Transcript of DA Bragg's indictment press conference

Law and order!

And under law and order, Trump's lawyers will request a motion to dismiss from the Court, within the next couple of weeks.
"Merchan scheduled the next hearing in the case for December 4, where he will hear arguments to decide whether to dismiss any of the charges."
Hey look, you all stepped in it on the world stage.

Did he allegedly break the law in NY state, Sue? Are others charged with these same crimes, sue?

Did he cook the books to hide a campaign finance crime in the 2016 election, 34 times Sue?

What's your issue?
Did he allegedly break the law in NY state, Sue? Are others charged with these same crimes, sue?

Did he cook the books to hide a campaign finance crime in the 2016 election, 34 times Sue?

What's your issue?

Did you ever jaywalk, drive 2 MPH above the speed limit or cut the tag off your mattess?

"no one is above the law"

Your game

Your rules

You will hate it
Did you ever jaywalk, drive 2 MPH above the speed limit or cut the tag off your mattess?

"no one is above the law"

Your game

Your rules

You will hate it
Are other businessmen who cook the books, falsify business records ..
not charged with this crime?

What's your issue?
“It turns out the indictment also includes a claim that Trump falsified records to commit a state tax crime,” she continued. “That’s a much simpler charge that avoids the potential pitfalls.”

"Mr. Bragg also introduced yet another theory, accusing Mr. Trump of falsifying business records as a way to back up planned false claims to tax authorities.

“The participants also took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the payments made in furtherance of the scheme,” Mr. Bragg wrote in the statement of facts that accompanied the indictment."
Did you ever jaywalk, drive 2 MPH above the speed limit or cut the tag off your mattess?

"no one is above the law"

Your game

Your rules

You will hate it
are those criminal infractions? what level? LOL


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Jaywalking is when someone illegally crosses a street. Generally, pedestrians must use designated crosswalks and walk signals that indicate when they may or may not cross. Pedestrians who cross the street without using the crosswalk or who do not accurately follow the signals may be cited for jaywalking.
The severity of a jaywalking offense varies amongst jurisdictions. It might be deemed a mere infraction in some areas but a misdemeanor in others. Some jaywalking offenses are accompanied by fines while others might carry additional citations if the conduct was particularly dangerous. That being said, jaywalking laws might not always be enforced, even where technically illegal. As such, a person should research the laws in their own state or city to ensure adherence to the law.
[Last updated in August of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]

Are other businessmen who cook the books, falsify business records ..
not charged with this crime?

What's your issue?

Yes, NDAs are issued all the time with no prosecutions, let alone FELONIES.

What is YOUR problem??!!?!?!
Law and order!

And under law and order, Trump's lawyers will request a motion to dismiss from the Court, within the next couple of weeks.

lol Democrats have been advocating 'law and order' for a whole week now, after never giving a shit for the previous 70 years.
Are other businessmen who cook the books, falsify business records ..
not charged with this crime?

What's your issue?

Have any posts where you wanted Hunter and Joe prosecuted for extortion and failure to pay taxes on their bribes and illegally hiding their incomes with relatives?
“It turns out the indictment also includes a claim that Trump falsified records to commit a state tax crime,” she continued. “That’s a much simpler charge that avoids the potential pitfalls.”

"Mr. Bragg also introduced yet another theory, accusing Mr. Trump of falsifying business records as a way to back up planned false claims to tax authorities.

“The participants also took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the payments made in furtherance of the scheme,” Mr. Bragg wrote in the statement of facts that accompanied the indictment."

Maybe you can still sue those dope dealers who fried your brain with bad tainted drugs?
Are other businessmen who cook the books, falsify business records ..
not charged with this crime?

What's your issue?

I just heard James Comey say that two county prosecutors in KY and TN have contacted him about prosecuting Biden.

I mean what's your problem now? What's your issue?

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.
Have any posts where you wanted Hunter and Joe prosecuted for extortion and failure to pay taxes on their bribes and illegally hiding their incomes with relatives?
If a State DA finds the EVIDENCE that this ever happened they should bring charges. Breaking the law is breaking the law...
Death-Ninja, it has come to my attention that Fox News is no longer credible! This was proven, incontrovertibly in the discovery phase of the Dominion defamation suit. Naturally, Fox News is not giving any media to the suit.

All the emails, texts, between the pundits and staff, the whole lot of them, including president and Murdoch, himself, reveals that Fox News is a veritable den of mendacious iniquity. They are all liars, putting on one face to the public, sycophantic to Trump et al and the cause on the other, all the while privately expressing doubt on his fraud claims that Democrats stole the election. Others, such as Sydney Powell, they believed were lunatics, but they were soft ball sycophants to them on air. In a private text, quite unlike his TV personna, Tucker Carlson referred to Trump as “a demonic force, a destroyer” Therefore, we simply cannot no longer trust Fox News! I am saddened by this development because I have sourced Fox in the past.

Moreover, in the article you have linked to, (alleged) 'legal scholar' Jonathan Turley impugns, without evidence, the integrity of the DA NY Bragg, but repeating the oft told right wing trope that the office 'politicized the criminal justice process' thereby pandering to his partisan fans on Fox. Personally, I lost respect for Turley for engaging in popular right wing partisan political views, (but before finally settling on the conservative side of the judicial philosophy spectrum, he was all over the place) clearly revealing he is not an impartial 'scholar' (as he is supposed to be) such as Turley has been criticized by some for his defense of President Donald Trump during Trump's impeachment trial in 2019, as well as for his opposition to the Affordable Care Act and his support for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's nomination. His support of Kavanaugh, for someone who is supposed to be 'just the facts, equality in law and all that, as a legal scholar, is troubling. He lowered himself to that of your typical mediocre television pundit. What Kavanaugh did during his confirmation hearing, that unmistakable petty partisan rant which evacuated his lips, a diatribe in which he played the victim, a verbal spate of "those democrats" grievances was woefully below the standard we should expect of a Supreme Court justice, And Turley supports him? No scholar worth his salt would back Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice, in my personal opinion.

And what is Turley's big reveal insofar as 'ignoring this core legal principle"? His criticism was 'several times zero is still zero', an obvious reference to the 34 felony counts in which 34 checks written to Michael Cohen, which Turley alleges 'equal zero' but these were payments to reimburse Cohen for his payment of $130k and to Adult film star Stormy Daniels and $150k to Karen McDougal. However, the salient point is this is NOT unusual, this is standard practice for a prosecutor. If Bragg had bunched them all up, defense counsel could have raised the issue of wanting them separated, so this is not an uncommon practice. This is the BFD? But on the point of 'zero', really? Was not Turley listening to Bragg's press conference, did he not read the indictment and the statement of facts? Bragg clearly laid out how the charges relate to an underlying crime. How could Turley not know this? Well, as it turns out, Turley has no criminal law trial experience. I'll take the words of a 30 year veteran Washington DC Prosecutor Glenn Kirshner who said:

...34 felony counts for falsifying business records in his determination to steal the presidency in 2016
and what we saw today unsealed to day both in the indictment and the statement of facts that accompanied the indictment was a massive conspiracy, a massive scheme to basically the defraud the voters of the united states by concealing deeply damaging information and evidence about Donald Trumps unsuitability to be a candidate for the presidency"

As for Kavanaugh:

What America saw before the Senate Judiciary Committee was an injudicious man, an angry brat veering from fury to sniveling sobs, a judge so bereft of composure and proportion that it was difficult not to squirm.

Justice Stevens said, [Kavanaugh] revealed prejudices that would make it impossible for him to do the court’s work, a point he said had been made by prominent commentators.

I'm so sorry. Please use another source. WSJ, Forbes, TheHill, or the CS Monitor would be good, if you are picking one on the center/right.

In the deposition transcript:

Asked by a Dominion attorney whether "Fox endorsed at times this false notion of a stolen election," Murdoch demurred, saying, "Not Fox, no. Not Fox. But maybe Lou Dobbs, maybe Maria [Bartiromo] as commentators."

The lawyer pressed on. Did Fox's Bartiromo endorse it?

Murdoch's reply: "Yes. C'mon."

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro? "I think so."

Then-Fox Business Network host Dobbs? "Oh, a lot."

Fox News prime-time star Sean Hannity? "A bit."

Pressed whether they endorsed the narrative of a stolen election, Murdoch finally gave in: "Yes. They endorsed."

The indictment and statement of facts:

You forgot to add 'David Brock sent me'.
That is way too long, why the hell is this december?

I thought trump was going to request a speedy right wingers claimed...instead it's his usual delay delay... delay....
I'm not sure they've even decided what kind of a trial to have -- Judge or Jury. But the December date is not a Trump delaying tactic. That will follow.

"The first indication of Trump’s posture will likely come Tuesday at his arraignment, when a deadline will be set for various motions in the case. That will be followed by a relatively strict series of “adjournment dates” for other phases of the case. One of those deadlines arrives in early May: a 35-day post-arraignment deadline for District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office to provide all relevant documents and evidence to Trump’s defense team. Trump’s attorneys are sure to use each of those inflection points to file a new series of motions, Christian said."

Law and order!

And under law and order, Trump's lawyers will request a motion to dismiss from the Court, within the next couple of weeks.

My guess is that they will file a motion that the NY tolling law doesn't apply. If so, I believe it will be shot down.

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