Transcript of Bill Maher apology for calling Sarah Palin the C-word

bill maher isn't the voice of a political party.

rushbot is...

maybe if you stop letting him call the shots?


LOL at least give being honest a try, Rush is no different then maher both are entertainers,full of hot air.

Good freaking god!!! are you and the Dean-o-matic joined at the hip??
the difference between Bill Maher doing this and Rush doing this is that Rush is dependent on sponsors and his program is broadcast on public radio. Bill Maher has no sponsors and an individual must pay a fee in order to watch his show, due to the fact that its on HBO. HBO could though fire him if they disagreed with his views. Rush owns and operates his own show and he answers only to himself and his sponsors. Bill Maher actually went into to detail about this on his shown last friday.

its the idea of private broadcast vs. public broadcast. similar to when Howard Stern when from public broadcast to satellite.
Look how the looney left spins thins... It's fucking hysterical...:lol:

Maher is a comedian, so it's "ok" and Rush is a "political leader", so it's NOT "ok"...

Amazing.... Absolutely amazing...

And not only that, but TRUE.

What exactly do you think is true there? Rush isnt a political leader. He's a political commentator.

Rush spoke at CPAC in 2009. Google it. Man, you rightwingers have memories that could fit inside a flea.
bill maher isn't the voice of a political party.

rushbot is...

maybe if you stop letting him call the shots?


Rush is a PAID entertainer, he is neither a politician nor the voice of the GOP, you liar. If by your definition Rush is the leader of the GOP then Mayer is by our definition the leader of the DEMs. pretty simple concept. Both are paid entertainers.

You get all in a bunch cause a paid entertainer makes a comment but only if he is to the right politically, those to the left, as evidenced by this thread are somehow exempt from your anger, I wonder why that is?
False equivalency.

And Sarah Palin IS a ****.

I wonder what the Sledbilly Bimbo did with all that PAC money?

Bill Maher is a comedian and the Democratic party does not embrace him as a spokesperson, unlike the addled-brained Republicans who worship Mr. LimpBalls.

Nope ... I say he does. 1 Million bucks!
I know of only one conservative that WORSHIPED Rush; female, smart but selfish. One man I know goes nuts over Beck. I've seem Chris Wallace referred to as BOTH liberal and conservative, so he MAY be the best of the lot.
Look how the looney left spins thins... It's fucking hysterical...:lol:

Maher is a comedian, so it's "ok" and Rush is a "political leader", so it's NOT "ok"...

Amazing.... Absolutely amazing...
Hello Dr. House, I find neither OK.
the difference between Bill Maher doing this and Rush doing this is that Rush is dependent on sponsors and his program is broadcast on public radio. Bill Maher has no sponsors and an individual must pay a fee in order to watch his show, due to the fact that its on HBO. HBO could though fire him if they disagreed with his views. Rush owns and operates his own show and he answers only to himself and his sponsors. Bill Maher actually went into to detail about this on his shown last friday.

its the idea of private broadcast vs. public broadcast. similar to when Howard Stern when from public broadcast to satellite.

This has nothing to do with sponsorship and money for shows. It has everything to do with the hypocrisy of being able to call someone whatever you want if you are on the left and not being able to if you are on the right. The word Slut is able to be said over the public airwaves. Rush would have been in trouble with the FCC if he would have said the word ****. That is the only difference.
Look how the looney left spins thins... It's fucking hysterical...:lol:

Maher is a comedian, so it's "ok" and Rush is a "political leader", so it's NOT "ok"...

Amazing.... Absolutely amazing...
Hello Dr. House, I find neither OK.

And yet the supposed "reason" of Jillian is that Rush is not ok but Mayer IS ok. Or did you miss her comments?
The commercial is just as good as the video

[ame=]Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham a Slut - YouTube[/ame]
bill maher isn't the voice of a political party.

rushbot is...

maybe if you stop letting him call the shots?


Rush is a PAID entertainer, he is neither a politician nor the voice of the GOP, you liar. If by your definition Rush is the leader of the GOP then Mayer is by our definition the leader of the DEMs. pretty simple concept. Both are paid entertainers.

You get all in a bunch cause a paid entertainer makes a comment but only if he is to the right politically, those to the left, as evidenced by this thread are somehow exempt from your anger, I wonder why that is?
Rush has just as much influence with the GOP as Grover Norquist and his never gonna raise taxes idea he thought up when he was 12.
the difference between Bill Maher doing this and Rush doing this is that Rush is dependent on sponsors and his program is broadcast on public radio. Bill Maher has no sponsors and an individual must pay a fee in order to watch his show, due to the fact that its on HBO. HBO could though fire him if they disagreed with his views. Rush owns and operates his own show and he answers only to himself and his sponsors. Bill Maher actually went into to detail about this on his shown last friday.

its the idea of private broadcast vs. public broadcast. similar to when Howard Stern when from public broadcast to satellite.

This has nothing to do with sponsorship and money for shows. It has everything to do with the hypocrisy of being able to call someone whatever you want if you are on the left and not being able to if you are on the right. The word Slut is able to be said over the public airwaves. Rush would have been in trouble with the FCC if he would have said the word ****. That is the only difference.
if Rush was on satellite radio, and was not considered a political influence this would not be near as big of an issue. Howard Stern used to stir controversy all the time on the public airwaves. now since he has made his move to satellite, there is not controversy because people pay to listen to him. maybe Rush should do the same.

the major difference is people pay to listen to Maher on HBO and can thus be uncensored. Rush is heard on the public airwaves and has to abide by a different standard since people are not paying to listen to his rants.
the difference between Bill Maher doing this and Rush doing this is that Rush is dependent on sponsors and his program is broadcast on public radio. Bill Maher has no sponsors and an individual must pay a fee in order to watch his show, due to the fact that its on HBO. HBO could though fire him if they disagreed with his views. Rush owns and operates his own show and he answers only to himself and his sponsors. Bill Maher actually went into to detail about this on his shown last friday.

its the idea of private broadcast vs. public broadcast. similar to when Howard Stern when from public broadcast to satellite.

This has nothing to do with sponsorship and money for shows. It has everything to do with the hypocrisy of being able to call someone whatever you want if you are on the left and not being able to if you are on the right. The word Slut is able to be said over the public airwaves. Rush would have been in trouble with the FCC if he would have said the word ****. That is the only difference.
if Rush was on satellite radio, and was not considered a political influence this would not be near as big of an issue. Howard Stern used to stir controversy all the time on the public airwaves. now since he has made his move to satellite, there is not controversy because people pay to listen to him. maybe Rush should do the same.

the major difference is people pay to listen to Maher on HBO and can thus be uncensored. Rush is heard on the public airwaves and has to abide by a different standard since people are not paying to listen to his rants.

He didn't say anything he's not allowed to say on public airwaves.
the difference between Bill Maher doing this and Rush doing this is that Rush is dependent on sponsors and his program is broadcast on public radio. Bill Maher has no sponsors and an individual must pay a fee in order to watch his show, due to the fact that its on HBO. HBO could though fire him if they disagreed with his views. Rush owns and operates his own show and he answers only to himself and his sponsors. Bill Maher actually went into to detail about this on his shown last friday.

its the idea of private broadcast vs. public broadcast. similar to when Howard Stern when from public broadcast to satellite.

This has nothing to do with sponsorship and money for shows. It has everything to do with the hypocrisy of being able to call someone whatever you want if you are on the left and not being able to if you are on the right. The word Slut is able to be said over the public airwaves. Rush would have been in trouble with the FCC if he would have said the word ****. That is the only difference.

But Rush was able to call her a slut. But people are able to respond. Is that the problem? The response Rush got? I can't help it if the Right wants to ignore those on the left who call out Maher or Ed on their words. (kinda like ignoring the Muslims who condemned 9-11, for the R-right they don't exist).

Rush spews his venon daily for hours without end. Ed has an hour a day. Maher has an hour each week. I'm not a regular viewer/listener to any of them.
That's what I'd like to know. When has he had sponsors? I think one of main reasons he is on HBO is because he couldnt make it with sponsors.

Hmmm, so Bill Maher's show is on different footing that Rush Limbaugh's.

Yep but his comments were just as bad ... worse really. What's your point?

Bill has no sponsors (other than HBO) and can say whatever he wants to.

Rush ultimately answers to his sponsors.

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