the debt immediately...chapter 7 the fucker. It's as American as apple pie to kiss off your debtors and start over. And all china can do is bitch about it as long as they're still afraid of us.

This would not work, for two reasons. First, after we defaulted like this, the interest rates on any further borrowing would be sky high.

More importantly, we would lose our status as the world's reserve currency and all the tremendous advantages which come with it.

Listen, we can't pay it off.....not ever. The interest dagger is nearing our jugular veins and we're ignoring it....within another 10 years we'll not be able to field a military...eventually every increasing tax dollar will go to interest on the debt. The economy will crash and we will devolve into clans and warlords for the means of production. A default didn't destroy Russia....they're back in the black.

Means-test SS and Medicare. If you can afford to keep paying your way, that's what you're going to do.

Raise the eligibility age to 70, and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer than our ancestors, we should be working longer.

Nah.....66 is long enough to work....means test. Anybody still making over $100K a year is no longer eligible for govt. money....should that change, they would be. Easy.

Works for me.


Only Mexicans, eh?

Nope....central Americans and arab terrorists which have walked in too. Can you tell an arab from a mexican at 100 meters?

This would immediately be followed by our exports being banned around the world. A trade war. Idiotic.

BULLSHIT! We still have the markets they must sell to and we make little if anything anymore....this is what I'm saying......reopen our factories and ban foreign products MADE BY AMERICAN COMPANIES for 3 years....that results in millions of new jobs and taxpayers.

A clear Constitutional violation.

The Constitution isn't a suicide pact and enough destruction has been done by those hiding behind it.

Then I'd take apart the disease industries. Cancer and other hideous diseases should have been cured by now. They will not turn off their own livelyhood until we do it for them.

The belief that the medical community is deliberately not curing diseases is a totally bogus conspiracy theory.

Really? PROVE IT. I say a man will not invent himself out of a paycheck. Prove me wrong.....(good luck, you'll need it)

Find a solution for nuclear waste that recycles it somehow and then build 20 new plants. Invest in wave/current turbines turning our sea coasts and rivers into power producing BEEMOTHS!

Beemoths? Genetic cross-breeding is a dangerous game, my friend.

That's just strange.
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Here's what we should do in a nutshell:

Default on the debt immediately...chapter 7 the fucker. It's as American as apple pie to kiss off your debtors and start over. And all china can do is bitch about it as long as they're still afraid of us.

Okay, now what?

Means-test SS and Medicare. If you can afford to keep paying your way, that's what you're going to do.

Go after every barrel of oil and cubic yard of natural gas we have until we only need canuckistan as a fall-back position.

Any mexican in the USA who can't speak English gets arrested and deported. Mine the border and patrol it with predator drones and Apache Longbows with orders to shoot on sight.

Let Israel take care of the Iranian nukes and mullahs...they got the right stuff for the job.

Stop the WOT...let the chinks and Ivans take it on...we'll not need arab oil in 2 years if we go after our own. Make clear the country of origin of any terrorist who kills Americans will lose a city in retaliation.

Indict any judge making political decisions on any subject.

Jail all "progressives" who won't take a loyalty oath to the United States.

Close the public schools until a full evaluation of curriculum and teaching staff is evaluated for mental health.

Ban all foreign automobiles, electronics, clothing, and furniture and seize parts now in inventories as contraband.

Oh, did I mention a 100% tariff on chink products and a 180 day ultimatum to the Fortune 500 to either reopen their shuttered American plants or lose their ability to ever do business in the USA again?

That should get things turned around in a hurry.

Next, I'd execute every convict on death-row who's had an appeal denied. And I'd carry out the sentence in the same manner as the killer used. Open their cell-door in the middle of the night and either beat, stab, or shoot them to death. No warning, and only the same caring/cruelty they showed their victims. Watch the murder rate flat-line after this policy is a month old.

Mandatory non-military national service of 2 years. No chance of being killed in combat; that is a professional's occupational hazzard. You want the highways, rail lines, and bridges repaired, there's your brains and brawn to do it for room and board.

Then I'd take apart the disease industries. Cancer and other hideous diseases should have been cured by now. They will not turn off their own livelyhood until we do it for them.

END space exploration other than using the moon for a military base until we are dead certain we can reach another planet that will support human life. Mars? WTF is there for us?

Find a solution for nuclear waste that recycles it somehow and then build 20 new plants. Invest in wave/current turbines turning our sea coasts and rivers into power producing BEEMOTHS!

I'm just gettin warmed up but I gotta stop for now. If you like what I'm saying let me know....if you don't...GO FUCK YOURSELF. :eusa_angel:

Where do they get people like this??

Shady Acres Insane Asylum's east wing?
They prefer creating problems and living in a State of Confusion. Don't mess with their comfort zone.

Exactly. FYI...I wrote that piece in 2007 when gas was still under $2 a gallon, the housing market was still hot, the debt was $9T, and Pelousy and Reid hadn't gotten their claws into our economy yet. Fast forward to today....and I'm the crazy one? :eusa_hand:

No you're not crazy. But when you call people chinks and want to throw people in jail for their opinions it is pretty clear what you are.

Batshit insane and evil on the level of Pol Pot.
I believe what's sent the pinheads in this thread into spasms is the part about foreign cars. I realize there are reasons for buying a little asian toad car with bad one doesn't break down and end up raped and murdered by mutant ninjas. The other part is the amoral attitude about screwing US car makers for a lemon in the past. Still that little patriotic voice from childhood nags at them and they don't like being reminded they've turned their back on US workers. Don't be fooled by ASSEMBLY plants....I'm from Detroit and I would tell you the money in the car business is who makes the engines and drive trains. Non-union plants in Dixie were financed by the sucker taxpayers in those states leaving the zipperheads laughing at our foolishness.

You mean cars like the Honda Accord...designed and built in the US? (It is sold only here & Canada.) The Toyota Tundra, designed in California, built in Texas...and has fewer imported parts than ANY other truck?

Note: aside from motorcycles, neither I nor my wife have never owned a vehicle NOT from the Detroit 4.
You mean cars like the Honda Accord...designed and built in the US? (It is sold only here & Canada.) The Toyota Tundra, designed in California, built in Texas...and has fewer imported parts than ANY other truck?

Note: aside from motorcycles, neither I nor my wife have never owned a vehicle NOT from the Detroit 4.

I know you're not too bright so I'll repeat what I've already said......these rice burners are ASSEMBLED in the US....the manufacturing is Japanese. Now I've wasted enough time and restraint by not replying to your're obviously in love with Barry and can't see and don't care to see what's happening to the USA. You, I'd give an extra 30 days in solitary with only a Bible and a box of crackers....make a man out of ya maybe.
One more time for the slow kid: the Toyota Tundra has fewer imported parts than ANY other truck! Yes, the F-150 and Silverado have MORE imported parts than the Tundra. (For that matter, Harley-Davidsons are now <50% US parts.) Use your reading finger this time!

Anyone who actually thinks I support Obama is too stupid to be permitted to breed. You drive, what, a neon-pink Yugo?
One more time for the slow kid: the Toyota Tundra has fewer imported parts than ANY other truck! Yes, the F-150 and Silverado have MORE imported parts than the Tundra. (For that matter, Harley-Davidsons are now <50% US parts.) Use your reading finger this time!

Anyone who actually thinks I support Obama is too stupid to be permitted to breed. You drive, what, a neon-pink Yugo?

You're lying again....imagine that!

Look asshole, if you have anything more to say, say it to your psychiatrist instead of in my thread....I have no interest in how you became a loudmouth pussy.
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