Traitor! Not my President! Mr Trump pals around with NYT & 'disavows' the alt-right

Vaseline may help you righties, I've read getting screwed hurts and it has just begun. Trump is going to do what's best for Trump, you all haven't figured that out yet? He played you like a banjo.
Vaseline may help you righties, I've read getting screwed hurts and it has just begun. Trump is going to do what's best for Trump, you all haven't figured that out yet? He played you like a banjo.
I always thought Hillary had a penis...
Vaseline may help you righties, I've read getting screwed hurts and it has just begun. Trump is going to do what's best for Trump, you all haven't figured that out yet? He played you like a banjo.

Of course. But both candidates were going to screw us. The question became what we would be left with after we were screwed. The problem is that Hillary would screw us the worst IMO. There is of course ample evidence of her pattern of behavior and of destroying everyone and everything if it is required to save herself. Hillary has never cared how many heads are needed to prop up her throne.
i admit i'm bipolar on issues like capitalism v socialism.

but on many issues, like gay marriage and Syrian refugees, you know where i stand!

i'm proud of my record.
NOOOOOOO! WAIIIIIIIIIT! The "Trump betrayed us" meme is a Soros creation. Saw exact same thing after Brexit. Obvious effort to drive a wedge. Don't fall for it.

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